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主题 : 浙大考博2002-2006英语词汇汇总
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-10-22   
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Vocabulary LW?2}`+  
2002年春 >@Khm"/T  
1 The chairman proposed at the meetingthat we have someone with ___________ and imagination to design a marketingstrategy. ^'Zh;WjI7  
A. intuition !:J< pWN"  
B. enterprise ?M<|r11}  
C. undertaking v<fWc971  
D. innovation 3mA/Nu_  
2 The fish moved silently through thewater, ____________ by short sweeps of its tail. D4\(:kF\Hg  
A. urged nK:`e9ES  
B. propagated m2MPWy5s  
C. propelled A'v[SUW'm  
D. operated cFxSDTR  
3 A few workers have ___________ themajority decision and gone into work despite the strike. =z%s8D2  
A. defied Ko}7$2^  
B. destined WFks|D:sB  
C. detained fa.f(c  
D. deferred C$0 ITw  
4 Philosophy differs from science in thatits questions cannot be answered _______ by observation or experiment. h@/>?Va  
A. emotionally Ae3#>[]{  
B. deliberately '.xkn{c  
C. empirically E<P*QZ-C3  
D. extremely *xho  
5 The music the Three Brothers playedyesterday is described in the paper as an explosive _________ of Latin Americanand modern jazz rhythms. GYTbeY  
A. mixture gGD]t;<u  
B. welding _c,&\ wl$  
C. consolidation lHRK'? Q  
D. fusion QTJrJD  
6 Didn’t you find her enthusiasm for theproject ____________? Almost everyone on the team is now doing their utmost toresolve the difficulty. sd7Y6?_C  
A. contagious $jDD0<F.#  
B. operate pzYG?9cwz  
C. effectual ZW`HDrP`  
D. infections e1Dj0s?i~K  
7 Recently a large internationalconference was held with aim of promoting __________ development in allcountries. I\)N\mov e  
A. retainable jh-kCF  
B. sustainable + 4++Z  
C. unpredictable LjX&' ,  
D. unthinkable __Vg/C!W  
8 A government report indicates that sincethe early 1970s, the proportion of high school graduates going to college has____________ at 50%. _y.mpX&  
A. confirmed F5Cqv0H V  
B. endured B&to&|jf  
C. stabilized k{!iDZr&f,  
D. retained * N2#{eF&]  
9 The delegates to the convention insistthat steps be taken to stop the ___________ of the world’s tropical forests. QLxXp  
A. depletion q oKQEG2  
B. termination )2   
C. peril |8b$x| B  
D. shrinkage 8JFnB(3xU  
10 ProfessorTaylor is a real expert on art, as I feel completely ________ whenever I talkto her about it. & C!g(fS  
A. incapable XL%vO#YT  
B. inadequate m(Pz7U.Q  
C. out of mind *=r@vQ  
D. in despair -sruxF  
2003 hJs&rpN  
1 Hoping that he might be able to___________ the problem, I asked Mario to look at the engine. c9>8IW  
A. shed light on !c3Qcva  
B. make light of loAfFK>g  
C. bring to light OoA5!HEh  
D. set light to W_Ws3L1;N  
2 His ___________ and unwillingness tolearn from others prevent him from being an effective member of the team. T/X?ZK(T  
A. arrogance 6jQ&dN{=qB  
B. dignity M,=@|U/B  
C. humility ;RTrRh0v  
D. solitude ]-+.lR%vd9  
3 The economy grew at its fastest ratesince 1980 thanks to a(n) _____________ in world rate. ]y$V/Ij=qK  
A. inflation C_g"omw40  
B. stimulus fS'k;r*r  
C. bulge 5r2ctde)Y  
D. boom ;Fwm1ezx0  
4 He decided he was going to take____________ for the murder of his sister. \I`=JKYT  
A. refuge xhp-4  
B. revenge A(_^_p.|  
C. rebellion 1'@lg *^9  
D. riot dcc%G7w  
5 No one expected him to _____________against his former employer. ^ ~*[~  
A. declare #xJGuYdv  
B. testify 8 MACbLY  
C. certify 5;i!PuL  
D. allege 3T.M?UG>  
6 Rachel was the ______________ choice forthe job thanks to her communication skills. }G:uzud10  
A. unanimous O'yjB$j  
B. consistent fuIv,lDA  
C. harmonious o\:f9JL  
D. agreeable 8BoT%kVeJv  
7 The police detective put together thepieces of evidence to form one ___________ account. h1UlLy 8  
A. sensitive 3I{ta/(  
B. genuine %?9r(&  
C. expressive O|7 {%5h  
D. coherent Vlxb<$5Nh  
8 You should have your eyes examined___________ to be sure of your eyesight. XCi]()TZ_  
A. periodically '2q xcco  
B. persistently l1|,Lr  
C. continuously SYW= L  
D. continually :"+UG-S$6  
9 You should treat those remarks with the___________ that they deserve --- don’t give them a second thought. QmkC~kK1.  
A. negligence H* L2gw  
B. disgrace H6 f; BS  
C. contempt _=^hnv  
D. sarcasm i,b7Ft:F&  
10 Thebook is a vain attempt to _____________ the name of one of the worst dictatorsin modern history. ]ieA?:0Hi  
A. worship a]=vq(N'r  
B. glorify s2v#evI`+  
C. adore en#g<on  
D. cherish Wv*BwiQ  
11 Thegovernment is seeking to ___________ itself from the latest financial scandal. (>5VS  
A. detach :AcN b  
B. extract f;XsShxr  
C. derive HF=C8ZtlL  
D. erase EKS<s82hF&  
12 Heavyrainfall in the south of England means that flooding is __________- A =[f>8  
A. imminent >@89k^# Vc  
B. momentous e]B<\i\T  
C. transient "91At b;hJ  
D. prospective LW 3J$Am  
13 He_____________ his assistant to pick up the plans from the office. `L[32B9  
A. disposed y!c7y]9__2  
B. dispensed IV#My9}e  
C. dispatched #V,~d&_k  
D. dispersed S^`9[$KH0  
14 Ididn’t ignore her ___________ --- just didn’t recognize her. SR8Kzk{  
A. attentively N4(VRA  
B. intensively >s?;2T2"yx  
C. intentionally !J(,M)p!  
D. intensely +/lj~5:y  
15 Youwill only be allowed to leave early in ___________ circumstance. VP[!ji9P   
A. exceptional %c2i.E/G  
B. coincidental x] +KO)I  
C. peculiar dQ~"b =  
D. imperative QN a3S*  
2004 r_Yl/WW  
1 It is important to keep the factoryworking at ______ efficiency all the time. MCpK^7]k  
A. optimistic {QkH%jj  
B. optimum Tka="eyIj3  
C. optical $ rnr;V  
D. optional Guc^gq}  
2 We need to take steps to counter the________ decline in our export market. J|8YB3K,  
A. lingering neH"ks5  
B. chronic Z'bMIdV  
C. lengthy 4\WkXwoqQO  
D. abiding b:I5poI3  
3 Her handwriting is so bad that it isbarely____________ 1c~#]6[  
A. legible mU>* NP(L  
B. intelligible dg8\(G  
C. distinctive @CUDD{1o  
D. conceivable %4K#<b"W  
4 We’re going to __________ what we’velearned so far by doing some revision exercises today. A8Y~^wn  
A. consolidate )`7h,w J[1  
B. reinforce hrt-<7U  
C. affirm _Hj,;Z  
D. conform %=eD)p7l-  
5 Kevin made one last ________ attempt topersuade Sandra to go with him, then left. iiB$<b.((I  
A. considerable .;6bMP[YA  
B. trivial @6 `@. iZ  
C. futile !Ve3:OZ.nO  
D. resistant J/2pS  
6 The school agreed to ________ theirdecision until they had spoken to William’s parents. Nuq/_x  
A. convert a8$pc>2E  
B. retain Xxw.{2Ji!q  
C. defer n8,/olqwW  
D. expel [}3Y1t{G  
7 Republican party members wereconfidently __________ victory even as the first few votes came in. 6 nhB1Aei  
A. acclaiming {4*%\?c,n  
B. reclaiming xbA2R4|  
C. exclaiming  }"tYb6*  
D. proclaiming ]0E-lD0J  
8 The __________ between the two sets offigures suggests that someone has been stealing money from the bank. iOxygs#p  
A. discrepancy d a9 *>+[  
B. conflict aH~ "hB^e  
C. contrast 1tc9STYR}  
D. divergence cKAl 0_[f"  
9 The idea that a good night’s sleep willcure everything is a complete ____________ mQJGKh&Pk  
A. defect K2Zy6lGOZ  
B. fallacy ;'}xD5 ]  
C. fraud )=@ XF0  
D. abuse 3iTjM>+>  
10 Beforea bill can become law it has to have the full _______ of both Houses ofParliament. /2  N%Z  
A. justification mH"`46  
B. warrant @hPbD?)M  
C. endorsement mHy]$Z  
D. verification fCR;Fk2B  
11 Theimage is __________ by a series of lenses within the telescope. duCm+4,.  
A. magnified Xqk$[ peS  
B. signified DS fKUx&  
C. extended ?~Des"F6)1  
D. expanded T}*'9TB  
12 Strangelyenough, the most obvious explanation did not ___________ Jackie until the nextday. MRc^lYj{  
A. stumble on bUNp>H>L  
B. occur to gMbvHlT  
C. come up with g@L4G?hLn  
D. stand up to t/CNxfY  
13 TheGovernment wants a 3% inflation rate, but is this a _____________ objective? 2S tpcAlU}  
A. reflective c=gUY~Rl  
B. flexible IP3-lru  
C. feeble 6-~  
D. feasible b8Qm4b?:4  
14 Shewas still _____________ by what happened in Barcelona although she had lefttwenty year earlier. /zWWUl`:  
A. haunted v|xlI4  
B. frequented T7v8}_ "-  
C. recalled @fw U%S[v  
D. sustained VF-d^AGt  
15 Thehands on my alarm clock are _______________ so I can tell the time in the dark. vR,'':  
A. imminent W[jxfZD9v  
B. luminous R[(,wY_1  
C. illuminate {2nXItso  
D. luminant ^$(|(N[;   
2004 sM-*[Q=_  
1 You can’t cure a common cold, but youcan ___________ the symptoms. \yqiv"'  
A. moderate gOkO8P6P8  
B. alleviate p4[W@JV  
C. dilute 5FMKJ7sC9  
D. subdue h\5 7t@A  
2 For years scientists have been___________ by the strange circles that have appeared in cornfields. 75F&s,4+   
A. tangled sk5\"jna  
B. terrified *,. {Xf  
C. evoked ka hv1s-  
D. baffled ]8^2(^3ct  
3 The flood was a ___________ from whichBangladesh has never really recorded. Vf@/}=X *  
A. calamity > + SEze  
B. downfall t!k 0n&P  
C. reverse rEViw?^KT  
D. scandal <[q)2 5RL  
4 Our company’s’ management ____________negotiations on a new union contract. X>CYKRtb  
A. launched 5u&jNU5m_  
B. triggered u,C-U!A  
C. terminated s(do x; d  
D. preserved 41.+3VP  
2005 H$;\TG@,  
1 If wool is submerged in hot water, ittends to __________ ] =D+a &  
A. snap %H@fVWe2wT  
B. shrink ^O ?$} sr  
C. fade D H/1 :H  
D. condense s)C.e# xl  
2 His last play was _________ by thecritical as a masterpiece. wjl? @K  
A. claimed 4 b#YpK$7U  
B. proclaimed >?kt3.IQ!X  
C. exclaimed O-7 \qz  
D. acclaimed ' Sl9xd  
3 It is the builder’s job to make surethat the house conforms to the architect’s _________ in every way. g5cR.]oz  
A. regulations 6`yq4!&v  
B. specialties .`iq+i~  
C. essentials oU2RxK->u  
D. specifications YziQU_  
4 Your letter has been __________ to theauthority concerned. B<o i,S  
A. transited 3w-0v"j U  
B. transferred $q+7 ,,"  
C. transported [Nq4<NK  
D. transmitted EH[?*>+s  
5 Among her many ____________ are loyalty,courage and truthfulness. 7(oxmv}#Q  
A. virtues %=| I;kI?  
B. morals P }PSS#nn  
C. characters ^c2 8Q.<w(  
D. graces J3$ihH .  
6 The soldiers ___________ their arms asthey marched. SsaF><{5R  
A. swayed ;zGGT^Dn  
B. swung w0.#/6  
C. swerved f[z#=zv  
D. swelled ^{bP#f   
7 The country’s constitution ____________the ideals of equality and freedom. Wl*\kQ}U  
A. embodies `=.{i}V  
B. symbolizes -j(/5.a  
C. marks h;B'#$_  
D. represents Sw0~6RZ  
8 It was ____________ whether the patientwill survive the operation. u!F3Rh8D  
A. vague  :&Ul  
B. suspicious Hv%a\WNS1  
C. ambiguous iA:CPBv_mu  
D. doubtful Wy|=F~N  
9 The brochure _____________ us intothinking that our hotel was only five minutes from the beach. KLoHjBq  
A. trapped *:_.cbo  
B. frightened upX/fL c  
C. engaged SQEXC*08  
D. misled 9m#`56G`  
10 “I’mfar too busy to talk to you now.” he said, in his usual _____________ manner. f'}23\>  
A. rigid LDbo  
B. steep \ii^F?+b  
C. abrupt )EO$JwQ  
D. stern /423!g0 Q  
11 He’srich and keeps __________ about how much money he’s got to impress people. u|Db %)[  
A. exaggerating 7=JiL=  
B. boasting V+E2nJ  
C. admiring |vGz 1jLV  
D. inspiring 2#sE\D  
12 Shewas __________ enough to realize right from the start that he was lying. K}Aaflq  
A. initiative ZZ4W?);;  
B. pervasive ^d!-IL_  
C. imaginative {At1]>  
D. perceptive $rf5\_G,96  
13 Thetwo countries ___________ their peace efforts after a break of two and a halfyears. l'$AmuGj  
A. rebuked |JrG?:n  
B. renewed YKj7~yK?  
C. reviewed \+ K ^G  
D. reclaimed <~f/T]E,  
14 Peoplealways greet each other warmly, _____________ their different origins and beliefs. YsLEbue   
A. in regard to / EWF0XV!  
B. in contrast with 1!,lI?j,  
C. with respect to V5M_N;h  
D. regardless of fNQ.FAK":  
15 Theexpress train from London ___________ on time. VNaa(Q  
A. pulled up )PR{ia64;<  
B. pulled over sexnO^s  
C. pulled in %  &{>oEQ  
D. pulled through O /aC%%  
2005 L1M]ya!l  
1 He was an _________ statesman anddiplomat; his record was untarnished by scandals or rumors, and the publictreated him with great respect. Xv6z>z.  
A. imminent 8!E$0^)c|  
B. eminent X,^J3Ek>O  
C. immune rAk*~OK  
D. empirical )}vQ?n[:'  
2 Nobody expected Martha to change herplans; her decision to do something different was _________ and surprising toall. 7G!SlC X}W  
A. sheer ^[lg1uMW  
B. blunt N%n#mV;  
C. abrupt 5fM/y3QPsZ  
D. irregular l 8n#sGA%  
3 In order to avoid the storm, the pilotof the plane was force to ___________ from the usual course. @4_W}1W  
A. convert [K x_%Le  
B. stray %TvunV7NQS  
C. deviate  &EV|knW  
D. transfer K-(,,wS  
4 When his father was injured, John____________ for weeks about whether he should stay in school or quit to take ajob. I Yj\t?,0  
A. portrayed &YDb/{|CIC  
B. posed '&'? S  
C. pondered 'P39^rb  
D. postponed V!a|rTU6  
5 The _________ of that textbook is toobroad; too much material is mentioned and not enough specific detail isincluded. `{<2{}2M  
A. capacity >{$ ;O  
B. outlook |C\g3N-  
C. latitude uF W4A  
D. scope J9mLW}I?NW  
6 Before I went into the forest I put onspecial medicine designed to _____________ mosquitoes and other insects. X_ !Sm  
A. impose &7XB $  
B. compel Mu O7_*q'n  
C. dispose ZZ)bTLu  
D. repel *Iyv${  
7 The workmen _______ the shabby old hoteland built a modern office building in the place where it had been. 'h([Y8p{  
A. distinguished ?,;|*A  
B. erased !D7 [R'RgY  
C. flattened K &Ht37T  
D. razed ,iB)8Km@U  
8 Please don’t tell me any bad news today,I’m upset and feel especially ______. GL.& g{$#+  
A. vulnerable {uDL"~^\  
B. accessible hJrxb<9@Y0  
C. sensitive AuX&  
D. sympathetic (IAl$IP63s  
9 I admired Janie because she’s so ______,she’s accomplished in athletics, music, and history, and she’s a marvelousdancer and cook as well. GKZn|<Y|{c  
A. vain ^{zwIH2I]  
B. versatile 0/#XUX 4  
C. vicious  N_ =7  
D. vivid J<H$B +;qR  
10 Thetrue cause of the accident was made known after several witness ______ aboutwhat really happened. 7?]gUrE  
A. swore ;_F iiBk7(  
B. testified sYYg5vL9  
C. affirmed aGr(djD  
D. charged /#G^?2o M  
11 Ihave to find a new apartment since the lease on my current one has been_________. q(\$-Dk.Vv  
A. terminated >hRYsWbmg  
B. initiated }V ;PaX  
C. resumed "k "q)5c  
D. abolished wpb6F '  
12 BecauseI was out of butter. I ________ oil in the recipe. )tz8(S  
A. contributed H]mY6D51"  
B. distributed \$yI'q  
C. substituted * ,_Qdr^F  
D. constituted X. UN=lu  
13 Althoughthe new project was confusing when it was first presented, it gradually becameclear as details were explained in ____________ meetings. Ipb 4{A&"\  
A. subsequent z,P :i$  
B. precedent j0kEi+!TVq  
C. consequent  8Nd +  
D. previous $*G]6s  
14 Sheis a very __________ woman; you will not be able to deceive her or takeadvantage of her. 8T&m{s  
A. naïve -+'{C =  
B. shrewd s%H5Qa+Uh  
C. transparent vJtQ&,zG  
D. genuine <Zl0$~B:5  
15 Theaudience ______________ uncomfortably in their chairs as the speaker continuedhis long and boring speech. Gvtd )9^<  
A. altered x|F6^d   
B. removed SXwgn >  
C. shifted \7$m[h {l  
D. transferred QEQ8gfN9>  
q. K >v'  
2006 4AZlr*U  
1 You will only be allowed to leave earlyin _______ circumstances. _@F4s   
A. exceptional f$*M;|c1c/  
B. coincidental p#^L ZX  
C. peculiar wrK$ZO]  
D. imperative HTQ .kV  
2 His latest ________ was buying asecond-hand car which turned out to have a faulty engine. {|%5}\%  
A. agony '=\]4?S  
B. stigma Hu1w/PLq  
C. wrath v;JY;Uh|  
D. folly L7X._XBO[  
3 The champagnes had caused his face to_______ and his eyes were bright. O JvEq@  
A. flourish dbB2/RI  
B. fresh 4JU#3  
C. flesh s ~(qO|d  
D. flush |pq z(j7  
4 He needs a hobby to keep him busy andstop him from getting into _______ . T_5 E  
A. mischief dWI/X  
B. nuisance f>#\'+l'  
C. hostility @ U}fvdft  
D. bustle b.8HGt<%  
5 Poor sight and hearing are common_______ of old age. ZS^EKz~+  
A. presentations nUd(@@%m  
B. afflictions #uuwzE*M_  
C. outcome Y($"i<rN  
D. relevance _ky!4^B  
6 The dream of many scientists has been tocreate a ________ motion machine – one that would always continue moving onceit had been started. ~4XJ" d3L  
A. transient @^k$`W;  
B. temporary l]oGhM;  
C. perpetual -']#5p l  
D. periodic hCW8(Z t  
7 Only a small _______ of those attendingthe convention came from outside the state. B quyPG"  
A. fracture {BJ[h  
B. fragment Bi?.G7>  
C. fraction bL swq  
D. fragrance wz073-v>ZV  
8 Chemicalsfrom the factory up the river ________ the water, killing many fish and makingthe water totally unfit for human use. J*a`qU   
A. corrupted +SUQRDF@i  
B. infected Pg*ZQE[ME8  
C. contaminated ~|l>b f  
D. stained > { fX;l  
9 It is strictly illegal to _______ a gun,knife, or any other weapon when boarding an airplane. gmJJ(}HVz  
A. shelter `S$BBF;  
B. disguise MJ}VNv|S  
C. conceal (Q#A Br8  
D. veil <Ni]\-*  
10 To_______ the boredom of studying, it is a good idea to take frequent breaks. 47ir QK *  
A. intensify X@|  
B. aggravate bG2 !5m4L  
C. illuminate ~q-|cl<  
D. alleviate ]9;WM.  
11 Althoughwe felt _______ for the child who had lost his parents, there was really notmuch we could do to comfort him. Y,>])R[4  
A. compassion ;v8,r#4  
B. compass i>b^n+74>  
C. companion )WKe,:C  
D. compartment |}'}TYX0:  
12 Thepolice were ________ by the crime and were never able to solve it. o6B!ikz 8  
A. hindered s {$c8  
B. enlightened 5hg>2?e9s?  
C. baffled ffuV$#  
D. detained @}aK\  
13 _______for the top-of-the-range car include a compact disc player, electric windowsand a sunroof. S\g8(\u  
A. accessories X#+A?>Z]}<  
B. components 6j_ A{*~Ng  
C. decorations Wm Od1  
D. colleagues y5+-_x,  
14 Theauthor uses the ________ of bees when describing the workers at the bakery. gy9!T(z  
A. correlation hvZW~ =75  
B. equivalent "o=h /q5&  
C. analogy  LDwu?"P!  
D. parallel v2rXuo  
15 Thebooks will be ________ from our warehouse tomorrow to your address. ?G.9D`95  
A. dispatched t-_N|iW' 5  
B. disputed B)ynF?"  
C. dismissed 4lvo9R  
D. dispersed 6mMJ$FY+  
2006 B'atwgI0  
1 I am ___________ _ in the morning, untilI have had my coffee. j!m~ :D  
A. inflexible NjsP"  
B. incurable N-K.#5  
C. inarticulate cnCUvD]'  
D. irreversible fgTv wO Sk  
2 A tunnel has been ___________ under theEnglish Channel to link England and France. *~2jP;$  
A. bored b LSI\  
B. delivered _lyP7$[: c  
C. structured vAwFPqu  
D. reckoned Ldt7?Y(V(  
3 This knife is too ___________ to cutvegetables, could you please sharpen it? 3=sA]j-+ (  
A. portable I%{^i d@  
B. remote [J-r*t"!  
C. vulnerable ]WyV~Dzz<  
D. blunt }[ux4cd8Y  
4 The editorial ____________ theviewpoints of conservative politicians. LUS7-~:F  
A. echoed .$v]B x u  
B. perceived U|U/B  
C. contended If!0w ;h  
D. received 8a. |CgI#h  
5 He’s one of those ________ people whothink they’re always right about everything. \mWXr*;  
A. extroverted j cx/ZR  
B. humble Mt@K01MI%  
C. arbitrary { H9pF2C  
D. nominal n (cSfT  
6 They are busy __________ some fact andfigures of documentary on the subject of E-commerce. }})4S;j  
A. generalizing )m5<gp`  
B. compiling G/<{:R"  
C. measuring JB b}{fo~  
D. promoting =bv8W < #  
7 Dr. Smith proposed a number of relateideas that gradually __________ into a practical plan. 8Bhot,u'T  
A. hatched u$<FKp;I  
B. assembled :MJBbrV ,  
C. segregated :p8JO:g9  
D. crystallized C .YtjLQP$  
8 The military government ___________ thecountry’s parliament and suspended all political activity. nR"k %$  
A. sacked QfwGf,0p  
B. revised i1aS2gFi_  
C. dissolved hih`:y  
D. ignored /hI#6k8o_  
9 Their many years of research havefinally ___________ in a cure for the disease. kAy.o  
A. furnished O8dDoP\F2  
B. culminated ?>lmLz!e  
C. accomplished |C-B=XE;3  
D. fabricated  -U*XA  
10 Thepassage you have just read in the paper is ____________ from the AtlanticMonthly. \V: _Zs  
A. assembled rZpc"<U  
B. condensed by8d18:it  
C. curtailed Y6{p|F?&"  
D. modified Eda sGCo  
11 Theweeds just __________, and before long the garden was a jungle. #3/l4`/j  
A. multiplied L{gFk{@W  
B. expanded `L9o !OsQ  
C. improved Yq5}r?N  
D. enlarged dm,bZHo  
12 Thecountry’s progress is being __________ by a leader who refuses to look forward. aG=Y 6j G  
A. restricted 7c;59$2(  
B. confined QMfYM~o  
C. prevented ^OA}#k NTW  
D. constrained zlFl{t  
13 Thefuel used is almost ___________ charcoal made from wood or shells. OWq~BZ{  
A. habitually eJy@N  
B. voluntarily jj$'DZk  
C. invariably ^i:%;oeG  
D. faithfully Wa[~)A  
14 Theofficial ___________ show that one out of four girls who marry between 16 and18 ends up in the divorce court. Rbr vY  
A. quota GXHk{G@TS  
B. statistics I [e7Up  
C. poll EkTen:{G  
D. digits 4AF" +L  
15 Raysof sunlight focused through a _________ glass onto a piece of paper may makethe paper burn. I=3q#^}[  
A. minimizing Y%&6qt G  
B. magnifying S2<(n,"  
C. exaggerating wh~~g qi9  
D. maximizing sO(Kpo9jq  









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