医学考博词汇不仅在医学考博英语中会用到,平时大家写论文时也经常需要熟悉其含义,freekaobo将各类医学考博英语常用词汇进行分类,希望考生们平日多累积记忆。 G/>upnA{w
一、肺 Lung iIji[>qz
清晰 clear U1G"T(;s:
肺门阴影增大 enlargement of hilar shadows }md[hi J
肺纹理增粗 increase of lung markings CM?dB$AwX
钙化灶 calcified {;1
空洞 cavitation (@@t,\iF
球形病灶 circular lesion (coin lesion) C-'n4AY^
小块阴影区 a minimal area of density Pd9qY
散状的点(片)状阴影 scattered spot (plaque-like) shadows |1C=Ow*"
边界不清的片状阴影 a poorly defined patchy density 8g
圆形致密影 a round density bzD <6Z
胸膜增厚 pleural thickening |n3fAN
肋膈角模糊(变钝、消失)haziness (blunting, obliteration) of the costophrenic angle \9TCP;{
横膈抬高、活动受限 elevation of diaphragm with limitation of movement kSoa'
包裹性胸腔积液 encapsulated pleural effusion $\?BAkx
液气胸 hydropneumothorax C# IV"Pkq
纵膈移位 mediastinal displacement !j[Oyr|
肺门模糊 hilar haze %K
肺门密度增高 increase of pulmonary hilar density {#"[h1
肺淤血(栓塞) pulmonary venous stasis (infarction) A+v6N>}*
阴影性状 shadow veX#K#
淡的 haziness VsEMF i=
云雾状 clouding >
__t 2
线装 streaky 5%M 'ewu
絮状 patcky
结节状 nodular $j=c;+W
块状 massive vt)u`/u
粟粒状 miliary _Bh-*e2k
融合状 confluent 1_$ybftS
均匀的 homogeneous i i&kfy
二、心脏 Heart }4G/x;D
左(右)房(室)增大 left (right) atrial (ventricular) enlargement t* eZe`|
主动脉屈曲延长 a tortuous and prolonged aorta 0
主动脉型(二尖瓣型)心脏 “aortic type”(“mitral valve”) heart d +0(H
肺动脉段突出 bulging pulmonary artery segment W
肺动脉扩张 a dilatation of the pulmonary artery vX|i5P0)8
心影普遍增大 general enlargement of the heart shadow 3i1e1Lj1
左(右)心室增大 left(right) ventricular enlargement JG6"5::
左(右)心房增大 left(right) atrial dilatation xZ2^lsY
靴形心脏 boot-shaped heart +<qmVW^X
主动脉钙化 calcification of aorta =)tU]kp
心腰部 waist of heart up`.#GWm
垂位(狭长形;无力形;横位;斜位)心 vertical (slender; asthenic; horizontal; oblique) heart /;P* ?
三、腹部平片 KUB film E(t:F^z&D
结石 calculus %K@s0uQ
钙化影 calcified shadow !l2=J/LJj
阶梯型液平 fluid levels with stepladder pattern g+CTF67
液气平面 gas-fluid level Tz/=\_}
膈下游离气体 subphrenic free air h$\+r<
四、胃肠道钡剂检查 barium enema examination ]<y _
胃肠造影 gastroenterography H|Vq
双重对比造影 double contrast radiography &+"-'7
食管蠕动征 esophageal peristalsis sign @C
十二指肠曲(压迹)duodenal flexure(impression) uLr9*nxd
小肠黏膜皱襞影 mucosal fold shadow of small intestine "XvM1G&s`
结肠蠕动与排空征 peristalsis and empting signs of colon /m>%=_nz
胃排空时间延长 delayed gastric emptying time 6:
胃空腹潴留液 fasting retention of stomach F|Y}X|x8Q
充盈缺损 filling defect 'j6)5WL$
黏膜皱襞消失 disappearance of the mucosal folds 'VH%cz*
张力减低(增高)hypotonicity (hypertonicity) 0W}iKT[Z
球部激惹现象 irritable cap s>d /9 b
蠕动增强 vigorous peristaltic activity (hyperperistalsis) -wA^ao
蠕动减弱 bradydiastalsis .)eJL
蠕动消失 aperistalsis SLCV|@G
排空加快(减缓) accelerated(reduced) evacuation 'a&( r;
跳跃现象 skipping phenomenon A4C4xts]N
黏膜增宽和迂曲 broadened and tortuous mucosal fold gOk<pRcTb=
黏膜皱襞平坦 flat mucosal fold R9dC$Y]\M
五、胆道 bile tract e+_~a8 -|
口服胆囊造影 oral cholecystography ;c>Co:W
静脉胆管胆囊造影 intravenous cholecysto-cholangiography u0&
经T形管胆囊造影 trans-T-tube cholecystography $ U~3$*R
经皮肝穿刺胆管造影 percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) ^N{Lau
胆总管扩张dilated common duct -~wGJM
胆囊浓缩功能良好 gallbladder concentrated satisfactorily ;t^8lC?>V
胆囊显影不好,浓缩功能差 gallbladder with faint shadow, concentrated inadequately NZj_7j|o9
收缩功能 contractibility Stq
六、骨骼skeleton p_K``JE
骨皮质增厚 cortical thickening of bone Hcts^zm2u
洋葱皮样改变 “onion skin” appearance z3 zN^ZT
骨膜反应 periosteal reaction Obd};&6Q
骨质疏松 osteoporosis (rarefaction) )2 Omsh
骨化 ossification n$z}DE5 #
畸形 deformity f,e7;u z%
缩短 shortening /^BaQeH?R
移位 displacement 9/La_:K
脱位 luxation 5>o<!0g
半脱位 subluxation |C MKY
连接不正 malunion Hl@)j
青枝骨折 greenstick fracture ]
多发性骨折 multiple fracture 6b-j
病理性骨折 pathological fracture 3L;GfYr0
关节间隙 joint space *1Q~/<W
椎间隙 intervertebral space > @Ux8#
肋软骨钙化影 calcification shadow of costal cartilage `ViFY
骨质软化osteomalacia (osteomalacosis) (x.O]8GKP
骨质增生硬化 hyperostosis osteosclerosis W6b5elH@
死骨 sequestrum h{dR)#)GF<
骨质坏死 bone necrosis D"5u N0Z
关节肿胀(破坏;退行)swelling (destruction; degeneration) of joint q~3dbj
关节强直 ankyloses kt.y"^
骨骺分离 epiphyseal separation "y %S.ipWG
对线良好 good alignment F?+K~['i
对位良好 good apposition 0a#2 Lo
七、泌尿系统 urological system sj)$o94=
静脉肾盂造影 intravenous pyelography (IVP) }d,
逆行肾盂造影 retrograde pyelography mP1EWh|
萎缩 atrophy &&N]u e@>
移位 deformity -SZW[T<N"
扭曲 distortion M_o<6C
充盈缺损 filling defect p4\r`
狭窄 stricture kc0YWW Q-:
不透光的(透光的)结石 opaque(translucent) stone $1Lm=2;U
八、X线检查位置 O
前后位 anteroposterior projection 0>uMR{ #
后前位 postero-anterior(PA) projection `iX~cUQ
侧位 lateral projection 3Mvm'T:[
立位 upright position gAy,uP~,
斜位 oblique projection KL2 #Bm_
右(左)前斜位 right(left) anterior oblique(RAO/LAO) projection bt=%DMTn
前后斜位 anteroposterior oblique projection )G7")I J/X
前凸位 lordotic position projection {Z>OAR#
轴位 axial position __}j
头位 cranial projection ;QT.|.t6
尾位 caudal projection =WaZy>n}7