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主题 : 中科院考博英语2007年真题翻译及作文
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2014-07-25   
来源于 考博试题 分类


    We are ourselves profoundly changed by our interaction with modern technology. As writer Jerry Mander has pointed out, on each side of the human-machine equation there are adaptations. 1) Our machines become ever more lifelike; witness computers and virtual reality. We become more like the machines; note that repetitive motion disorder is the leading cause of workplace injuries. This adaptive homogenizing process to science and technology is now being globalised with few societies able to withstand the reign of science and its technological incarnations. v9MliD'  
    However, in recent years, the zeal of the religion lessened. It is becoming increasingly apparent that of the science costs abstraction and manipulation of nature were far beyond what has significantly of the scientific could have been predicted. Most disturbing is that the humanity face to face with the first scientific-technological onslaught has brought truly global environmental history. 2) Over the last two decades the public, though still worshiping the scientific world-view, has been shocked by the facts about ecological treats to the biosphere that they had not even suspected existed-ozone depletion, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, species extinction, desertification, deforestation. /[+qw%>  
    "The crisis over science and technology's current unprecedented destruction of nature has put modern society in an historic dilemma. Humanity has become fully dependent on, and deeply addicted to, the scientific world-view and the technological environment. Yet this mode of thought and action is threatening the very viability of life on Earth. 3) It is becoming increasingly evident that we cannot ultimately survive with our current science and technology' yet we can1imagine living without it. A common-sense approach to this quandary would be to begin reinventing our science and devolving our technologies in order to preserve the environment and our own survival. 4) For many years there has been a small but persistent movement urging the adoption of a "new" ecological scientific approach and the substitution of sustainable or "appropriate" technologies for the appropriate technologies which are so devastating to nature. However, while ecological science continues to make some inroads, neither it nor appropriate technology has received mass support among the world's policy makers. For most, remaking our technological infrastructure appears too great a task. and unprofitable for the current corporate system. 5 ) Further, ecological sensitivity and~ the一 appropriate technology movement go directly counter to the scientific world-view- and its technological fantasies of finally conquering nature and breaking ail limitations on human activity U[G5<&Z^  
PART V     TRANSLATION (30 minutes, 15 points) ODCv^4}9  
How would you react to appearance when you are trying to the discrimination against your physical find a job? &I7T ?  









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