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主题 : 2014医学博士英语统考听力文字版
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2015-10-08   
来源于 考博试题 分类


Question1 !tHt,eJy  
W:It would help me if you could go over the last week and give me an idea howmuch beer drank each evening. K+T .o6+  
M:Well, let me see, I went up to the pub 4 times last week, and drank about 3 pintseach evening. FhIqy %X  
Question:How much beer did the man drink last week? c[ht`!P  
Question2 G5tday~3  
W:Is there anything else I can do to help me sleep at night? @:x"]!1  
M:Don’t worry so much about things of work. I know, I know, easier said than done. jFerYv&K~  
W:Should I stay home from work? a9~"3y  
M:No, I don’t think that’s necessary, just remember to stay calm. y>\S@I  
Question:What does the doctor suggest the woman do? OSzjK7:  
Question3  .~}z4r  
W:How’s even your feeling in general? &D#+6M&LK{  
M:No complaints, really. XV'fW~j\  
Question:What does the man mean? Q&M'=+T  
Vj; vo `T  
Question4 Gowp <9 F  
W:Our managing director is going to give you a raise. D*vm cSf  
M:Really? Are you kidding me? r-w2\2  
W:Absolutely! He thinks you would! S)%_weLW7  
Question:What does the woman say? z#<P} }  
Question5 F?Or;p5`Y  
W:I’ve been so worried about my daughter. She’s so different and temperament for me.We are not always on the same wheeling. 30Fy kNh  
M:That’s quite common with mothers and daughters. wAbp3hX  
W:She is a further personality and very much on the ball, but she is an excitablechild. "uu)2Xe  
Question:What does the woman mean? >kdM:MK  
=hw ^P%Zn  
Question6 ] mj v;C  
W:Where is your injury? dDKqq(9(`  
M:Here, my ankle. -Gsl[Rc0H;  
W:How did it happen? w1B<0'#  
M:I tripped over on the pavement and twisted it. It was swollen and very painful. yBz >0I3  
Question:What is true about the woman? *kaJ*Ti-/  
Question7 Xyv8LB  
W:John wants to move upwards and onwards within his new company. PW_` qP:  
M:He is well qualified and the boss interested him. :$"7-a %f  
W:So you think he will achieve his goal? KR3-Hb4  
M:Yeah! For betting he will. ?^3B3qqh9  
Question:What did the man mean?  3t  
Question8 rh$1-Y  
M:Take the slip to the front desk and then arrange an appointment for the tests. v+tO$QZ`  
W:Thank you, doctor! Have a nice day! u[t>Tg2R  
Question:What will the woman do? /8p&Qf>lJ1  
+-HE '4mo  
Question9 hCLk#_  
M:There is one girl on my school who everybody picks up. ,cQ)cY[  
W:Why? I2*oTUSik  
M:Because she doesn’t wear what everybody else wears. 70<K .T<b  
Question:What can be inferred about the girl in question? P`!Ak@N  
Question10 m9g^ -X  
M:What’s your coming for today, Mrs. Anderson? >PH< N  
W:I’ve been having some pains in my joints, especially the knees! pU[K%@sC  
Question:Where does the conversation most probably take place? u.&|CF-  
Question11 2^bgC~2C1  
W:How long does the pain last when you get it? q/J3cXa{K  
M:It comes and goes! Sometimes I hardly feel anything, other times it can last upto half an hour or more. 6+#,=!hF{  
W:Is there any type of food that seems to cause stronger pain or other types? %f#\i#G<k  
M:Um, heavy foods like stay insomnia usually brings it on, I’ll been to avoidthose. QZYM9a>  
Question:What type of food seems to cause stronger pain to the man? 7?]!Ecr"  
Question12 G%`cJdM  
W:Carl, your bicycle is too old, it’s not safety to ride. W#C q6N  
M:Yeah! I think I need to buy a new one, but it will go with time. 1Y2a* J  
Question:What did the man mean? `0[fLEm  
k#-[ M.i  
Question13 ^1vq{/ X  
M:How long could you have these symptoms? e7wKjt2fy  
W:Oh, I have the cough for two weeks, but feeling ill just be past a few days. fX$6;Ae  
Question:What do we know about the woman’s illness? t3M0La&  
Question14 X[Y #+z4  
W:I think I could recover the cough at the end of this year. Cb< ~i  
M:I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but the stock index still ranges between 1900and 2900 after every year. 1URT2$2p  
Question15 M`q#,Y?3^I  
M:I just want check to understand which pills to take and when? cRPr9LfD@  
W:The yellow one in the morning and the others, oh, I think no, maybe, ah, you’d betterto write it down! Then you won’t forget! mrX}\p   
M:Here is some paper! The yellow one once a day before breakfast, the large roundone three times a day after meals, the small ones when you need one for sleeping. 8g&uE*7N  
Question:Which of the following statements is true?  p$&_fzb  
pvI&-D #}  
SectionB Dialogue One Question 16-20 ]IL3$eR  
W:Hi, Patrick, how are your feeling today? C3^X1F0  
M:A bit better. ]eORw $f  
W:That’s good to hear. Are you still feeling nausea? )bF)RL Z  
M:No. I haven’t felt sick to my stomach so she is to switch my medication. d8 3+6d  
W:Great, say, your test result came this morning. gDgP;i d  
M:It’s about time. Is it good news or a bad? Ebmqq#SHjX  
W:I guess it would be a bit of both. Which do you want first? ^$3w&$K*  
M:Let’s get the bad news over with. <$Xn:B<H  
W:OK. It looks like you are going to need surgery to remove your tumor from yourleg. After the operation you’re going to have to escape your feet for at least3 weeks. That means no soccer. kemr@_  
M: It is afriend of you if you are going to say that. !NQf< ch  
W:Now, for the good news. The belt shows the tumor is benign which means it isnot cancerous. We’re going to take it out anyway just being on a safe side. ~0:$G?fz  
M:Wow, that’s a load off my mind. Thanks doctor. 0`zm>fh}  
W:Don’t get too excited, we still need to get the bottom of this way ofloathing... )i ?{;%^  
M:I probably have just been so worried about stupid lump. 3RG/X  
W:These things off and on are stress-related but we’re still going to do a fewblood test just rule a few things out. WcQ ZFtW  
M:Things like what? Cancer? rQAbN6  
W:Actually, I am thinking more of the lines of food allergy. :X]lXock0  
EC:x  ,i  
Passage1 9'1;-^U1  
Womanmay be more susceptible to the lung-damaging effect to smoking than men,according to the new research by Inassessali Sohine ND, and her colleagues fromChiming Laboratory, Briven and Women Hospital and University of Bergen Norway.They analyzed the data from the Norwegian case control study, including 954subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 955 controls,all the current or ex-smokers.  And COPDsubject had moderate or severe COPD. Although analysis indicated the women maybe more vulnerable to the effect to smoking, which is something previouslysuspected but not proven, said Dr. Sohine. The study results would be preventedon May 18, at the 115 international conference of American directive society inSantiago. Examining the total study samples there is nogender differences with respect to lung function and COPD severity. The womenwere on average younger, and they smoked significantly left than men. Toexperience the differences further they also analyzed two subgroups of studyexample, COPD subject on the age of 60 and COPD subjects with less than 20 packyears. In both subgroups we need have more severe disease and great impairmentto the lung function than man. This means the female smokers in our studyexperienced reduced the lung function at a lower level of smoking exposure andat the earlier age than men, said Dr. Sohine. It’s long been suspected that theeffective smoking on lung function may be modified by gender. Interactionanalysts confirm that being female represents a higher risk of reduced lungfunction and severer COPD. But this gender reset was most pronounced women’slevel of smoking exposure was low. According to Dr Sohine, the reason why thewomen may be more susceptible to the effect of cigarette smoke is stillunknown. There are several possible explanations. Women have small airways,therefore eat cigarettes may be more harm. Also there are gender (W{rv6cq  
Passage2 w2RESpi  
InDecember 1997 large numbers of cattle, goats and sheep began dying in theGarissa district of north-eastern Kenya. A month later people started dying,too. It was, at the time, the biggest recorded outbreak of Rift Valley fever inEast Africa. Some 100,000 stock animals succumbed and about 90,000 people wereinfected, hundreds fatally in five countries. ahz@HX  
InDecember 2007 the same thing happened. Or, it started to happen but was stopped inits tracks. The difference was that the second time around there was warning.In September researchers at the Goddard Space Century,Greenbelt, Maryland, part of America’s space agency, NASA, told the authoritiesin Kenya that they had a problem. They told them again in October. And again inNovember. By the time the epidemic emerged, the Kenyan health ministry haddispatched teams to the area to distribute mosquito nets and urge villageleaders and religious authorities to stop people slaughtering and eatinganimals. Though the outbreak still killed 300 people in Kenya, Somalia andTanzania, it could be a lot worse. According to Kenneth Linthicum of America’sDepartment of Agriculture, the number of deaths would probably have been morethan twice as high without the warning. '3Y0D1`v  
Thewarning itself was possible because of a model of how disease spreads that DrLinthicum helped design. And the data that were plugged into that model camefrom satellites. co(fGp#!  
Whatthe researchers at Goddard had noticed at the time of the first outbreak wasthat in the months preceding it, surface temperatures in the equatorial part ofthe Indian Ocean had risen by half a degree. These higher temperatures broughtheavy and sustained rains, cloud cover and warmer air to much of the Horn ofAfrica. Mosquitoes multiplied wildly, and lived long enough for the virus thatcauses the fever to develop to the point where it is easily transmissible. InSeptember 2007 the researchers saw the same thing happeningin the ocean, and suspected the same consequences would follow. 8*Nt&`@  









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