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主题 : 医学博士听力词汇精选
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2017-01-01   
来源于 考博资料 分类


听力词汇经典 bsqoR8  
1.表示同意的词组 *zz/U (9D  
You can say that again. RR`?o\  
You may well say so d=lZhqY  
You said it. nqiy)ZN#R  
Well said. u"C`S<c  
So be it. ]6=cSs!  
I see eye to eye with you. wx<5*8zP  
I don't wonder. pC#Z]_k  
No wonder. \?g)jY  
So does it.  0A pvuf1  
As far as I know. u@==Ut  
No problem. #-e3m/>  
Is ice cold? EWH'x$z_q  
Does a fish swim? \%^<Ll  
Does a bird fly? W]6Y buP:  
Behind you. $R7d*\(G  
2.表示不同意的词组 Q?[k>fu0  
You don't say so. 7sHtJr  
Says who. (CuaBHR  
Who says so? vcV=9q8P1  
That's not saying very much. S1`+r0Fk~n  
And I do? ly, d =  
3.a far cryfrom 相差甚远 0 w@~ynW[  
4. and how 的确 A:NsDEt  
5. anythingbut 绝对不 PPE:@!u<  
6.accountfor 解释 >@ge[MuS  
7.after all 到底 tYmWze. j  
8.allergicto 过敏 z KJ6j]m  
9.at sb’sservice为某人服务 6PJ0iten  
10. aroundthe clock 昼夜不停 q;B-np?U  
11.as far asI know 就我所知 ].:S!QO  
12.at homewith …..很熟悉 4fpz; 2%  
13.back out 退出,不履行 ,Sz*]X  
14.be cutout for 天生适合做 K6|*-Wo.  
15.beaddicted to ……成瘾 ]^aece t  
16.beattached to ……有感情 xj%h-@o6  
17.back up 积累,支持 Ce`{M&NSWX  
18.be burnedup 生气 /=Q7RJ@P  
19. be headand shoulders above 胜过许多 skZxR5v3~L  
20.be in thedark 蒙在鼓里 X$%RJ3t e  
21.break newground 有了新的突破 CQ3;NY=o  
22.betweenyou and me 你我之间,保密 >Qt#6X|  
23.call it aday 就此结束 WR~uy|mX  
24.come whatmay 不管怎样 D97oS!*  
25.dirtcheap 非常便宜 yrkd# m  
26.dowithout 没有……也行 E: XzX Fxx  
27.fornothing 免费 ~u}[VP  
28.get of onthe wrong foot 开始就错了 #i:p,5~")  
29.get awaywith逃脱惩罚 Y@#~8\_  
30.get going赶紧行动;=get moving P1z 6 sG G  
31. gojogging 去跑步 S>cT(q_&  
32.go toone’s head 自负 S/7D}hJ  
33.got thetime?几点了 . KRh59yg  
34.graonabout 抱怨 Ct #hl8b:  
35.have away with 专门能对付,擅长 )"j_ NlO  
36. hit thespots 非常好 zPhNV8k-  
37. in case 万一 [f- #pew  
38.in nextto no time 立刻,马上 I>ofSaN  
39.in thered 赤字反义:in the black $,'r} %  
40.look onthe bright sides of things 看事物的积极面 NIV&)`w  
41.nokidding不开玩笑,说真的 Sy8o/-  
42. It’s onthe tip of my tongue. 一下想不起来了。 :Wb+&|dU  
43. That’seaser said than done. 说起来容易做起来难 %;n y  
44.There isnothing to it. 没什么,很容易 T[ mTA>d  
45. withflying colors非常成功地,出色地 %T1(3T{Li  
*B@<{x r  
 q#MA A_  









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