2002-2006年北京师范大学考博英语试题参考答案 $N:Vo(*
2006年北京师范大学考博英语试题参考答案 53-v|'9'
Part One Listening Comprehension (略) "YdEE\
Part Two Reading Comprehension g;$Xq)Dd
Passage One 16-20 DABDD )ZrS{vY
Passage Two 21-25 CCDBA ZxV"(\$n
Passage Three 26-30 BDCDB ~%?`P/.o
Passage Four 31-35 CCCBB \AL
Passage Five 36-40 ADCDC 7eWk7&Xul
Passage Six 41-45 CCBAA lEHzyh}2k
Part Three Translation and Writing bAKiq}xG%i
Part A Translation d*)CT?d&
Section A !mWiYpbU+
几十年来,美国电视及相关技术的官员一直在承诺,将来人们不仅可以利用遥控搜台,而且还可以做其他的事情。你瞧,我们现在知道了结果怎样了。微软在网络方面的尝试也失败了。然而,在英国,这个梦想却成为了现实。在英国2600万家庭中拥有互动电视的家庭占了30%,而在美国只有8%。 s"Pf+aTW
Section B ~QvqG{bFB
Market investigation & Research deals with the research on various market demands, product applicability, and the methods to explore and develop new market. Different methods are used for different purposes during the process of research. Market investigation & Research can trace back to the 1920s in Germany and the 1930s in Sweden and France. After the World War II, American companies took the leading role in using Market investigation & Research technique, which spreaded rapidly in most areas of West Europe and Japan. Ag F,aZU
Part B Summary Writing Qs9gTBS;
Finland, an enormous land of unspoiled lakes and forests, nourishes Finnic genius of commitmen and coexistence with nature. The basic nucleus of the Finnic population are Finns coming from the Urals in the early century of the Christian age. Being such short history, Finland does not have enormous number of work of art, but it is still possible to meet craftsman in Savonlinna who are working according to the old techniques. Glas, which is a typical Finnish product, seems to sum up the characteristics of the world from which it originates: purity, simplicity, and a sense of nature. The forests and waters inspire contemporary works of art; and the meditative soul of the Finns, who blend in with nature, is nourished by these fresh color. Near Leiksa, an extraordinary sculptor working with wood is one of the example of contemporary artists who is inspired by nature. /dv<qp
2005年北京师范大学考博英语试题参考答案 ^"J8r W6[
[s&$l G!
Part One Listening Comprehension (略) i1S>yV^l
Part Two Reading Comprehension )T;?^kho
Passage One 21-25 CBDAA wn)J
Passage Two 26-30 DAABA &ZL3{M
Passage Three 31-35 CCCAB ew"v{=X
Passage Four 36-40 DCBCA n u'M
Passage Five 41-45 DBABD 7O,U?p
Part Three Translation and Writing bQ~j=\[r
Part A Translation I4&::y^C
Section A msVOH%wH
1. 二十世纪八十年代自然灾害要比二十世纪七十年代高出94%。虽然在正常的气候变化情况下,这种急剧上升会有所回落,保险公司的工作人员认为这与人们预期的全球变暖的趋势是一致的。 $V1;la!
2. 新英格兰的历史永不磨灭地刻录在这片土地上。在旧世界里,一次次的战争和征服滋长了人们的民族自豪感。即使战争没有证明任何东西,也没有解决任何问题,征服却改变了地图上的边界线,和将一个丑陋的头像代替另一个放在纳税人的钱币上。宗教,思想和文化以及“五月花”种子的传播诞生了英联邦国家。无论新英格兰人到这些国家的哪个地方,都能感觉到自己民族的痕迹不能感觉到他们的影响尚存, 思想自由是征服的一个纪念碑,而这是无法用平方英里来衡量的。两个半世纪前,一群逃亡者坐着小船在普利茅斯的登陆注定了是继摩西带逃亡者离开埃及后,又一次影响世界未来的事件。 d>{nQF;c
Section B !"eIV@7
Laying a solid foundation in learning will grant you lifetime benefit. On the preliminary stage Language and Math dominate the most part of all subjects in school education. Awkward mother tongue may prevent you from expressing yourself and a good command of foreign Language can enable you to absorb newest information from abroad while Math can train our ability of thinking in the logic way. To other subjects, it is hard to tell which is more important because they have respective advantages. For example. Physical and musical education make equal contribution to our mental development. _6wFba@>/n
Part B Summary Writing H<^/Ati,|
A tool is a device use directly upon a piece of material to shape it into a desired form. The date of the earliest toll is extremely remote. Stones as tool were the keys to early human survival. The twin development of agriculture and animal domestication developed the general-purpose tool into single-purpose tool. Generally speaking, tools are removal of material from workplace. It is helpful to draw the distinction between hand and machine tools. Hand tools are those used by craftsmen in manual operations. Machine tools are complementary to hand tools in their functions, but they require stationary, mounting and mechanical drive for the working of strong materials, primarily metal, and the mass processing of precision parts. The earliest tools were multipurpose; specialized tools were latecomers. _1U1(^)
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2004年北京师范大学考博英语试题参考答案 S{Er?0wm.R
Part One Listening Comprehension (略) %Qj;, #z
Part Two Reading Comprehension .jj$ Kh q]
Passage One 21-25 DCABB 9]e V?yoA8
Passage Two 26-30 ADCDA HeG)/W?r
Passage Three 31-35 BCDAB Ntbg`LGf'!
Passage Four 36-40 ACBDC _r2J7&
Passage Five 41-45 AAACA ;$z$@@WC
Part Three Translation and Writing gH G
Part A Translation =KR
Section A rfq;%C
1. 我们关注文学是因其有深刻和悠远的人文内涵。一本伟大的书籍源自生活,毫无掩饰。在阅读他的过程中,我们会与生活形成博大,紧密的关系定位,它让人有全新的感受。而在这种情境中蕴涵着对生活力量最终诠释。文学是人们生活所见,生活经历,生活各方面所想和所感最重要的记录,它与我们所有人关系紧密,存在持久,利益相关。文学因此成为以语言为媒介的生活表达形式。这种表达被塑造成多种文学艺术形式。文学的生命是由生活赋予的,理解这一点是很重要的。牢记这一点,我们就不会混淆文学,哲学研究甚至浮躁的文学技巧,踏其雷池一步。 &o<F7U'R
2. 自然科学是对无机世界系统的研究,区别于作为生物科学分支的有机世界研究。自然科学通常由4个广泛的领域组成: 天文学,物理学,化学和地球科学。物理学是自然科学的基础。它主要研究单个分子的及其各元素的结构和动态,以及彼此迥异的特征和关系。物理学同时涉及对物质的物理属性,电和磁现象的研究。而化学主要研究分子的特征和相互作用。相对于物体学主要从整体研究物质普遍属性,广义而言,化学集中研究各种元素和化合物的特定属性。天文学包括对地球之外的整个宇宙所做研究。它包括对地球纯物理属性的探索,这是因其主要与太阳系其他组成部分相互作用。而地球其他方面研究则归属于地球科学的范围。 ~j<+k4I~
Section B &-mX ,
In 20th century,we are accustomed to use radio which has become a part of our daily life. In cars, at home, on the beach and almost everywhere people can enjoy radio listening. For most people, radio has gradually become the important component of their works: pilot, astronauts, policemen, taxi drivers send and receive messages by means of radio. It was in 1896 that telegraph was firstly put into use and its history is slightly one hundred year. v;0|U:`]
Part B Summary f-%NaTI
Once an employee wants to work abroad, he must have a clear mind that his success and expertise home do not mean he can continue his excellence at his overseas branch because of the cultural environment as well as his adaptability. t
Thinking difference instead of professional experience plays an important role for U.S. businesspeople’ success at foreign market. Values, attitude, and buying preference and their related information have to be adapted and altered from top management to average workers in the course of tapping foreign markets. 0fYj4`4=n
For international business, the firms in U.S have to redetermine their marketing strategy and tactics which generally contrary to what they have done at their home markets based on their knowledge of the targeting countries’ culture context. ,13Lq-
American business persons have to understand that cultural variable influence international business enterprises so they are required to place highly priority to communicate with the foreign people for mutual understanding besides their business activities. $ >EYhLBa
$ mI0Bk
2003年北京师范大学考博英语试题参考答案 qB
Part One Listening Comprehension (略) [3!~PR]
Part Two Reading Comprehension Rb{U+/gq
Passage One 21-25 CBBBA ,L`$09\
Passage Two 26-30 BADBC 'UYR5Y>
Passage Three 31-35 AADCA QPfc(Z
Passage Four 36-40 DCCBD 7bV{Q355P
Passage Five 41-45 CDBCD D&/L:
Part Three Translation and Writing L*~J%7
Part A Translation :Cp'm'omb
Section A :at$HCaK
1. 文化是人类知识、信仰和举止行为的综合形式的显现。因此文化被定义为包含有语言、观点、信仰、风俗,禁忌、规矩、制度、工具、技艺、工作艺术、礼节、典礼等组成部分;同时文化的发展还取决于人类学习知识的能力以及如何运用这种能力带来完善并超越世代的发展。 u,w:SM@*(
每个人类社会都有它各自特定的文化,或者是说社会文化系统,并且都在一定程度上与其它系统相互交融。社会文化系统的多样性可以归因于其自然环境及来源的差异,归因于不同地区活动中与生俱来所沿袭的事物可能性,例如语言、礼节、风俗、工具的生产、运用、社会发展的程度等等。基于生态、环境等方式的变化,适应和变革也随之在文化中产生。 tz&y*e&
2. 数据库:通过计算机来将各类数据经过特别的组织,整理以便于快速的搜寻及检索。数据库就是通过这种方法来组织和整合的,以此来促进数据的访问、操作和删除(通常是与其他数据处理系统相连的相关数据)。 6#Q K%[1!>
数据库中的信息通常包括自然语言文本模式,就当前文字和短语而言,从那些计算机化的记录中被检索出来的信息和用户查询的信息是完全一致的。在一个典型的查询中,用户通常提供字符的顺序,例如一个期刊的标题或是一个地区的名称,然后计算机就从数据库中去搜索相应顺序的字符并且提供上述字符出现过的来源材料。查询是用户检索数据库信息的最主要的一种方式。 2!$gyu6bpG
Section B -Q
Skyscrapers:superhighway, saloon cars and various home electric appliances that appeared in the market, all of which showed that China has experienced a profound transformation since the Opening & Reform Policy in 1978. All of these changes are even seen within people’s eyes. However, besides the changes in people’s materialistic life, there exists some of the other changes even more important or meaningful. 'FS?a
Sociologists detect that since the living standards of people’s life has improved. The traditional living style and conception has changed gradually. Sociologists have been paying attention to this phenomenon for a certain period. From the evolvement of the family frame to changes of the women’s status, from the changing attitudes towards marriage to the changes of consumption conception, and finally the polarization of personal income ------ all of them become the researching subjects for the sociologists. n8DxB@DI
Part B Summary Writing pe{;~-|6
Europe was the first of the major world regions to develop a modern economy. Its successful modernization facilitated the movement of raw materials and finished goods and the communication of ideas. (bh95X
Concerning the time, it first began in the 17th century. The traditional method of cultivation involved allowing land to remain fallow thus fewer farmlands were needed to work the land and the accumulated capital and labor created by this revolution fueled the development of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. r!{LLc}>
Industrialization outside of England began in the mid-19th century in Belgium and spread to some of the other European countries. Although they had recognized the importance of factory production and had taken steps to encourage local development, there still existed large areas untouched by modern in industrial development. During the 20th century Europe has experienced periods of economic growth and prosperity, but continued economic development in Europe has been handicapped to a large degree by its multinational character. ti<;7Yb
2002年北京师范大学考博英语试题参考答案 mb!9&&2-t
Part One Listening Comprehension (略) C(K; zo*S(
Part Two Reading Comprehension b@2J]Ay E*
Passage One 16-20 BCDAB xSBc-u#< G
Passage Two 21-25 DCACB ZPD[5)~
Passage Three 26-30 DCADC P8
Passage Four 31-35 BCACD G2^et$<{uU
Passage Five 36-40 BADBB 5T:i9h
Passage Six 41-45 CBACD