Purpose: To quantify the prevalence of cataract, the outcomes [E1|jcmQ
of cataract surgery and the factors related to CHP6H}#|g
unoperated cataract in Australia. )qXe`3d5
Methods: Participants were recruited from the Visual Z=8CbS)
Impairment Project: a cluster, stratified sample of more than o`! :Q!+
5000 Victorians aged 40 years and over. At examination JlGD.!`
sites interviews, clinical examinations and lens photography V46[whL%r
were performed. Cataract was defined in participants who $%8n,FJ[
had: had previous cataract surgery, cortical cataract greater Ao0PFY
than 4/16, nuclear greater than Wilmer standard 2, or +%9Y7qol
posterior subcapsular greater than 1 mm2. =8_TOvSJ4p
Results: The participant group comprised 3271 Melbourne 31Mc<4zI8
residents, 403 Melbourne nursing home residents and 1473 F|{?GV%hF
rural residents.The weighted rate of any cataract in Victoria FY*0gp
was 21.5%. The overall weighted rate of prior cataract :#jv4N
surgery was 3.79%. Two hundred and forty-nine eyes had X&X')hzIt
had prior cataract surgery. Of these 249 procedures, 49 1*b%C"C
(20%) were aphakic, 6 (2.4%) had anterior chamber nDw
intraocular lenses and 194 (78%) had posterior chamber C,u.!g;lm
intraocular lenses.Two hundred and eleven of these operated Y2&6x
eyes (85%) had best-corrected visual acuity of 6/12 or lf#six
better, the legal requirement for a driver’s license.Twentyseven ^-Ji]5~
(11%) had visual acuity of less than 6/18 (moderate Te#[+B?
vision impairment). Complications of cataract surgery Q3Lqj2r
caused reduced vision in four of the 27 eyes (15%), or 1.9% @$G
of operated eyes. Three of these four eyes had undergone "ZW*O{
intracapsular cataract extraction and the fourth eye had an t]%R4ymV
opaque posterior capsule. No one had bilateral vision <P-r)=^
impairment as a result of cataract surgery. Surprisingly, no c7wgjQ[
particular demographic factors (such as age, gender, rural >z$|O> j
residence, occupation, employment status, health insurance 5UyK1e))
status, ethnicity) were related to the presence of unoperated 8!Kfe
cataract. ;\.&FMi
Conclusions: Although the overall prevalence of cataract is !/
quite high, no particular subgroup is systematically underserviced 6dMpd4"\
in terms of cataract surgery. Overall, the results of 5]JXXdt
cataract surgery are very good, with the majority of eyes -+/|
achieving driving vision following cataract extraction. h,G$e|[?
Key words: cataract extraction, health planning, health 4R6 .GO
services accessibility, prevalence ly+7klQ;.
Cataract is the leading cause of blindness worldwide and, in ,3u19>2
Australia, cataract extractions account for the majority of all eO#)QoHj^
ophthalmic procedures.1 Over the period 1985–94, the rate '/?&Go