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主题 : 2012年复旦大学考博英语真题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2017-02-19   
来源于 考博试题 分类


2012复旦大学考博英语试卷 Kw$@_~BJ6  
a/J Mg   
词汇 Maq`Or|4  
1 It was very difficult to find the parts needed to do the job because of  the  ______ (,jsZ!sl  
way the store was organized. jf`w8 *R  
A  logical    B  haphazard   C  orderly  D  tidy U#S-x5Gn  
2 Mississippi also uplolds the Souths well-deserved reputation for warm,hospitable people;balmy year-round weather;and truly______cuisine. z-b78A/8  
A destructive  B horrible     C    amiable  D delectable .r{t&HO;Y  
3 If she is stupid,shes _____pleasant to look at. [5!}+8]W  
A at any rate   B by chance  C at a loss      D by the way 3<"j/9;K'  
4 The mother was_____with grief when she heard that her child was dead. 8/(}Wet  
A fantastic    B frank      C frantic        D  frenzy :$k1I-^R  
5 In your teens,peer-group friendships may _____from parents as the major influence on you. =0] K(p,  
A take control  B take place  C take up      D take over R!QR@*N  
6 Parents often faced the ___between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness. s>I]_W)Pt  
A paradox     B junction    C premise     D dilemma =X^ a  
There have been demonstrations on the streets____the recent terrorist attack. ZD'mwj+K  
A in the wake of     B  in the course of #::+# G  
C in the context of    D in the light of kP+,x H)1  
Thousands of Medicare patients with chronic medical conditions have been wrongly_____access to necessary care. l0`bseN <  
A grudged   B denied       C negated    D invalidated gC(S(osF  
9 It has been proposed by many linguists that human language______,our biologically programmed abilith to use language, is still not well defined and  understood. q4w]9b/  
A potentiality   B perception   C faculty   D  acquisition ga/zt-&  
10 Western medicine,_______science and practiced by people with academic internationally accepted medical degrees,is only one of many systems of healing. =v?P7;T  
A  rooted in     B originated from    C trapped in       D  indulged in jT$J~M pHh  
11 When I asked if a black politician could win in France,however ,he responded _____:No,conditions are different here. L&)e}"  
A ambiguously   B implicitly   C unhesitatingly   D optimistically fX 1%I  
12 The development of staff cohesion and a sense of team effort in the workplace can be effectively _______by the use of humor. \V!{z;.fA  
A acquainted  B installed    C regulated    D facilitated (}6\_k[}m  
13 In both America and  Europe,it is _____to tip the waiter or waitress anywhere from 10%  to 20%. gBh X=2%  
A elementary  B temporary   C voluntary  D customary ]s0wJD=  
14 Such an approach forces managers to communicate with one another and helps______rigid departmental borndaries. n nAtXVy  
A pass over   B stand for C break down    Dset off aReJ@  
15 As a teenager,I was_____by a blind passion for a slim star I would never meet in my life. >I5Wf / $  
A pursued  B seduced  C consumed   D guaranteed y[85eM  
16 His originality as a composer is____by the following group of songs. !;(Wm6~*ad  
A exemplified  B created  C performed  D realized Ul /m]b6-  
17 They are going to London,but their______destination is Rome. 8)?&eE'  
A ultimate  B prime  C  next   D  cardinal N8At N\e  
18 The poor old man was _____with diabetes and without proper treatment he would lose his eyesight and become crippled very soon. O.X;w<F/V  
A suffered  B afflicted  C induced  D infected PkyX,mr#1  
19 The bribe and the bridegroom were overwhelmed in happiness when their family offered to take them to Rome to _______the marriage. \9OKf|#j  
A terminate  B   initiate   Cconsummate    D separate Q &{C%j~N  
20 Join said that the richer countries of the world should make a _____effort to help the poorer countries. Hy\q{  
A futile  B glittering    C frantic    D concentrated X9|*`h<  
21 The problem is inherent and  _______in any democracy,but it has been more severe in ours during the past quarter-century because of the near universal denigration of government,politics and politicians.  <a $!S  
A perishable  B periodical  C  perverse   D  perennial ElpZzGj+  
22As is known to all ,____commodities will definitely do harm to our life sooner or later. )@I] Rk?  
A counterfeit   B fake  C imitative  D fraudulent DFQ`(1Q  
23 It would be _____to think that this could solve all the areas problems straight away. W[DoQ @q  
A subtle  Bfeeble   C nasty  D naïve mMXDzAllB  
24It is surprising that such an innocent-looking man should have____such a crime. AN:s%w2  
A confirmed  B clarified  C committed  D converyed 7Ko*`-p  
25 Hummans are ___,which enables them to make dicisions even when they cant justify why. GqsV 6kH  
A rational  B  reasonable  C  hesitant  D  intuitive C}<e3BXc  
26 More than 100____cats that used to roam the streets in a Chinese province have now been collected and organized into a tram to fight  rodents that are destroying crops. ,.( :b82$  
A loose B tamed  C wild  D stary \.iejB  
27 To say that his resignation was a shock would be an______-------it caused panie. 5<`83; R9  
A excuse  B indulgence  C exaggeration  D understatement kZG; \  
28 Here the burden of his thought is that the philosopher ,aiming at truth,must not ____the seduction of trying to write beautifully. oKGF'y?A>  
A subject to B carry on C yield to D aim at J`0dF<<{[y  
29 I found the subject very difficult ,and at one time thought I should have to give it up,but you directions are so clear and ____that I have succeeded in getting a picture we all think pretty,though wanting in the tender grace of yours. f?=0Wzb  
A on the point     B off  the point    C to the point      D up to a point m?yztm~u  
30 They both watched as the crime scene technicians took samples of various fibers and bagged them,dusted for fingerprints,took pictures and tried to _____what  could have happened. l lcq~*zz  
A rehearse  B reiterate C reinforce D  reenact Zy9IRZe4U  
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