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对外经济贸易大学中法国际工商管理学院 mz;S*ONlV rXXIpQRi$S Sino-French school of International Management epp ;~(xr j|!.K|9B 法国巴黎一大(索邦大学) ;xaOv
e;9 68?oV)fE UNIVERSITY PARISI(SORBONNE UNIVERSITY) ZeD; w_|R.T\7 在职班 MBA项目 g9(zJ [b-27\b Part Time MBA Program c(Zar&z,E D(xgadr 为什么申请此项目?Why this program? HVaWv ]. '0x`Oh&PK l 历史长 Long History ;K 38I} j(/B
f m i>6SY83B} Icf 4OAx 1991年在中法政府支持下创办,国内最早的中外合作MBA项目之一。 3?I^D /K^ e&Z}struE Under the support of both Chinesse and French governement, this Sino-French MBA programe by UIBE was estabished in 1991, and was one of the earliest joint MBA programs in China. 2Cn^<(F^4I *u.6,jw `C"Slz:: 1 Y_e1tgmm l 高效率Efficient Learning 0L10GJ "( '8`{u[: ?l#9ydi? 5 (bG 十八个月打造专业及语言优势,适度紧凑的管理课程助力商道攻略。 {H s""/sb aVvi_cau 18-month intensive study to create business professionalism and foreign language abilities 4S|! iOY 8[5%l7's UN_f2 ~a m]G0 l 国际性Internationalism K[)N/Q pHFlO!#]| 3=~"<f
l u.iFlU 巴黎一大研修部分课程,亲处巴黎文化氛围;师从国际知名教授,融入国际校友网络,拓展职业发展空间。 RGYky3mQK '"QC^Joz Courses at University Paris I (Sorbonne University) and given by the world-class professors enable students to experience French culture, to be part of an international alumni network, and to enhance professional competitiveness. p%Ae"#_X% 9oS \{[x. [bkMl+:/HG ,S;?3?
a l 强品牌Brand Influence kbBD+* 8
W8ahG} ||hy+f[A pr>Qu: 中外名校联袂打造,高质量管理课程助您驰骋职场! jo=XxA kac@yQD Cooperation between prestigious universities in France and China guarantees the program’s high quality. $/,qw
kM]:~b2 Cca(
oV $f>Mz|j l 双学位Dual-degree opportunity jEklf0Z }aXc,;Ps K]zBPfx +^<CJNDL9 获巴黎一大学位及对外经济贸易大学企业管理硕士结业证书,符合条件者可以申请我国同等学力企业管理硕士学位。
#QZg{ T2Cdw\ The program provides—A Degree of Master of Business Administration from the University Paris I (Sorbonne University), and A Certificate of MBA course from UIBE (to apply for a master’s degree by finishing additional courses) 2tCep *gHOH!K,S |U1X~\"" ?v#t{e0eQ 谁可以申请此项目?Who are our candidates ? fS-#dJC";` ;z#D%#Ztq X"J79?5 Y[$[0 l 具有学士学位 Graduates with a bachelor’s degree. ?)Z~H,Q(z b'Z#RIb l 具有至少三年以上的工作经验 With minimum 3 years’working experience z|}Anc[\ @`k!7?
Sq 注:大专(三年制)毕业生需要至少五年以上的工作经验 h(d<':| HCb7`(@ Note : Junior college (three-year schooling) graduates without bachelor’s degree can apply, provided they have at least 5 years’ working experience.The acceptance of their application will be assessed by the selection committec. [sFD-2y 6aCAz2/ l 英语熟练 English language proficiency rv;w`f A[X
EbfDO QtkyKR y M , hF 在哪里上课?Where to have class ? Da_g3z Eo)Q> AM n0O- Bxhl W: cOzJ 中国对外经济贸易大学,法国巴黎一大,企业移动课堂 ?b2"~A #p*{p)]HiA Uniersity of International Business and Economics, Paris I , Enterprise Mobile Classroom. 7O;v5k~iQ >\^:xxTf /0!6;PC< Pf]6'?kQ 入学考试形式?What kind of exams ? ZR6KE_ a)Qx43mOS N02N
w(pi (3%NudkwT 笔试 Test "[BuQ0(g LC*@/(( +<Uc42i7n hR[Qdu6r 英语自命题,形式参考GMAT模式
U" aFi gUy >I( A test in English similar to GMAT is arranged by IFCM. Sl +g/y)] AP 注:GMAT成绩550分以上者可申请免试 Fj7cI + +smPR Note: Candidates who get more than 550 in GMAT can apply for the test exemption. zo7Hm]W` ORA+> 7-'!XD! rKg5?
. 面试 Interview -$QzbRF5R MJt?^G (w? rMH\;\
I|U (m|p|rL 面试小组由中法双方教授及企业代表组成,以英语进行,重点考察应试者的工作经历和个人发展潜力。 : ,fs'! GghZ".O An admission committee comprising Chinese and French professors and corporate representatives will evaluate the applicant’s working experience and career potential. The interview is conducted in English. ,*+F*:o(m 'hf#Q9W5 Y#=0C*FS Ww{bh-nyq 如何申请?How to apply the program? VA&_dU]* ==RYf*d
D8m1:kU @dvlSqm)
u<!8dQ8 Kyq/'9` *申请者提交申请材料Submission of application materials `WboM\u az*c0Z<pl w<!F& kQB &GGJ=c\ *学院进行资格审核 Initial review and evaluation 7y5`YJ}! 7?9QlUO M4w,J2_8MK pZ,=iqr *考生参加入学考试 Take IFCM entrance examination J$F
1sy iH<:wLY&J
e{EKM4 !'8.qs *考生参加面试 Interview % CV@FdB
OyH>N/ $9YAq/#Q O_OgTa *录取学生Enrollment [U'I3x, bWWZGl
9 vX1 8
] 1[p6v4qO{ *学院发送入学通知 Admission Notification e0;0 X7 3w!8PPl 0"}qND +lC?Vpi^ *被录取者确认报到 Enrollment Confirmation NW_i<# H j [!F% Fi)(~ji: 3fGL(5|_ 申请材料有哪些? What application materials you need provide? *I]/ [d (;VlK#rnC w3Lr~_j HOt,G
_{ 申请表(电子版和打印版) >PuQ{T I !E7J Dk''@ 学位证书复印件及学历证书复印件 M
c,3j~i @cB7tY*Ski 身份证复印件(中国学生)或者护照(国际学生)复印件 ZSWZz8 d!{]CZ"@ 毕业学校官方开具的成绩单 OEw#;l4 C ylm #Xa 中文版和英文版简历 unKPqc%q=n ^'\JI
3张一寸免冠照片及其相应电子版(正装蓝底免冠) :%_\!FvS mUj_V#v 其他材料(包括专业证书,获奖证书等) -w"$[XP J6J"> A complete application package should include the following: `=V p 0tPI >{S
~(KxK Application Form (Electronic version and paper version) 40%fOu,u` KFgq3snH Photocopy of degree certificates A(_HMqA] &V|kv"Wwj Photocopy of ID (mainland China students) or passport (international students) LLc^SP j J#W*,%8O Official university transcript in English D V\7KKJE
STl8h}C CV in Chinese and English yh2)Pc[ I
cASzSjYX Three passport-sized color photos E{0e5. { 9wlp
AK Other supporting documents (e.g. copies of professional certificates, awards, honors) *I!R0;HT "cyRzQ6EH _Pno9| c2t`i 开设什么课程?What subjects do we offer ? ht*N[Pi4; No"i6R+ I{Ip (/At+MF3E MJh.)kd$ m.rV1#AI tA^+RO4
~n8UN< }W@refS Mk~U/oq T;5VNRgpI HU'w[r6a CuK>1_Dq
&a4FGzR# ZBR^$?nj ysZ(*K
n(? { TI,|'>5[ SOE-Kio=B \#JXch qtdkK LT 0ETT@/)]z O:8
u^TP oexTz[ x&^Xgi? ZnJJ-zP %E/#h8oN{ Iila|,cM nTc#I~\ U,fPG/9 OUO'w6m! 联系我们 Contact us oOubqx \`2EfYJ{ 招生老师:何维民老师 i$hWX4L u}_x 招生咨询电话: 15313281885 %Q.M& U =JPY{'V O gXn`! [ z/G 办公地址:北京市朝阳区 安定路金瓯大厦317 室 4@mJEi{ k!$$ *a* CQ Ei(ty U%#Vz-r "qZTgCOY2 <Zfh5AM Y<N#{)Q BV/ ^S.~
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