一、医学考博英语作文标题格式 }elc `jj
题目是对文章主题的高度概括,也是阅卷老师拿到你的作文第一眼就要看的东西,所以作文标题的格式必须正确。一般说来,我们要注意以下几点: ZWii)0'PV
标题要居中写 ^aIPN5CK
除非不得已,标题不宜太长 +y,T4^{
标题中可以使用标点符号,但是不能使用句号 1 da@3xaF
如有副标题,要与主标题分居两行 UN7EF/!Zz
标题中的单词除冠词(a, an, the)、连词(and, but,or等)、介词(of, for, about等)和动词不定式 to 之外(除非这些是标题的第一个单词的时候首字母也要大写),首字母都要大写。例如: `0rd26Qr
The Eureka Phenomenon anuL1fXO
Birth Order----A Topic of Controversy ?42<J%p
Population Growth T`/AY?#
Why Educate the Children of Illegal Immigrants? Bm.afsM;
It's a Toy! @(l^]9(V\
The Democratic Party in the House of Representtatives !y#"l$"xK
----A General Survey and Analysis ioaU*%
The Internet: Blessing or Curse? '#!
二、医学考博英语作文段落格式 tWo{7) Eb
段落格式主要是段落的起首格式,以及每行的起首格式。英文写作每段的第一行起首可空格也可顶格写,现在对此已经没有严格的规定。但是,freekaobo还是建议大家稳妥一点。所谓段首空格是指空两个字符(即四个英文字母的空间)。例如: ;1#H62Z*
The report looks back at the 1970s, when many people saw cancer as a death sentence. Today, it says things have improved with better therapy, and often quicker ways of spotting the disease. Us%T;gW
But Macmillan says while cancer may no longer be life ending, it is life changing. With thousands of people in the UK now living with a long-term legacy of side effects from therapy, the psychological impact, and often financial worries for many years. p$SX
And the number of survivors will continue to grow. The government has said by 2020, cancer patients in England will have an individually tailored package of care to help with life after a diagnosis. 2C2fGY
三、医学考博英语作文文章小标题格式 eD-#b|
医学考博英语考试写作部分所给的中文原文中有时候会用到一些小标题,那么我们在写对应的英语作文的时候也应该保留这些小标题。这些小标题能更好地突出文章各部分的主题,有助于体现文章的框架和逻辑。我发现很多考生习惯将小标题居中,其实,正确的格式应该是: 3E7ULK
如果小标题带有序号,就顶格写,下一行空出序号的位置,与标题对齐 :Y-{Kn6`_
如果小标题不带序号,也要顶格写,下一行空两格起行。 |
小标题中字母的大小写原则应该与文章标题中字母的大小写一致(介词for, of; 连词 and, or, but等都不大写)。例如: /{|EAd{
带序号的小标题格式 AUeu1(