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主题 : 12年医学考博听力真题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-08-10   
来源于 考博试题 分类


试卷一 (Paper One)
Part ListeningComprehension (30%)
Section A
Directions: In this section you will hear fifteen shortconversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you willhear a question about what is said. The question will be read only once. Aideryou hear the question, read the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose thebest answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.
Listen to the following example.
You will hear:
Woman: I fell faint.
Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day.
Question: What’s the matter with the woman?
You will read:
A. She is sick.      B. She is bitten by an ant.
C. She is hungry.    D. She spilled her paint.
Here C is the right answer.
                                                          Sample Answer
                                                           A B  ●  D
Now let’s begin with question number 1.
1. A. The woman’s condition is critical.
B. The woman has been picking up quite well.
C. The woman’s illness was caused by a mosquito bite.
D. The woman won’t see the doctor any more.
2. A. A broken finger.                    B. A terrible cough.
C. Frontal headaches.                    D. Eye problem.
3. A. She needs a physical examination.      B. She is in good health.
C. It’s good tohave a doctor friend.         D. It’s good to visit the doctor.
4. A. He prefers to take pills to get antioxidants.
B. He prefers to get antioxidants from food.
C. He doesn’t mind eating a lot every day.
D. He is overcautious sometimes.
5. A. The blouse is a bargain.              B. The blouse is too expensive.
C. The blouse is colorful.                D. The blouse is sofashionable.
6. A. To queue for a ticket.                B. To take man’s offer.
C. To buy a ticket online.                D. To try an agency.
7. A. She disagrees with the man.
B. She couldn’t agree with the man more.
C. It’s hard for them to fulfill their plans.
D. It’s impossible to get money from the GatesFoundation.
8. A. One minute.                        B. Fifteen minutes.
C. Half an hour.                       D. Five minutes.
9. A. She is freezing cold.                 B. She is crazy about icecream.
C. She has a headache.                  D. She has brain fever.
10. A. She can’t wait for the man.            B. She is very eager to see theman.
C. She will go to the USA with the man.   D. She expects the man to stay.
11. A. A cold.                            B. A headache.
C. A hoarse voice.                     D. Insomnia.
12. A. To go to Susan for advice.            B. To try to think like Susan.
C. To break up with Susan.              D. To have a date with Susan.
13. A. She will become a famous singer soon.  B. She will become an American idol.
C. She will sign up for a talent show.      D. She will surely stand out from thecrowd.
14. A. To take a month off work.             B. To rest in bed as much aspossible.
C. To take some herbal medicine.         D. To put on plaster.
15. A. The Chinese face cream.              B. The American face cream.
C. The French perfume.                 D. The medication.
Section B
Directions: In this section you will hear three passages. After eachone, you will hear five questions. After each question, read the four possibleanswers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter ofyour choice on the ANSWER SHEET.
Passage One
16. A. White blood cell count.               B. Red blood cell count.
C. X-ray.                             D. ECG
17. A. Too much work to do.                B. A heavy load of studying.
C. Her daughter’s sickness.              D. Her insufficient income.
18. A. Leukemia.                         B. Gastric ulcer.
C. Immune disease.                    D. Gastric influenza.
19. A. Take the white tablets three times a day. B. Takethe charcoal tablets three times a day.
C. Take one ortwo white tablets at a time.  D. Take twocharcoal tablets a day.
20. A. Stay off work.                     B. Drink plenty ofliquids.
C. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruit.        D. Postpone your exercise when sick.
Passage Two
21. A. 35million. B. 34million.       C.25million.        D. 20million.
22. A. Author, professor and dreamer.        B. Writer, professor and insomniac.
C. Author, psychologist and insomniac.    D. Dramatist, psychologist and scientist.
23. A. Sleeping in 8-hour consolidated blocks. B.Sleeping during day time.
C. Going to bed soon after dark.          D. Two blocks of 4-hour sleep with awaking break.
24. A. Because they have unnoticeable sleeping patterns.
B. Because they sleep very little.
C. Because they are insensitive.
D. Because they can’t complain.
25. A. Sleep is highly variable, and wears out with age.B. Falling asleep is a gradual process.
C. Sleeping less will help you lose weight. D. Peopleneed to sleep eight hours a day.
Passage Three
26. A. Eight-year-olds.                     B. Twelve-year-olds.
C. Seventeen-year-olds.                 D. Adults.
27. A. The use of f MRI.                   B. The use of computertasks.
C. The three-way division of the subjects.  D. The instructions given to the subjects.
28. A. 12-year-olds respond strongly to negativefeedback.
B. 12-year-olds function the same as 8-year-olds.
C. 8-year-olds function almost the same as adults.
D. 12-year-olds function almost the same as adults.
29. A. Not bad.                           B. Excellent.
C. Not so good.                       D. Got it wrong thistime.
30. A. Scientists.                         B. The general public.
C. Teachers at the kindergarten.          D. Children with Attention DeficitDisorder.
2012年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试卷 答案与解析
Pan ListeningComprehension
Section A
1. B】此题考点为细节信息再现。女士问医生是不是好转了,医生回答说当然,故答案为B。选项C是干扰项,医生让女病人伸直手臂,并说会有向蚊子叮咬的刺痛,prick的含义是刺痛
2. C】此题考点为细节信息再现。男士六个月前来看病是因为手指断了,今天来看病是因为头痛,故答案为CD项为干扰项,男士在讲述病情时提到头疼,大概是眼周围的地方疼。
3. C】此题为细节信息再现。男士说需要体检时打个电话给他,免费的。女士回答说有个医生在身边很好,所以答案为C
4. B】对话中女士说抗氧化剂可以防癌,但她不想吃药未获取该物质。男士告诉女士可以从每天食物中获取所需的抗氧化剂。因而答案是B。男士话语中的on the safe side的含义是安全可靠,稳妥
5. B】此题考点为推断。女士说花了8000元买了这件上衣。男士认为这是“rip off”,这个词的含义是骗人的东西,他还提到时尚确实杀死女人。从上述信息可以推断出男士认为这件上衣太贵了,因此答案为B
6. C】女士说春节回家票很难买,男士建议她尝试网上(online)购票。因此女士很可能会采纳这个建议。故本题选C
7. B】男士说基金会的资金会帮助实现他们的计划,女士说“How could it not”,意思是肯定可以,因此本题选B。该选项中“couldn’t agree with the man more”是比较级的特殊用法,否定词+比较级等于该词的最高级,即couldn’t agree with the man more等于agree with the man most,即十分同意
8. B】录音中提到1分钟、5分钟、半个小时、一刻钟,最后的肯定答案是a quarter of an hour,即15分钟。因此本题正确答案为B
9. C】女士说:太迟了,我刚已经受到了冰过头的疼痛。由此可知,该女士遭遇到了吃冷冻食物时发生的疼痛,这也是“brain freeze”的含义。故本题选C
10. B】录音中女士说:哇,我迫不及待想见你。”can’t wait to see sb. 的意思是迫不及待想见某人。因此本题正确答案为B
11. C】男士说:他嗓子嘶哑的原因是近期睡眠不好,并且很频繁地唱卡拉OK因此他嗓子嘶哑的原因不是感冒。故本题选C
12. A】录音中女士建议:“SusanEmily的好朋友,可以去找她了解一下。因此本题正确答案为A
13. C】女儿想去参加美国偶像的比赛,父亲告知他要赢得比赛很困难,女儿表示“Where there is a will there is a way”,即有志者事竟成,暗含着她已经下定决心参加比赛。故本题正确答案为C
14. D】女士给了医生x光片,医生认为她需要一个月的休息(a month off),尽可能卧床休息(rest in bed asmuch as possible),还会开点草药(herbal medicine)帮助其恢复。但并不需要打石膏(plaster),因为没有那么严重,因此本题正确答案为D
15. B】女士说因为用了比较昂贵的美国面霜(American face cream)后,皮肤就变粗糙(rough),并开始不断地长痘(spot)。医生认为有可能她对这种面霜过敏(allergic),建议她立刻停止使用。因此本题正确答案为B
Section B
Passage One
16. A】根据医生的判断,病人的ECG十分正常(perfectly normal)X光片也没有问题,但是白血球数量很高(white blood cell count is rather high)。因此本题答案为A
17. D】病人很焦虑,因为她本人工作很忙,女儿也生病了,学习压力也很大。只有D(收入不足)不是她焦虑的原因,因此本题答案为D
18. C】医生说病人的红细胞量高,证明身体正在跟病毒斗争,由此推理可知,病人可能是免疫系统出了点问题。故本题选C
19. A】医生说,按照说明一天口服三次白色药片,而charcoal药片则需要根据肠胃(bowels)的适应度来决定是服用一片还是两片,因此本题正确答案为A
20. D】医生对病人的建议是:不能上班,大量饮水,多吃蔬菜和水果。只有生病时延缓健身未被提及,故本题答案为D
Passage Two
21. A】此题为细节信息再现题。文章中提到:As many as 35 million Americans experience chronicinsomnia,所以答案为A
22. B】此题为细节信息再现题。文章中提到:In the six years that author, professor and lifelonginsomniac Gayle Green spent researching and writing her book“Insomniac”. 答案为B
23. C】此题为细节信息再现题。文章中提到:there’s some evidence to suggest that this sleep patternmay be the one most in tune with our inherent circadian rhythms. 而这里的this sleep pattern指的就是前一句话说的睡觉模式:They’d go tobed soon after dark, sleep for four hours then wake for an hour or two duringwhich they’d write, pray, smoke, have sex or even visit neighbors. 因而符合这一睡觉模式的是C
24. D】此题为细节信息再现题。文章中提到:insomnia is defined as a“complaint, ” and since animalscan’t complainit’s difficult to measure in them. 所以答案为D
25. A】此题可以用排除法,文章中提出五个常见的对睡眠的错误认识。BCD正是其中的三个,因而A为答案。
Passage Three
26. D】根据录音可知,与8岁左右的孩子比较起来,12岁的孩子能接受负面反馈并从错误中学习,成年人也会如此,但更有效率(more efficiently)。因此,本题选D
27. C】录音中有句话说得很清楚“This three-way division had never been made before”,即这种三个层次的分界以前从未有过。因此本题正确答案为C
28. BCrone博士和同事对结果也是大吃一惊,他们原本认为(had expected)8岁孩子与12岁孩子的大脑工作方式会完全一致,结果却不是。因此本题正确答案为B
29. A】从录音中可知,8岁的孩子在正面反馈的刺激下会做得更好。这也是他们与12岁孩子不一样的地方。故本题答案为A
30. C】录音中提到,this new knowledge can have major consequences for peoplewanting to teach children(这种新知识对想教孩子学习的人来讲有重要的意义)。因此本题正确答案为C
Part ListeningComprehension (30%)
Section A
1. M: Well, just keep your arm straight there. Fine,there will be a little prick like a mosquito bite. OK? There we go. Ok, I willsend that sample off and we’ll check it. If the sample is ok, we won’t need togo on seeing you anymore.
W: So you think I’m getting better?
M: Absolutely.
Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?
2. W: It’s Mr. Cong, isn’t it?
M: That’s right. I saw you six months ago with a brokenfinger.
W: Yes, of course. And is that all healing well?
M: It’s fine.
W: What can we do for you today?
M: Well, I’ve been having these headaches in the front,about my eyes. It started two months ago. They seem to come on quite suddenly,and I get dizzy spell as well.
Q: What is the trouble in the man now?
3. M: When you need a health checkup, just call me. It’stotally free.
W: It’s great having a doctor around.
Q: What does the woman mean?
4. W: We need anti-oxidants to prevent ourselves fromdeveloping cancer, but I don’t like taking pills to get it.
M: But you need to eat a mountain of food everyday to getall of the anti-oxidants you need.
W: I drink a lot of green tea; I eat onion, garlic andcitrous food. I also get nine different colors of vegetables every day.
M: All those do have anti-oxidants, but I want to be onthe safe side.
Q: What does the man mean?
5. W: The blouse cost me like 8000 yuan.
M: That’s such a ripoff.
W: I really like it, the color, the design. . .
M: Fashion really kills women.
Q: What does the man mean?
6. W: I’m finding it difficult to get the train to gethome for the Spring Festival. Last year, I stood for 24 hours from Beijing toChengdu. So, I need a seat this year. Any ideas?
M: You can try going online. I know there are a few sitesthat offer tickets.
W: That’s worth the try. Thanks.
Q: What is the woman going to do next?
7. M: This money from the Gates Foundation will help uswith our plans.
W: How could it not?
Q: What doesthe woman mean?
8. A: How long does the pain last?
B: Just a short while.
A: A minute, 5 minutes, half an hour?
B: Oh, not half an hour?
A: How long does it last?
B: About a quarter of an hour.
Q: How long does the man say the pain last?
9. A: Don’t eat ice cream so fast?
B: Too late. I’ve already have a brain freeze.
Q: what does the woman mean?
10. A: Honey I’m leaving tonight and get to the UnitedStates at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning.
B: Woo, woo, I can’t wait to see you?
Q: What does the woman mean?
11. A: have you got a cold?
B: Nope, I’m hoarse because I have got enough sleeplately and have been singing a lot KTV.
Q: What is the man’s problem?
12. A: Men are from Mars, and women are from Venus. It’sreally hard for me to understand Emily.
B: Susan is the best friend of Emily, why don’t you pickher brain.
Q: What does the woman advise the man to do?
13. A: Dad, I’ve decide to sign up for American Idol inorder to be a famous singer.
B: Oh, honey, don’t you know that it’s really hard tostand out from the crowd.
A: But where there is a road there is a way.
Q: What is true about the woman?
14. A: Here is my X-rays.
B: I’ll just have a look. Everything is OK except whatyou can see here. There is a hemi-fracture. It’s not very serious, but youshould take a month off work and rest in bed as much as possible. I’ll givesome herbal medicine to help you heal quickly.
A: Do I need to be put in plaster?
B: No, it isn’t necessary.
Q: Which of the following is not among the doctor’ssuggestion?
15. A: My skin has suddenly gone rough and red, and spotskeep breaking out. Is there anything I can do?
B: Have you used anything different on your face, or haveyou been on any medication?
A: I usually use Chinese face cream, but on my birthdayI’ve got some very expensive American face cream. It smells very nice. I wonderif that could be the problem.
B: do you have the face cream with you?
A: Yes, here it is.
B: It smells very strong. Maybe you are allergic to theperfume in it. I suggest you stop using it immediately.
Q: What might be the cause for the woman’s skin problem?
Section B
Directions: In this section you will hear one dialogue and twopassages. After each one, you will hear five questions. After each question, read the fourchoices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter ofyour choice on the ANSWER SHEET.
Questions 16-20 are based on the following dialogue.
P: Here is my result, doctor.
D: Have a seat, and let’s have a look. Well, your ECG isperfectly normal, and there is no problem with your X-ray, either. But yourwhite blood cell count is rather high, which is what I expected, and it showsyour body is fighting the virus.
P: Is there anything here I can do so that I can feelbetter, doctor? I am really busy at work this week. And I have a lot of stuffto do, but I don’t feel opt to it. Also my daughter is studying bad and. . .
D: Don’t worry. It’s just against the feel. But I willgive you some medicine for it to make you feel better. Three times a day takethe white tablets as directed on the label after meals. And for the (. . .)tablets, take one or two depending on how suitable your bowels are.
P: Is there anything else I can do, Doctor Hunt?
D: I know you are busy, but you really shouldn’t go towork. However, that’s up to you. Rest as much as possible, drink plenty ofliquid, and eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. Remember, an apple a day keepsthe doctor away. If there is no improvement after three days, come back and seeme again.
P: Thank you, doctor.
16. According to the women’s test results, which of thefollowing item is abnormal?
17. Which of the following is not the reason for thewoman’s anxiety?
18. What is the doctor’s diagnosis of the woman?
19. How does the doctor say the medications areadministered for the woman?
20. Which of the following is not one of the suggestionsby the doctor?
Passage One
Questions 21-25are based on the following passage.
Our culture is obsessed with sleep, and the lack of it,yet many of us don’t know some basic facts. As many as 35 million Americansexperience chronic insomnia, and yet in 2006 only $20 million was spent onresearch. In the six years that author, professor and lifelong insomniac GayleGreen spent researching and writing her book "Insomniac". She learnedalmost all there is to know about sleep and the lack thereof. Here are fivecommon myths about how we get our shut-eye and why:
1. Humans Need Eight Hours Sleep a Night
There are many ways of sleeping and few cultures sleep ineight-hour consolidated blocks like we do. Until the industrial era, manyWestern Europeans divided the night into "the first sleep" and the"second sleep. " They’d go to bed soon after dark, sleep for fourhours then wake for an hour or two during which they’d write, pray, smoke, havesex or even visit neighbors. In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest thatthis sleep pattern may be the one most in tune with our inherent circadianrhythms.
2. Sleep Isn’t Just a Bodily Function
Sleep is a biological, physiological system, akin to thecardiovascular system, the nervous system and so on. Like any other system, itis highly variable, and it wears out and gets more fragile with age.
3. Animals Don’t Have Sleep Problems
Insomnia occursin animals and insects, too, sort of. Technically, insomnia is defined as a"complaint, " and since animals can’t complain, it’s difficult tomeasure in them.
4. Falling Asleep Is a Gradual Process Nope
Instead, for most people, it switches on and off like alight switch. But for insomniacs and narcoleptics, the switch doesn’t workquite well. Instead they inhabit the space in between- never entirely awake,nor entirely asleep.
5. Sleeping Less Burns More Calories
In the short term, yes, but sleeping less probably won’thelp you lose weight. Lack of sleep suppresses our naturalappetite-depressants, while fueling appetite-increasers, often leading toweight gain.
21. According to the talk, approximately how manyAmericans suffer chronic insomnia?
22. Which of the following can best describe Gayle Green?
23. Which of the following sleeping patterns might be themost in tune with our inherent biological system?
24. According to the talk, why is it difficult to measureinsomnia in animals?
25. According to the talk, which of the following istrue?
Passage Two
Questions 26-30are based on the following passage.
Eight-year-old children have a radically differentlearning strategy from twelve-year-olds and adults. Eight-year-olds learn primarilyfrom positive feedback, whereas negative feedback scarcely causes any alarmbells’ to ring. Twelve-year-olds are better able to process negative feedback,and use it to learn from their mistakes. Adults do the same, but moreefficiently. Dr Eveline Crone and her colleagues from the Leiden Brain andCognition Lab used fMRI research to compare the brains of three different agegroups: children of eight to nine years, children of eleven to twelve years,and adults aged between 18 and 25years. This three-way division had never beenmade before; the comparison is generally made between children and adults.Crone herself was surprised at the outcome: "We had expected that thebrains of eight-year-olds would function in exactly the same way as the brainsof twelve-year-olds, but maybe not quite so well. Children learn the wholetime, so this new knowledge can have major consequences for people wanting toteach children: how can you best relay instructions to eight- andtwelve-year-olds?" The researchers gave children of both age groups andadults aged 18 to 25 a computer task while they lay in the MRI scanner. Thetask required them to discover rules. If they did this correctly, a tickappeared on the screen, otherwise a cross appeared. MRI scans showed which partsof the brain were activated. These surprising results set Crone thinking."You start to think less in terms of ’good’ and ’not so good’. Children ofeight may well be able to learn extremely differently, only they do it in adifferent way. "
26. According to the talk, which of the following groupscan best learn from their mistakes?
27. What is new about Dr. Crone’s research?
28. What had Dr. Crone and her colleagues expected?
29. Which of the following feedback can best stimulatethe eight year-olds to learn?
30. According to the talk, which group of people wouldlearn and benefit most?









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