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主题 : 2007年 中央党校考博英语真题词汇单选题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2009-03-13   

2007年 中央党校考博英语真题词汇单选题

2007年中央党校博士研究生入学英语考试试卷 (tLQX~Ur  
21. As there is no precedent available in the existing literature to describe what strategies people use to deal with “controlled interruption”, a first exploratory study was undertaken using an __________interview design. ygY+2  
A open-ending     B open-ended       C opening-end         D opening-ended ` +UMZc  
22. As many intellectuals began to grow________ Soviet-style communism ,they became attracted to Sartre’s existentialism, especially the promise of individual fulfillment in the modern world. bYB}A :  
A disillusioned of     B disillusioning of     C disillusioned with   D disillusioning with Y@S6m@.$  
23 By a detailed and critical analysis of recurrent themes and repeated issues which arise in the interview material she collected, Hermes attempts to reconstruct the various _________employed by the interviewees in the cultural consumption of women’s magazines. :;Rt#!  
A. repercussions       B. repercolations       C. repertoires       D. repetiteurs +Qvgpx>  
24. The long simmering euthanasia issue has lately __________into a sometimes fierce public debate , with both sides claiming the mantle of ultimate righteousness. #TwE??ms  
A. boiled over       B. boiled up       C. boiled off         D. boiled out %FFm[[nxI  
25.Users have reported that sudden sounds, such as horns or sirens, have caused them severe anxiety ________ rapid steering or braking reactions ,even when the source of the sound was not in the immediate vicinity of their vehicles. hg=G//  
A. couple with     B. coupled with     C. coupling with     D. having coupled with -mw \?\2{  
26.There are new sources of diversity becoming more prominent in the form of the new providers——the for-profit, the virtual, and the corporate universities and colleges, ________substantially different organizational forms. RAQ;O  
A. some of that use B. some of what use C. some of them use D. some of which use v+bjC  
27.Upon hearing that he had lost the election, Phillip went on a ________,emptying file folders , turning over desks, and ________computers . je3n'^m  
A. vacation ……vacating                 B. pilgrimage ……rebooting n$Fm~iPo,  
C. sabbatical……matriculating               D. rampage ……demolishing ^Es)?>eah  
28.Most of the major academies of art ,which tend to maintain a balance between tradition and innovation, are still________. Cbvl( (  
A. in practice       B. in existence       C. in sight       D. in shape x%ag.g2I  
29.Local government has done little to regulate building styles, and while that hands-off policy may________ growth at first, eventually it will ________growth as potential residents and corporations decide to move to move to more attractive cities. ; 2 -kQK9  
A. retard……undermine                 B. register ……undulate &7u Ra1/R  
C. bolster ……impede                 D. envision ……accede tKGsrgoV  
30.The delegation surprised the dignitaries, who felt its members were impolite, and little less than ________, in their casual manner of dress and boisterous speech.. Vho0f<`E  
A. vulgar         B. venerable         C. impervious       D. devious tah%jRfT&  
31.Society and civilization have reached very much the same point that was reached eighteen centuries earlier ; it is strongly implied that the only real difference may be that they have ________ nuclear weapons for a slightly longer time ,heeding the lesson of the past to some extent. IOqyq t'  
A .held off using   B. held out for using   C. been held back to use   D. held on to use A|Gqjy^;@  
32. ________it is incumbent upon Bank Management to ensure that they operate profitably to secure profits for expansion , payment to staff and also payment to shareholders, it is also incumbent upon them to display an allegiance to the economy ________ they make their profits. Lb 4!N` l  
A. When ……from which                   B. Though ……at which Bd[Gsns  
C. While…… in which                     D. Since ……for which @sO.g_yM  
33.The Wood Energy Development group believes that the reintroduction of short-rotation schemes could help solve land-use problems such as crop surpluses and forestry management which are currently ________environmental concerns. E |3aiC,5  
A. at odds with     B. against the odds in     C. by all odds     D. over the odds =ab}.dWC  
34.For several years ,a sustained attempt had been made to inject the institutional and cultural life of the nation with market philosophies and business values, ________national complacency ________the short , sharp shock of enterprise. rdg1<Z  
A .galvanizing…… into                     B. to galvanize…… into z# B) b5  
C. galvanizing…… with                     D.to galvanize ……with 3$;v# P$%N  
35.Its message was ________ ,even ________ and certainly not at all the type of thing that one would expect to see emanating from a government department, with the seal of approval provided by a preface over the minister’s signature. R.;59s  
A. inscrutable ……mysterious               B. iconoclastic …… radical ~zRd||qv  
C. litigious …… captious                 D. omnifarious ……tanglesome








级别: 初级博友
沙发  发表于: 2009-03-13   
这是本人亲自逐字逐句输入的。很辛苦。 \ W!<xE  
请同路的有志有心的博友来挑战一下这些单选题。 mi?Fy 0\  
把做的答案说出来啊!多多益善!解答越详细越好! $2 0*&4y^  

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