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主题 : 清华大学2007年博士研究生入学考试英语试题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2015-11-04   
来源于 考博试题 分类


Part Ⅰ   Listening Comprehension (15 points)
(请将答案写在答题纸上) O7xBMq Mf  
Section One (!koz'f  
Directions: In this section you will heara talk about some language problems you may encounter while in the UnitedStates. The speaker will mainly talk about five problems. Listen to therecording and write down the five problems. Make your answers as brief aspossible. You will hear the recording twice. J1d|L|M  
(请将本部分15题的答案写在答题纸上) *h~(LH"tN  
    Topic:  language problems you may encounter in the United States u4~( 0  
  1________________________________________________________________________ M7 gM#bv>L  
  2________________________________________________________________________ 9|2LuHQu+  
  3________________________________________________________________________ eQsoZQA1  
  4________________________________________________________________________ XaYgl&x'!x  
  5________________________________________________________________________ fVxRK\a\\  
   Section Two =ve, !  
Directions: In this section you will heara lecture by a journalism professor. Listen to the recording and take notes tofill in the outline below. You will hear the recording twice.(请将本部分615题的答案写在答题纸上) Ffr6P }I  
Main Idea: Government regulation oftelevision has had limited success and will continue to be a challenge in thefuture. B=hJ* ;:p  
    Original  problems/reasons for regulation:— watching TV violence leads to violent behavior \\,z[C  
  —  ________________________________________________________________________ fc9gi4y9  
  —  ________________________________________________________________________ {-,^3PI\  
  —  Solutions: Telecommunications Act hionR)R4  
  — TV industry  responsibility: ratings system ppPzI,  
  — ________________________________________________________________________ g# <M/qn  
  —________________________________________________________________________ P8;f^3V(+/  
  Manufacturer responsibility:  V-chips :]-? l4(%  
  — ________________________________________________________________________ }S>:!9f  
  — ________________________________________________________________________ M ^~  
  Continuing  problems: V-chips ( ?pn2- Ip  
  — ________________________________________________________________________ vh6#Bc)i%w  
  — ________________________________________________________________________ 4!tHJCq"  
  Ratings system Mq$N ra  
  — ________________________________________________________________________ ti9 cfv>  
  — ________________________________________________________________________ G/C5o=cY  
Part Ⅱ   ReadingComprehension (40 points)
(请将答案涂在答题卡上,从16题开始) .j0] hn]  
Directions: There are 4 reading passagesin this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinishedstatements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Youshould decide on the best choice and then mark the corresponding letter on theANSWER SHEET. /WI HG0D  
Passage One
Questions 16 to20 are based on the following passage: ,JmA e6  
Sometimes, over a span of many years, abusiness will continue to grow, generating ever-increasing amounts of cash,repurchasing stock, paying increased dividends, reducing debt, opening newstores, expanding production facilities, moving into new markets, etc., whileat the same time its stock price remains stagnant (or even falls). cP MUu9du  
When this happens, the average andprofessional investors alike tend to overlook the company because they becomefamiliar with the trading range. =m= utd8  
Take, for example, Wal-Mart. Over thepast five years, the retailing behemoth has grown sales by over 80%, profits byover 100%, and yet the stock price has fallen as much as 30% during thattimeframe. Clearly, the valuation picture has changed. An investor that readthe annual report back in 2000 or 2001 might have passed on the security,deeming it too expensive based on a metric such as the price to earnings ratio.Today, however, the equation is completely different—despite the stock price,Wal-Mart is, in essence, trading at half its former price because each share isbacked by a larger dividend, twice the earnings power, more stores, and abigger infrastructure. Home Depot is in much the same boat, largely becausesome Wall Street analysts question how fast two of the world's largestcompanies can continue to grow before their sheer size slows them down to therate of the general economy. 7<VfE`Q3  
Coca-Cola is another excellent example ofthis phenomenon. Ten years ago, in 1996,the stock traded between a range of $36.10 and $ 54.30 per share. At the time, it had reported earnings per share of$1.40 and paid a cash dividend of $ 0.50 per share. Corporate per share bookvalue was $ 2.48Last year, the stock tradedwithin a range of $ 40.30 and $ 45.30 per share; squarely in the middle of thesame area it had been nearly a decade prior! Yet, despite the stagnant stockprice, the 2006 estimates Value Line Investment Survey estimates for earningsper share stand around $ 2.16 (a rise of 54%), the cash dividend has more thandoubled to $1.20, book value is expected to have grown to $ 7.40 per share (again of nearly 300%), and the total number of shares outstanding (未偿付的,未完成的)has actually decreased from 2.481billion to an estimated 2.355 billion due to the company's share repurchaseprogram. yD!V;?EnK  
16Thispassage is probably a part of ______. ^NTOZ0x~#  
AFindHidden Value in the Market        BBecome Richer 6">jf #pE  
CGetGood Bargains                DIdentifyGood Companies JSQ*8wDcl  
17Theitalicized word “stagnant” (Line 4, Para. 1) can be best paraphrased as ______. o$r]Z1  
Aprominent        Bterrible        Cunchanged        Dprogressing k6 f;A  
18Wal-Martis now trading at a much lower price because ______. N:@C% UW }  
Aithas stored a large quantity of goods 4r [T pb  
Bithas become financially more powerful k&P_ c  
Cithas been eager to collect money to prevent bankruptcy 'yM)>]u"  
Ditis a good way to compete with other retailing companies "@I"0OA  
19Allthe following are shared by Wal-Mart and Coco-Cola EXCEPT ______. Az2$\  
AThecash dividend has increased R`:NUGR  
BTheearning power has become stronger ;pNHT*>u,  
CBothbusinesses have continued to grow c#e_Fs  
DThestock price has greatly decreased ft[g1  
20Accordingto the author, one had better ______. g~@0p7]Y  
Abuymore shares when the stock price falls down RfB""b8]=  
Bsellout the shares when the stock price falls down 'gojP  
Cdosome research on the value of a business when its stock price falls down Al`[Iu&  
Dinvestin the business when its stock price falls down #7U,kTj9  
Passage Two
Questions 21 to25 are based on the following passage: 8E Y< ^:  
Today's college students are morenarcissistic (自恋的)and self-centered than theirpredecessors, according to a comprehensive new study by five psychologists whoworry that the trend could be harmful to personal relationships and Americansociety. aM9St !i  
“We need to stop endlessly repeating‘You're special' and having children repeat that back,” said the study's leadauthor, Professor Jean Twenge of San Diego State University. “Kids areself-centered enough already.” “Unfortunately, narcissism can also have verynegative consequences for society, including the breakdown of closerelationships with others,” he said. The study asserts that narcissists “aremore likely to have romantic relationships that are short-lived, at risk forinfidelity, lack emotional warmth, and to exhibit game-playing, dishonesty, andover-controlling and violent behaviors.” Twenge, the author of “Generation Me:Why Today's Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled—and MoreMiserable Than Ever Before,” said narcissists tend to lack empathy, reactaggressively to criticism and favor self-promotion over helping others. OR^Wd  
Some analysts have commended today'syoung people for increased commitment to volunteer work. But Twenge viewed eventhis phenomenon skeptically, noting that many high schools require communityservice and many youths feel pressure to list such endeavors on collegeapplications. 5@Q4[+5&_  
Campbell said the narcissism upsurgeseemed so pronounced (非常明显的)that he was unsure if therewere obvious remedies.  “Permissivenessseems to be a component,” he said. “A potential antidote would be moreauthoritative parenting. Less indulgence might be called for.” oA~m*|  
Yet students, while acknowledging somelegitimacy to such findings, don't necessarily accept negative generalizationsabout their generation. \wNn c"  
Hanady Kader, a University of Washingtonsenior, said she worked unpaid last summer helping resettle refugees andconsiders many of her peers to be civic-minded. But she is dismayed (气馁;灰心)by the competitiveness of some studentswho seem prematurely focused on career status. “We're encouraged a lot to beindividuals and go out there and do what you want, and nobody should stand inyour way,” Kader said, “I can see goals and ambitions getting in the way ofother things like relationships.” tGd<{nF%2  
Kari Dalane, a University of Vermontsophomore, says most of her contemporaries are politically active and notoverly self-centered. “People are worried about themselves—but in the sense ofwhere are they're going to find a place in the world,” she said, “People wantto look their best, have a good time, but it doesn't mean they're not concernedabout the rest of the world.” IR%a+;Xs  
Besides, some of the responses on thenarcissism test might not be worrisome, Dalane said, “It would be moredepressing if people answered, ‘No, I'm not special’.” v mOXB#7W  
21Accordingto the passage, a narcissistic person may ______. *<U&DOYV:  
Ahatecriticism        Bbe dishonest to his/her partner 64 \ZOG\,  
Cbeunwilling to help others        Dall the above Vrz!.X~  
22Theitalicized word “commended” (Line 1, Para. 3) means ______. u6y\GsM.a  
Apraised        Bcriticized        Crecommended        Ddisfavored `z)!!y  
23Whichof the following is NOT true according to the passage? GGF;T&DWad  
ANarcissismmay result in bad consequences. gqD`1/  
BCollegestudents are active to participate in volunteer work. ".xai.trr  
CSomepeople doubt whether there are remedies to counter the narcissism upsurge. Ai->,<Ig]  
DSomecollege students are overly engaged in self-promotion. %T6#c7U_  
24Itis implied that ______. >W'SG3Hmc  
Aboththe researchers and college students are worried about the trend of narcissism ,0&lag  
Btheresearchers and college students disagree on the findings of the study \Zf&& 7v  
Ctheresearchers and college students disagree on some of the findings of the study sp** Sg)  
Dcollegestudents are pessimistic about their future [l #WS  
25Itis proper to be ______ when you hear someone say “I'm special.” R[&lk~a{=  
Aobjective        Bpessimistic        Coptimistic        Dworried f aO8 &  
Passage Three
Questions 26 to30 are based on the following passage: iW"L !t#\|  
The House is expected to pass a piece oflegislation Thursday that seeks to significantly rebalance the playing fieldfor unions and employers and could possibly reverse decades of decliningmembership among private industries. -'PpY302  
The Employee Free Choice Act would allowa union to be recognized after collecting a majority of vote cards, instead ofwaiting for the National Labor Relations Board to oversee a secret ballotelection, which can occur more than 50 days after the card vote is completed. XFu@XUk!K  
Representatives of business on CapitolHill oppose the bill. The National Association of Manufacturers, The NationalFederation of Independent Business, the US Chamber of Commerce and otherbusiness groups oppose the shift away from secret ballots saying the changecould threaten the privacy of the workers. “This isn't about preventingincreased unionization, it's about protecting rights,” said the National Association of Manufacturer's JasonStraczewski, of his organization's opposition to bill. Straczewski sayseliminating the secret-ballot step would open up employees to coercion (强迫;胁迫)from unions. 3^Yk?kFE  
Samuel of the AFL-CIO contends the realcoercion comes from employers. “Workers talking to workers are equals, whilemanagers talking to workers aren't,” Samuel said. He cites the 31,358 cases ofillegal employer discrimination acted on by the National Labor Relations Boardin 2005 FOk @W&  
Samuel also points out that counter toclaims from the business lobby, the secret ballot would not be eliminated. Thechange would only take the control of the timing of the election out of thehands of the employers. “On the ground, the difference between having thislegislation and not would be the difference between night and day,” saidRichard Shaw of the Harris County Central Labor Council, who says it would havea tremendous impact on the local level. LDBR4@V  
The bill has other provisions (规定,条款)as well. The Employee Free Choice Actwould also impose binding arbitration (仲裁)whena company and a newly formed union cannot agree on a contract after 3 months.An agreement worked out under binding compulsory arbitration would be in effectfor 2 years, a fact that Straczewski calls, “borderline unconstitutional.” “Idon't see how it will benefit employees if they're locked into a contract,”said Straczewski. 4(aesZ8h  
The bill's proponents point to the trendof recognized unions unable to get contracts from unwilling employers. TheFederal Mediation and Conciliation Service, the organization that overseesarbitration, reported that in 2004, 45 percent of newly formed unions weredenied first contracts by employers. The bill would also strengthen thepenalties for companies that illegally coerce or intimidate employees. As itstands, the law on the books hasn't changed substantially since the NationalLabor Relations Act was made into law in 1935TheNLBR can enforce no other penalty than reinstating wrongfully fired employeesor recovering lost wages. \aZ(@eF@@Q  
26Whichof the following statements best summarizes the main idea of the passage? BRD'5 1]|  
AHousebill aims to spur labor union growth. a ^)Mx9  
BHousebill aims to counter labor union growth. n/,7ryu  
CEmployeeFree Choice Act aims to spur employment. |O 4A+S  
DEmployeeFree Choice Act aims to raise employees' income. +cV!=gDT  
27Accordingto its opponents, the bill ______. K<]fElh -  
Awillprotect employees' rights #>v7" <  
Bwillbenefit workers by binding contracts jujx3rnK?  
Cwillempower unions too much d(@ A  
Dmakesit possible for employees to yield to coercion from unions 9wq%Fnt  
28Theword “it” (Line 5, Para. 5) refers to ______. Vw{Ys6q  
Athechange        Bthe legislation        CtheAFL-CIO        Dthe difference 7@lXN8_f  
29Peoplesupport the bill because of the following reasons EXCEPT ______. *(vq-IE\$  
Athebill will probably enable unions to have fewer members of private industries h+74W0 $  
Bthebill will allow a union to be recognized earlier and have a great effect on thelocal level "q`%d_  
Cbindingarbitration will be imposed to protect employees if a contract can't be agreedon between a recently established union and a company nUd\4;J#  
Dthebill will strengthen the punishment for companies which illegally coerce orthreaten employees )2FO+_K?T  
30Itis implied that ______. R{[Q+y'E  
Afewerprivate industries joined unions in the past uWWv`bI>x  
Bworkers'coercion often comes from unions %b{!9-n}  
Cthebill will be a win-and-win one for employees and employers z;/'OJ[.  
Dpunishmentauthorized by the bill will be lighter 'QS"4EvdD  
Passage Four
Questions 31 to35 are based on the following passage: v)d0MxSC  
Some African Americans have had aprofound impact on American society, changing many people's views on race,history and politics. The following is a sampling of African Americans who haveshaped society and the world with their spirit and their ideals. o 4b{>x  
Muhaimmad Ali   Cassius Marcellus Clay grew up a devoutBaptist in Louisville, Kentucky, learning to fight at age 12 after a policeofficer suggested he learn to defend himself. Six years later, he was anOlympic boxing champion, going on to win three world heavyweight titles. Hebecame known as much for his swagger (趾高气扬)outside the ring as his movement in it, converting to Islam in 1965, changinghis name to Muhammad Ali and refusing to join the US Army on religious grounds.Ali remained popular after his athletic career ended and he developedParkinson's disease, even lighting the Olympic torch at the 1996 AtlantaOlympics and conveying the peaceful virtues of Islam following the September 11terrorist attacks. %f-<ol  
W. E. B. Du Bois   William EdwardBurghardt Du Bois born in 1868, this Massachusetts native was one of the mostprominent, prolific intellectuals of his time. An academic, activist andhistorian, Du Bois co-founded the National Association for the Advancement ofColored People (NAACP), edited “The Crisis” magazine and wrote 17 books, fourjournals and many other scholarly articles. In perhaps his most famous work,“The Souls of Black Folk”, published in 1903, he predicted “the problem of 20thcentury [would be]the problem of the color-line.” {6n \532@  
Martin LutherKing Jr.   The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. isconsidered one of the most powerful and popular leaders of the American civilrights movement. He spearheaded (带头;做先锋)amassive, nonviolent initiative of marches, sit-ins, boycotts and demonstrationsthat profoundly affected Americans' attitudes toward race relations. He wasawarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 vUK>4^{J5  
Malcolm X   Blackleader Malcolm X spoke out about the concepts of race pride and blacknationalism in the early 1960s. He denounced the exploitation of black peopleby whites and developed a large and dedicated following, which continued evenafter his death in 1965Interest in the leader surgedagain after Spike Lee's 1992 movie “Malcolm X” was released. q8h{-^"  
Jackie Robinson   In1947, Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier by joining the Brooklyn Dodgers,becoming the first black baseball player in the US major leagues. Afterretirement from baseball in 1957, he remained active in civil rights and youthactivities. In 1962, he became the first African-American to be inducted intothe Baseball Hall of Fame. ?8,N4T0)  
31Whichof the following is NOT true about Muhammad Ali? Dgm%Ng  
AHenever served in the army. SNU bY6  
BHelearned to fight at an early age. ->hxHr`!%a  
CHispopularity decreased after his retirement from boxing. Yy)a,clZ*$  
DHeloves peace. 3kQ^f=Wd  
32Theitalicized word “prolific” (Line 2, Para. 3) is synonymous to ______. (RmED\.]4  
Asmart        Bskilled        Cproductive        Dpioneering IA^)`l7H  
33Accordingto the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? 3rY /6{  
AW.E. B. Du Bois was engaged in the cause of promoting the status of coloredpeople. BZ<z@DJp  
BJackieRobinson was denied by U. S. major baseball leagues throughout his life. ]'h)7  
CMartinLuther King Jr. was highly awarded for his contributions to the civil rightsmovements. O|RO j  
DMalcolmX directly or indirectly inspired interest in leadership even after his death. #(IMRdUf  
34Whatis common among the celebrities mentioned in the passage? tKeO+6l  
AEachachieved enormous success in his/her field and was highly recognized. "|'`'W  
BEachwas devoted to his/her cause but didn't win recognition until death. )t0b$<%  
CAllwere active and famous in several fields in their lifetime. |2<f<k/UT  
DAllloved peace and remained active in civil rights activities. 1:!rw,Jzl`  
35Whichof the following can be a title of the passage? T+nC>}*jgJ  
ALifeof famous African Americans _A|\.(t  
BInfluenceof famous African Americans _Af4ct;ng  
CPoliticalpioneers: Icons and intellectuals L[G\+   
DCulturalpioneers: Icons and intellectuals pInWKj[y1  
Part Ⅲ   Vocabulary(10 points)(请将答案划在答题卡上)
Directions: There are 20 incompletesentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, Cand D. Choose the best one that completes the sentence or is nearest in meaningwith the underlined word. And then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWERSHEET with a single line through the center. ,Q#tA|:8j  
36Thebuilding collapsed because its foundation was not strong enough to ______ theweight of the building. gqD^Bs'VF  
Asubside        Bidealize        Cinitiate        Dsustain }PIB b  
37Theactress was very ______ at the insulting question raised by her opponent at theconference. A]?O& m |  
Aextraterrestrial        Bexplicit        Cindignant        Dinnovative U\8#Qvghf  
38Itis known to all that children in this region have strong ______ to swimming insummer because of the hot weather. x\hn;i<  
Ainclination        Bexposure        Cflux        Dcorrelation z{3%Hq  
39Thetorch was ______ by a famous athlete at the opening of the sport meeting. pt cLJ]+)  
Aimplement        Bdeceive        Cexemplify        Dignited `/JR}g{O  
40Thesesamples have to be ______ in certain kind of chemical water in order to protectthem. A%*DQ1N  
Aimmersed        Bcrisped        Carmored        Darrayed ;]ShC\1  
41Hertalk at the seminar clearly______ from the topic the supervisor expected in thefield of sociology. Px7g\[]  
Aalternated        Bamplified        Cdesignated        Ddiverged _d0-%B 9m  
42Threeyears ______ before he returned home from the United States. #Wm@&|U  
Adenoted        Bdestined        Celapsed        Denveloped vx5o k1UY  
43A______plan needs to be considered and accepted so as to lower the prices in thesecities. =E}%>un  
Adeliberate        Bdisincentive        Cfunctional        Dfantastic mERZ_[a2  
44Sometimesin drawing and designing, the sign X______ the unknown number. ]~ #+ b>  
Afacilitates        Bfascinates        Cdenotes        Djots Y0L5W;iM  
45Thespeaker was very much ______ by rude words and behavior of the audience in thehall. fs3 -rXoB  
Ajerked        Bincensed        Claced        Dlimped S1az3VJI\  
46Thetwo countries have developed a ______ relation and increased a great deal inforeign trade. .i3lG( YG  
Amanagerial        Blethal        Cmetric        Dcordial PQ&Q71  
47Thedoctor's ______ was that she should go and see the specialist in this field. @!&Jgg53G  
Aconstraint        Bcounsel        Ccoherence        Dconsciousness "doU.U&u  
48TheUnited Nation Law of the Sea Conference would soon produce an ocean-miningtreaty following its ______ declaration in 1970 that oceans were the heritageof mankind. 3!"b guE  
Aunanimous        Babstract        Cautonomous       Dalmighty ~D -JZx  
49Theyneed to move to new and large apartments. Do you know of any ______ ones inthis area? p'Y&Z?8  
Aevacuated        Bempty        Cvacant        Dvacate N[a ljC-R  
50Thebad and damp weather in the hot area would enable the plants to get ______ quickly. XAQ\OX#  
Adecomposed        Bdenounced        Cdetached        Ddeduced ^ z*):e  
51Thegovernment decided to take a ______ action to strengthen the market management. \`P2Yq  
Adiverse        Bdurable        Cepidemic        Ddrastic co$Hi9JE  
52Thelocal residents were unhappy about the curfew in this region and decided to______ it. jHu,u|e0>S  
Adisgrace        Bdisguise        Cdefy        Ddistress #Cg}!38  
53Theyadmitted that they shared the same ______ on the matter. ^&`sWO@=  
Apotentiality        Bsentiment        Cpostscript        Dsubscription _uO!N(k.  
54Wecannot be______ with him due to his misbehavior at the meeting yesterday. P|e:+G7  
Apecked        Breconciled        Cperturbed        Dpresumed (^DLCP#*  
55Badtraveling conditions had seriously ______ their progress to their destinationin that region. g+>=C   
Atugged        Bdemolished        Champered        Ddestroyed KrdZEi vb  
Part Ⅳ   Cloze(10 points)(请将答案划在答题卡上)
Directions: There are 20 blanks in thefollowing passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Youshould choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark thecorresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. RjR&D?dc  
Sea rise as a consequence of globalwarming would immediately threaten that large fraction of the globe living atsea level. Nearly one-third of all human beings live within 36miles of acoastline. Most of the world's great seaport cities would be   56  :New Orleans, Amsterdam, Shanghai, and Cairo. Some countries—Maldives Islands inthe Indian Ocean, islands in the Pacific—would be inundated. Heavily populatedcoastal areas such as in Bangladesh and Egypt, 57   large populations occupy low-lying areas,would suffer extreme   58  . ]k ::J>84  
Warmer oceans would spawn strongerhurricanes and typhoons,   59   incoastal flooding, possibly swamping valuable agricultural lands around theworld.   60   water quality may result as   61   flooding which forces salt water into coastalirrigation and drinking water supplies, and irreplaceable, natural   62   could be flooded with ocean water, destroyingforever many of the   63   plant and animal species living there.  Qq,i  
Food supplies and forests would be   64   affected. Changes in rainfall patterns woulddisrupt agriculture. Warmer temperatures would   65   grain-growing regions pole-wards. The warmingwould also increase and change the pest plants, such as weeds and the insects   66   the crops. 5"-una>D  
Human health would also be affected.Warming could   67   tropical climate bringing with it yellowfever, malaria, and other diseases. Heat stress and heat mortality could rise.The harmful   68   oflocalized urban air pollution would very likely be more serious in warmer   69  .There will be some   70   from warming. New sea-lanes will open in theArctic, longer growing seasons further north will   71   new agricultural lands, and warmer temperaturewill make some of today's colder regions more   72  .But these benefits will be in individual areas. The natural systems—both plantand animal—will be less able than man to cope and   73  .Any change of temperature, rainfall, and sea level of the magnitude now   74   will be destructive to natural systems andliving things and hence to man as well. ^eT  DD  
The list of possible consequences ofglobal warming suggests very clearly that we must do everything we can now tounderstand its causes and effects and to take all measures possible to preventand adapt to potential and inevitable disruptions   75   by global warming. QvG56:M3  
56Aascended        Bassaulted        Cerased        Dendangered Q vv\+Jp^  
57Awhich        Bwhere        Cwhen        Dwhat N_u& 3CG  
58Adislocation        Bdiscontent        Cdistribution        Ddistinction 8 3z'#  
59Arebuking        Brambling        Cresulting        Drallying sBP}n.#$  
60AIncreased        BReduced        CExpanded        DSaddened YMc8Q\*B  
61Ainland        Bcoastal        Curban        Dsuburban Lv `#zgo_f  
62Adry-land        Bmountain        Cwetlands        Dforest 55 S\&Ad$  
63Aunique        Bprecious        Cinteresting        Dexciting u-AWJc+F.  
64Ageologically        Badversely        Csecretively        Dserially BA~a?"HS  
65Ashift        Bgenerate        Cgrease        Dfuse :V&N\>Wo  
66Ahiking        Bhugging        Cattacking        Dactivating !Gln Q`T  
67Aendanger        Baccommodate        Cadhere        Denlarge JP{UgcaF  
68Aprofits        Bvalues        Ceffects        Dinterests |ZvNH ~!  
69Aconditions        Baccommodation        Csurroundings        Devolution G{@C"H[$<  
70Aadjustments        Bbenefits        Cadoptions        Dprofits I#"t'=9H  
71Aalternate        Babuse        Cadvocate        Dcreate 38[)[{G)Hv  
72Aaccidental        Bhabitable        Canniversary        Dambient H7{Q@D8  
73Aadapt        Balleviate        Cagitate        Dassert )>(L{y|uYX  
74Aascertained        Bconformed        Cconsoled        Danticipated T?W[Z_D  
75Atutored        Brelayed        Ctriggered        Dreflected M (+.$uz  
Part Ⅴ   Translation from English into Chinese(10points)(请将翻译写在答题纸上)
Directions: Translate the followingpassage into Chinese, and then write it on the ANSWER SHEET. 285_|!.Y  
Understanding this transition requires alook at the two-sided connection between energy and human well-being. Energycontributes positively to well-being by providing such consumer services asheating and lighting as well as serving as a necessary input to economicproduction. But the costs of energy—including not only the money and otherresources devoted to obtaining and exploiting it, but also environmental andsociopolitical impacts—detract from well-being. @O@fyAz  
For most of human history, the dominantconcerns about energy have centered on the benefit side of theenergy-well-being equation. Inadequacy of energy resources or more often of thetechnologies and organizations for harvesting, converting, and distributingthose resources has meant insufficient energy benefits and hence inconvenience,deprivation and constraints on growth. The 1970's, then, represented a turningpoint. After decades of constancy or decline in monetary costs—and ofrelegation of environmental and sociopolitical costs to secondary status—energywas seen to be getting costlier in all respects. It began to be probable thatexcessive energy costs could pose threats on insufficient supply. It alsobecame possible to think that expanding some forms of energy supply couldcreate costs exceeding the benefits. J&A;#<qY  
Part Ⅵ   Writing(15 points)(请将作文写在答题纸上)
Directions: You are asked to write in noless than 200 words about the title of HarmfulPlagiarism in Academic Field in China. You should base your composition onthe outline given in Chinese below. Remember to write neatly on the ANSWERSHEET. Up<~0  
目前在学术界出现了剽窃和抄袭等不良现象。作为一名未来的博士研究生,你如何看待这些现象,你认为应该如何制止,以及你应该如何从自身做起。 K1:a]aU?Iu  
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