The Top Ten Most Popular Terms (02/12/2007) CNwYQe-i
(YCWB; Southern Metropolis Daily) Even though the National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Center heads the list of sponsors, there is no scientific basis to determine which are the most popular terms in Chinese newspapers, radio and television. Nevertheless, the selections will give some sense of the Zeitgeist. In 2002, there were terms such as 短信 (SMS), 降息 (interest rate reduction), 十六大 (Sixteenth Congress of the Chinese Communist Party); in 2003, there was 非典 (SARS), 隔离 (isolation), 三峡工程 (The Three Gorges Project); in 2004, there was 科学发展观 (the scientific development approach), 执政能力 (ability of governance), 审计风暴 (audit storm); in 2005, there was 保持***员先进性教育 (sustain the progressive education of Communist Party members), 十一五规划 (The Eleventh Five-year plan), 神舟六号 (Shenzhou 6). Ki#({~
In 2006, the top ten terms were 和谐社会 (harmonious society), 社会主义新农村 (new socialist rural villages), 青藏铁路 (Qinghai-Tibet Railroad), 自主创新 (autonomous innovation), 社会主义荣辱观 (socialist definitions of honor and shame), 中非合作论坛 (Sino-African Cooperative Forum), 消费税 (consumption tax), 长征精神 (the spirit of the Long March), 非物质文化遗产 (non-materialistic cultural heritage). (freekaobo.com编辑整理,转载请注明出处) 8#% Sq=/+M
The commentary about this list is that it tends to be 'too harmonious.' But even a healthy body can sometimes experience pain. So here are some popular terms that were not mentioned: 流氓软件 (spyware), 潜规则 (hidden rules), 假药 (fake medicine), 食品安全 (food safety), 多宝鱼 (turbot fish), 平价医院 (cheap hospital), 福寿螺 (Amazonian snail), 狂犬病 (rabies), 红心鸭蛋 (red-cored duck egg), 汉芯 (Hanxin microchips), 恶搞 (spoof), 福利腐败 (welfare corruption). (freekaobo.com编辑整理,转载请注明出处) Nda,G++5(
In the sports category, the listed top ten terms are Liu Xiang, Bird Nest, Water Cube, etc. Missing was 冠军搓澡工 (champion bathing assistant), in reference to the former champion weightlifter Zhou Chunlan who is presently working in a bathhouse as a rubbing assistant. Zhou had said: "When I was first selected to become a weightlifter, the coach started giving me medicine that he said would make me stronger and deliver better results. My present educational level is third grade, elementary school. I don't even know how to do pinyin. It is a lot more difficult to earn a living than training." (freekaobo.com编辑整理,转载请注明出处) _@es9
张培元 Qd~M;L O"i
由国家语言资源监测与研究中心等单位联合发布的2006年中国报纸、广播、电视十大流行语新鲜出炉,“青藏铁路”“消费税”分别位居综合类十大流行语的第三位和第八位,其他七个流行语依次为:和谐社会、社会主义新农村、自主创新、社会主义荣辱观、中非合作论坛、长征精神、非物质文化遗产。 (hywT)#+
人们常说,语言是思想的外壳。流行语作为社会文化思潮的“外壳”,它所展现的不仅仅是一个特定时期的话语流行色,同时也折射了某个时代人们的审美情趣、文化内涵、人文风尚、价值水平和社会心理。中国主流媒体的十大流行语发布活动已进行了5年,每次盘点,都能给人以无穷回味。 @NBWNgBv
从2002年的“短信”“降息”“十六大”、2003年的“非典”“隔离”“三峡工程”、2004年的“科学发展观”“执政能力”“审计风暴”、2005年的“保持***员先进性教育”、“十一五”规划、神舟六号,到流行于2006年的“和谐社会”、“社会主义新农村”、“自主创新”、免费考博,结绳纪事的语言符号忠实地记录了时代的脉动,把它们串起来,就是一册高度浓缩了的编年史。 ?O1:-vpZ
品味2006年流行语,绝大多数词汇都传递出和谐的气息,表达着和谐的诉求,闪耀着和谐的光彩。如和谐社会、社会主义新农村,不仅仅是上口率极高的词汇,更是一种正在变为现实的目标;如青藏铁路、循环经济,已成为经济社会又好又快发展、建设事业蒸蒸日上的美丽剪影;如社区卫生服务、平价医院,见证着以人为本政策的渐次落地;如孔子、百家讲坛、于丹、易中天、草根文化,寓意着优秀传统文化的回归与传承;再如机器人、概念车、科博会,承载着科技强国的民族复兴梦…… ^B9rt\,q
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当然,也有一些流行语所显示的话语色彩并不那么美好,甚至已成为老百姓记忆深处难以祛除的疼痛。诸如流氓软件、潜规则、看病难、假药、食品安全、多宝鱼、平价医院、欣弗、福寿螺、狂犬病、红心鸭蛋、汉芯、恶搞等——这些另类流行语无时无刻地提醒我们,一个健康的躯体必须保持疼痛这种条件反射,这些词儿就代表着社会的疼点、现实的不和谐点,只有下大力气将其消除,和谐的目标才能最终实现,老百姓的利益才能得到真正保障。 oZvQ/|:p!