汉译英1 @Q)OGjaq
当前,国际形势正经历着自冷战结束以后最复杂、最深刻的变化。(中国社会科学院04年考博英语翻译试题) u@W|gLT1
参考答案 {j.bC@hWw
At present, the international situation is going through the most complicated and profound changes since the end of Cold War. }"nItcp.1
和平与发展仍然是摆在世界各国人民面前的两大课题。(中国社会科学院04年考博英语翻译试题) \pa"%c)
参考答案 N]>=p.#j
Peace and development are still the most important themes for the peoples around the world. jD$,.AVvz
汉译英3 ($q-_m
我们正努力教育公民不要像西方国家那样过度消费,比如使用过多的空调、私人汽车、以及随意处理的产品。(中国社会科学院02年考博英语翻译试题) (yH'{6g\
参考答案 ((YMVe
We are endeavoring to persuade people to avoid over-consumption, which is often seen in the Western countries, such as excessively using air-conditioners, private cars, and disposable goods. >8
汉译英4 h{)kQLuzT
如今我们有许多不同的选择:除传统的家常菜以外,还有营养保健配餐和方便可口的快餐食品。(武汉大学04年考博英语翻译试题) "3X2VFwoJ
参考答案 pR*VdC _mY
We now have many choices among the many convenient and delicious fast food, and nutritiously balanced and healthy food as well as the traditional dishes. hE-h`'ha`
汉译英5 iw3FA4{(
帮助真正的穷人,要比仅仅缩小贫富差距更有价值。帮助下层社会的人重新回到社会主流中来,符合所有人的利益。(中国社会科学院03年考博英语翻译试题) hr#M-K
参考答案 B{QBzx1L9c
Helping the truly poor is much worthier than merely narrowing inequalities. And helping the lower class rejoin mainstream of society is in the interests of all. 52@C9Q,
汉译英6 *D'22TO[[!
推进现代化建设、完成祖国统一、维护世界和平与促进共同发展,是中国人民在新世纪的三大历史任务。 iowTLq!?
参考答案 ]&o$b ]
To continue to propel the modernization drive, to achieve reunification of the motherland, and to safeguard world peace and promote common development are the three historical tasks of the Chinese people in the new century. GA$V0YQX
汉译英7 MUaq7B_>
伟大艺术的美学鉴赏和伟大的科学观念的理解都需要智慧。(中国科学院02年3月考博英语翻译试题) w;%.2VJ
参考答案 TJ2=m9Z
Wisdom is required both in appreciating great artistic works and in understanding great scientific concepts. ,kyJAju>
汉译英8 _('=b/
为了保证国民经济持续、快速、健康地发展,我们必须加快国有企业的改革步伐。(中国社会科学院02年考博英语翻译试题) 6Pz4\uE=
参考答案 IB(6+n,6s
The speed of reform of state-owned enterprises must be accelerated (stepped up) to ensure sustained, rapid and sound development of the national economy. >"??!|XG^
汉译英9 uu-PJTNZ
目前在中国正进行着一场意义深远的社会和经济改革。(中国社会科学院02年考博英语翻译试题) j@AIK+0Qc
参考答案 ny]?I
At present, a sweeping and profound social and economic reform is being carried out in China. 9)h"-H;5:
汉译英10 yks__ylrl(
中国的饮食方式正在发生许多变化。(武汉大学04年考博英语翻译试题) z{8bvuE
参考答案 )Oq|amvC
Many changes are taking place in China's diet style. 8^kGS-+^
汉译英11 AgWa{.`f:
中国的饮食文化具有悠久的历史。(武汉大学04年考博英语翻译试题) 7!evm;A
参考答案 5 )A1\
China has a long history in her diet culture. `vU%*g&R
w_ akn t T
汉译英12 %h hfU6[
充分发挥个体、私营等非公有制经济在促进经济增长、扩大就业和活跃市场等方面的重要作用。(上海理工大学04年考博英语翻译试题) 'S20\hwt-
参考答案 DMAIM|h
We should take advantage of non public-owned economy, including individually- and privately owned enterprises, to accelerate economic growth, enlarge employment, and flourish the market. aFl;BhM
汉译英13 ~Sdb_
然而,要想了解一个人的禀赋资质和实际能力如何,考试是考不出名堂来的。(中国人民大学02年考博英语翻译试题) I~[F|d>
参考答案 #{6{TFx\
But they are of little value if you want to know about the gift, intelligence or practical abilities of a person. 2\)xpOj
汉译英14 n#c
凡事应该适度,适度是最安全的。(天津大学01年考博英语翻译试题) ,xw#NG6
参考答案 ~]nRV *^
One should be moderate in all things, and moderation is always the safest way. 9-sw!tKx
汉译英15 ajve~8
自从理查德·尼克松(Richard Nixon)同癌症宣战以来已经有30年了。(武汉大学03年考博英语翻译试题) >|J`s~?
参考答案 :vYYfs&
It is already three decades since Richard Nixon declared war on cancer.
B=U 3
汉译英16 .7O*pJ2(H
大学的研究所才是初步研究学问的所在。(中国人民大学03年考博英语翻译试题) SDL7<ZaE
It is graduate school in a university that is the place to do research work at a basic level. BIH-"vTy
汉译英17 Plc-4y1
知道这个答案是有用的……如果你想到英语国家去念大学,或者你想找一份需要英语技能的工作的话,通过语言考试那就至关重要了。 <g-9T -Ky
参考答案 E!;SL|lj.
It’s useful to know the answer… it is vital if you want to be enrolled in a college or university in an English-speaking country, or if you want to find a job which requires English language skills. i)\L:qF5
汉译英18 n*o-Lo+Fe.
还将有一些生活极端贫困的人们,他们还需要政府的资助。(武汉大学04年考博英语翻译试题) ,yC-+VL
参考答案 f}6s
There will still be some people living in extreme poverty, who are still in need of the government's financial support. }#3V+X
汉译英19 9X[kEl
举例来说,在早先的法国洞穴绘画里,早于公元前10,000年的绘画中没有人与人打仗的画面。(复旦大学02年考博英语翻译试题) 57aXQ8u{
参考答案 ~W*FCG#
For example, among ancient French cave drawings prior to 10,000 B.C., there were no pictures describing people fighting with each other. rW<KKGsRWQ
汉译英20 JELTo u
实行改革开放以来改变了过去封闭半封闭状态,提高了我国经济水平。(中国社会科学院03年考博英语翻译试题) bw(a6qKK
参考答案 [v7F1@6b
Since China started to implement the policy of opening up to the outside, its total or semi-closure has been changed and the level of its economy and technology has been raised. uyO/55;HO
汉译英21 1Rq
中国加入世贸组织以后,外商参与中国投资活动的机会将越来越多,自身发展的空间也越来越大。(中国人民大学04年考博英语翻译试题) i3dkYevs?
参考答案 9eR-
After China’s entry into WTO, more opportunities will be created for the participation of foreign entrepreneurs in the investments in China and larger space for their own development. A mvEf
汉译英22 Ut*`:]la
迄今为止,教育工作还没有找到比考试更有效、更可靠的方法。(中国人民大学02年考博英语翻译试题) oOnop-z7
参考答案 Az9?Ra;U
So far, there has been no way which is more effective and reliable than exams in education.
汉译英23 H[{F'c[e
投资规模偏大。(四川大学04年考博英语翻译试题) B+Rm>^CBm
参考答案 yu;+o3WlK
The investment scale is too large. T m,b,hi$
汉译英24 >x/z7v?^I
很多道路太窄。(天津大学02年考博英语翻译试题) vmi+_]
参考答案 6TYY
Many of the roads are too narrow. J{'>uD.@
汉译英25 46$._h
此外,对于那些刚刚脱贫的人们,他们目前的生活状况必须改善。(武汉大学04年考博英语翻译试题) .Fs7z7?Y
参考答案 6{x(.=
Furthermore, the present living conditions must be improved for those who have just freed themselves from poverty. u_hD}V^x4
汉译英26 dUsYZdQs
“学习”也许意味着对一系列细小而不相关的行为按新的顺序重新排列。(湖北省03年考博英语试题联合考试翻译试题) |P[w==AAf
参考答案 :S.9eFfa
Learning may mean that a number of small independent acts are arranged in a new order. uH/J]zKR
汉译英27 FR$:"
美国的经济体制主要是围绕着私人企业和以市场为导向而建立起来的。(四川大学04年考博英语翻译试题) ~KHVY)@P
参考答案 ?:
The economic system of U.S.A. is mainly set up centering on the private enterprises and market orientation. `2' #!-
汉译英28 gMY1ts}Z
他们的生产和生活状况没有从根本上被改变。(武汉大学04年考博英语翻译试题) 5XO;N s
Their production and living conditions have not been changed fundamentally. q'|rgT
汉译英29 0>C T=(A
各国的人权问题主要由各国政府和人民自己来解决,世界的人权问题要由世界各国政府和人民共同参与来解决。(中国社会科学院04年) G]D+Sl4<7i
参考答案 ~kShq%
Each country's human rights problem should be solved mainly by its own government and people, while that of the world by governments and people from all over the world together. 4NGA/
汉译英30 NYE`Kin-
我们花很少的钱就能够买到一份日报。(西南财经大学04年考博英语翻译试题 61.Brp.eP
参考答案 j:5=s%S
We can buy a daily paper with just a little money. gGr^@=;YC
汉译英31 p!>oo1&
市政府于去年底启动了一项“净空”工程,关闭了大气污染严重的企业。(首都经贸大学06年考博英语翻译试题) ,u!*2cWN
参考答案 87Oad@FOr
The municipal government started an air-decontamination project at the end of last year, closing the enterprises that cause heavy pollutions. G"\`r* O
r`' j[
汉译英32 yOphx07 (
从社会总体、长远的利益出发,政府可以运用税收、转移支付等方式适当调节收入分配差距,扶助弱势群体,维护整个社会的和谐、稳定。(财政部财政科研所05年) "{tg8-a4)
参考答案 .$Ik`[+Z
Considering the society as a whole and long-term benefits, the government can change the unequal income distribution by means of tax revenues or payment transfers in helping the disadvantaged groups and in maintaining harmony and stability of the society. |K6REkzr