今年北理工作文题和范文40篇其中一篇几乎一样. 2{bhA5L
题目: Knowledge and Ability 知识和能力 范文中作文题: On Quality Education 论素质教育 ~q)u(WC|
On Quality Education {(
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The prevailing traditional way of teaching is so old-fashioned that it is far from satisfying the need of the fast development of modern society. This problem, if not solved immediately and properly, will slow down the progress of the modernization of our country. So the policy of “quality education” was established in order to train and bring up more qualified graduates with greater ability. Mp~y0e
Quality education is of great necessity. Firstly, it lays stress on students’ initiative and creativeness to help to cultivate and raise the students’ ability to think, analyze and solve concrete problems independently, which enables them to adapt themselves to various kinds of circumstances. Secondly, quality education emphasizes on students’ wide range of knowledge. Finally, the implementation of quality education will help to produce more and more great experts or scientists in all fields of modern science and technology. _A98
I strongly suggest that not only the government but also the whole society support and promote the successful implementation of this policy so that our country can become one of the strongest and most prosperous countries in the world as early as possible. ]1D%zKY%$Z
人大考博英语题 谈的是 网络教育, 在其中也可找到资料 W+Xz$j/u
What the Internet brings usOutline: 1. Introduction :w`3cwQ
2. The benefits the inter-net brings us G,f-.
3. The problems the inter-net brings us :Zt2'vcGpf
The world today has become more and more globalized. It is the internet that has helped us to achieve such a wonderful situation. But, can we ask: "What the internet has brought to us? %c|UmKKi
On the one hand, it has brought us plentiful information. No matter what you want to know, you can get it from the internet. On the other hand, it has brought us great conveniences in some other ways. We can read large books and find the meaning of new words or even read encyclopedias from our computer by paying a visit to a web site. We can also do shopping or see our doctors through our internet. If we want to send a message to our friend, it would be a matter of a few seconds to send it in a form of an e-mail. /J3ZL[o?Q
However, inter-net also bring us some problems like “information pollution”. Floods of information can sometimes cause the so-called “soul pollution”, especially among the young viewers. It won't be fully satisfactory unless we can solve such problems.