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主题 : 山东师范大学2010年博士英语真题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-12-08   
来源于 考博试题 分类


--- ,*9#c*'S  
Directions: There are four parts altogether in this test paper. The total scol-e is 100, and the test time is limited to 3 hours. aufcd57   
Part I. Vocabulary and Structure (20 points) ~FK+bF?%  
Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the cOlTesponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. $g}/T_26  
J. "Infon11ation ___" would mean disabling an enemy by making use of computer viruses to wreck its computer-controlled systems. 1Ud t9$~T  
A. ll1vasion B. explosion C. contest D. warfare brp N >\  
2. When jobs are scarce, young people entering the work force tend to be in favor of experienced workers. Rx_,J%0Fq  
A. shouldered away B. elbowed aside 'tq\<y  
C. handed over D. thumbed through )[^:]}%r  
3. "Knowledge is power." This dictum (Z R) has never been so true as today ___ the advent of the Information Age. m%BMd  
A. on B. at C. by D. with #=)?s 8T  
4. In this context, giving instructions means giving infonnation rather than giving orders, even though such infoDl1ation may sometimes be expressed in the fonn. vl#V-UW$4P  
A. cooperative B. imaginative C. imperative D. comparative <E(-QJ  
5. at the table of contents and introduction of books can help you ll1crease your comprehension and keep in mind what you then read. 9I^H)~S  
A. Glancing B. Gazing C. Peering D. Glaring L@^ !(  
6. These coins have been from circulation because they are no longer valid cUlTency. <+mO$0h"r  
A. restrained B. withdrawn C. hampered D. retreated 9e :d2  
7. For their own protection, ___ sleep-walkers have been known to tie themselves in bed, lock their doors or bolt the window. ;1(qGy4  
A. lame B. chronic C. abnoD11al D. acute <7R kM  
8. The process by means of which human beings can arbitrarily make certain things ___ others may be called the symbolic process. Nt,]00 S\w  
A. impart B. manifest C. infer D. denote :">~(Rd ZH  
9. I never take any notice of the ___ headlines in the popular newspapers. They are always a gross exaggeration. 37za^n?SG  
A. sensational B. sensible C. sensitive D. obscene lzQ&)7`  
10. A of escaped prisoners were reported to have been arrested and sent back to the prison. MZhJ,km)  
A. herd B. flock C. batch D. host 'DB({s  
11. Though I had lived in Binningham as a child, the city had altered so much that it took me 3`C3+  
--- y|2g"J  
some time to ___ my bearings again. R.n`R|NOd  
A. make B. take C. observe D. lose nG(|7x   
12. Scientists claim that an individual can only function for about three days when totally --of sleep. R}=]UOqH-  
A. deprived B. disposed C. banned D. sheered KcMzZ!d7m  
13. In that event, your broker will bill you not only for the amount he had to pay, but also a small addi tional to cover the cost of his services. l<+,(E=  
A. allowance B. pension C. income D. fee _|2";.1E  
14. When computer systems are used to ___ financial transactions and control civilian aircraft, we cannot afford to underestimate the importance of software quality. rO2PbF3  
A. implement B. manipulate C. multiply D. cite ^dp[ Z,[1z  
15. Many people become because they feel a tremendous gap between the way their life is and the way they think it ought to be. =K& q;;h  
A. impressed B. oppressed C. depressed D. suppressed vA $BBXX  
16. Since man has done much to upset the ecology by his ignorance and wastefulness, it is up to man to try to put matters right. s13 d*  
A. abmpt B. impulsive C. deliberate D. sheer ,19"[:WN  
. 17. Besides medical treatment, the patients were also given psychological help to encourage optimism in order to their feelings of helplessness. ?\ i,JJO  
A. shmg away B. shmg off ;kcFQed\w  
C. sheer away D. sheer off DyV[+P  
18. Overseas students are ___ to apply for admission to almost all the courses in British universities, provided they have the necessary qualifications. U1@ P/  
A. eligible B. applicable C. recognizable D. liable >?Y3WPB<F  
19. Though in theory one has opportunities in choosing his career, he has only a handful of chances because of his educational background. ~o\]K  
A. definite B. indefinite C. infinite D. finite "Mu $3 w  
20. Whenever two gas molecules come close together, they still attract each other, the attractive force being small. jq]\oY8y  
A. adversely B. negligibly C. unknowingly D. ultimately 4?6'~G$k  
Part II. Reading Comprehension (40 points) L``mF(R^  
Directions: There are 6 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. :y)&kJpleP  
Passage One n ;fTx  
Many scientists think the virus which causes AIDS did jump from the African Green Monkey. While it is difficult to decide precisely when and where the first cases of AIDS or HIV infection occurred in Africa, studies on the frequency of certain clinical CililiJ7l( S<:J) diseases as markers of &qj&WfrB,  
2 I5 7<0  
---- {s^n|b}  
AIDS indicate that there was a marked increase in cases in Africa during the late 1970's and early 1980's. Africa in the late 1970's was a continent in social transitlon. Because of the extreme poverty of the countryside and the growth of major cities in the country at the same time, there was a large shift in populations, which caused the spread of the disease once it had anived in the bloodstream of the first human being. Some of the very "earliest" cases of a disease which became known in 1981 as AIDS, were occurring in central Africa in the "AIDS Belt" of U ganda, Rwanda, Zaire and Tanzania. W!Os ci  
On .Tune 5, 1981 the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, U.S. announced the presence of a rare, infectious disease in five American homosexuals. Soon doctors were finding similar cases all over the country and the world. The AIDS epidemic U1i1:;St) had officially begun. By 1983 it was clear that AIDS had spread aroLlnd the world. More than twenty years later, AIIDS has left twenty-six million dead and another forty million infected. AIDS has become the worst medical catastrophe(';J01t) ever experienced by mankind. SX<>6vH&  
AIDS is truly a disease of modem times. Some say that it made its appearance at this time in history 111a1111 y because the world has become so much smaller due to transportation and the migration 0 f people from one place to another. That proposal has a lot of truth to it. Especially 111 developing countries, great numbers of people are forced to travel from their slmple rural lives to the great cities where alcohol, dmgs, and prostitution cause epidemics of certain illnesses, most particularly, AIDS. ( ]uoN4  
However, scientists still don't know exactly how and where AIDS started. Finding the source of AIDS could be cmcial in developing a vaccine and be important in mapping the future course of the epidemic. /t2 <OU9  
21. According to the passage, AIDS vims is caught by ____ J*kzJ{vwy*  
A. a still unknown source ?@7|Q/  
B. the poor medical conditions of some African countries )eVDp,.^  
C. thoughtless hunting of some wild animals S| ?--vai_  
D. a close contact with certain animal RAJ |#I1  
22. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? mCP +7q7  
A. There was a medical record about the first case of HIV infection. sjbC~Te--  
B. Reports on AIDS cases occurring in the 1980s were on the rise. #pxet  
C. AIDS virus results in the extreme povel1y of tl'~ countryside, which 111 tum leads to the spread of the disease. ;C@^wI  
D. AIDS disease is a direct outcome of social transition happening in Africa. Ptxc9~k  
23. According to the passage, which of the following can possibly be seen as a factor to say "AIDS has become the worst medical catastrophe ever experienced by mankind"? yru}f;1  
A. It had been officially recognized so late that it was already out of control. ' =s*DL`0  
B. It is fatal and easily infectious, still unable to be medically treated. &_TjRj"  
C. People have increasing opportunities to travel around the world. s~'C'B?  
D. Modem means of transportation are applied worldwide. iK23`@&% _  
24. All of the following can lead to the human infection of the terrible AIDS disease EXCEPT >TVd*S  
A. blood U0=zuRr n  
B. dmgs /-9+(  
3 {}2p1-(  
C. fl·equent migration m|?J^_  
D. prostitution x" =q+sA  
25. According to the passage, what might be the most effective way to control the disease? MPw7!G(qj  
A. develop a vaccine. FO3*[O   
B. develop the local economy to reduce the migration and transportation of people from rural areas to cities. YZ+g<HXB  
C. educate people on how to lead a healthy life. >dH*FZ:c  
D. wam people to not to eat wild animals. O c3%pb;  
Passage Two tUnVdh6L.B  
"There is a senseless notion that children grow up and leave home when they're 18, and the tXuxTVhoT  
truth is far from that," says sociologist Larry Bumpass of the University of Wisconsin. Today, (M ?Q9\X  
unexpected numbers of young adults are living with their parents. 'There is a major shift in the +F6_P  
middle class," declares sociologist Allan Schnaiberg of Northwestem University, whose son, 19, X+BSneu  
moved back in after an absence of eight months. $+N^ s^  
Analysts cite a variety of reasons for this retum to the nest. The marriage age is rising, a )}lV41u  
condition that makes home and its pleasantness particularly attractive to young people. A high O/~^}8TLL  
divorce rate and a declining remaITiage rate are sending economically pressed and emotionally K?I&,t_*R  
hurt survivors back to parental shelters. For some, the expense of an away-from-home college -L3RzX  
education has become so excessively great that many students now attend local schools. Even XOFaS '.  
after graduation, young people find their wings clipped by skyrocketing housing costs. d+)L\ `4  
Living at home, says Knighton, a schoolteacher, continues to give security and moral support. &1Iy9&y  
Her mother agreed, "It's ridiculous for the kids to pay all that money for rent. It makes sense for p-Btbhv  
kids to stay at home." But sharing the family home requires adjustments for all. There are the 0_.hU^fP  
hassles over bathrooms, telephones and privacy. Some families, however, manage the delicate (Hx F\#r?  
balancing act. But for others, it proves too difficult. Michelle Del Turco, 24, has been home three YtQWArX,  
times -and left three times. "What I considered a social drink, my dad considered an alcohol k,(_R=  
problem," she explains. "He never liked anyone I dated, so I either had to hide away or meet them xo+z[OIlF  
at friends' houses." G-<~I#k  
Just how long should adult children live with their parents before moving on? Most psychologists feel lengthy homecomings are a mistake. Children, stmggling to establish separate identities, can end up with "a sense of inadequacy, defeat and failure." And aging parents, who would be enjoying some financial and personal freedom, find themselves stuck with responsibilities. Many agree that brief visits, however, can work beneficially. v Rs5-T  
26. According to the author, there was once a trend in the U.S. ____ C_)>VP D  
A. for young adults to leave their parents and live independently }aIf IJ  
B. for middle class young adults to stay with their parents n-Y'LK40Os  
C. for married young adults to move back home after a lengthy absence >c eU!=>  
D. for young adults to get jobs nearby in order to live with their parents '_Oprx  
27. Which of the following does not account for young adults retuming to the nest? 'h=2_%l@Y  
A. Young adults find hOllsing costts too high. b5R*]  
4 s9>!^MzBK  
B. Young adults arc psychologically and intellectually immature. W@=ilW3RD  
C. 'y'oung adults seek parental comfort and moral support. 7L"/4w  
D. Quitc a number of young adults attend local schools. sxtGl^,mU:  
28. Onc of the disadvantages of young adults retuming to stay with their parents is that ---A. 5K<C  
there will inevitably be inconveniences in everyday life ?YO%]mTP  
B. most parents find it difficult to keep a bigger family going K(2s%  
C. the young adults tend to be ove111rotected by their parents DAi[3`C  
D. pubhc opll1ion IS against young adults staying with their parents Qt 2hb  
29. The underlined word "hassles" in the passage (Para. 3) probably means ____ r MlNp?{_  
A. agreements 7O#>N}|  
B. won-ies a6_`V;  
C. disadvantages VXS9E383  
D. quan-els 3}+ \&[  
30. According to the passage what is the best for both parents and children') `<q5RuU  
A. They should adjust themselves to sharing the family expenses. Sy~1U  
B. Children should leave their parents when they are grown up. 4NIfQYC.  
C. Adult children should visit their parents from time to time. jYv !}  
D. Parents should support their adult children when they are in trouble. tP-c>|cz  
Passage Three ;nE}%lT  
For about three centuries we have been doing science, trying science out, using science for the z?xd\x  
construction of what we call modem civilization. Every dispensable item of contemporary VbjW$?  
technology, from canal locks to dial telephones to penicillin, was pieced together from the analysis .anL}OA_q  
of data provided by one or another series of scientific experiments. Three hundred yeas seems a ,U}8(D~:  
long time for testing a new approach to human interliving, long enough to settle back for critical b%(0AL  
appraisal of the scientific method, maybe even long enough to vote on whether to go on with it or Qw:j2g2H7  
not. There is an argument. ff0,K#-  
Voices have been raised in protest since the begi1U1ing, nsmg in pitch and violence in the nineteenth century during the early stages of the industrial revolution, summoning urgent crowds into the streets any day these days on the issue of nuclear energy. Give it back, say some of the voices, it doesn't really work, we've tried it and it doesn't work, go back three hundred years and start again on something else less chance for the race of man. (!s[~O6  
The principal discoveries in this century, taking all in all, are the glimpses of the depth of our ignorance about nature. Things that used to seem clear and rational, matters of absolute certainty -Newtonian mechanics, for example -have slipped through our fingers, and we are left with a new set of gigantic puzzles, cosmic uncertainties, ambiguities; some of the laws of physics are amended every few years, some are canceled outright, some undergo revised versions of legislative intend as if they were acts of Congress. d<o  
Just thirty years ago we call it a biological revolution when the fantastic geometry of the DNA molecule was exposed to public view and the linear language of genetics was decided. For a while, things seemed simple and clear, the cell was a neat little machine, a mechanical device ready for taking to pieces and reassembling, like a tiny watch. But just in the last few years it has become YQ/ *|  
5 _PF><ODX2  
---- V|= 1<v  
---- AO6;aT  
almost unbelievably complex, filled with strange parts whose functions are beyond today's Imag111111g. <S qbj;  
It is not JllS( that there is more (0 do, there is everythmg to do. What lies ahead, or what can lie ahead if the efforts in basic research are continued, is much more than the conquest of human disease or the improvement of agricultural technology or the cultivation of nutrients in the sea. As we leam more about fundamental processes of living in general we will learn more about ourselves. s6 I]H  
31. What can be inferred from the first two paragraphs? 6C:Lq%}  
A. Three hundred years are long enough to settle back for critical appraisal of the scientific method. 6x0>E^~  
B. There have been people holding hostile attitude towards science. 1K>4 i. X  
C. Modem civilization depends on science so all the people support scientific progress. ?k#% AM  
D. For three hundred years science has been fully developed. =LRUasF  
32. With the principal discoveries in this century, we found vzL>ZBe Z  
A. man shouldn't stick to some of the once accepted theories 4[?Q*f!  
B. man is capable of solving all gigantic puzzles L>B0%TP^  
C. Newtonian mechanics is wrong N`M5`=.  
D. Man has lost many scientific discoveries &("?6%GC  
33. So far, what do scientists know about DNA? *M{1RMc  
A. They still know nothing about DNA. M`(xAVl  
B. The cell in DNA is a neat little machine. ?@~FT1"6G  
C. There's no progress compared to 30 years ago. {1o=/&  
D. They have a deep research about DNA. 0t) IW D  
34. The topic of the passage is that ____ -I -wdyDr  
A. science has done little to human being >,DR{A2hSB  
B. science is just at its beginning }5~ ;jN=k  
C. science has made profound progress ,GK>|gNsb  
D. science has greatly improved man's life ]SQ_*$`  
35. The writer's attitude towards science is DT*/2TH*l  
A. hostile r )T `?y  
B. critical :A[ Gtc(_  
C. approving zmdOL9"a  
D. neutral A s"'KR  
Passage Four 62W3W1: W  
Is it possible to persuade mankind to live without war? War is an ancient institution which has existed for at least six thousand years. It was always wicked and usually foolish, but in the past the human race managed to live with it. Modem ingenuity has changed this. Either man will abolish war, or war will abolish man. For the present, it is nuclear weapons that cause the gravest danger, but bacteriological or chemical weapons may, before long, offer an even greater threat. If we succeed in abolishing nuclear weapons, our work will not be done. It will never be done until we lB-Njr  
6 B$\5=[U  
have succeeded in abohshing war. To do this, we need to persuade mankind to look up on U*-%V$3+w5  
international questions in a new way, not as contests of force, in which the victory goes to the A) qOJ(OEz  
side which is most skillful in massacre, but by arbitration in accordance with agreed principles of e@6}?q;  
law. It IS not easy to change age-old mental habits, but this is what must be attempted. D,NjDIG8  
There are those who say that adoption of this or that ideology would prevent war. r bel ieve this *6uiOtH  
to be a profound etTor. All ideologies are based upon dogmatic assertions which are, at best, j*CnnM#n  
doubtful, and at worst, totally false. Their adherents believe in them so fanatically that they are 'HOt?lpu!  
willing to go to war in support of them. cM55 vVd  
The movement of world opinion during the past two years has been very largely welcome. It P| G:h&  
has become a commonplace that nuclear war must be avoided. Of course, very difficult problems z8gp<5=  
remain in the international sphere, but the spirit in which they are being approached is a better one poM VB{U  
than it was some years ago. It has begun to be thought, even by the powerful men who decide f5'+F-`N  
whether we shall live or die, that negotiations should reach ab'Tecments even if both sides do not ^D!UF(H  
find these agreements wholly satisfactory. It has begun to be understood that the important conflict aa$+(  
nowadays is not between East and West, but between Man and the H-bomb. kg_TXB  
36. This passage implies that war is now ____ |`,%%p|T%  
A. more wicked than in the past A6-JV8^  
B. as wicked as in the past +|^rz#X  
C. less wicked than in the past d~qDQ6!  
D. what people try to live with 42Z2Mjtk  
37. According to the author ____ htIV`_<Ro  
A. it is impossible to live Ivilhout Ivar U#YM)8;Iz  
B. war is the only way to settle international disagreements kGCd!$fsk  
C. war must be abolished ifman wants to survive ^ng?+X>mP  
D. war will be abolished by modem ingenuity g&v2=&aj  
38. The author says that modem weapons ____ =T!M`  
A. will help abolish war 9^ )=N=wV  
B. put mankind in grave danger 0&Zm3(}  
C. will gradually become part of man's life  R\)pW9)  
D. need further improving _8kZ>w(L  
39. The author believes that the only way to abolish war is to ____ I9H+$Wjd  
A. abolish nuclear weapons Ow<=K:^  
B. let the stronger side take over the world $:SHZe  
C. improve bacteriological and chemical weapons ?PLf+S  
D. settle intemational issues through negotiation `}"*i_0-5'  
40. The last paragraph suggests that ____ Q R;Xj3]v  
A. nuclear war will definitely not take place lkOugjI  
B. international agreements are now reached more and more easily Kh}#At^C8e  
C. man is beginning to realize that nuclear war is his greatest enemy Y@F@k(lOo  
D. world opinion is in favor of nuclear war c V=h 8F  
7 Z_Hc":4i  
Passage Five *e!0ZB3J  
In structuring a joint venture, the parties must have covered the gambit ( ~i*) of possible legal problems as fully as possible. k#&d`?X  
But the world is a very different place and the types of problems vary with the country and its stage of economic development. Problems in drafting joint venture documents for use in the developed world are quite different from those incidents to a joint venture in the underdeveloped world. gm\P`~+o  
In legally structuring a joint venture certain considerations should be kept in mind. First are the controls you will be able to exercise in protecting your interests in the joint venture. All your legal documents should be drafted with this in mind. A second concem which applies primarily in the underdeveloped world, but also if you are a minority partner anywhere, is the extent of your liability for actions of the joint venture. This was brought into focus by the Bhopal matter. In the future, my forecast is that companies will focus more and more on this contingency (~1'r'F1'J: ) in drafting all their joint venture documents. A third cone em is the sales area of the joint venture. There are dramatic differences in the costs of production in various areas of the world. This means that the U.S. manufacturer who goes overseas via the joint venture route will usually have to limit the joint venture's market area if he is to preserve his existing markets. If he is patent-rich, this "I}3*s9Q-  
will be easier than if he has only know-how because he can use his patent monopoly to block out his markets. Given no patent, this may be more difficult because of host country rules. It also may be more difficult in light of u.s. antitrust rules particularly if the sales restriction of the joint venture or the host country partner is a long one time wise. *CMe:a  
41. What does "the world is a very different place" mean in the passage? 0DV  .1  
A. The world is not the same as before. ^,qi` Tk  
B. The world is a place full of variety. ZXh6Se4o  
C. The world is changing fast. h%9#~gJ})  
D. The world is not the same as other places. l`4hWs\I  
42. What is not mentioned as the considerations you have to keep in mind in legally structuring a joint venture? +QGZ2_vW  
A. The controls over the joint venhlre. R#DnV[!\  
B. The extent of your liability for actions of the joint venture. 7='lu;=,  
C. The sales areas of the joint venture. |9Q4VY'";  
D. the stability of the host country. Z.ky=vCt  
43. The Bhopal matter is quoted in the passage to illustrate ___ IC"bg<L,*  
A. concem of the extent of the liability for actions of the j oint venture HN]roS t~  
B. the concem of market area ofjoint venture 4"U/T 1&  
C. the importance of the controls over the j oint venture Q$^oIFb  
D. the importance of patent monopoly q'fZA;  
44. What is the advantage of patent over know-how? Z9,-FO{#3-  
A. The use of patent is not affected by antitrust rules. ^}fc]ovV  
B. With patent one can apply host country rules. Q}C)az  
C. Patent monopoly can be used to protect the market of the products. @8{-B;   
D. Patent is protected by the laws. 8lk@ev=O&  
8 G H[ATL  
- ----------------- ~-ZquJ-  
----- 4+I@   
w+($= n~  
45. What can we mfer hom the passage') H\H4AAP5F$  
A. Thc products of the Joint venture are more expensive than those produced in the L .S. pY]T3 2  
B. Expenslvc jomt venture products will enable the U.S. manufacturers to preserve its eXIsting market share. kCRfO}wt3  
C. Cheap joint venture products will enable the U.S. manufacturers to preserve its existing market share. A:! _ &  
D. Cheap joint venture products may become a threat to the U.S. manufacturers' existing market share. Pfi|RTX$'*  
Passage Six $FXlH;_7  
There is an ancient Chinese proverb which says "Beware(t'EI~J) of a man whose stomach HueGARS  
does not move when he laughs." We reveal a great deal of what we are thinking and feeling by the |I \&r[J  
movements which we make quite unconsciously. When children are bored they start to fidgetO~ tZ \e:AAi  
); tapping WIth the foot or drumming the fingers are sure signs of impatience; a man shows his |z1er"zR)  
nervousness by constantly adjusting his tie or patting his hair, particularly if he is waiting for an X\&CQiPS  
interview, or is about to meet his girlfriend. Sometimes you can work out what people are talking >V1vw7Pa  
about, or at least deten11ine what kind of mood they are in, even if you cannot hear a word they are e7tp4M9!%  
saying, by the gestures they use. Occasionally it is even possible to identify a person's nationality: k6eh$*!  
nobody shrugs quite like a Frenchman, or gesticulates(J+J fY!) quite like an Italian, or bows quite dmA#v:$1  
like a Japanese. Some say you can tell an Englishman by the fact that he hardly gestures at alJl JX!z,X?r4  
All these are obvious, stereotyped (~1IE {f~JJX: R~) gestures, widely recognized and understood. The only thing to watch out for is that a gesture which is perfectly polite and reasonable in one country might tum out to be very offensive in another. For example, an Englishman gives a 'thumbs up' sign to show approval but in some countries the same gesture is annoying and offensIve. But we make many much 1110re subtle movements, when we are tallong, which reveal our attitude, or define our relationship to others. Take for example the ways people sit: leaning back, relaxed; sitting forward, eamest and interested; legs crossed and anm folded, hostile or insecure. There are many touching movements which. if you can read them, will tell you what someone is thinking, quite independently of what he is saying: stroking the chin, pulling the ear, scratching the head, tapping the nose, and so on. 1?I_fA}  
Careful studies have been made of all these nonverbal fon11s of communication, and there is no doubt that what we say with words is only a part of the message we convey, it is important however, to realize that gestures, like words, tend to come in clusters, and furthell110re are often capable of more than one explanation. You must look at the whole combination of words, facial expression and gesture. If you leam to read the signs, you can tell whether what a person says is what he really means, or whether, like the man whose stomach does not move when he laughs, he is trying to deceive you. A; _Zw[  
46. The Chinese proverb mentioned at the begilming of the passage seems to show <tUl(q+ty  
A. a person cannot be relied on if he or she doesn't laugh where necessary (>]fr lEU~  
B. a person's body movement can reflect what is on his or her mind Wdk]>w 'L  
C. a person's skillfulness in controlling his body movement V_\9t8  
D. a person's unwillingness to reveal his or her poor health conditions. pSa pF)1>  
9 s#cb wDT  
47. A person's insecurity can be clearly displayed by which of the following acts'? O}s Mqh  
A. fixing the tie frequently B<$(Nb5<  
B. drumming the fingers mY= Q#nG  
C. pulling the ear '8w}m8{y  
D. crossing the legs MD98N{+[|  
48. According to the passage, people from which nationality makes the least body movement? DbWaF5\yD  
A. Italian $ U=j<^R}a  
B. Ch1l1ese XgI;2Be+&a  
C. Frenchman *q&^tn b  
D. Englishman E]O/'-  
49. It can be inferred from the passage that _____ I3qTSX-  
A. Children are usually poor in using body movements to reveal their feelings. $sxRRe m{?  
B. Without words, gestures alone cannot tell one's mood or emotions. &M>o  
C. Some well-established gestures or sign language in one culture may prove to be unaccepted in another. gp+aUK~o  
D. Gestures are effective tools to identify a person's nationality. ^]5^p9Jt"e  
50. Which of the following represents the common characteristic of nonverbal [om1s of communication and language? 1 ,7  
A. Both may produce more than one meaning within context. ;e)`C v  
B. Both alone cannot get ideas across. Lm8uN?  
C. Both requires the presence of the sender and receiver. v#|yr<  
D. Both have to be made meaningful only when they appear in combination. ^ 0.`1$  
Part III. Translation (15points) }Y"vUl_I2  
Directions: There are 5 English sentences below. Try to understand the meaning of the sentences and translate them into proper Chinese. ( llJt1=jl±1",~JlillI~EE.I) LzTdi%u$0|  
51. -K (>uV!?  
Libraries made education possible, and education in its tum added to libraries: the growth of knowledge followed a kind of compound-interest law, which was greatly enhanced by the invention of printing. }U'VVPh _  
52. }  fa  
Among the advantages that future biochips, or "living computers", would have over conventional semiconductor chips are that they are smaller, they do not generate as much heat, and they allow for the parallel processing of infonl1ation, making them faster than today's semiconductor devices. cJE4uL<  
53. r$:hiE@  
During the 1980s, revolutionary changes in the work lives of Americans, caused by technological advances which will pem1it greater productivity by fewer workers, will likely result in shortened work weeks, increased released time for workers, and increased pressure for early retirements. )DGJr/)  
54. |LRAb#F\  
It is human, perhaps, to appreciate little that which we have and to long for that which we have d@%PTSX  
10 3#? 53s   
not, but it is a grcat pity that JI1 the world of light the gift of sight is used only as a mcrc convel1lence rather than as a means of adding fullness to life. :K~sazs7J  
55. In order to survive, to feed, clothe, and shelter himself and his children, man has to lealll how to use things he finds in nature and this means that he has to study and Jealll about nature. ,8.$!Zia  
Part IV. English Writing (25 points) e3mFO+  
Directions: There are different opinions about the influence of Intelllet. Some say intelllel is LGK&&srJs  
very positive in influencing people's life, while others say that it has lots of disadvantages. Please ]!]B7|JFJ  
write an essay of about 300 words to express your viewpoint of its disadvantages. '|<r[K  
Requirement: ~h:(9q8NLC  
you must have a clear topic for your essay; F`La_]f?b\  
you must provide at least three evidences to support your argument; T`bUBrK6g`  
your argument must be logical, instmctive, and appealing; OdpHF~(Y/  
your handwriting should be clear aL*}@|JL"  
GYg .B<Q.  









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