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主题 : 西南大学2012年考博真题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2015-02-06   
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西南大学博士入学考试英语试题(2012) S3$&}I <  
Part I Vocabulary (10 points)  _->d41  
Directions: In this part there are 20 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there  FG/1!8F  
are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the  m9 1Gc?c  
following sentences. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet h:xvnyaI  
1. A broadcasting station will sometimes     to its listeners a programme which  PKJw%.-  
it has received from another station. }"Clv /3_  
. ;0FfP  
A. rely  B. relay  C. relate  D. reside n&1q*  
2. The United Nations Conference on Drug Abuse, which took place earlier this year  ~wvu7  
in Vienna, was a very    meeting. $Y,y~4I  
A. productive  B. overwhelming   C. compulsory  D. protective Zjd9@  
3. A person who studies  ___  learns how to express numbers approximately and  Ir#]p9:x  
how to calculate ratios and averages. JV ydTvc  
A. static   B. statistic  C. statistics  D. status @q]4]U)  
4. If you  ______  someone, you form a fixed general idea or image of them so that  iSbPOC7  
you assume that they will behave in a particular way. 4  K5  
A. assimilate  B. simulate  C. stereotype  D. subordinate 0Xb,ne 7  
5. Reading ______  the mind only with materials of knowledge, it is thinking that  gWQ(B  
makes what we read ours. T[Lz4;TRk5  
A. rectifies  B. prolongs  C. furnishes   D. minimizes Wz%H?m:g#  
6. Satellite communications are so up-to-date that even when  _____ in the middle  agt/;>q\~  
of the Pacific, businessman can contact their offices as if they were next door. xqs ,4bcbY  
A. gliding  B. cruising  C. piloting  D. patrolling .J <t]  
7. Now a paper in Science argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly  8yk7d76Y  
from _______ on earth rather than bacteria on Mars. \#4mPk_"  
A. configuration  B. constitution  C. condemnation D. contamination DSQ2|{   
8. Scientists, who are now aware of how nautiluses regulate their buoyancy, have  X!_&%^L'  
been able to dispel    ideas about these creatures. kM J}sS  
A. erroneous  B. misdemeanors   C. misgivings  D. misdirection zZ6m`]{B9?  
9. History has demonstrated that countries with different social systems and  Dj>eAO>  
ideologies can join hands in meeting the common challenges to human _____ and  NOg/rDs'{  
development. {0~\T[qm  
A. evolution  B. survival  C. rivalry  D. dignity )(0if0D4  
10. To avoid an oil shortage, we should advocate that more machines must _____ of  M287Z[  
life in a short time, and this made others astonished. fLnwA|n=  
(原题有误) #9gx 4U  
A. accelerate  B. operate  C. generate  D. utilize FQJiLb._Z  
11. Japanese leaders aboard the U. S. battleship Missouri and signed the ____  ![;={d0  
surrender, which ended World War Two in 1945. {CV+1kz  
A. conditional  B. infinite  C. everlasting  D. unconditional ! ui   
12. It is a _____ that in such a rich country there should be so many poor people who  `6)(Fk--"  
could hardly keep their body and soul together. ]!ox2m_U  
A. hypothesis  B. paradox  C. conflict  D. dispute ckMG4 3i\j  
13. The _____ effects of many illnesses made him a weak man and he still didn’t ltf KqY-  
want to do sports every day. .u>[m.  
A. cumulative  B. formidable  C. eternal  D. prospective |Fe[RGi+8  
14. The robbers broke into the bank, _____ the clerics with revolvers and forced them  Lo3N)~5  
to give money just as they were about to knock off.  V1B!5N<  
A. shot  B. frightened  C. amused  D. menaced }[Z'Sg]s  
15. This pair of boots cost much less than yours for I bought them when the  T:u>7?8o  
department store made a _____ of the stored goods. ]f#s`.A~  
A. clearance   B. reduction  C. fortune  D. deal uLafO=Q  
16. Technology has _____ the sharing information and the storage and delivery of  ?<${?L>  
information, thus making more information available to more people. kL%ot<rt)w  
A. formulated  B. facilitated  C. furnished  D. functioned N]w_9p~=1  
17. Language, culture and personality may be considered _____ of each other I thought,  u Jqv@GFv  
but they are inseparable in fact. rw,Ylr :3  
A. indistinctly  B. separately  C. irrelevantly  D. independently @>HTbs6W  
18. More than 85 percent of French Canada’s population speaks French as a mother  >*RU:X  
tongue and _____ to the Roman Catholic faith. db~^Gqv6k  
A. caters  B. adheres  C. ascribes  D. subscribes !{g<RS( c  
19. There are not many teachers who are strong _____ of traditional methods in  =}0Uw4ub(u  
English teaching. N$6e KJ]  
A. sponsors   B. contributors  C. advocates  D. performers W}f)VC;D  
20. The ______ of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in  X >8,C^~$1  
understanding the universe. sFc\L94  
A. essence   B. content  C. texture  D. threshold g%&E~V/g$  
Part II Reading Comprehension (30 points) Z+&V  >  
Directions:  #7 3pryXV  
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. $AZYY\1  
There are 6 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by  %"0,o$  
some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices  I.n,TJoz4J  
marked A, B, C and D. you should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on  %rylmioW>  
the Answer Sheet. $D1ha CL  
Spread across the United States are about 500,000 doctors, cheeked by jowl, in the  3PE.7-HF  
big cities and thin on the ground in isolated small towns. In June 1986, the secretary  S MWXP  
of health and human services, Dr. Otis Bowen, passed on a view of his experts: 5%-15% OP`f[lCiL  
of America’s 500,000 doctors should be candidates for disciplinary action, many of  ,X.[37  
them because of drug taking or alcoholism. Others give their patients poor care  )A\ ZS<@Z7  
because they are senile, incompetent, guilty of misconduct or out of touch with  ( zWBrCX  
developments in medicine. 6Ijt2c'A}  
The granting, or withdrawal, of licenses to practice is in the hands of state medical  FJ_7<4ET  
boards, but they are overwhelmed with complaints and lack the money to handle even  $fmTa02q>  
a fraction of them. Recently, however, things have been changing. In 1985, 406  fB8, )&  
doctors lost their licenses (compared with 255 in 1984), nearly 500 were placed on  3YHEH\60^  
probation and nearly 1,000 received reprimands or had their right to practice curtailed.  Dh8ECy5k<*  
The federal inspector general demanded, and won the right far the states and the  =Kd'(ct  
federal government, which provide health care for the elderly and for the poor under  jE*{^+n  
the Medicare and Medicaid programme, to refuse payment to the doctors considered  cUY-  
unsatisfactory. P_(8+)ud-  
Yet putting these powers into practice is proving to be far from easy. O f the 35  $aV62uNf  
doctors so far denied reimbursement from Medicare, almost all work in lightly  tF:AnNp=  
populated rural areas. O n March 27th, their indignation and that of their patients were  gXxi; g  
a sympathetic hearing by the Senate Finance Committee. Rural doctors may not be as  }u_D{bz  
up to date as those in the big towns, but they are often the only source of medical help  o{PG& }K  
for miles around and their patients are loyal to them. Members of the review boards,  #AJW-+1g.=  
which are paid by the government, insist, however, that elderly and poor people  W_W!v&@E=  
should not be forced to receive (and the state to pay for) inferior care.  MTu\T  
An innovation is on the horizon in Texas, the most under-doctored state in the  BJjic%V  
country (with only one doctor for every 1,100 residents). Lubbock University is  @IL04' \  
setting up a computer network that will enable country doctors to obtain medical  `?z('FV  
expertise and access to medical records in a hurry. The aim is to reduce the isolation  cibl j?"Wi  
of the country doctors and thus, in the long run, to attract more young doctors to rural  y\T$) XGV  
areas. g88k@<Y  
21. The main topic of the passage is   . tm~9XFQ<  
A. the present situation of American doctors Rw?w7?I  
B.  the legislation on rural medical services mkSu $c  
C.  the problems of country doctors and possible solutions r8EJ@pOF2w  
D. some factors of disqualification of country doctors 1CC0]pyHX  
22. According to the text, disciplinary action should be taken against those who  w){B$X  
give patients poor care because of the following reasons EXCEPT   . `i`P}W!F  
A. taking drugs and drinking alcohol dcf,a<K\  
B.  feeling remorse of their bad behavior o<nM-"yWb  
C.  being professional unskillful ^T&{ORWz  
D. being sick and conservative #:?:gY<  
23. Which of the following is true about the unfit doctors? &{Z+p(3Gj  
A. 1,500 doctors were deprived of the right to practice medicine. sl$6Zv-l%0  
B.  The federal government has got the right to deny reimbursement to those  \l!+l  
unqualified doctors. v?He]e'  
C.  Almost all the doctors who fail to get payment from Medicare work in  E-WpsNJ)X  
densely populated urban areas. x// uF  
D. Patients in the rural areas complain about the poor treatment their doctors  ^&;,n.X5Z  
give them. T6 /P54S  
24. It can be inferred from the text that in the near future    . ew\:&"@2]w  
A. there will be more qualified doctors in rural areas [[[C`H@  
B.  there will be an even more serious imbalance of the number of rural and  PJK:LZw  
urban doctors }XUL\6U  
C.  country doctors are competitive in breaking medical records zfop-qDOc  
D. more patients will go to rural areas for medical treatment H'i\N?VL  
25. The paragraph following the text would probably discuss    . AJ\gDjj<  
A. problems of urban doctors N8nt2r<h  
B.  other solutions to improve the present situation (VO' Kd  
C.  research in medical science ]aIHd]B  
D. reduction of staff in rural hospitals MsIR ~  
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. 4rDV CXE  
Bacteria are extremely small living things. While we measure our own sizes in  ,x\qYz+7|  
inches or centimeters, bacterial size is measured in microns. O ne micron is a  +X#6 d v$  
thousandth of a millimeter: a pinhead is about a millimeter across. Rod-shaped  k9eyl)  
bacteria are usually from two to four microns long, while rounded ones are generally  . -YE(}^  
one micron in diameter. Thus, if you enlarged a rounded bacterium a thousand times,  <zpxodM@T  
it would be just about the size of a pinhead. An adult human magnified by the same  f@`|2wG  
amount would be over a mile (1.6 kilometers) tall. _p"u~j~%-  
Even with an ordinal microscopy, you must look closely to see bacteria. Using a  fTpG>*{p  
magnification of 100 times, one finds that bacteria are barely visible as tiny rods or  Q&0`(okb  
dots. One cannot make out anything of their structure. Using special stains, one can  ;'Hu75ymo  
see that some bacteria have attached to them wavy-looking “hairs” called flagella.  %KVmpWku  
Others have only one flagellum. The flagella rotate, pushing the bacteria through the  -0xo6'mD  
water. Many bacteria lack flagella and cannot move about by their own power, while  4Q#{,y944  
others can glide along over surfaces by some little-understood mechanism. ?<F([ (  
From the bacterial point of view, the world is a very different place from what it is  p9jC- &:  
to humans. To a bacterium, water is as thick as molasses is to us. Bacteria are so small  ,|z@ Dy  
that they are influenced by the movements of the chemical molecules around them. tQG'f*4  
Bacteria under the microscope, even those with no flagella, often bounce about in  5=*i!c _m  
the water. This is because they collide with the water molecules and are pushed this  t;Z9p7 rk  
way and that. Molecules move so rapidly that within a tenth of a second the molecules  7:g_:}m  
around a bacterium have all been replaced by new ones; even bacteria without flagella  *A`ZcO=   
are thus constantly exposed to a changing environment. <r <{4\%}  
26. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage? |11vm#  
A. The characteristics of bacteria ,~,q 0PA7J  
B. How bacteria reproduce ^O<v'\!z-  
C. The various functions of bacteria pq]z%\$u  
D. How bacteria contribute to disease h<M1q1)  
27. Bacteria are measured in __________. KC&XOI %  
A. Inches ]35`N<Ac  
B. Centimeters s[a\m,  
C. Microns $@kOMT  
D. millimeters F3vywN1$,  
28. Which of the following is the smallest? >o13?-S%e  
A. A p inhead I++ Le%w  
B. A rounded bacterium ] 7[#K^  
C. A microscope q|%+?j(  
D. A rod-shaped bacterium F#yn'j8  
29. According to the passage, someone who examines bacteria using only a  ,<!*@xy7v  
microscope that magnifies 100 times would see ___________. vN v'%;L  
A. tiny dots b&@]f2 /  
B.  small “hairs” T~$Eh6 D  
C.  large rods c2Z !Vtd  
D. detailed structures s>G]U)d<'  
30. The relationship between a bacterium and its flagella is most nearly analogous to  FZ%h7Oe  
which of the following? HCrQ+r{g  
A. A rider jumping on a horse’s back q2F `q. j  
B.  A ball being hit by a bat E@otV6Wk[@  
C.  A boat powered by a motor @D*PO-s9  
D. A door closed by a gust of wind. l x;87MDs  
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. Gjq7@F'  
Although, recent years have seen substantial reductions in noxious pollutants from  m; 4ti9  
individual motor vehicles, the number of such vehicles has been steadily increasing.  R+ \%  
Consequently, more than 100 cities in the United States still have levels of carbon  I6;6x  
monoxide, particulate matter, and ozone (generated by photochemical, reactions with  %{IgY{X  
hydrocarbons from vehicle exhaust) that exceed legally established limits. There is a  :zo5`[P  
growing, realization that the only effective way to achieve, further reductions in  f*"T]AX0  
vehicle emissions-short of a massive shift away from the private automobile-is to  *-fd$l.  
replace conventional diesel fuel and gasoline with cleaner burning fuels such as  {5  pK8  
compressed natural gas liquefied petroleum gas, ethanol, or methanol. " wT?$E  
All of these alternatives are carbon-based fuels whose molecules are smaller and  N2 3:+u<)E  
simpler than those of gasoline. These molecules burn more cleanly than gasoline, in  ;p~!('{P  
part because they have fewer, if and, carbon-carbon bonds, and the hydrocarbons they  /kyO,g$9  
do emit are less likely to generate ozone. The combustion of large molecules, which  |.RyF@N`T  
have multiple carbon-carbon bonds, involves a more complex series of reactions.  [G| (E  
These reactions increase the probability of incomplete combustion and are more likely  h4K Mhr  
to release uncombusted and photochemically active hydrocarbon compounds into the  urkuG4cY  
atmosphere. O n the other hand, alternative fuels do have drawbacks. Compressed  k ?6d\Q  
natural gas would require that vehicles have a set of heavy fuel tanks-a serious  8Uh|V&  
liability in terms of performance and fuel efficiency and liquefied petroleum gas faces  PHT<]:"`<  
fundamental limits on supply. re%XaL  
Ethanol and methanol, on the other hand, have important advantages over other  @ $5~`?  
carbon-based alternative fuels; they have hither energy content per volume and would  *) B \M>  
require minimal changes in the existing network for distributing motor fuel. Ethanol is  Md>C!c  
commonly used as a gasoline supplement, but it is currently about twice as expensive  w+j\Py_G"  
as methanol, the low cost of which is one of its attractive features. Methanol’s most  1Zp/EYWa{  
attractive feature,  however, is that it can reduce by about 90 percent the vehicle  ,0AS&xs$  
emissions that form ozone, the most serious urban air pollutant. (i(E~^O  
Like any alternative fuel, methanol has its critics. Yet much of the criticism is  "]p&7  
based on the use of “gasoline clone” vehicles that do not incorporate even the simplest  z}-R^"40  
design improvements that are made possible with the use of methanol. It is true, for  >*O5Ry:4  
example, that a given volume of methanol provides only about one-half of the energy  SfPQ;s'  
that gasoline and diesel fuel do; other things being equal, the fuel tank would have to  k0\a7$}F  
be somewhat larger and heavier. However, since methanol-fueled vehicles could be  ]<YS7.pT  
designed to be much more efficient than “gasoline clone”  vehicles fueled with  uMG y-c  
methanol, they would need comparatively less fuel. Vehicles incorporating only the  H'k~;  
simplest of the Engine improvements that methanol makes feasible would still  IMdp"  
contribute to an immediate lessening of urban air pollution. 9'~qA(=.?  
31. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with __________. % YF /=l  
A. countering a flawed argument that dismisses a possible solution to a problem. yp=sL' E  
B. reconciling contradictory points of view about the nature of a problem. Cb<7?),vK  
C. identifying the strengths of possible solutions to a problem. 91&=UUkK ?  
D. discussing a problem and arguing in favor of one solution to it. OPq|4 xu  
32. According to the passage, incomplete combustion is more likely to occur with  v+sF0 j\P  
gasoline than with an alternative fuel because: __________. 0)h.[O8@>  
A. the combustion of gasoline releases photochemically active hydrocarbons. +ru`Zw5,  
B. the combustion of gasoline involves an intricate series of reactions. X1o R  
C. gasoline molecules have a simple molecular structure. 6K8v:yYPa  
D. gasoline is composed of small molecules. 6.45^'t]  
33. The passage suggests which of the Following about air pollution? uw8g%  
A. Further attempts to reduce emissions from gasoline-fueled vehicles will not  x%@M*4:&  
help lower urban air-pollution levels. V#b*:E.cA  
B. Attempts to reduce the pollutions that an individual gasoline-fueled vehicle  B$s6|~  
emits have been largely unsuccessful. &e).l<B  
C. Few serious attempts have been made to reduce the amount of pollutants  j+AZ!$E  
emitted by gasoline-fueled vehicles. hr'?#K  
D. Pollutants emitted by gasoline-fueled vehicles are not the most critical source  XZ$g~r  
of urban air pollution. JF}i=}  
34. The author describes which of the following as the most appealing feature of  BSSehe*  
methanol? !7#*Wdt+P  
A. It is substantially less expensive than ethanol. Fv/{)H<:y  
B. It could be provided to consumers through the existing motor fuel distribution  zN+jn  
system. zTG1 0  
C. It has a higher energy content than other alternative fuels.  9,Dw;|A]  
D. Its use would substantially reduce ozone levels. *CF80DJ  
35. It can be inferred that the author of the passage most likely regards the criticism  g.:ZMV  
of methanol in the last paragraph as __________. K|~ !oQ  
A. flawed because of the assumptions on which it is based. at*DYZBjDB  
B. inapplicable because of an inconsistency in the critics’ arguments. MB>4Y]rtU  
C. misguided because of its exclusively technological focus. Te)%L*X  
D. invalid because it reflects the personal bias of the critics. 9 s2z=^  
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage. BUh(pS:  
Tests of reaction times seemed to back up the notion that the two hemispheres  V~o'L#a  
differed in their processing styles. Researchers used to believe that an image goes to  D2MIV&pahP  
one hemisphere first, and then to the opposite side of the brain. If the nature of the $V<fJpA  
stimulus and the preference of the hemisphere match up, then the person can respond  Z>1yLt@ls  
slightly more quickly and accurately in identifying the local or global image. B=_5gZ4Y  
Still more startling, researchers found that the same appeared to hold for the brains  HPO:aGU   
of chimps and perhaps other primates. The assumption has always been that  ee Bw\f0  
handedness and brain asymmetry are strictly human traits---part of the great brain  5V0#_!QAN  
reorganization that allowed our ancestor to use tools, speak and perhaps even think  -=1>t3~\  
rationally. But handedness is now widely claimed for primates and even birds,  (8W ?ym  
amphibians and whales. And in the past few years, some psychologists have tested  6@(o8i   
chimps and baboons and suggested their two hemispheres also differ in processing   V2 ;?  
style. ESS1 L$y  
Now researchers have come to see the distinction between the two hemispheres as  Y{4 nBu  
a subtle one of processing style, with every mental faculty shared across the brain, and  *'n=L B8R  
each side contributing in a complementary, not exclusive, fashion. A smart brain  /(s N@kt  
became one that simultaneously grasped both the foreground and the background of  a(`"qS  
the moment NPE 4@c_a@  
The next problem was to work out exactly how the brain manages to produce  iN L>TVUM  
these two contrasting styles. Many researchers originally looked for the explanation in  &y 3;`A7,  
a simple wiring difference within the brain. This theory held that neurons in the left  \:Hh'-77q  
cortex might make sparse, short-range connections with their neighbors, while cells  m{yq.H[X  
on the other side would be more richly and widely connected The result would be that  !i{5m c \  
the representation of sensations and memories would be confined lo smallish, discrete  ICWHEot  
areas in the left hemisphere, while exactly the same input to a corresponding area of  [F27i#'I]  
the right side would form a sprawling even impressionistic pattern of activity. 7<5=fYb r  
Supporters of this idea argued that these structural differences would explain why  7u%OYt D E  
left brain language areas are so good at precise representation of words and word  P$/Y9o  
sequences while the right brain seems to supply a wider sense of context and meaning.  "t>H B6^  
A striking finding from some people who suffer right-brain stokes is that they can  ~^g*cA t}  
understand the literal meaning of sentences-their l eft brain can still decode the  |A)a ='Ap  
words-- -but they can no longer get jokes or allusions. Asked to explain even a  'L%)B-,n  
common proverb, such as “a stitch in time saves nine”, they can only say it must have  > mP([]  
something to do with sewing. An intact right brain is needed to make the more playful  xUB{{8B:L  
connections. SXV f& 8  
36. The local or global image is more quickly and accurately identified in the brain   7"])Y  
if _______. 3`njQvI\  
A. tests of reaction times back up the notion of the two hemispheres 7C@m(oK  
B. an image goes to one hemisphere first, and then to the opposite side of the  _E^ !, Wz  
brain ,Mn?h\  
C. the nature of the stimulus and the preference of the hemisphere match up R+=Xr<`%U|  
D. the person can match the image with an object  Lyjp  
37. Handedness and brain asymmetry are strictly human traits, as is shown in  B}d)e_uLj  
________. ,LDdL  
A. the brains of chimps and perhaps other primates ,Mu"r!MK  
B. the fact that the great brain reorganization allowed our ancestor to use tools chU,));F  
C. the fact that human beings alone can use tools, speak and think rationally ]~'pYOB  
D. the two brain hemispheres of chimps and baboons 9+frxD&pO  
38. According to the text, a smart brain has all the following characteristics  ?Aky!43  
EXCEPT _________. Q~)A fa{  
A. with different processing style ek0,@Vg9  
B. with shared mental faculty .!g  
C. each side contributing in a complementary NKu*kL}W=  
D. grasping the foreground and the background of the moment pRh)DM#9  
39. What is the problem of the people who suffer right-brain strokes? I oC}0C7  
A. They can hardly understand the literal meaning of sentences. @?[}\9dW  
B. Their left brain can still decode the words. !4fT<V (  
C. They do not understand the common proverb “a stitch in time saves nine”. S(5&%}QFQ  
D. They cannot grasp the meaning of jokes or allusions. qyY]: (8  
40. The best title for the text may be __________. `g,i `<  
A. Left Brain, Right Brain  }Ld eU:E4  
B. The Local of Global Image axiP~t2  
C. Human Brain and Animal Brain 1(m[L=H5>  
D. The Smart Brain .^!uazPE0  
Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage. TM`6:5ONv  
(此文不全) Ve|=<7%%S  
The Du Pont Company, the 13th largest employer in the U.S., routinely gives  690;\O '  
pre-employment blood tests to all blacks who apply for jobs to determine who might  9 IY1"j0O  
be a carrier of the trait for sickle-cell anemia, even though the trait is regarded as  @" BkLF  
largely harmless. Although there are other genetically transmitted blood diseases and  E9PD1ADR  
metabolic disorders that predominate in racial or ethnic groups, blacks are the only  , Y cF~  
ones to be identified with a disease and examined for it at Du Pont. In a three month  };nOG;  
study of genetic screening in the American    lace, the New York Times found no  MDO P2y`2i  
other instance of an ethnic or racial group singled out in    or company. ynG@/S6)K  
Du Pont officials emphasize that the sickle trait tests do not represent discrimination  N#4"P: Sv  
and are only an effort to help them avoid potentially harmful exposure to certain  `>skcvkm  
chemicals. Yet the officials can offer no firm evidence that the trait -- not the disease,  f-a+&DB9  
but only a single abnormal gene -- makes blacks more vulnerable. =F90SyzTy  
Du Pont, which employs well over 100,000 workers, is in the vanguard of American  DeR C_ [  
companies doing genetic screening and thus is at the center of the debate over this  _6{XqvWqb  
area of science, debate so intense, so broad, that even medical directors from other  n*vhCe L  
companies who believe     possibilities of genetic screening want no part of it. At  v[=TPfX0  
least, not now but officials at Du      a leader in the chemical industry with annual  9|1J pb  
gross sales of more than $ 10 billion, feel they have the money and the scientists to  X,i^OM_  
turn the distrust into achievement. If  some chemicals are highly  toxic  and the  iP+3)  
workplace is less than pure, company officials reason, it is only logical to try to  *S{fyYyM  
determine why some workers get sicker faster and why others seem to have more  WxI_wRKx  
tolerance for industrial poisons. And so the company is looking beyond the skills and  G}p* oz~  
loyalty of its workers to    ery genetic structure. G7d)X^q!xS  
The sickle-cell trait is not the same as sickle-cell anemia. The anemia is rare but  $VyH2+ jC  
debilitating disorder found in fewer than 50,000 American blacks, about two-tenths of .z&,d&E  
a percent of the black   population. Perhaps two million other blacks are carriers of  xE%sPWbj  
the trait -- they are heterozygous; that  ing a gene for sickle-cell  29AWg(9?aS  
anemia from one parent. Virtually all the carriers can lead very active lives and show  -mAi7[omh  
no symptoms of the disease. 0X[uXf  
41. What does the author say about Du Pont?  Z^SF $+UN  
A. It examined the blood of some blacks S 0L"5B@  
B. It examined some blacks for their knowledge of blood. R`! 'c(V  
C. It discovered that some blacks have blood illness. vK~tgZ&  
D. It discovered the blood of some blacks containing industrial chemicals. -x0VvkHu  
42. What do Du Pont officials say? :ZP`Y%dt'  
A. They are trying to protect blacks form health threats. OXCf  
B. They can prove that blacks are likely to have health problems. QpC,komLJ  
C. They regard the skills of workers as the most important matter.  47 *,  
D. They hope that other companies can follow their example. F9 q9BH  
43. What is true about genetic screening? ;^Hg\a  
A. It often aims at black employees. f+iM_MI  
B. Its focus is often on sickle-cell anemia. UpIt"+d2&  
C. Some companies do not want to do it. |#_`aT"  
D. The US government strongly supports it. /WWD;keP5  
44. The underlined word “toxic” in the third paragraph probably means _____. +9d]([Lx  
A. powerful. FqpUw<]6s  
B. complex. ^ H )nQ  
C. thick. {3{cU#\QA  
D. poisonous. v?en-,{A  
45. What can we learn about the carriers of sick-cell trait? qS{E+)P  
A. Their number is about 50,000. 6 (@U+`  
B. They usually seem to have normal lives. 3 2MdDa  
C. They include over half of the black population. X[Q:c4'  
D. They do not seem to be affected by industrial chemicals. //_aIp  
Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage. ohPCYt  
Teenagers are spending more money than ever. Just last year, 31.6 million teens  l[D5JnWxt  
spent 155 billion, according to the Northbrook, Illinois-based market research group  2Yt+[T*  
Teenage Research Unlimited. Much of that money, of course, comes from parents. @CJ`T&  
Shocked at how much money kids spend? Maybe you haven’t cheeked the price  ;5(ptXX1W  
tags lately on some of the younger generation’s must-haves. /PuN+M  
To some, such extravagant spending on the notoriously fickle young might seem  B"rfR_B2M#  
outrageous. Why do some parents give in? eumpNF%$  
One factor is surely the sheer power of marketing through mass media. According  8r46Wr7Q  
to the group Adbusters, teenagers are exposed to an estimated 3,000 advertisements  #-*#? -  
each day. Combine the ads with programming itself, like the fashion-, music-,and  l9"T"9C{  
skin-filled shows on MTV and y o u’ve got a barrage of messages telling kids what they  }KZt7)  
should own if they want to fit in. 7\?0d!  
“The pressures on parents today are enormous,” says Tom Vogele, a single father  BlrZ<\-/  
of twin 18-year-old girls in Newport Beach, Calif. “I truly believe it is harder today to  /P>t3E2c  
raise children without spoiling them, not because parents are less capable or lazy, but  2Vn~o_ga  
because so many forces are working against me.” |\W9$V  
Many working parents probably compensate by spending money on their kids,  { #,eD  
says Timothy Marshall, an associate professor of developmental psychology at  c\\'x\J7  
Christopher Newport University in Virginia. For some, there is probably some guilt  AJ0 ;wx  
involved in not spending enough time at home. But, adds Marshall, spending money  ;`f14Fb  
is also often more convenient in our fast-paced society than going to baseball games  c :{#H9  
or other activities. LW$(;-rY  
“It’s easier to say let’s go out and spend some money, in terms of finding time in a  Z@G[\"  
busy schedule to spend with kids,55 Marshall said. 'fGB#uBt  
For many families, of course, keeping up with their children’s costly demands for  3m#/1=@o  
designer clothing, CDs, and concert tickets is a financial impossibility. Even for those  p!OCF]r  
families who can afford such lavish spending, striking a compromise between spoiling  +p Y*BP+~i  
the kids and denying them is tricky, but possible. ?E*;fDEC  
Teaching kids how to budget and save is key, Marshall says. Instead of just giving  ; m]KKB  
children the toys or clothing they desire, give them an allowance and show them how  !d)Vr5x  
they can save up for whatever they want, he says. l[AQyR1+/  
And don’t be afraid to just say no, Marshall adds. “We need to step up and tell  UCz\SZ{za  
kids where the boundaries are, that is parts of our responsibility as parents,” he said. vo]!IY  
46. In the first paragraph, “Northbrook” is most probably _______. e@ mjh,  
A. a market research company based in Illinois o^!_S5zKe.  
B. a spokesman for the Teenage Research Unlimited XjRk1 ~  
C. the base of the Teenage Research Unlimited 3hi0  
D. the city where the spending survey was carried out. Vx<`6uv  
47. Some people find it outrageous that   . >STAPrBp+  
A. some parents indulge their children in extravagant spending &&daQg4Ha  
B. some younger generation’s must-haves could cost so much 2 lc  
C. some parents are ignorant about their children’s spending 3b d(.he2u  
D. some children disregard their notorious spending habits S <RbC  
48. What is the effect of marketing through mass media? <?>1eU%  
A. It fills the market with ads beyond the young’s understanding. :]rb}1nLB  
B. It directs not only the trend but also the ways of advertising.  mdtG W  
C. It stuffs all kinds of ads into TV shows and radio programs. 7'~O ai~r  
D. It triggers young people’s desire to keep up with the trend. @CTSvTt$  
49. According to Marshall, parents prefer to spend money on their children mainly  =<;C5kSD  
because __. x@)G@'vV|  
A. they can’t afford the time to stay with their children. ..K@'*u  
B. they want to make up their guilt for their children. n6xJ  
C. they find it more convenient than going out with the children. E xls_oSp  
D. they feel it is hard to raise children without indulging them L7`=ec<  
50. What does Marshall think parents should do with the children’s spending  sOyL  
habit? 4F`&W*x  
A. They should refuse to pay for their lavish spending. l"rX'g?  
B. They should restrain the children’s spending within limits. (Qcd !!   
C. They should be responsible for providing for the children. =`KA@~XH4  
D. They should draw up a budget plan for the children. \V_ Tc`  
Part III Cloze (10 points) >lV'}0u)  
Directions:  x>bGxDtu*  
It is a commonplace among moralists that you cannot get happiness by pursuing it.  qN"Q3mU^h*  
This is only true if you pursue it _51_. Gamblers at Monte Carlo are pursuing money,  YctWSfh  
and most of them lose it instead, but there are other ways of pursuing money, which  I !J'  
often _52_. So it is with happiness. If you pursue it _53_ drink, you are forgetting the  a_3w/9L4r  
hang-over. Epicurus pursue it by living only in congenial society and eating only dry  PWBcK_4i%  
bread, __54_ by a little cheese on feast days. His method proved successful in his case,  #I"s{*  
but he was a valetudinarian, and most people would need something more _55_. For  L"tzUYxg  
most people, the pursuit of happiness, _56_ supplemented in various ways, is too  *N&~Uq^  
Read the following text. Choose the best word((s) for each numbered  `*ALb|4ilG  
bland and mark A, B, C, or D on Answer Sheet.  T'> MXFLh  
abstract and theoretical to be _57_ as a personal rule of life. But I think that _58_  ^m/7T wD  
personal rule of life you may choose it should not, except in rare and heroic cases, be  we/sv9v}n  
_59_ with happiness. f.Y [2b  
There are a great many people who have all the _60_ conditions of happiness, i.e.  }0Ie Kpu5  
health and a sufficient income, and who, _61_, are  profoundly unhappy. In such cases  mt]^d;E  
it would seem as if the _62_ must lie with a wrong theory as to how to live. In one  )*XD"-9  
sense, we may say that any theory as to how to live is wrong. We imagine ourselves  \c}pzBFd  
more different from the animals than we are. Animals live on _63_, and are happy as  FyQr$;r  
long as external conditions are _64_. If you have a cat it will enjoy life if it has food  `=$p!H8  
and warmth and opportunities for an _65_ night on the tiles. Your needs are more  DF>3)oTF  
complex than those of your cat, but they still have their basis in instinct. In civilized  {2)).g  
societies, especially in English-speaking societies, this is too _66_ to be forgotten.  ,`bmue5  
People proposed to themselves some one paramount objective and _67_ all impulses  1\a.o[g3e  
that do not minister to it. A business man may be so _68_ to grow rich that to this end  :8`~dj.  
he _69_ health and private affections. When at last he has become rich, no _70_  T& 4f} g/  
remains to him except harrying other people by exhortations to imitate his noble  ob;O,&e0>  
example.  O 6ph_$nt.  
51. A. eagerly  B. reasonably  C. reluctantly   D.  6>]w1 H  
unwisely %P7 qA  
52. A. s ucceed   B. enrich   C. win   D.  4f&"1:  
defeat \zc R7 5  
53. A. at the expense of   B. by means of   C. in need of   D. for  >=4('  
fear of @,j ,GE%  
54. A. compensated   B. supplemented   C. accompanied   D.  = N;5T  
accumulated d'"|Qg_'  
55. A. prosperous   B. rigorous   C. vigorous   D.  %Z p|1J'"  
gorgeous 6?Kl L [~  
56. A. e ven   B. though   C. unless   D. if  7 =D,D+f  
57. A. extravagant   B. deficient   C. excessive   D.  Cv@)tb  
adequate 0'HQ=pP  
58. A. w hatever   B. whenever   C. however   D.  }i{qRx"4  
whosever zu.B>INe  
59. A. incomparable   B. incompatible   C. incapable   D.  ;{aGEOP'U  
incredible $}Ab R:z  
60. A. spiritual   B. material   C. economical   D. social L+*:VP6WD  
61. A. nevertheless   B. therefore   C. otherwise   D. hence :w -:B^VB  
62. A. flaw   B. error   C. defect   D. fault DJ DQH\&  
63. A. intelligence   B. imitation   C. impulse   D.  lWe cxD$  
impression T9I$6HAi  
64. A. vulnerable   B. conceivable   C. endurable   D.  uIbAlE  
favorable ^vPsp?  
65. A. e nthusiastic   B. occasional   C. indifferent   D.  @gfW*PNjlP  
underlying Xi1|%  
66. A. abrupt   B. absurd   C acute   D. apt 7FJ4;HLQ  
67. A. hinder   B. restrain   C. refrain   D.  tRpY+s~Fq  
abolish vJaWHC$q  
68. A. a nxious   B. obvious   C. suspicious   D.  */l;e<E  
cautious ^;'8yE/  
69. A. abandons   B. cherishes   C. sacrifices   D.  p#{y9s4h  
reconciles  ?].MnwYo  
70. A. p leasure   B. property   C. wealth   D.  p<{P#?4 g  
opportunities MqB@}!  
Part IV English-Chinese Translation (15 points) bD0l^?Hu!  
Directions: Read the following passage into Chinese and write your answers on the  jLVG=rOn  
Answer  }%8ZN :  
The railroad industry could not have grown as large as it did without steel. The   0U@#&pUc  
first rails were made of iron. But iron rails were not strong enough to support heavy  c )LG+K  
trains running at high speeds. Railroad executives wanted to replace them with steel  L7Hv)  
rails because steel was ten or fifteen times stronger and lasted twenty limes longer.  CNefk$/cR  
Before the 1870’s, however, steel was too expensive to be widely used. It was made  K<wFr-z  
by a slow and expensive process of heating, stirring, and reheating iron ore. gK QJ^a\!  
Sheet. C@6:uiT$  
Then the inventor Henry Bessemer discovered that directing a blast of air at  A4!X{qUT-  
melted iron in a furnace would burn out the impurities that made the iron brittle. As  b9RHsr]V  
the air shot through the furnace, the bubbling metal would erupt in showers of sparks.  C[<}eD4bV  
When the f ire  cooled, the metal had been changed, or converted, to steel. The  \^*:1=|7u]  
Bessemer converter made possible the mass production of steel. Now three to five .s9E +1  
tons of iron could be changed into steel in a matter of minutes. Tj#S')s8  
Part V Chinese-English Translation (15 points) 12z!{k7N  
Directions: Translate the following short paragraphs into English and write your  <7VLUk}  
translation on the  |E7 J5ha  
本世纪初,小麦简直就是加拿大西部的命脉。小麦收成好,经济则繁荣;小 ud  r\\5  
麦歉收,经济则萧条。城市中大街小巷的人们都在关注着小麦的收成和价格,这 7DJEx~"!2-  
种心情就好像他们就是种植者一样。小麦的市场行情成了人们的热门话题。 |@iM(MM[?  
Answer Sheet. (vO3vCYeQ  
战争使西部粮食市场发生了许多戏剧性的变化。多年以来,农民们不信任在 7K\v=  
粮食交易所从事的粮食投机买卖。秋季的麦价一般都较低,但是农民们等不到市 7.hBc;%2u  
场好转。他们常常在小麦一收割后就卖掉,过后则眼睁睁看着小麦涨价,投机者 SYY x>1;8`  
从中发财。在各种时机,农民团体曾多次要求政府对市场严加控制,但政府不想 QQS*r}>  
卷入其中,直到战争期间,麦价有失控的危险时,政府才介入。由于迫切需要控 qU !dg  
制通货膨胀和生活费用上涨,联邦政府设立了一个粮食监督委员会来处理 &T,|?0>~=J  
从1917年至1918年的粮食收缴工作。 X$>F78e*  
Part VI Writing (20 points) f?UI+ TU  
Directions: In this part, you are required to write a composition of about 250 words  n?fy@R  
entitled “The Qualities of the Cross-Century Talents”. You must write it on the Answer  hn8xs5vN  
Sheet and remember to write it in readable handwriting. Ojc Tu  
西南大学博士入学考试英语试题详细解析(2012) ^~H{I_Y  
Part I Vocabulary (10 points) 8 M*+ |  
1.B 句意:有时候一个广播电台会将其所收到的其他电台的节目转播给听众。 d/7R}n^  
解析 o}v<~v(  
A. rely依靠,和on搭配 m[}k]PB>  
B. relay转播,接替 +>#SNZ[  
C. relate联系,和to搭配 teJt.VA7)  
D. reside居住,留守 ']1n?K=A  
考核要点:词义辨析和词组搭配 r%.k,FzGZY  
2.A 句意:今年早些时候联合国在维也纳召开的滥用药品大会取得了相当多的成 rtuaU=U  
果。 ddfGR/1X  
A. productive多产的 o pTXI*QA  
B. overwhelming 压倒性的,绝大多数的 \_`qon$9  
C. compulsory强制的,压迫的 c*)T4n[e  
D. protective保护的 ~bZ$ d{o^  
考核要点:词义辨析 duG3-E  
3.C 句意:统计学专业学生主要学习如何大概地表示数据,如何计算比例和平均 ;7P '>j1?U  
值。 #dZs[R7h  
A. static静止的,静态的 CeYhn\m5K0  
B. statistic数据,数字 1,fR kQ  
C. statistics统计学  6$R9Y.s>Z  
D. status地位,身份 2<@2_wSJ  
考核要点:相形词辨析 KW .4 9  
4.C 句意:如果你用刻板的观点看别人,你脑海中就形成了他们的一个大体想法 pp@ Owpb  
和形象,因此你就会认为他们的举手投足都按照(你想象的)特定方式来。 \V>5)R n  
A. assimilate吸收,同化 sLr47 NC  
B. simulate刺激 ?8-Am[xH  
C. stereotype使成成规, 使变得刻板 v)+g<!  
D. subordinate使从属,使服从 8F uxN2  
考核要点:词义辨析 T?7u [D[[  
5.C 句意:阅读仅仅可以使我们学到知识,而思考却可以让我们读懂自己。 uN`/&_$c  
A. rectifies修正,校正 &en. m>9,  
B. prolongs延长,拖延 }X)vktE+|  
C. furnishes装饰,提供信息 GKt."[seV  
D. minimizes使最小化,把..减至最少 +u$l]~St\  
考核要点:词义辨析 7X>IS#W]  
6.B 句意:卫星通讯是如此与时俱进以至于商人们即使在太平洋上航行都可以与 O <Rh[Aqn  
公司办公职员联系,就如同他们就在隔壁一般。 XO <0;9|  
解析 L I<S  
A. gliding滑动,掠过 4mvR]: G  
B. cruising航行(海上) joe)b  
C. piloting航行(空中)  h1_Z&VJ  
D. patrolling巡逻,巡查 RIMSXue*Ha  
考核要点:近义词辨析 : B^"V\WE  
7. D 最近在《科学》杂志上发票的一篇文章认为,岩层中大部分有机化学物质 ;%e)t[5  
来自于地球上的污染而不是火星上的细菌。 11oNlgY&  
A. configuration布置,结构  >. K  
B. constitution建立,组成,宪法 MfL 7|b)  
C. condemnation谴责 2VN].t:  
D. contamination污染,玷污;污染物 A*OqUq/H`;  
考核要点:相形词词义辨析 E{\CE1*  
8.A 句意:意识到了鹦鹉螺是如何控制自身在水中浮力的科学家们,已经消除了 `p()ko  
对这些生物的那些错误认识。 AT&K>NG  
A. erroneous错误的 FOk&z!xYKd  
B. misdemeanors名词,不法行为 ;E.]:Ia~  
C. misgivings名词,担忧,疑虑 $?56 i4  
D. misdirection引错方向,名词 gv`_+E{P  
考核要点:词义辨析 K%J ?'-  
9.B 句意:历史证明:在面临人类生存与发展时,不同社会体系和意识形态的国 JQ%hh&M\0  
家都可以携手并肩作战。 LzU'6ah';5  
A. evolution进化 4A2}3$c9  
B. survival生存 GQbr}xX. #  
C. rivalry竞争 m!xvWqY+  
D. dignity尊严,高尚 Ih.+-!w  
考核要点:词义辨析 aGbG@c8PRi  
10. (此题有误)D 为了避免石油不足,我们应该倡导在短时间内,充分利用机 nqy*>X`  
器。而这一言论一度让其他人感到相当震惊。 H,% bKl#  
A. accelerate加速 e}uK"dl(  
B. operate运行 NTu |cX\R  
C. generate产生 hju^x8 ,=m  
D. utilize利用 !)]/?&uo  
11. D 句意:日本领导人于1945年在美国密苏里战舰上签署了无条件投降协议,  nYx /q  
就此结束了世界二战。 :`N&BV  
A. conditional有条件的 5k0iVpjQ  
B. infinite无限的,无穷的 HgY@M  
C. everlasting永久的,永恒的 ?,$:~O* w  
D. unconditional无条件的 (9u`(|x  
考核要点:词义辨析 ?g ,s<{  
12.B 句意:如此富有的一个国家,竟然有这么多贫穷的人难以维持生计,这是 T ~xVHk1  
多么矛盾的事情。 <SNr\/aCRi  
解析 d#T5=5 #  
A. hypothesis假设,假说 cP?GRMX@}  
B. paradox自相矛盾的人或事 li%@HdA!  
C. conflict冲突,斗争 |m-N5$\IC  
D. dispute争端 N w. )O  
考核要点:词义辨析  =aVvv+T  
13. A 句意:数病齐发导致他身体孱弱,但是他仍然懒得去运动。 V(TtOuv  
A. cumulative累积的 @K]`!=vUk  
B. formidable可怕的,可畏的 8[@,i|kgg0  
C. eternal永恒的 ajycYk9<m  
D. prospective预期的,有希望的 }[eUAGhDU  
考核要点:词义辨析 V=ll 9M  
14. D 句意:歹徒冲进银行,在工作人员要按下警报器的时候持枪威胁牧师并强制 ^KbR@Ah  
他们把钱交出来。 9fX0?POG  
A. shot射击 X uP%/\  
B. frightened惊恐,使害怕 Q b^{`  
C. amused逗乐,使发笑 P.Tnq  
D. menaced威胁,恐吓 Py*WHHO  
考核要点:词义辨析 wbWC &X.  
15.A 句意:我这双靴子比你的便宜,是因为我买时百货公司正降价销售存货。 V n_&q6Pa  
A. clearance 清理 2}<tzDI'  
B. reduction减少 NzZ(N z5  
C. fortune财富,运气 EF&CV{Sw  
D. deal交易 3sV$#l P  
考核要点:词义辨析 6`2i'flv  
16.B 句意:科技加速了信息共享,储存和传输,因此让更多的人接触到更多的  2l,>x  
信息。 y3j$?o M  
A. formulated构想出,规划 1a9' *[  
B. facilitated加速 RV@B[:  
C. furnished装饰,装置 DvhF CA}z  
D. functioned起作用 D;JZ0."  
17.D 句意:我曾经认为,语言、文化和性格彼此间都是独立存在的,事实上他 <]?71{7X  
们之间密不可分。 + _ehzo97  
A. indistinctly不清楚地,模糊地 ]+G\1SN~  
B. separately分开地,与from搭配 dZ" }wKbO  
C. irrelevantly不恰当地,不相关地,与to搭配 _9D]1f=&  
D. independently独立地,分开地,与of 搭配 e}O&_ j-  
考核要点:词义辨析,近义词辨析 !_Y%+Rkp0  
18.B 句意:85%以上的法裔加拿大人把法语作为自己的母语,并且信仰天主教。 H`<u2fo|p  
A. caters提供饮食及服务 &5jc &CS  
B. adheres追随,坚持,粘附 R)d_0Ng  
C. ascribes把…归因于 @}jg5}  
D. subscribes订阅,签署 Nj4r[5K  
19.C 句意:很多老师都不再强烈的倡导传统的英语教学法了。 8;~,jZ s  
A. sponsors 赞助者 9Cd=^ Im5  
B. contributors捐赠者,投稿者 Wv3p!zW3I  
C. advocates倡导者,支持者 c-zW 2;|61  
D. performers表演者,表现者 B$c'^ )  
20.A 句意:科学态度的实质就是人类可以成功的认识了解整个宇宙。 H1~9f {  
A. essence实质  a@|`!<5  
B. content内容 DFfh!KKR$  
C. texture质地,构造 xNY&*jI  
D. threshold门槛,开始,入口 IF&edP[V  
Part II Reading Comprehension (30 points) Oc~<`C~  
Passage 1 ixy:S1 pI  
21.A 本文先后叙述了美国针对医生医学专业能力不足进行专业培训,以及美 ,*Wh{ )  
国医生不合格数量及原因,以及各地分布状况。故此可知选A,美国医生现状。 EP4?+"Z  
22.A 细节题。根据第一段最后一句“Others give their patients poor care because  =H-BsX?P  
they are senile, incompetent, guilty of misconduct or out of touch with developments  3-y2i/4}$  
in medicine.”阐述了对不能为病患提供良好护理治疗的医生进行训练的原因。两 H(?+-72KX  
相比较,A项不包括在内,故选A。 {o'(_.{  
23. B 本题可以使用排除法。从文中可知,吊销行医执照406人,暂停行医500 v*y,PY1*  
人,惩戒1000人,所以排除A项。C项,实际情况应该是不能得到补偿的医生 i @M^l`w  
多数都在人口稀疏的农村,而不是在人口密集的城区,排除C项。D项,由于 L$Xkx03lz>  
农村医生比较少,所以尽管医生们专业能力有限,村民也是可以接受的,如果医 q.hpnE~#lh  
生人数减少了,那他们连看病的地方度没有了,故D项也可排除。 yqb$,$  
24. A 本文第三段作者提到:虽然农村的居民不希望因为某些医生的专业能力不 22d>\u +c  
足就惩罚他们甚至吊销执照,但是审查委员会仍然坚持说老年人和穷人接受劣等 3cqc<  
治疗是没有道理的。故此可以想象到以后委员会还是会坚持一贯作风,只要医生 J"eE9FLM  
不合格,便会进行惩戒甚至吊销执照。第四段提到卢博克大学正在建立计算机网 ]7,0}q.  
络帮助乡村医生尽快获得医疗经验并进入医疗记录,目的就是吸引更多年轻医生 it j&L <e  
去乡村。所以可以推测未来乡村合格医生会越来越多。 &)V uh=  
25. B 本文开始几段一直在叙述当前医学界医生专业能力不达标以及城乡分布 Np opg1Gv>  
不均状况,最后一段开始谈及改善问题,提到了德克萨斯州的改善方法,故此可 /z1-4:^`A[  
以推断,接下来可能还会接着探讨其他解决问题的方法。 KWVl7Kw#e  
Passage 2 LqQ&4I  
26.A 本文主要是给我们介绍了细菌的形状大小等特性,没有提到如何再生, #FGj)pu  
性能如何,更没有提到与疾病的关系。 ,PWMl [X  
27. C micron微米,inch英寸,centimeter厘米,millimeter毫米。如果不知道词 U4NA'1yo  
义,也可直接从文中子找答案。 mnYzn[d3U  
28. B pinhead针头,rod-shaped bacterium 杆状细菌,microscope显微镜,rounded  }1Hy[4B(k\  
bacterium球状细菌。细菌都是以微米为单位的,一个针头大约1000微米,杆状 mj& 4FQ#O*  
细菌约2-4微米长,球状细菌直径1微米。故选 B. e>HdJ"S`  
29. A 细节题。本题可直接从文中找答案,根据文本可知,一颗细菌在显微镜下 8(@(G_skp  
几乎都是极细的线状或是微小的点。 DoEN`K\U  
30. A flagella毛鞭。作者是这样描述细菌和毛鞭之间的关系的:一颗颗细菌都附 l5Q-M{w0x  
在毛鞭上,只有毛鞭旋转了,细菌才能跟着在水中运动。由此可以推出A选项。 I(Q3YDdb  
Passage 3 ' '|R$9\@  
31. C 这是一道中心主旨题。本文的中心主旨句是首段的尾句。通过对首段尾句 vcp[$-$QGJ  
以及其它段落主题句的阅读和理解,可以推导出本题的正确选项是C。考生在破 KupQtT<  
解此类题型时一定要首先抓住原文的中心主旨句以及各段的主题句。  DUs0L\  
32. B 本题是一道指代词题型。根据题干中的“incomplete combustion”可将本题的 Tml>>O  
答案信息来源迅速确定在第二段的第四句,该句中的指代词“these”暗示本题的具 D0p>Q^w  
体答案信息来源应该在第二段的第三句。通过阅读和理解第二段的第三句可推导 &(X-b"2  
出本题的正确选项是B。考生在解题时对指代词一定要认真理解。  $@ZrGT  
33. A 本题是一道审题定位题型。通过题干中的“air pollution”可将本题的答案信 *46hw(L  
息来源迅速确定在第一段,因为第一段首句中含有“noxious pollutants”,都在谈 !-|{B3"6  
污染的问题。通过阅读和理解第一段,尤其是第一段尾句即全文的中心主旨句, >KCnmi  
可推导出本题的正确选项是A。这是一道比较难的题。考生在解题时一定要具备 ,a@jg&Mb]  
审题定位能力,还要具备归纳和推导能力。 ujoJ6UOG  
34. D 这是一道细节推导题型。因为本题题干中含有“the most appealing feature of  iJEKLv  
methanol”(甲醇最吸引人的特点)这一主题。本题题干主题确定在第三段。通过仔 a*UxRi8  
细阅读和理解第三段最后一句,可推导出本题的正确选项是D,它的使用将会大 4wx _@8  
幅度减少臭氧水平。考生在破解这种题型时应对原文所表达的内容与关系有明确 !Im{-t  
的认识和把握。 GPU,.s"&(  
35. A 这是一道细节推导题型。本题题干中的“the criticism of methanol”把本题的 MN. $a9m  
答案信息来源确定在第四段的第一、二句。通过阅读和理解这两句话,尤其是第 5| bc*iqU  
二句话,就可推导出本题的正确选项A。考生在破解本题时一定要注意第二句话 47^R  
的第一个词“Yet”在语意上所起的作用。考生在解题时一定要重视启承转合词的 !:<n] -U  
出现和功能。 @xPWR=Lb  
Passage 4  C\5"Kb  
36. C  根据文章第一段“If the nature of the stimulus and the preference of the  20k@!BNq  
hemisphere match up, then the person can respond slightly more quickly and  ycSC'R  
accurately in identifying the local or global image.”可知,选C。  Y.v. EZ  
37. C 偏手性及大脑不对称被认为是人类独有的特性,这一点是从哪一点体现出 ? LA` v_  
来的?根据文章第一段“The assumption has always been that handedness and brain  |qX[Dk  
asymmetry are strictly human  traits---part of the great brain reorganization that  KMogwulG  
allowed our ancestor to use tools, speak and perhaps even think rationally.”可知, C ~jn~M_}K  
正确。 QwgP+ M+  
38. A文章中关于一个聪明的大脑所具有的特征。从第三段内容可以看出B、C V /,F6  
和D都有所提及,只有A不符合文意,与原文中“as a subtle one of processing style” 7!%xJ!  
不一致,所以正确答案为A。 4n, >EA85  
39. D 通过阅读原文最后一段中“… who suffer right-brain stokes is that they can  a+ lGN  
understand the literal meaning of sentences…but they can no longer get jokes or  MWron_xg  
allusions.”  我们可以知道,人类左脑善于记单词,词组而右脑则是负责诠释词 z,q1TU9  
义以及衍伸意。若果一个人右脑瘫痪,那么他可能碰到的问题就是理解不了笑话 `78)|a*R.  
和典故。因此可排除A 项,即便是右脑瘫痪,还是可以理解字面意思。B选项 s'yT}XQ;r  
叙述是正确的,但是这并不是右脑瘫痪会遇到的问题。C项包含在D项之内, !;s5\91  
只是举证而已。 LP- _i}Kq  
40. A 本文作者主要讲述了人脑的两个半球的运行方式,两个脑半球各自的作用。 G[M{TS3&Ds  
Passage 5 |?/,ED+|>D  
41. A作者在第一段中提到Du Pont公司对所有黑人应聘者都要进行血液检测以 &'d3Yt  
此确认他们是否可能携带贫血镰状细胞。 ;@l5kdZx`  
42. A Du Pont公司官方发言人一再强调这种做法绝对不是性别歧视,而是帮助他 .sR=Mf7T  
们避免潜在的疾病威胁。但是他们没有确切的证据证明仅仅一个异常的基因会让 f15f)P  
黑人抗疾病能力更差。 Z_}[hz$  
43. C 第一段末以纽约时报做的基因筛查为例说明他们的调查没有将一个特定 q7u bRak  
的种族单独出来,所以A错误。文章中Du Pont公司的调查主要是为了筛查镰状 , UiA?7k  
细胞贫血特质的携带者,镰状细胞贫血特质却不等同于镰状细胞贫血,所以它并 t1MK5 B5jH  
不是通常关注镰状细胞贫血,B错误。“Du Pont, which employs well over 100,000  yITL;dBy  
workers, is in the vanguard of American companies doing genetic screening…”可以 "0]s|ys6<  
看出Du Pont公司是美国做基因调查的先锋,所以推测有一些公司不想做,没有 iX\]-_D  
做基因调查,所以C正确。D文中未提及。 _@:O&G2nB  
44.D toxic 有毒的,powerful有力的,complex复杂的,thick浓的,厚的,poisonous HHcWyu  
有毒的 ~|5B   
45. B文章最后一句“Virtually all the carriers can lead very active lives and show no  X4{O/G  
symptoms of the disease.”可以推出B正确。A携带者数量应该是少于50,000,所 UG:S!w'  
以错误,”…about two-tenths of a percent of the black population. .” 可以得出C错 LOf)D7T  
误。根据倒数第二段可以得出D错误。 _m2p>(N|  
Passage 6 ^I]A@YNni  
46 A 很明显Northbrook后面跟着一个同位语从句,同位语从句作用就是解释先 BA(PWX`H  
行词。根据句意可知Northbrook是一个以伊利诺斯州为基地的市场调研集团。 QssU\@ / Q  
故选A。 hX&Jq%{oa  
47. A 人们对什么感到愤怒?根据第三段可知是A项,家长们迁就孩子大手大脚 Z.rR)   
的花钱。B项孩子们生活必需品价格昂贵,文中只是提到会让我们感到震惊。C T>qI,BEY  
项,spending概念太大了,应该是extravagant spending。D项notoriously fickle Bq4^nDK  
是修饰年轻人的而不是修饰消费习惯的。 vS'l@` Eg]  
48. D 细节题。第四段最后提到:各种形式的广告不断地告诉孩子们,如果想适 rIJv(&l  
应社会,就应该拥有的东西。由此可知,本题选D,激起年轻人跟紧时代潮流的 |];f?1  
欲望。 M'-Z"  
49. A 第六段作者提到,许多在职父母常常抽不出足够的时间陪自己的小孩,所 z3l(4WP  
以他们常常对孩子们充满歉疚,因此便通过多给孩子零花钱来弥补自己的愧疚。 "nQ&~KQ  
故选A. BC选项从某种程度上来说都是A的子选项。D项是指收到铺天盖地的 uXkc07 r'  
广告的影响,孩子们花钱大手大脚,属客观因素。而此题主要讨论的是父母主观 5%1a!M M M  
方面的因素。 \~~y1.,U.  
50. D 文中最后一段提到:父母应该教会孩子们如何做预算,如何节省,而不应 u-%|ZSg  
该一味的放任。故选D。 !Pf6UNN'  
51. D unwisely 愚蠢的,不明智的,eagerly渴望地,热切地,reasonably合理地, )g ; !IL  
reluctantly不情愿地。 =s5g9n+7  
Part III Cloze (10 points) h5^qo ^;g7  
52. A 根据上下文可知是成功。可排除B(使丰富),D(打败),而win主要战胜 9_ru*j\  
某人,赢得某场比赛,为及物动词,后必须接宾语。故选A,succeed,成功, }Md5a%s<  
不及物动词,可单用。 vtu!* 7m  
53. B at the expense of以…为代价,in need of  需要,for fear of  为避免,by means  Wv7hY"  
of 通过…方式。 kX)QHNzP  
54 B supplemented,vt.补充,增补。本题主要考察词义辨析。Compensate补偿, 3[;f O_R  
accompany陪伴,伴随,accumulate积累。根据句意可知,Epicurus每天只吃干 5zi}O GtXv  
面包,只有在过节的时候,才会加一点点奶酪。故选B。 J@lQzRqRb  
55. C Epicurus最后得到了幸福但是他的方式太过清苦了,因为他体弱多病。大 ONU,R\jMb-  
多数人都身体健康,自然是想选择一些更具活力的事情来做了。 -XNawpl`  
vigorous有活力的,prosperous兴旺的,繁荣的,多用于形容国家或经济,rigorous unD.t  
严格的,严密的,gorgeous华丽的,严厉的,  valetudinarian体弱多病的,体弱  JcJc&cG  
多病者。故选C。 ]TX"BH"2  
56. C unless 除非。  wS+ekt5  
57. D extravagant过度的,过分的,deficient不足的,有缺陷的,excessive过度 ?(R !BB  
的,过分的,adequate足够的 #w6ty<b;  
句意:对大多数人而言,除非通过多种方式追求幸福,否则这事就太过抽象,太 Rx,5?*b$  
过理论化,以致于不足以成为人们的生活准则。此处是个too…to 结构,太抽象… [M/0 Qx[,  
而不足以…。故选D。 v9 *WM3  
58. A w hatever无论什么,whenever无论什么时候,however无论怎样,whosever t/B4?A@C  
无论谁的 |A,<m#C  
59. B 本题主要考察词义。incomparable无可比拟的,incompatible 不相容的, G<M9 6V  
incapable 无能的,incredible 不可思议的,难以置信的。句意:无论你选择什么 F_.1^XM  
样的生活准则,都不应该与幸福相冲突。 >1  %|T  
60. B 作者紧随其后的就那健康与薪水举例,可见是物质条件。故选B,material。 <IO@Qj1*  
61. A 本题主要考察上下文的衔接。句意:有些人虽然具备了幸福的物质条件, :`B70D8ku  
但是却分毫感觉不到幸福。Nevertheless表示转折,therefore,otherwise,hence Y. Uca<{.[  
都表示因果。故选A。 w\lc;4U   
62. D 本题主要考察近义词辨析。Flaw瑕疵,error强调违反某一标准而做的错 Bg.  
事,defect多指天生的缺陷,fault强调责任或性格上的弱点。 ~A03J:Yc7  
63. C 此处主要是人和动物的对比。这句话大概的意思是:动物活着只要本能性 Xf{ht%b  
的需要得到满足就可以了,只要外部条件比较好他们就会觉得很幸福。imitation SQT]'  
模仿,impulse冲动。本题比较抽象一些,但是可以从后文中确定答案impuls e。 9Yhl q$;g  
64. D vulnerable脆弱的,易受伤的,conceivable可信的,可想到的,endurable o3cE.YUF  
能持久的,耐用的,favorable有利的,讨人喜欢的。 p`)Mk<`dYD  
65. B e nthusiastic 充满激情的,occasiona l 偶然的,偶尔的,indiffere nt 漠然的,  h@CP  
underlying潜在的,基本的 uNf97*~_  
句意:假使你养了只猫,这只猫要是能衣食无忧,偶尔还能夜里还能跑跑屋顶,那 6Z<|L^  
他就会觉得很幸福了。 . L9n  
66. D abrupt突然的,absurd荒谬的,acute尖锐的,a pt适当的,倾向于,be apt to 倾 =wznkqyhi  
向于 vD76IG jm  
句意:在文明社会,特别是在讲英语的社会,这一点往往容易被人遗忘。 hMyN$7Z  
67. B hinder 阻碍,restrain压制,抑制,refrain克制,abolish废除,废止条令。 3}5Ya\x  
68. A be anxious to 渴望,obvious明显的,显然的,不与to搭配,suspicious怀 snP]&l+  
疑的,常常接about,cautious谨慎的,小心的。根据上下文可知,是十分渴望变 :%<'('S |  
得富有。故选A。 ^G14Z5.  
69. C abandon放弃,cherish珍惜,sacrifice牺牲,reconcile调停,使和解。根据 eCjyx|:J  
上下文可知,商人为了追求财富,牺牲了健康和私人情感。可是最终富有的时候, - ND1+`yD  
却没有任何快乐可言了。故选C。 L KLLBrm:  
70. A p leasure快乐,property财产,wealth财富,opportunities机遇 bFVY&  
如果没有钢的话,铁路产业就不可能发展的像现在这样规模壮大。第一段铁 w1LZ\nA<  
轨是铁做的。但是铁制铁轨不够坚硬,无法支撑沉重的火车高速运行。铁路高管 _wUg+Xs]  
们便想用钢轨取代铁轨,因为相较于铁而言,钢要坚硬10-15倍,而且使用寿命 %-<6Z9otc  
是铁的20倍。然而,19世纪80年代前,钢太贵了,以至于无法大规模的投入 afE8Kqa:H  
使用。(因为)钢的炼制过程漫长,且成本高。首先要加热,然后搅拌,最后重 7c83g2|%   
新加热铁矿。 5DJ!:QY!  
Part IV English-Chinese Translation (15 points) Fg0!2MKq*  
后来亨利·贝塞麦发现:炼铁的时候往熔炉里的铁水输送空气可以燃烧掉那些 O~ |Y#T  
使铁易碎的杂质。因为空气进入熔炉时,熔浆便会喷出火花束。当火熄灭后,铁 [e o=  
就转化成钢了。贝氏转炉使钢的大规模生产成为可能。现在3-5吨铁转化成钢只 gOr%N!5  
需要几分钟时间。 _6 @GT  
重点词汇:impurity n. 杂质;不纯;不洁;melted iron  铁水;brittle   adj. 易碎 %$N,6}n  
的,脆弱的;易生气的;convert vi. 转变,变换 7n*"9Ai(  
重点句型:倍数的基本表达  …times+比较级 erOj(ce  
At the beginning of this century, wheat was virtually the lifeline of West of  Cx&l0ZXHEX  
Canada. The economy would prosper if there was a good harvest, otherwise it would  [#%@,C  
be depressed. People in urban areas all paid close attention to the harvest and price of  =s9*=5r8  
wheat, as if they were the planters. And it had become a hot topic how the wheat  R&Ss ET.  
would sell. 6?a z  
Part V Chinese-English Translation (15 points) =t %;mi,M  
War has brought about numerous dramatic changes in western grain market. For  Jv kTfTE7  
many years, peasants have never been trusting grain speculation activities. In general,  DGg1TUE  
the price was relatively low in autumn. However, peasants could not wait the price to  #e1iYFgS  
increase and would sell them once harvested, after which they could only see  GI>(S  
speculators benefited from the increase in wheat price. During various periods of time,  53>(2 _/[r  
farmer groups had required the governments to carry out strict control upon the grain  S VypR LVB  
market; however, the governments wouldn’t like to intervene until wheat price was  u> =\.d <  
almost lost control during the war. As it became urgent to control inflation and living 5n1`$T.WG  
expenses, the Federal government set up the Grain O versight Committee to deal with  7=s0Pm  
the buying and selling of grain during 1917 to 1918. t{,e{oZx  
The Qualities of the Cross-Century Talents J:OP*/@='  
Part VI writing (20 points) NKTy!zWh  
It is exciting as well as challenging to become the cross-century talents. It seems  @bChJl4  
to me that the cross-century talents are supposed to have at least two qualities. Firstly,  nJ$2RN  
the cross-century talents should have received all-round education with wide-ranging  {R"mvB`  
abilities. Secondly, the cross-century talents should have the spirit of perseverance. (EjlnG}5l  
There are two factors contributing to these two qualities. First, nowadays,  ?f6SKC  
various fields are closely related to each other, so a wide range of knowledge is  PPh<9$1\g  
required. Besides, competition has become so tense that all kinds of challenges will be  Bd- &~s^  
possible, so only people with strong will can survive and succeed in the end. |kD69 }sG  
Considering all these, we can take two measures in order to become qualified as  YW"uC\kg|  
the cross-century talents. On the one hand, we should receive as much education as  JSID@ n<b?  
possible. O n the other hand, we should try our best to experience different challenges  d c/^  
in life. In conclusion, as long as we make efforts, we can become more useful to the  aX*9T8H/  
society and to our country. PF#<CF$=  








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