考博英语作文常考话题大致分为(社会民风类、科技类、人生哲理类、教育类、文化类、道德类、环境类),相应的考生在复习时要分别针对这几类话题相关词汇和短语做积累,以防止不会表达,无词可用。 p^u;]~JO
2017考博英语作文备考词汇:社会民风类。 9$)I=Rpk=
互信 mutual trust iT f]Pd'
诚信 credibility <Sm@ !yx
品德 morality b 4o`eR
创新 innovation nksx|i l
共赢 all-win 9F[k;U
欺诈 fraud bb@@QzR
代价 cost b^WTX
社会文明 social civilization aj>6q=R
假冒伪劣产品 fake commodities wjLtLtK?
社会危害 harm to society %ZT@&
学术造假 academic cheating \]bAXa{ p
诚实为上策 Honestly is the best policy. 6Z2a5zO8
减少浪费 reduce waste ;JQ:S~K9
促进改革 promote reform pP JhF8Dt
减轻负担 reduce the burden of…… :Kc9k(3&r
调整产业结构 adjust the industrial structure HB+{vuN*L
物质文明、精神文明一起抓pay equal attention to the material progress and cultural progress 2`2S94'
形成文明、健康、崇尚科学的良好社会风尚 form civilized, healthy and science-upholding social practice -u!{
2017考博英语作文备考词汇:前沿科技类。 ?<mxv"
网恋cyber romance ^5{M@o
网购online shopping ~yrEB:w`_
团购Group shopping G a1B&@T
秒杀Sec-kill $F^p5EXkc6
网店online shop/store tCoT-\Q
信誉credit ;:2:f1_
退款refund gHLvzm
科学技术science and technology Ml bQLtw
沉迷网络web-addiction 'aLTiF+
电脑犯罪computer crime VMa\?`fT
电子商务e-commerce P LH
虚拟生活virtual life d5 U?*
信息时代information era g`NJ
网上冲浪surf the Internet !:zWhu,
电子书 electronic book 9/LnO'&-
网拍麻豆Net model !Z0p94L
浏览器购物Monitor shopping reO^_q'
橱窗购物Window shopping oZ
网上评价internet review ZKk*2EK]2z
网上纠纷online dispute b ~5Q|3P 9
恶性骚扰;malicious harassment j B.ZF7q
品质保证quality guarantee N51g<K
2017考博英语作文备考词汇:人生哲理类。 ?H30
自立 self-dependence =x QLf4>
勤奋 diligence K1*oYH B
恒心 perseverance vc r5
幸福 happiness . #7B10
不断努力 make constant efforts <0
缺乏自信 lack of confidence "{1SDbwmMo
保持乐观 keep optimistic 4Iq-4
悲观的 pessimistic @ xBw'
积极态度 positive attitude X~#jx(0_
消极态度 negative attitude fc,^H&
取得成功succeed, achieve success, [Y
害怕失败fear to lose p3f>;|uh_
自我实现individual self-realization qRX:eo
不遗余力去做某事spare no efforts/pains to do, make great effort, <*4'H
坚持不懈地做某事be persistent with sth./ do with full persistence E\GD hfTQ
尽一切努力取得成功try every means to stay on top qh]ILE87(
经得住挑战与困难stand up to/ withstand challenges and difficulties Gl@-RLo
2017考博英语作文备考词汇:教育类。 -weCdTY`X
培养cultivate Mu~DB:Y9e
课余的extracurricular 'TdO6
填鸭式duck-stuffing @71n{9
文凭热diploma craze 0>aAI3E
教学改革educational reform BY&+fKae
学术的academic iuxS=3lT"K
创新学习innovative learning 6Z,j^: B
高等教育higher education J8>8@m6
假毕业证/文凭fake certificate/diploma QL{ ^
考研热the craze for graduate school /Ayo78Pi
贫困学生poverty-stricken students AfV
全体教员faculty fzhCV
深造further one's study F(5(cr 7K
素质教育quality education );~JyoDo
德才兼备 possess political integrity and professional ability 'Drz6K_KrP
提高学生身心素质 improve the health and psychological quality }5I+VY7a
适应社会的改变 adjust to the social changes quickly 3EHn}#+U
努力获得精神文明 make efforts to seek cultural and ideological progress -*QxZiKD
2017考博英语作文备考词汇:文化类。 -76l*=|
碰撞crash Fhr5)Z
多样性diversity x9NcIa9
原创原始的original <NVSF6`
少数民族minority Oapv`Z\i~
有启发的revealing ~%8T_R /3
极具魅力的charming oOj7y>Nm
壮丽辉煌的splendid ?f{--|V
谈话节目talk show Xc!0'P0T
英语热English fever $XOs(>~"r
文化和文明culture and civilization x?*)
博大精深的great and profound X:ck
融合交汇integration and interaction 63EwV p/|
中西合璧a combination of Chinese and Western elements Z/p>>SCak
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2017考博英语作文备考词汇:伦理道德类。 v*&WxP^Gm
伦理道德专题(尊老、爱幼、爱心) 6~t;&)6J
伦理 ethics,moral principle
道德 moral,morality k/hD2tBLu
老年人 aged father, senior citizens, old and helpless parents, elderly people, the old ]rpU3 3
逃避责任 shirk the duty, shun the responsibilities PGE|){
虐待 mistreatment, be ill-treated, be neglected, be reduced to utter poverty V ^
中国文化传统美德 traditional virtue of Chinese culture p,)~w1|
经济支持financially support, ^E)*i#."4
严厉惩罚 severely punish 9Ez>srH(
培养意识 cultivate the awareness, A$H;2T5N
遏制不良现象 curb evil phenomenon HVq02 Z