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主题 : 浙大考博2007-2013英语词汇汇总
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-10-22   
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2007 R *U>T$  
1 Immigrants of all races in this area aredemanding that they receive ___________ treatment from the authorities. 7Vi[I< *  
A. unique .IqS}Rh  
B. united eNNK;xXe#  
C. uniform ? DPL7  
D. universal <D__17W:;  
2 Women want the same pay if they hold thesame jobs as men. At home, however, they do not expect their husbands to_________ in the housework. b% F|V G  
A. do \%)p7PNY  
B. have sG3%~  
C. share @M1U)JoQ  
D. divide 5b&'gd^d  
3 In the past, consumers were oftencheated or ___________ into buying goods by business firms and they couldhardly do anything about it. \Tc$P#  
A. confused g {00i  
B. misled M*x_1h5n  
C. forced Mqq7;w@(J  
D. puzzled }} IvZG&  
4 You may have ever entered a bookstorejust to take __________ from a sudden shower, but you found time spent therewas very enjoyable. %bAv.'C  
A. shield bNXT*HOZb3  
B. shelter H)5]K9D  
C. avoidance Eq|_> f@@8  
D. protection yPL@uCzA@  
5 A lot of people worked long hoursbecause high unemployment meant that they could easily be __________. >Zr`9$i  
A. distributed q|S }5  
B. appointed ;&iQNXL  
C. transferred y'(;!5w  
D. replaced FsD}N k=m~  
6 With its stock price rising by 20 percent,the company becomes the second most _________ technology firm in the country. Ef#%4ky  
A. valuable =!Ok079{[  
B. worthwhile 8tsW^y;S  
C. priceless < h(tW  
D. precious R#oXQaBJ  
7 It is astonishing to know that childrenand youth __________ the biggest segment of the country’s homeless population. :=-h'<D  
A. substitute for 0%v p'v  
B. make out w* v%S   
C. make up (}'0K?  
D. make up for s I#K01;"  
8 Many of these companies moved to theInland South to take ___________ of the lower wages and the lack of stronglabor unions in the region. F$d`Umqs;P  
A. profit ?L'ijzP  
B. advantage kFeuKSa^d  
C. favour OD{Rh(Id  
D. adventure 1SQ&m H/  
9 If the investment tax credit is ________as a part of tax reform plan, the capital-intensive businesses such assteel-makers and airliners will face a hard time. rNdap*.  
A. repealed rqifjsv  
B. inferred [5>0om5  
C. induced ^ygN/a>rr  
D. apppealed xCGvLvFn  
10 WhileApple was coming under increasing pressure from lower cost PC clones, thecompany’s initial response was to develop even more ________ high-endcomputers. uS3J^=>@(a  
A. sophisticate !RAyUfS  
B. luxurious 5ZUqCl(PX)  
C. philosophical 8MV=?  
D. sensitive 4k}u`8 a  
11 Itis well known that the popular singer has a/an __________ car in addition to alarge house. `O-$qT, _  
A. credible yPKeatH]  
B. incredible LC2t,!RRl&  
C. believable 3}2'PC  
D. inherent VQ2)qJ#l  
12 OrientalRadio has decided to cancel this pop star from a/an ________ broadcast for hisbreach contract. .(ki(8Z N  
A. lively u9_ Fjm}&  
B. alive g#W)EXUR  
C. live >}Za)  
D. living ]& jXD=a"  
13 Firefighterswere not attacking the major fires in Virginia directly but were putting outhot spots that could prove dangerous if winds ____________. C&D!TR!K  
A. picked up 5f jmr  
B. picked out b~z1%?  
C. picked through m6bAvy]3<t  
D. picked in \IQf|  
14 Theartist has made a ___________ of combining the first-rate photography anddesign with advanced technology in every piece of work he produces. XnV*MWv  
A. discipline "l"zbW WOH  
B. principle B~G ?&"]  
C. proposal jA?A)YNQb  
D. principal (3C::B=  
15 Youare likely to get a promotion because of the profitable ____________ you madefor the company last month. nRzD[ 3I  
A. transition *0^!%Y'/4  
B. transfusion /PafIq  
C. transfer ~xer ZQgc  
D. transaction ZEYT17g]  
2008 _Ryt|# y  
1 President Bush cameto his parent's century-old summer home on the Maine coast for littlerelaxation, a distant cousin's wedding and some family time. However, severalhundred anti-war demonstrators ____________ on his visit. -~n^?0  
A. intruded .B_LQ;0:   
B. invaded US[{ Q  
C. intwined fkbHfBp[(A  
D. inturned pnl7a$z  
2 Influenza is causedby a virus _________ one person _________ another in droplets coughed sneezedinto the air. It is characterized by coldlike symptoms plus chills, fever,headaches muscle aches, and fatigue. ^K. d|z  
A. transferred from to j")#"& m  
B. transmitted from to ux`)jOQ`Y]  
C. transacted from to ZfsM($|a  
D. transcend from to j} t"M|`  
3 Pigeon is thecommon name for members of a family of birds; smaller species commonly known asdoves, but sizes of pigeons and doves ___________.The birds, almost worldwidein distribution, are most abundant in warm regions. a|?&  
A. surpass ,j E'd'$  
B. transcend HqC 1Dkw  
C. overlap -!V+>.Oh  
D. join #[Z ToE4  
4 Yangtze River flowsat a width of up to 2km and an average depth of between 6 and 15m through a large plain with many lakes. Thisarea is ______________ to severe flooding and accumulation of river sediment. UVa:~c$U4  
A. object 7~&  
B. particular !8YZ;l  
C. subject Bu_/yKW  
D. prone ^F\RM4|,  
5 In 2005, PresidentBush put his political capital where his mouth was, and lost. He went all-outto ________________ Congress and the American people that privatizing SocialSecurity would be good and necessary. nY y%=B|>  
A. argue @N+ }cej  
B. concede "}ibH{$lM  
C. convince K!~j}z*  
D. confess st4z+$L  
6 A growing number ofcompanies are now trying to serve "segments of one." They attempt to____________ their offer and communication to each individual customer. This isunderstandable with large industrial companies that have only a few majorcustomers. 8[v9|r  
A. adopt W3Gg<!*Uo  
B. adapt Dnk}  
C. incorporate _UP =zW  
D. exclude J)o.@+Q}  
7 The German generalstaff made another dangerous concession to what they considered a military necessity. The plan would be not_____________ when countries formally declared war but simply when they orderedmobilization. >%6a$r~@  
A. triggered [7Fx#o=da  
B. triggering }`fFzb  
C. trifling @~p;.=1]F  
D. trifled &<dC3o!  
8 Content is thesubject matter of architecture, the element in architectural expression thatcommunicates specific meanings that _____________ to society the functions andtechniques of buildings. oz8z%*9 (  
A. interpret |NMf'$  
B. tell )\aCeY8o  
C. identify <b.O^_zQF  
D. modify 2eC`^  
9 As online computersystems become more popular, televisions and computers are increasingly____________. Such technologies combine the capabilities of computers,television etc., and greatly expand the services that can be provided. s8:-*VR9  
A. separated =`st1K  
B. segregated s2f6;Yc  
C. integrated WMi$ATq  
D. intersected ~SzHIVj:6  
10 A theory isan organized set of principles that is designed to explain and predict some phenomenon.Good theories also provide specific testable predictions, or _________ aboutthe relation between two or more variables. Q$bi:EyJXc  
A. hypothesis JX)%iJq#  
B. conception Qr.SPNUFK  
C. idea KT3n -Y-,  
D. meaning  y|b&Rup  
11 Human evolution islengthy process of change _________ people originated from apelike ancestors.Scientific evidence shows that the physical and behavioral traits shared by allpeople evolved over a period of at least 6 million years.
A. of which
B. by which
C. for which
D. by that
12 Because of variousburdens, the 1980s in Ecuador became a decade of ________. It was made worse bybad floods in 1983, the collapse of world oil prices in 1985 and 1986, and adevastating earthquake in 1987. uD=FTx  
A. collapse x*#9\*@EI  
B. stagnation F[@M?  
C. stop #@UzOQ>  
D. reduction S"<"e\\}"_  
13 Since 1970, whenSultan Qaboos carne to power and launched Oman's development, poverty has beenlargely _________ and modem medical care has been provided throughout thecountry. O~*`YsL9  
A. eliminated hU|TP3*  
B. illuminated ']&rPv kL  
C. limited Spm0DqqR?  
D. increased %G`GdG}T  
14 Many societiestoday interpret the natural world and form beliefs based on science and logic.Societies in which many people do not practice any religion, such as the UnitedStates, may be known as ___________ societies. Vi*HG &DD  
A. vulgar ~PZIYG"D  
B. secular ]EWEW*' j  
C. particular I xk+y?  
D. unique nj4G8/U-q  
15 Before the______________ of hospitals, the family or communal sauna(桑拿) was favored by Finnish women for giving birth. Today, saunasare found in health clubs and gymnasiums around the world. 5Tg[-tl  
A. advent =}K"@5J  
B. adventure $6DA<v^=z  
C. advert 78UE?) X"  
D. advance E[a|.lnV  
2009 t3 rQ5m  
1 Not all persons arrested and __________ witha crime are guilty, and the main function of criminal courts is to determinewho is guilty under the law. :vXlni7N[M  
A. sentenced a d#4W0@S  
B. accused  ZcE:r+  
C. persecuted De`p@`+<#~  
D. charged cV f}8qf)  
2 Whoever has skills and knowledge in thiscountry, I believe, should be properly treated and rewarded __________ hiseducational background and family origin. (N^tg8Z<  
A. despite of R>;m6Rb_  
B. regardless of zI{~;`tzN  
C. let alone 4N[KmNi<  
D. because of [ BZA1,  
3 A survey earlier this year found thatabout 50 percent of South Africans think that “most” or “almost all”governmental officials are involved in________. ]9PQKC2&  
A. robbery sL!+&Id|  
B. violation Kd!.sB/%  
C. corruption P}~nL  
D. stealing M]7>Ar'zsG  
4 Woodrow Wilson ____________ to preserveworld peace by supporting the establishment of an organization to settleinternational disputes. U["-`:>jfp  
A. endeavoured 9D[Jn}E:  
B. incited 0BrAgv"3a_  
C. granted 3%L@=q  
D. offered O6"S=o&  
5 Margaret Mead’s reputation was_______________ established with the publication of her first book in 1982 andwas by her many subsequent contributions to anthropology. TGH"OXV*@  
A. hardened N%Uk/ c'  
B. enhanced y Q-{ CJ,  
C. separated \'CA:9V}  
D. judged n5+Z|<3)  
6 The local people were joyfully surprisedto find the prices of vegetables no longer __________ according to the weather. ^`?M~e2FZ8  
A. evaluated ?k$'po*Eq  
B. converted YR-Ge  
C. fluctuated #?C.%kD  
D. modified qO{Yr$ V%  
7 In calculating the daily calorierequirements for an individual, variations in body size, physical activity andage should be____________. X e2Zf  
A. brought into practice BcxALRWE  
B. taken into account *CCh\+S7m  
C. thrown light on -?p4"[  
D. looked down upon Seh(G  
8 There was no light on the way and for asecond she hesitated, unable to ________the dim figure awaiting her. #HTq \J!  
A. set out -dS@ l'$  
B. make out txik {' :  
C. pick up 'E"W;#%  
D. clear up u{&#Gci  
9 It is disturbing to note how many crimeswe do know about were detected __________, not by systematic inspections orother security procedures. B!1h"K5.($  
A. by accident '81c>qA  
B. on schedule 6aKfcvf &  
C. in general 2( U;{;\n*  
D. at intervals w+u1"  
10 The violent __________ of his youthreappeared and was directed not only at the army, but at his wife at all 3X%h ?DC  
A. impatience ]d~2WX Y  
B. character G%ZP `  
C. temper | :]} u|O  
D. quality ' eh }t  
11 Certainly no one could have predictedthat a tiny worm would make possible such far-reaching ________ into the verynature of life. e}+Zj'5  
A. understanding h [@}} 6  
B. perception #$ 4g&8  
C. insights ^yX>^1  
D. inquiry ;0lY_ii  
12 Formulated in 1823, the Monroe Doctrine_______ that the Americans were no longer open to European colonization. jyB Ys& v  
A. entrusted U$ 46=F|  
B. asserted qKrxln/T  
C. appreciated @H8DGeM  
D. reckoned @N ]]Cf>x  
13 Maximum benefits typically range from$50,000 to $250,000, through some _________have no limit. G6dUm_iB  
A. policies 6Yl+IP];i  
B. bills Y,Lx6kU  
C. charges &->ngzg  
D. prices fejC ,H4I  
14 Rejecting the urging of his physicianfather to study medicine, Hawking chose to ________ on math and theoreticalphysics. _+.JTk  
A. impose [{`2FR:Cd  
B. center m VFo2^%v  
C. overtook <_c8F!K)T  
D. concentrate 9s1^hW2%Q  
15 She has decided to ___________ somemoney every month to help three peasant girls in poverty-stricken areas. LmytO$?2(  
A. lay down }|%1LL^pB  
B. lay side kD0bdE|  
C. set up {PR "}x  
D. stand up to }'*6 A  
2010 l u8*+.V  
1 Like most foreigners, I ask a lot ofquestions, some of which are insultingly silly. But everyone I ______ hasanswered those questions with patience and honesty. 7WwE] ^M  
A. come across k  <5g  
B. come by B%tWi  
C. come over j8nkNE]&   
D. come into XMiu}w!  
2 Among picture books for 4-8 years olds,several outstanding works appeared that combined original stories with ______illustrations. C$0g2X  
A. imaginable l*6Zh "o:  
B. imaginative \h_q]  
C. imaging {VKFw=$8  
D. imageless EY:IwDA.}  
3 As skies fill with millions of migratingbirds, European scientists say the seasonal miracle appears to depend on aseeming ______ : The fatter the bird , the more efficiently it flies. G[`1Yw$  
A. interruption @Ns[qn;9  
B. description ![ sXR  
C. qualification Bp3E)l  
D. contradiction JXM]tV   
4 The party leader justified hissubsequent re-election ______ that he had brought political stability andeconomic development to his country. XbqMWQN*  
A. in the way o<G#%9j  
B. by no means #c5jCy}n  
C. on the grounds l?=\9y  
D. o the extent '3Lu_]I-  
5 A leading British scholar has proposedtranslating Shakespeare into contemporary English ______ young audiences whoare confused by jokes which are 400 years out of date. m3TR}=n  
A. in memory of : n QlS  
B. at the cost of 7jgj;%  
C. on behalf of T!8^R|!a6  
D. for the benefit of Y}1c>5{bE  
6 The objective of this popularconsultation is to determine, ______, the final political status of the region,whether to remain of the country as a special district, or to part from it. Vv45w#w;  
A. once upon a time #<S*MGp!=  
B. once and again aPVzOBp  
C. all at once vWZXb `  
D. once and for all iN[x *A|h  
7 The _____ choice for a consumer,therefore, is the choice among the available ones that will enable him or herto maximize utility. z@i4   
A. optimal tqZ+2c<W3  
B. optional @kqxN\DE  
C. optical +yp:douERi  
D. optimistic 4P&2Z0  
8 The Adult Vocational College is anopportunity to gain the right qualifications for various careers, for it offersan _____ range of subjects and courses. Y @p<f5[c  
A. additional I I+y  
B. excessive 0RT8N=B83  
C. adequate x}yl Rg`[  
D. extensive qcS.=Cj?)  
9 It’s disturbing to note how many ofcrimes we do know about were detected _____, not by systematic inspections orother security procedures. Zd6ik&S   
A. by accident e @Lxduq  
B. on schedule z#^fS |  
C. in general TI4Hu,rc  
D. at intervals 9%"7~YCDas  
10 In calculating the daily calorierequirements for an individual, variations in body size, physical activity andage should be _____. wqb4w7%  
A. brought into practice 6^wI^`NI  
B. taken into account >u?.gJm~  
C. thrown light on 9 {&g.+  
D. looked down upon *n CA6i  
11 The more a nation’s companies ______factories abroad, the smaller that country’s recorded exports will be. H<(F$7Q!\  
A. lie %S`& R5  
B. locate |O{N_-];.  
C. spot 2R[v*i^S  
D. stand #ibwD:{  
12 The defence lawyer was questioning theold man who was one of the _____ of the murder committed last month. m,k 0 h%  
A. witnesses Ti%MOYNCv  
B. audiences i]v3CY|3AI  
C. viewers [';o -c"!  
D. observers %Mda<3P  
13 The belief that the universe isimproving and that good will _____ triumph over evil prevails. jeu'K vhe  
A. ultimately FDMQ Lxf  
B. conclusively Uwc%'=@  
C. feasibly .z>/A /&+  
D. terminally j& 8YE7  
14 It was difficult to build a powerstation in the deep valley, but it _____ as we had hoped. I-]G{  
A. came off >C0B!MT?3%  
B. went off UPh O =G  
C. brought out b)diYsTH  
D. made out gP% <<yl  
15 The local people were joyfully surprisedto find the prices of vegetables no longer _____ according to the weather. !>sA.L&=  
A. evaluated suN6(p(.  
B. converted /5,6 {R9  
C. fluctuated y\FQt];z)  
D. modified ,U{dqw8E{  
2011 'V&g"Pb  
1 “This light is too ____ for me to read by. Don’t we have a bright bulb?”said the elderly man? T9yI%;D  
A. dim #Pd9i5~N  
B. slight {!I`EN]  
C. mild Otq3nBZ  
D. minute GgpE"M?  
2 Mr. Smith asked his secretary to ____ anew paragraph in the annual report she was typing. @/#G2<Vp1  
A. invade AROHe  
B. install MHpG G00,  
C. insert (Yy#:r ;U  
D. inject  L ` [iI  
3 We have arranged to go to the cinema onFriday, but we can be ____ and go another day. }9ulHiR  
A. probable c]*yo  
B. reliable 8$uq60JK  
C. flexible )v(rEY  
D. feasible ,zjz "7'  
4 The author of the book has shown hisremarkable keen ____ into human nature. L 0Ckw},,  
A. intellect -o/Vp>_UOE  
B. insight *$cx7yJ  
C. perception s(X\7Hz_nC  
D. understanding >:.c?{%g*  
5 The brave fireman had fought for daysbefore the managed to ____ the forest fire. 2z;nP up,  
A. put on Eq_@ xT0>  
B. put up with ~vYFQKrb  
C. put off 92j[b_P  
D. put out O=K0KOj  
6 For the reasons, the newspaper is having____ problems in the north of the country. 7b~uU@L`  
A. distribution ,tXI*R  
B. regulation /Igz[P^\9  
C. recognition ]HWeVhG  
D. destruction *lDVV,T'}w  
7 During the past years the ____ ofautomobiles accidents in New York City has decreased. e=##X}4zZ  
A. degree kP5I+ B  
B. quantity ;QVTb3Th  
C. number *QN,w BQ  
D. amount ;~1xhpTk  
8 The most ____ students do additionalreading to supplement the material in the textbook. #bcZ:D@FC  
A. gifted `)$G}7cRUH  
B. sensitive n+ H2cl }  
C. proficient y.( <  
D. diligent )M8,Tv*~  
9 They gained great influence by ____themselves to prominent city institutions. aY4v'[  
A. detaching |"}7)[BW}  
B. assigning k v_t6(qd  
C. dispatching ;mI^J=V3  
D. attaching ,dd1/zm  
10 She always handled the problems ____ herown experience and principles. P@bPdw!JA  
A. in the light of "C3J[) qC  
B. in the event of 60n>FQ<  
C. in the face of Y9-F\t=~  
D. in the course of Xn~\Vb  
11 All parts of this sewing machine are____ so that it is very simple to get replacements for them. EhKG"Lb+  
A. maximized E>/~:  
B. minimized 'cu14m_  
C. optimized Wm{ebx  
D. standardized \ C$t  
12 At a press conference after the awardceremony the 18-year old girl spoke in a barely ____ voice. q77qdm q7  
A. audible ]H{* Z3S  
B. optional uF[*@N  
C. legible !5h8sD;  
D. identical _B^X3EOc  
13 Why does a vegetarian restaurant makeits dishes resemble meat in every way except ____. E`xpZ>$mPx  
A. ingredients @@-TW`G7  
B. elements 86cnEj=   
C. components 2~QJ]qo=  
D. compounds Y~!A"$   
14 He became ____ with the girl reporterwho questioned him at press conference. B#`'h~(7  
A. observed Yv)c\hm(7j  
B. obsessed ShlTMTgS  
C. notified F?jD5M08t/  
D. troubled S[hyN7sI  
15 According to a prominent philosopherintolerance is a/an ____ to understanding. 8QL=%Pv  
A. barrier \ qq  
B. improvement VR1[-OE  
C. foundation z Fj|E  
D. approach Sp?e!`|8  
2012 K1R?Qt,qDF  
1 He was unable toendure the torture of the enemy and surrendered. He _________ his comrades. ")txFe  
A. revealed Dm}M8`|X  
B. suspended |N)),/R_  
C. exposed Q@PDhISa  
D. betrayed  <I2ENo5?  
2 On the side of thehill, there is a _________ which was once the entrance to a gold mine. G3]#Du  
A. deep hole in ground Ac*J;fI  
B. hole deep in ground %K=_  
C. deep hole in theground @OFx nF`  
D. deep in the groundhole FIVC~LDd  
3 She’s got so________ to light music that it has become a constant companion of her life. RP+)sCh  
A. use to listen X's<+hK&  
B. used to listen S-Bx`e9'  
C. used in listing xYW &Mfka  
D. used to listening ,d*hhe  
4 Classroom testing,if well done, most certainly ____________ a stimulus to study and reallearning. L1DH9wiQi  
A. acts for q3h& V  
B. acts on z5~W >r  
C. acts as $)8,dS  
D. acts to 5U+4vV/*  
5 I feel quiteconfident in _______________ Mr. Jackson to you for the vacant post of researchassistant. kcg\f@d$  
A. submitting d}ycC.h4k  
B. proclaiming Sl^PELU  
C. recalling |KS,k|).  
D. recommending ,5ZQPICF  
6 A poor man has to_____________ many things which a rich man regards as almost necessaries inlife. ]cmX f  
A. go through g|$;jQ\_  
B. go without m~Q24Z]!'&  
C. go over 5dE=M};v  
D. go about (1GU  
7 One of theattractive features of the course was the way the practical work had been_________ with the theoretical aspects of the subject. vW vu&3tx  
A. embraced qdv O>k3  
B. alternated zUv#%Q8vw  
C. adjusted |m ?ZE:  
D. integrated ]Zc|<f;  
8 Topics ofconversation should be _________ to the experiences and interests of thestudents. ^IIy>  
A. rigid nM b@  B  
B. rigorous h ! R=t  
C. relevant "2sk1  
D. remarkable 51#OlvD  
9 They didconsiderable work to ___________ the masses of the United States with theelementary problems of Latin America. A( vdlj  
A. instruct *`Vmncv3  
B. acquaint hdrsa}{g  
C. impart q^EY?;Y  
D. dictate |llJ%Jh F  
10 Only the Chinesehave successfully _____________ pandas and raised their babies in captivity. xSK#ovH2  
A. bred Xw!\,"{s  
B. expanded 1d]F$ >  
C. exerted K SO D(  
D. availed <]LljTm`i  
11 The purpose of theofficial inquiry is to _________ the true facts leading to the loss of the shipat sea. SFDTHvXu#_  
A. come at `a|&aj0  
B. come for /+SLq`'u)  
C. come into B<m0YD?>~>  
D. come over S\&3t}_  
12 The chairman madea(n) ___________ statement before beginning the main business of the meeting. %g.cE}^  
A. intensive }A24;'}  
B. intermediate 4.jRTL5-oj  
C. preliminary 9 =;mY  
D. operational =ZIT!B?4  
13 Only in recentyears ___________ begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within bounds, often domore good than harm. Wa<<"x$  
A. people have Q]xkDr?   
B. since people have +C{-s  
C. have people - Fbp!*. u  
D. people who have +)jll#}?  
14 At the lastcommittee meeting, the notion that the club __________ open until midnight wasdefeated. !EB<N<P"t  
A. remains ;J5z  
B. remain #lP8/-s^  
C. remained "[|b,fxR  
D. would remain ns8s2kYcm  
15 I don’t thinkJohnson will succeed in his new job, for he is not __________ to do that typeof work. 'cXdc  
A. compatible w!7\wI[  
B. convenient YzI;)  
C. consistent PX 8UVA  
D. competent 5XZ! yYB?  









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