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对外经济贸易大学中法国际工商管理学院 !9j6l0 xr!A>q+@i Sino-French school of International Management XZ3M~cDq Uf
?+oc'{ 法国巴黎一大(索邦大学) e%0IEX Z1(!syg UNIVERSITY PARISI(SORBONNE UNIVERSITY) VwXR,( 2%`8 在职班 MBA项目 hIa,PZ/Q |;U3
pq) Part Time MBA Program &@PAv5iNf ;B:\e8 为什么申请此项目?Why this program? a@?ebCE x"Ij+~i{l l 历史长 Long History qs9r$o.\l \z.p [;'ir }UG<_bE| bW3Ah?0N 1991年在中法政府支持下创办,国内最早的中外合作MBA项目之一。 _e|-O>#pl P rv=f@ Under the support of both Chinesse and French governement, this Sino-French MBA programe by UIBE was estabished in 1991, and was one of the earliest joint MBA programs in China. KkR.p,/ = mhg@N4 eN m
Wul :a( Oc'T l 高效率Efficient Learning h?GE-
F ,^@/I: M%Q_;\?] ^4{{ +G)j 十八个月打造专业及语言优势,适度紧凑的管理课程助力商道攻略。 fs#9*<]m "m}N
hoD4 18-month intensive study to create business professionalism and foreign language abilities C{V,=Fo^ hCj8y.X|E( ;#7:}>}rO ip*UujmNyR l 国际性Internationalism 9;A9Q9Yr 3C#Sr6 1EliR uJ LO)QEUG 巴黎一大研修部分课程,亲处巴黎文化氛围;师从国际知名教授,融入国际校友网络,拓展职业发展空间。 d ?,wEfwp asYUb&Hz88 Courses at University Paris I (Sorbonne University) and given by the world-class professors enable students to experience French culture, to be part of an international alumni network, and to enhance professional competitiveness. v0%FG9Gk ZVCa0Km
Gn%k# 3+I"Dm, l 强品牌Brand Influence [iN\
R+: &LhR0A HU-#xK c+UZ UgP 中外名校联袂打造,高质量管理课程助您驰骋职场! ^=w){]G <!~NG3KW[> Cooperation between prestigious universities in France and China guarantees the program’s high quality. [}"m4+ x<
) T,c5Y D(Q=EdlO Odbm"Y l 双学位Dual-degree opportunity y~r
kBrU%[0O xGK"`\V OJ)XJL 获巴黎一大学位及对外经济贸易大学企业管理硕士结业证书,符合条件者可以申请我国同等学力企业管理硕士学位。 qD5)AdCGO r} a, The program provides—A Degree of Master of Business Administration from the University Paris I (Sorbonne University), and A Certificate of MBA course from UIBE (to apply for a master’s degree by finishing additional courses) fZ pUnc "'U]4Z%q! 3>k?-%" Vpf7~2[q% 谁可以申请此项目?Who are our candidates ? kC0^2./p #(r1b'jfP o1rH@ D6/- >W=^>8u l 具有学士学位 Graduates with a bachelor’s degree. .\|}5J9W 5`1p
? l 具有至少三年以上的工作经验 With minimum 3 years’working experience |=s jGf E>`gj~ 注:大专(三年制)毕业生需要至少五年以上的工作经验 1IZTo!xi DVjsz Note : Junior college (three-year schooling) graduates without bachelor’s degree can apply, provided they have at least 5 years’ working experience.The acceptance of their application will be assessed by the selection committec. 8\e8$y3 3 bll9Ey l 英语熟练 English language proficiency O}q(2[*i 5t[7taLX\ F;)qM|7
~DUOL~E 在哪里上课?Where to have class ? ^h"F\vIpV h>&t``< S)G*+) ]j^rJ|WTH 中国对外经济贸易大学,法国巴黎一大,企业移动课堂 \$D41_Wt| TDHS/"MbA7 Uniersity of International Business and Economics, Paris I , Enterprise Mobile Classroom. zZ{(7Kfz ?E.MP7Y#V e^Glgaf eLN[`hJ 入学考试形式?What kind of exams ? 6B`,^8Lp bDM;7fFp$ K&/!3vc XFWo"%}w 笔试 Test
tf?"AY4 h&:6S ~MLBO 7?"-NrW~ 英语自命题,形式参考GMAT模式 JD{AwE@Ro
tz`T#9 A test in English similar to GMAT is arranged by IFCM. {xJ<)^fD8 +pJ~<ug] 注:GMAT成绩550分以上者可申请免试 #kPsg9Y [,|;rt\o> Note: Candidates who get more than 550 in GMAT can apply for the test exemption. yu@u0vlc spv'r!*\ed >'2=3L^Q yc3i> w` 面试 Interview l. 0|>gj`0 OA{PKC xzOM\
Nq?O P'D'+qS 面试小组由中法双方教授及企业代表组成,以英语进行,重点考察应试者的工作经历和个人发展潜力。 Cy'! > @c^g< An admission committee comprising Chinese and French professors and corporate representatives will evaluate the applicant’s working experience and career potential. The interview is conducted in English. YTYCv7 W#lt_2!j >`u/#mrd |t&gyj 如何申请?How to apply the program? ?D S|vCae =y WHm s.9_/cFWB 2&d|L|-> c$52b4=a A_JNj8<6r *申请者提交申请材料Submission of application materials +tvWp>T+ <)ltvo( Ro
eLf Ow "?#O*x *学院进行资格审核 Initial review and evaluation #5}v? i!dQ
Sdf UJhUb)}^ ?_+8K`B *考生参加入学考试 Take IFCM entrance examination ;iTZzm
B J^)=8cy N/i {j.= wzz>N@| *考生参加面试 Interview )ME'qA3K Lm"zW>v HA0Rv#p YH/3N(], *录取学生Enrollment pA?2UZ RI#o9d"x} Z"Byv.yq b @w{"6xc%a *学院发送入学通知 Admission Notification 5;_&C=[ Ch,%xs.)G ?fmW'vs aYd`E4S+ *被录取者确认报到 Enrollment Confirmation -G@:
uxB 3~6,fTMz{ =%ZR0cWPoI E{W(5.kb;i 申请材料有哪些? What application materials you need provide? iDrQ4> +#MQ8d :elTqw>pn BFH=cs 申请表(电子版和打印版) `;H3['~$ A
c'$ 学位证书复印件及学历证书复印件 + 3%i7 _ pKWDMB$z 身份证复印件(中国学生)或者护照(国际学生)复印件 ^dCSk== }Asp=<kCc 毕业学校官方开具的成绩单 ):pFI/iC "'\f?A9 中文版和英文版简历 ruTj#tWSo l5fF.A7TT 3张一寸免冠照片及其相应电子版(正装蓝底免冠) $mZpX:7/u8 'W]oQLD^R 其他材料(包括专业证书,获奖证书等) 8j<+ '
R kF o&! A complete application package should include the following: 2<GN+Wv[# ?2$0aq Application Form (Electronic version and paper version) *, RxOz2= gP 6`q Photocopy of degree certificates _rjLCvv- B@
@j- Photocopy of ID (mainland China students) or passport (international students) qs'ggF1 j~:N8(= Official university transcript in English D|rcSa.M qc6eqE CV in Chinese and English sg!*%*XQ 'I *&P5| Three passport-sized color photos ;V"(! 'd *2tG07kI Other supporting documents (e.g. copies of professional certificates, awards, honors) "=r"c$xou RS`~i8e' ZRr S""V '#faNVPABh 开设什么课程?What subjects do we offer ? 2E
X Rq A}cGag+sp K9+C3"*I b 7%O[ >4lT0~V/ o)hQ]d I N'a5&.. z}[qk: >S:>_&I`I td6$w:SN,l C*I~14 T]fu[yRVvg AqzPwO^ D/&^Y'|T WhR j@y 4,|A\dXE 1E*No1 !L#>wlX) De(\<H#
Z E*m; %;E/{gO #iOoi9( rK%A=
Q Eo$7W5hJ HCI|6{k SJtQK-%wK> ;:a>#{N DUk&`BSJ rI'kGqU dBWi1vTF 联系我们 Contact us sJI"
!6`pq 招生老师:何维民老师 )9pRT
dT W"{:|'/v 招生咨询电话: 15313281885 4!vovt{ pr=f6~Z-y **,(>4j +hIC N,8! 办公地址:北京市朝阳区 安定路金瓯大厦317 室 &c AFKYt R!+_mPb=Q* nB|m!fi< >~F_/Z'5 ZwFVtR G7qB >s%&t[r6 %&iY5A v1R t$[