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主题 : 考博英语作文
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2010-09-28   


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考博英语写作背诵文本 mN@0lf k;  
国内问题背诵文本: 2Q1* Xq{  
This social problem/phenomenon/issue is simply/merely/just/only one of numerous/many/various social phenomena to have become commonplace/ordinary/normal/usual/unexceptional and already attracted broad/great/close/universal/general attention in China in recent years/2007, such as fraud and deceit, the low credit, fraternal scarcity, social indifference, ill manners, ill breeding, official corruption, AIDS, energy crises, environmental pollution, a widening gap between rich and poor, money talking, the losing of affection, the spiritual void, blind worship, young suicide, food safeties, product qualities, snowstorm disaster, the fluctuation of stock market, the soar of Housing prices, price inflation, the sex scandal of some film stars or moral conjuncture, and so forth. In a word/in brief/on the whole, there is undoubtedly the reality that Commercialism and westernization erode spiritual values, and degenerate the cultural fabrics of a society. 8&dmH&  
over the past quarter of a century/since 1980s/for more than 20 years, China has firmly implemented/enforced/fulfilled/executed/performed the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world, which has brought about/attained/gained/reached/achieved/won rapid economic growth, sustained social progress and continuous betterment/improvement of people's living standard, while China has been experiencing/facing/confronting/undergoing/suffering/encountering a variety of/a number of/ a series of/ problems and challenges. 'e{e>>03  
We must first understand the nature of the problem./in my view/in my opinion, On the one hand, It is true that many of China's current/present/existent/contemporary problems are the inevitable side effects of rapid economic development, which, of necessity, had to occur in an unbalanced way. On the other hand, without the economic development in/about the great number of developing countries or third world countries, like china, there will be no real development, prosperity and stability for the whole country. Notwithstanding/nonetheless/nevertheless/however/after all, in the long run, Economic development had to come first, but now a more complex agenda of social and political requirements must be integrated and optimized with pure economic growth. So we must promote the coordinated development of material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization to build China into a socialist country that is prosperous, powerful, democratic and culturally advanced. -#)xe W.d  
I have some/several suggestions about this problem. First and foremost/firstly/primarily/mainly/largely /mostly, China should learn from many developed countries/some western countries to dispose of/deal with/handle/solve/settle/iron out this social problem, including other social problems moral and non-moral, by means of/by/ state legislation, social policy and other relative regulations, especially/particularly because/since China has joined/become a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 and will take place/hold the 29th Olympic Games in 2008 as well as. Secondly, our government should clearly/definitely stipulate/establish the responsibilities and obligations of the relative/specific departments for the fulfillment/performance/implementation/execution. Thirdly, in the long run/from a long-term point of view, we should set up/found/constitute/institute a special education system/organization to promote and strengthen/encourage citizens’ awareness of environmental protection(替换词), and hence improve their values/ideas/notions of consumption and morality. In addition, the huge/massive/large task/project/work depends on conscientious/active participation and support by every Chinese citizen as well as.   W]6Y buP:  
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教育问题背诵文本: FUq@ dUv  
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It is recognized by everybody that the strength of a country depends upon its education. The higher the education standards, the stronger the country becomes. It should be recognized that our current educational development still cannot fully meet the needs of the social, economic, scientific and technological development. Many Chinese educators, parents and politicians have long been calling for a fundamental reform in the country’s education system in order to adapt effectively to the needs of socialistic market economy, globalization and the 21st century. /V&$SRdL*  
Firstly, practical education should be the central project of the current reform and practice on education. Secondly, humanism is the affirmation to self value and ability. To develop humanism has been the trend of the modern development of education. In addition, If a student has little knowledge of computer, English or business, he will lag behind the times. Especially, as English is greatly emphasized with the rapid development of global communication, correcting the defects that exist in current education system are needed urgently. Y*J`Wf(w  
学者问题背诵文本: YW/Ye ID  
I think that Chinese scholars should possess the following six spirits. Firstly, as Thomas Edison put it, “Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” Secondly, as Si Maqian noted, “an alp is so steep that you will stop your step when you look it and landscape can not go there as well, and although I’m not capable of mounting it, I want to climb up it in my heart.” Thirdly, we should be to ordain conscience for Heaven and Earth, to secure life and fortune for the people, to continue lost teachings for past sages and to establish peace for all future generations. Fourthly, it is our maxim that while I have little possession at hand, I care deeply about my people across the land. Having devoured ten thousand books and drawing inspiration from ancient thinkers, I have the whole world in my mind. Fifthly, it is our selfhood forever that neither riches nor honors can corrupt me, neither poverty nor humbleness can make me deviate from my principle, and neither threats nor forces can subdue me. sixthly, as Kant said, “there are two things that fill my mind with ever increasing admiration and awe: the starry sky above me and the moral law within me.” TioI$?l>W(  
我认为中国的学者应具备以下六种精神:第一,正如爱迪生指出的那样,天才是1%的灵感加上99%的汗水。第二,如太史公司马迁说:“高山仰止,景行行止,虽不能止,然心向往之。” 第三,我们应该做到为天地立心、为生民立命、为往圣继绝学、为万世开太平。第四,我们的格言应当是这样:“身无半亩,心忧天下;读破万卷,神交古人”。第五,“富贵不能YIN,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈。”将永远是我们的人格。第六,正如康德所说“有两种东西,我对它们的思考越是深沉和持久,它们在我心灵中唤起的惊奇和敬畏就会日新月异,不断增长,这就是我头上的星空与心中的道德定律。” tYmWze. j  
中西文化问题背诵文本: /i^b;?/1  
For decades, we have made more criticism than inheritance of our own traditional culture and more negative than confirmative. what kind of cultural awareness should we have in copying the Western culture? We daringly take in those that should be taken in and decisively discard those that should be discarded, namely we should extract the essence and abandon the dross from the Western culture. What kind of culture awareness should we have in facing our traditional culture? The traditional Chinese culture, namely Confucianism or the mixture of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and other traditional thinking in ancient China, is a gigantic culture system, so we should inherit and prosper it. -Frx{3  
中文:我们以何种文化意识复制西方文化?我们大胆地吸收那些应该吸收的果断地抛弃那些该抛弃的,换句话说,我们应取其精华,弃其糟粕。我们以何种文化意识面对我们的传统文化?传统的中国文化,或者说是儒家文化或儒家、佛家和道家文化的混合物,还有其他古代的传统思想,是一个巨大的文化体系。所以,我们应该继承和发扬。 qx`*]lX  
国际合作问题背诵文本: M[TgNWl/[  
Recent decades we have witnessed an obvious rise in the global average temperature, which receives serious concerns across the world. We should pursue economic growth, social development and environmental protection in a coordinated and balanced way, and develop models of production and consumption compatible with sustainable development. The relevant international community should increase financial input and information sharing and step up cooperation in research, development and innovation of technology. The Chinese government should build a resource-conserving, environment-friendly society in its strategy of industrialization and modernization. Wen also called on other countries to join hands in dealing with climate change and promoting harmonious, clean and sustainable development in the world。 $ n 7dIE  
利弊分析问题背诵文本: WnHf)(J`"  
Obviously, this question would be answered by everyone in our life, one of the most disputable and controversial questions too. VN`2bp>5I  
中文:很明显,这个问题是我们在生活中都要回答的一个问题,也是最富有争议的一个问题之一。 z @<`]  
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Advantage and disadvantage are two sides of the same coin. we should see one side of the advantage while looking at another side of the disadvantage. The answer to pw&l.t6 .  
this question, in my perspective, may be no absolute, no right or wrong, and depends on different people. On the one hand, the biggest disadvantage is that ………………………. In this case, undoubtedly, It should be totally accepted(denied) by us.                           C=9|K`g5 R  
中文:利弊是同一个钱币的两个面,我们在看到利的一面的同时,也要看到不利的一面。以我来看,对于这个问题的回答可能不是绝对的,可能没有对与错之分,它要取决于不同的人。 P9Rq'u  
Nevertheless, on the other hand, in the long run, apparently the vast majority of young/old people consider the disadvantage potential bigger than the advantage, assuming that …………. In terms of this angle, we have to acknowledge that …….. is half-and-half of the advantage and the disadvantage. xPsuDi8u  
In summary, to tell the truth, I prefer …… to ……. I think that people’s preference are different from each other, and that no amount of getting after them is going to change them. Nor is there any reason to change them, because the differences are probably good, not bad. W%~ S~wx  
中文:说句实话,总的来讲,两者相比,我更喜欢……。我认为,人们的偏好是彼此不同的,并且大多数人们的偏好是很难改变的。不过,也没有任何理由去改变他们,因为这种偏好的不同或许是好的,而不是坏的。 O!/J2SfuDH  
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Looking forward: China's major events in 2008 =`.9V<  
(挑选性背诵) b\6w[52m  
Prevent economic overheating, curb inflation ~ TurYvf  
The economy has grown faster than 10 percent annually for the past five years. The primary task of China's 2008 economic work has been set: "to prevent the economy from becoming overheated and to   guard against a shift from structural price rises to inflation." Fueled by continuous food price hikes, the consumer price index(CPI) jumped by 6.9 percent in November, the highest in nearly 10 years. This sharp increase indicated accelerating inflation pressure. Higher food prices, including those of pork -- the country's staple meat -- had a strong impact on people's lives, especially low-income earners. Inflation could affect China's stable economic development and the government has put a high priority on curbing price hikes. In 2008, China shifted its monetary policy from a "prudent" stance, which the country had followed for the last 10 years, to "tightening." China will use tighter monetary policies and prudent fiscal policies to ensure structural adjustment and uniform economic development. 9SMM%(3, r  
Host the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games ]Alu~Dw  
Beijing will host the 29th Summer Olympic Games starting on Aug. 8 and the Paralympics on Sept. 6. From stadium construction to recruitment of volunteers, China has tackled preparation for the upcoming games. As the Beijing Olympics logo says, 'One world, One dream,' China is trying to provide best services for the competitors and spectators. China also intends to showcase an open and harmonious China to the world and carry forward the Olympic spirit in China. [(UQQa=+  
Mark the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up CDR^xo5 dP  
This year will be the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. At the end of 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee was held in Beijing, starting an era of reform and opening up. The session adopted the policy of reform and opening up and shifted the work of the party and state from "taking class struggle as the key link" to economic development. From the countryside to the city, great changes have taken place in China since that decision, which has been proven correct by history. ZLo3 0*  
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Implement laws to promote social justice and harmony _khQ  
New laws are taking effect in 2008 to promote social justice and harmony. The Labor Contract Law, which took effect on Tuesday, entitled employees who have at least 10 years' service in one company to sign contracts that protect them from dismissal without cause. It also required employers to contribute to employees' social security accounts and set wage standards for probation and overtime. .8fOc.h8h  
Also from Tuesday, a milestone corporate income tax law took effect. The law set a unified income tax rate for domestic and foreign companies at 25 percent. This came after years of criticism that the original dual income tax mechanism, intended to attract foreign investment, was unfair to domestic enterprises. The anti-monopoly law, which aims to ensure fair competition, will take effect on Aug. 1. Lawmakers said the statute will improve market regulation and provide a better environment for domestic and foreign investors. P'Rr5Xa  
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Launch the Shenzhou VII spacecraft x$6-7<p  
China's third manned space mission is scheduled to be launched in 2008. Compared with the previous two manned space flights, the upcoming Shenzhou VII space mission, which includes a space walk, is more complex. The crew is also scheduled to perform extravehicular work such as installing equipment and tightening screws. There are 14 astronauts undergoing extensive training for this project and learning to cope with any contingencies. The Shenzhou VII is expected to carry three astronauts in 2008 on a Long March 2F carrier rocket that is being tested now. China launched its manned space program in 1999. It successfully sent Yang Liwei, the country's first astronaut, into orbit on the Shenzhou V spacecraft in 2003. Yang spent about 21 hours in orbit. Two years later, astronauts Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng completed a Chinese record five-day flight on the Shenzhou VI. All astronauts returned safely. <}.)kg${O  
Hu Jintao to visit Japan }1Wo#b+  
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Chinese President Hu Jintao will visit Japan this spring, which will be the first visit by a Chinese President to Japan in a decade, since former President Jiang Zemin's journey in 1998. Hu's trip was scheduled by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, who concluded a China visit last week. In 2008, the two countries will mark the 30th anniversary of the signing of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship. Meanwhile, youth exchange programs will be promoted to observe the China-Japan Friendly Exchange Year of the Youth in 2008. Long-term, stable and friendly relations are the common goal of people in both countries and the responsibility of their leaders. [yjC@docH  
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Improve people's livelihood 0~BQ8O=+mn  
The government promised to establish a cooperative health care network covering all rural residents by the end of 2008. Also, by the end of 2010, it will extend the medical insurance system for employed urban residents, aiming to provide safe, effective, convenient and low-cost public health and medical services to the entire population. China would also set up an independent system for the production, procurement and distribution of basic drugs, and also a government fund to allocate more subsidies to rural cooperative medicare and urban insurance. Medical reforms started in 1992 with the aim of creating a multi-faceted system to satisfy different types of public demand. China will continue to spend more on education in 2008 and expand free nine-year compulsory education among rural and urban children. The government has also vowed to curb rising housing prices to help urban low-income families, by expediting the low-rent housing system and improving the affordable housing system. pmHd1 Wub  









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