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主题 : 08年医学考博听力真题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-08-10   
来源于 考博试题 分类


Paper One
Part Ⅰ  ListeningComprehension (30 % )
Section A
Directions: In thissection you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers. At theend of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said. Thequestion will be read only once. After you hear the question, read the fourpossible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark theletter of your choice on the ANSWERSHEET.
Listen to the following example.
You will hear:
Woman: I feel faint.
Man: No wonder. You haven' t had a bite all day.
Question: What's the matter with the woman?
You will read:
A. She is sick.
B. She was bitten by an ant.
C. She is hungry.
D. She spilled her paint.
Here C is the right answer.
                              Sample Answer
                             A  B  C  D
Now let's begin with question number 1.
1. A. It was called off unexpectedly.
B. It raised more money than expected.
C. It received fewer people than expected.
D. It disappointed the woman for the man' s absence.
2. A. A thoracic case.     B.A nervous disorder.
C. A stomach problem.  D.A psychiatric condition.
3. A. In the housing office on campus.          B. In the downtown hotel
C. At the rental agency.                                  D. In thenursing home.
4. A Thrilled.                 B.Refreshed.         C. Exhausted.                             D. Depressed.
5. A. To travel with his parents.                    B. To organize a picnic in the country.
C. To cruise, even without his friends.          D. To take a flight to the Maldivesinstead.
6. A. He' s got a revert.  B. He's got nausea.
C. He' s got diarrhea.     D.He' s got a runny nose.
7. A. To suture the man's wound.                  B. To remove the bits of glass.
C. To disinfect the man's wound.                  D. To take a closer look at the man's wound.
8. A. Mr. Lindley had got injured.                 B. Mr. Lindley had fallenasleep.
C. Mr. Lindley had fallen off his chair.         D. Mr. Lindley had lost consciousness.
9. A. She will apply to Duke University.
B. She will probably attend the University of Texas.
C. She made up her mind to give up school for work.
D. She chose Duke University over the University ofTexas.
10. A. Her boyfriend broke up with her.
B. She was almost run over by a truck.
C. One of her friends was emotionally hurt.
D. She dumped her boyfriend's truck in the river.
11. A. The patient will not accept the doctor'srecommendation.
B. The doctor lost control of the allergic reaction.
C. The doctor finds it hard to decide what to do.
D. The medicine is not available to the patient.
12. A. It was more expensive than the original price. B.It was given to the woman as a gift.
C. It was the last article on sale.                    D. It was a good bargain.
13. A. Excited.               B.Impatient.          C. Indifferent.                             D. Concerned,
14. A. She regrets buying the car.                  B. The car just arrivedyesterday.
C. She will certainly not buy the ear.            D. This is the car she has beenwanting.
15. A. He is seriously ill.                               B. His work is a mess.
C. The weather is lousy this week.                D. He has been working underpressure.
Section B
Directions: In this partyou will hear three passages. After each one, you will hear five questions.After each question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D.Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.
Passage One
16. A. He has got bowel cancer                      B. He has got heart disease.
C. He has got bone cancer.                            D. He has got heartburn.
17. A. To have a colonoscopy.                      B. To seek a second opinion
C. To be put on chemotherapy.                      D. To have his bowel removed.
18. A. A pretty minor surgery.                       B. A normal life ahead of him.
C. A miracle in his coming years.                 D. A life without any inconveniences.
19. A. Thankful.             B.Admiring.          C. Resentful.                                                 D.Respectful.
20. A. It was based on the symptoms the man haddescribed.
B. It was prescribed considering possible complications.
C. it was given according to the man' s actual condition.
D. it was effective because of a proper intervention.
Passage Two
21. A. Smoking and lung Cancer.                  B. Lung cancer and the sexes.
C. How to quit Smoking.                               D.How to prevent lung cancer.
22. A. Current smokers exclusively.              B. Second-hand smokers.
C. With a lung problem.                                D.At age 40 or over.
23. A. 156.                     B.269.                   C. 7498.                                                 D.9427.
24. A. Smoking is the culprit in causing lung cancer
B. Women are more vulnerable in lung cancer than men.
C. Women are found to be more addicted to smoking thanmen.
D. When struck by lung cancer, men seem to live longerthan women.
25. A. Lung cancer can be early detected.
B. Lung cancer is deadly but preventable.
C. Lung cancer is fatal and unpredictable.
D. Smoking affects the lungs of men and womendifferently.
Passage Three
26. A. A hobby.             B.The whole world.
C. A learning experience.                              D. A career to earn a living.
27. A. Her legs were broken.
B. Her arms were broken.
C. Her shoulders were severely injured.
D. Her cervical vertebrae were seriously injured.
28. A. She learned a foreign language,          B. She learned to make friends
C. She learned to be a teacher.                       D. She learned living skills.
29. A. She worked as skiing coach.               B. She was a college instructor.
C. She was a social worker in the clinic. D. She workedas elementary school teacher.
30. A. Optimistic and hard-bitten.                 B. Pessimistic and cynical.
C. Humorous and funny.                               D.Kind and reliable.
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Paper One
Part Ⅰ  ListeningComprehension(30%)
Section A
1. C  根据男士的话Fewer people came than we had expected,可知募捐仪式来的人比预料的少。
2. C  根据男士的话allowing acid content to flow into the esophagus(让酸性物质流进食道)可知这是关于胃的疾病。
3. A  根据女士的话I understand that this office helps students with housingis that fight 可知这是校园内公寓管理办公室。
4. C  根据文中we've acted for hoursLet's get something to eatWe'd be able to feel better with a little nutrition(我们吃点东西就会好子)可知他们是筋疲力尽了。
5. C  根据文中you and some friends are organizing a cruise to Maldives以及Alone if I have to可知即使是没有朋友,他也会自己一个人去航行。
6. C  根据男士的话I'm afraid to have the runs(恐怕我拉肚子了)以及女士的话Are you going to the toilet often(你经常上厕所吗)可知男士的病是腹泻。diarrhea腹泻。revert返祖现象。nausea恶心。a running nose流鼻涕。
7. A  根据对话,女士已检查过男士的伤口,并清除了玻璃片,给伤口消过毒,根据女士的话The next thing I should do is to stitch you up可知下一件事是缝合男士的伤口。
8. D  根据女士的话I found him in his chairwhite as a sheet. I thought he passed out(我发现他在椅子上,苍白如纸,我想他昏倒了),故可知Mr. Lindley失去知觉了。
9. B  根据听力内容,Jacky本来打算要去Duke University,但不想离家人远,所以现在打算上University of Texas,可知她上后者的可能性较大。
10. A  根据女士的话My boy friend just dumped me for another girl(我男朋友为了另外一个女孩抛弃我了)可知女士和她男朋友分手了。
11. C  根据男士的话“The only medicine that will save the patient's lifeproduces a serious allergic reaction”可知情况十分棘手,女士的话The doctors are between Iraq and a hard place now可知医生正处于两难境地,不知如何解决。Iraq and a hard place两难境地。
12. D  根据女士的话It was only one tenth of the original price可知这个包物超所值,由I bought it on e-bay可知这个包不是别人给她的礼物。
13. B  根据男士的话You have said that several times可知他已经不耐烦了。
14. C  根据女士的话You must think that I was born yesterday if you expect meto buy it(你要是想让我买这辆车,你一定是以为我还是个小孩了吧)可知女士肯定是不会买这辆车的。
15. D  根据男士的话It's been a tense week(这真是紧张的一周)可知他的工作有压力。
Section B
Passage One
16. A  根据男士的话Cancer of the bowel可知他是bowel cancer
17. C  根据女士的话It's too diseased to save可知男士必须得切去bowel,男士十分惊讶,然女士说they will fityou externally with a colostomy bag,可知女士建议男士put on
18. B  根据女士的话And yesyou will be able to live a pretty normal life and go work以及you have fulllife ahead of you 可知她保证男士能正常地生活。
19. C  根据男士的话All this time you have been prescribing tablets for heartbumand it turnsout that I got cancer of the bowel? Ohthanks a million,话中的反问语气和讽刺似的道谢可知男士十分愤慨。
20. A  根据女士的话I prescribed for you on the basis of the symptoms youyourself described to me 可知她之前的处方是根据男士描述的症状开出的。
Passage Two
21. A  这篇听力文章主要讲了吸烟的男女得肺癌的不同,最后得出结论肺癌可以预防,只要不吸烟就可以。
22. D  根据文中who were healthyat least 40 years old and either current or formersmokers可知被调查者都是至少40岁,没有肺病,正在吸烟或以前吸过烟。
23. B  根据文中identified lung tumors in 113 of the men and 156 of thewomen可知的肺癌的有269人。
24. B  根据Women's bodies appear to have greater difficultyrepairing the damage to their genes caused by smoking可知女性更易得肺癌。
25. B根据all investigators are ready to agreelung cancer is particularly deadly and almost entirelypreventable可知所有的研究者都同意:肺癌是致命的,但又是可以预防的。
Passage Three
26. B根据Jill的话“Skiing was it——everything——my world. ”可知滑雪对她来说是整个世界。
27. D  根据Her fourthfifthand sixth cervical vertebrae were broken可知她的颈椎严重受伤。
28. D  根据She learned to writeto typeand to feed herself. Once she had mastered daily livingskills…可知她学会了生存技巧。
29. D  根据By this timeJill had chosen a new career goalteaching elementary school children. 可知她想做一个小学老师。
30. A  根据文中她的经历:身体严重残疾,但是学会各种知识,并坚强地生存下去。因此,她的性格是乐观而又坚强的。
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Paper One
Part   Listening Comprehension ( 30 % )
Section A
Directions: In this section you will hear fifteen shortconversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you willhear a question about what is said. The question will be read only once. Afteryou hear the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D.Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.
Listen to the following example.
You will hear.
Woman: I feel faint.
Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day.
Question: What’s the matter with the woman?
You will read:
A. She is sick.
B. She was bitten by an ant.
C. She is hungry.
D. She spilled her paint.
Here C is the right answer.
                                                         A B  C  D
Now let’s begin with question number 1.
1. W: How many people turned out at the fund raisingevent?
M: Fewer people came than we had expected. It wasdisappointing, but we made a little money for our organization.
W: Sorry, I wasn’t able to attend. I intended to.
Q: What did the man say about the fund raising event?
2. M: The reflux disease is often caused by the relaxationof the sphincter which opens at the wrong time, allowing acid content to flowinto the esophagus. What do you think is the result?
W: It burns. That’s what causes heart burn, right?
Q: What are they talking about?
3. W: Excuse me, I understand that this office helpsstudents with housing, is that right?
M: Are you a student in nursing program? May I see yourID card? Urn, yes, we can certainly help you. Where are you staying now?
W: I just arrived yesterday. I’m staying at the hotelacross the street.
M: Will you be living alone or do you have a family, orwould you be interested in sharing housing?
Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?
4. M: Let’s call it a day, we’ve acted for hours.
W: I’m beat too. Let’s get something to eat.
M: We’d be able to feel better with a little nutrition.
Q: How are the speakers feeling?
5. W: I heard that you and some friends are organizing acruise to Maldives.
M: It’s never really got off the ground.
W: That’s too bad. It sounded like fun.
M: Yeah, I’m still planning to go. Alone if I have to.
Q: What is the man planning to do?
6. M: Doc, I’m afraid to have the runs.
W: Are you going to the toilet often?
M: Haven’t stopped since very early this morning.
W: What did you have for breakfast?
M: Just cereal and a few cups of tea.
Q: What is the man’s problem?
7. W: Take off your shirt and I will take a closer look.
M: Can you see any bits of glass?
W: Yes, I have removed them all, and disinfected thewound. The next thing I should do is to stitch you up.
Q: What is the woman going to do next?
8. M: Hello, Dr. Carbon here, what seems to be theproblem?
W: It’s Mr. Lindley. I found him in his chair, white as asheet. I thought he passed out.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
9. W: Jacky is considering attending the University of Texasin Houston.
M: Really7 I thought she was registered at Duke University.
W: That’s true, But she decided that she didn’t want tobe so far away from home.
Q: What does the woman say about Jacky?
10. M: My Gosh, you look like you’ve got run over by atruck. What’s wrong?
W: My boyfriend just dumped me for another girl.
Q: What does the woman mean?
11. M: The only medicine that will save the patient’slife produces a serious allergic reaction.
W: The doctors are between Iraq and a hard place now.
Q: What does the woman imply?
12. W: Did you like the Chanel bag that I got?
M: You must have a rich boyfriend because that bag is so expensive.
W: I bought it on e-bay. It was only one tenth of theoriginal price. And the purchase online is so easy.
Q: What is said about the Chanel bag?
13. W: Bring some medicine when you go to picnic. Insectscan transmit disease.
M. I see. You have said that several times.
Q: Which of the following can best describe the man’sfeeling?
14. M: Please look at this car, it’s nice.
W: This car has a lot of faults. You must think that Iwas born yesterday if you expect me to buy it.
Q: What does the woman mean?
15. W: How are you doing these days with your new job?
M: Not very well, I’ m afraid. I’ m feeling lousy.
W: Really? Why?
M: It’s been a tense week.
Q: What does the man mean?
Section B
Directions: In this section you will hear three passages. After eachone, you will hear five questions. After each question, read the four possibleanswers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter ofyour choice on the ANSWER SHEET.
Passage One
W: Well, you’ll probably have an operation to remove thebowel, or some of it. It’s too diseased to save, I’ m afraid.
M: How will I go without a bowel? How can I live withouta bowel?
W: During the operation, they wilt fit you externallywith a colostomy bag.
M: You mean the bag of Shit hanging inside of my clothes?
M: Well, that’s perhaps an unnecessarily cruel way ofputting it. But, broadly speaking, yes. It is sealed and odor-free. They’llshow you how to empty it and change it for yourself. And nobody need ever knowthat you’ve got one unless you tell them.
M: Well, thanks a lot. Cancer of the bowel! All this timeyou have been prescribing tablets for heart burn, and it turns out that I gotcancer of the bowel? Oh, thanks a million. What next? How long will I go onnow? Will I be able to live any kind of normal life? Tell me!
W: I prescribed for you on the basis of the symptoms youyourself described to me. Only a colonoscopy can reveal your condition. Nodoctor could diagnose your condition without the hospital tests that I arrangedfor you. And yes, you will be able to live a pretty normal life and go work,and everything. Nobody need ever know a thing unless you choose to tell them.And you have full life ahead of you.
16. What is wrong with the man?
17. What does the doctor recommend the man to do?
18. What does the doctor assure the man of?.
19. What is the man’s attitude towards the doctor?
20. What does the doctor say about the previous treatmentfor the patient?
Passage Two
For years researchers have debated the whether smokingeffects the lungs in men and women differently. In a most compelling study onthe topic to date, researchers determined that women are twice as vulnerable tolung cancer as men. But in a surprising twist, they die at half the rate ofmen. The study, which was published last week in the Journal of the AmericanMedical Association (J. A. M. A. ), included 9, 427 men and’7, 498 women fromthroughout North America who were healthy, at least 40 years old and eithercurrent or former smokers. Over the course of more than eight years, a group ofinvestigators led by Dr. Claudia Henschke of the WeillMedical Collegein New York Cityidentified lung tumors in 113 of the men and 156 of the women. Then theresearchers kept track of who lived and for how long, as well as the treatmentparticipants were given. The study showed that both sexes tended to be in theirlate 60s when they received a lung-cancer diagnosis but that the women usuallyhad smoked considerably less than the men. Still, at each stage of lung cancer,the women lived longer than the men. If the reported results are confirmed,there are a few hints from other research that might explain the sexdifference. Women’s bodies appear to have greater difficulty repairing thedamage to their genes caused by smoking, but there is also some evidence thatestrogen, which is found in women’s lungs as well as their ovaries, mayinterfere with some tumors’ ability to grow. There is one thing about which allinvestigators are ready to agree: lung cancer is particularly deadly and almostentirely preventable. So the take-home message is clear: Don’t smoke ! If youdo smoke, quit !
21. What is the talk mainly about?
22. What was one of the requirements for the participantsof the study?
23. Over the course of more than eight years, how many ofthe participants developed lung cancer?
24. Which of the following is one finding of the study?
25. What is the consensus among all the investigators onsmoking?
Passage Three
Jill Kinmont was an avid skier, competing and winningnumerous tides in junior and senior national skiing events. As Jill says,"Skiing was it—everything—my world. " Jill’s world collapsed on Jan30th 1955 when she skied off the Alta run and landed helplessly on the slope.Her fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical vertebrae were broken. For days, Jillhovered between life and death. By April, it became clear that she would beparalyzed from the shoulders down. Jill underwent rehabilitation therapy withcheerful determination. She learned to write, to type, and to feed herself.Once she had mastered daily living skills, she enrolled in the University of Californiaat Los Angeles, where she studied art, German, and English. Afterovercoming yet another personal tragedy, the death of her boyfriend in a planecrash, Jill graduated in 1961. By this trine, Jill had chosen a new careergoal: teaching elementary school children. Officials at UCLA, however, rejectedher application for admission to the graduate school of education because ofher paralysis. But she persevered, working with children in the UCLA Clinic School. when her familymoved to Seattle,Jill was able to fulfill her new dream. She attended the Schoolof Education at the University of Washingtonand began her new life’s work as a teacher. She taught school first in Washington, then Beverly Hillsin California.Finally moving back to Bishop in 1975 where she taught special education in Bishop Union Elementary School untilher retirement in 1996.
26. What did skiing mean to Jill before the accident. ’?
27. What happened to Jill when she skied from the Altarun?
28. What did Jill learn during her rehabilitation?
29. What did Jill do as her new career?
30. What is the most impressive about Jill’s personality?









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