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主题 : 2011年北京师范大学博士研究生入学考试 英语试题
级别: 初级博友
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2011年北京师范大学博士研究生入学考试 英语试题

Part I Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) DvU~%%(0^  
Section A ^r%i3  
Inthis section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. Atthe end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about whatwas said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read thefour choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet 2 witha single line through the centre. C=M?  
注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 [29$~.m$Y  
11. Yr Preuh  
    A) The man failed to keep his promise. 7?*~oVZW  
    B) The woman has a poor memory. Rf&^th}TH  
    C) The man borrowed the book from the library. mn,=V[f  
    D) The woman does not need the book any more. <`^>bv9  
12. Y'\3ux0]4'  
    A) The woman is making too big a fuss about her condition. x Xl$Mp7  
    B) Fatigue is a typical symptom of lack of exercise.  \q|e8k4p  
    C) The woman should spend more time outdoors. ;o &_:]S  
    D) People tend to work longer hours with artificiallighting. -{.h\  
13. sz){uOI  
    A) The printing on her T-shirt has faded. eo-XqiJ,]  
    B) It is not in fashion to have a logo on a T-shirt. #I cT @(  
    C) She regrets having bought one of the T-shirts. ]g>T9,)l  
    D) It is not a good idea to buy the T-shirt. v #zfs'  
14. ?d,ac m  
    A) He regrets having published the article. L|vaTidc0  
    B) Most readers do not share his viewpoints. a?f5(qW3  
    C) Not many people have read his article. 7~QwlU3n<F  
    D) The woman is only trying to console him. jFK9?cLT  
15. !dYX2!lvT  
    A) Leave Daisy alone for the time being. |O #wdnYW  
    B) Go see Daisy immediately. ~j\;e  
    C) Apologize to Daisy again by phone. j8F~j?%!  
    D) Buy Daisy a new notebook. xf{C 'uF/  
16. yBD.Cs@  
    A) Batteries. '3Y0D1`v  
    B) Garden tools. zS>:7eG  
    C) Cameras. U(=f5|-  
    D) Light bulbs. WL*W=(  
17. 9X*eE  
    A) The speakers will watch the game together. Z"PDOwj5  
    B) The woman feels lucky to have got a ticket. E2ayK> ,  
    C) The man plays center on the basketball team. b smoLT  
    D) The man can get the ticket at its original price. -;DE&~p  
18. K.sj"#D  
    A) The speakers will dress formally for the concert. GurE7J^=  
    B) The man will return home before going to the concert. Rqd%#v  
    C) It is the first time the speakers are attending aconcert. [b\lcQ8O  
    D) The woman is going to buy a new dress for the concert.
It,n +A  
Questions 19 to 21are based on the conversation you have just heard. |4 d{X@`&  
19. <8xP-(wk;  
    A) He wants to sign a long-termcontract. 6DiA2'{f  
    B) He is good at both languageand literature. 2+G:04eS,e  
    C) He prefers teaching toadministrative work. $dWl A<u  
    D) He is undecided as to whichjob to go for. V HY<(4@  
20. b~jvmcr  
    A) They hate exams. qjRiTIp9q  
    B) The all plan to study in Cambridge. ]mGsNQ ].H  
    C) They are all adults. e7j]BzGvl  
    D) They are going to work incompanies. |@n{tog+-  
21. :Pp;{=J  
    A) Difficult but rewarding. :e9jK[)h0  
    B) Varied and interesting. Xrzh*sp  
    C) Time-consuming and tiring. S:GUR6g8D  
    D) Demanding and frustrating. ez<wEt S  
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. jU9zCMyNF  
22. -gX2{dW  
    A) Interviewing a moving star. `8 b6 /  
    B) Discussing teenage rolemodels.  ,IvnNnl2  
    C) Hosting a television show. $@f3=NJ4k  
    D) Reviewing a new biography. zSM7x  
23. aFm]?75  
    A) He lost his mother. U;A5-|C  
    B) He was unhappy in California. e~~k}2 ~  
    C) He missed his aunt. 7JwWM2N?V  
    D) He had to attend schoolthere. <TROs!x$a  
24. L$kAe1 V^m  
    A) He delivered publicspeeches. g~sNY|%  
    B) He got seriously intoacting. 5pyvs;As  
    C) He hosted talk shows on TV. XI(@O)  
    D) He played a role in East ofEden. s3RyLT   
25. %v)'`|i  
    A) He made numerous popularmovies. X@4d~6k?  
    B) He has long been a legendaryfigure. MifgRUe  
    C) He was best at acting in Hollywood tragedies. t-'GRme  
    D) He was the most successfulactor of his time.
Section B BRLU&@G`1  
In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. Atthe end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and thequestions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choosethe best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. Bw7:ry  
注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 Br^b%12ZRS  
Passage One CN>};>WlG  
Questions 26 to 29 are based on the conversation you have just heard. JNg5 ?V;.U  
26. &rWJg6/  
    A) It carried passengersleaving an island. *B}R4Y|g  
    B) A terrorist forced it toland on Tenerife. / ;$ew~}  
    C) It crashed when it wascircling to land. >A "aOV>K  
    D) 18 of its passengerssurvived the crash. Sf:lN4  
27. ?6]ZQ\,  
    A) He was kidnapped eightmonths ago. ?qW|k6{O  
    B) He failed in hisnegotiations with the Africans. @Odu.F1e  
    C) He was assassinated in Central Africa. li XD2N  
    D) He lost lots of money in hisAfrican business. Y }d>%i+  
28. CfnCi_=[`  
    A) The management and unionrepresentatives reached an agreement. 6FFv+{ 2^@  
    B) The workers' pay was raisedand their working hours were shortened. <W^~Y31:0  
    C) The trade union gave up itsdemand. yYtki  
    D) The workers on strike wereall fired. Z|wDM^Lf  
29. qz2d'OhmtH  
    A) Sunny.     B)Rainy.     C) Windy.    D) Cloudy. e%>E| 9*u  
Passage Two >Cc$ P  
Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard. lV="IP^7  
30. Q :|E  
    A) Some of them had onceexperienced an earthquake. 50`r}s}  
    B) Most of them lacked interestin the subject. svgi!=  
    C) Very few of them knew muchabout geology. k/Q]K e  
    D) A couple of them hadlistened to a similar speech before. M#|xj <p  
31. %LmB`DqZ  
    A) By reflecting on Americans'previous failures in predicting earthquakes. (U<wKk"  
    B) By noting where the mostsevere earthquake in U. S.history occurred. Hc!_o`[{l  
    C) By describing thedestructive power of earthquakes. D=]P9XDvb.  
    D) By explaining some essentialgeological principles. J],BO\ECH  
32. ? ~8V;Qn  
    A) Interrupt him whenever hedetected a mistake. ;kA2"c]m  
    B) Focus on the accuracy of thelanguage he used. GM~jR-FZ  
    C) Stop him when he haddifficulty understanding. g5`YUr+3?h  
    D) Write down any points wherehe could improve. C5FtJquGN)  
Passage Three  sj2+|>  
Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 5O*$#C;c  
33. XZJx3!~fm  
    A) It was invented by a groupof language experts in the year of 1887. [;+YO)  
    B) It is a language that hasits origin in ancient Polish. *2Kte'+q  
    C) It was created to promoteeconomic globalization. R lu;l  
    D) It is a tool ofcommunication among speakers of different languages. _1QNO#X  
34. C_o.d~xm  
    A) It aims to make Esperanto aworking language in the U. N. x8t1g,QA  
    B) It has increased itspopularity with the help of the media. &kGSxYDk%  
    C) It has encounteredincreasingly tougher challenges. GfV9Ox   
    D) It has supporters from manycountries in the world. YjT #^AH  
35. p*G_$"KpP  
    A) It is used by a number ofinfluential science journals. 3/ D fsv  
    B) It is widely taught atschools and in universities. oUH\SW8?  
    C) It has aroused the interestof many young learners. D!CGbP(  
    D) It has had a greater impactthan in any other country.
Section C l }[ 4  
Directions: Inthis section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read forthe first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When thepassage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanksnumbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanksnumbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. Forthese blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or writedown the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read forthe third time, you should check what you have written. JT<J[Qz5  
注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 1JY4E2Q  
    George Herbert Mead said thathumans are talked into humanity. He meant that we gain personal identity as wecommunicate with others. In the earliest years of our lives, our parents tellus who we are. "You're (36) ______." "You're so strong." Wefirst see ourselves through the eyes of others, so their messages formimportant (37) ______ of our self-concepts. Later we interact with teachers,friends, (38) ______ partners, and co-workers who communicate their views ofus.Thus, how we see ourselves (39) ______ the views of us that otherscommunicate. 49yN|h;c!  
    The (40) ______ connectionbetween identity and communication is (41) ______ evident in children who are(42) ______ of human contact. Case studies of children who were isolated fromothers reveal that they lack a firm self-concept, and their mental andpsychological development is severely (43) ______ by lack of language. ZWv$K0agu  
    Communication with others notonly affects our sense of identity but also directly influences our physicaland emotional well-being. Consistently, (44)________________________________________________. People who lack close friendshave greater levels of anxiety and depression than people who are close toothers. (45) ________________________________________________. The conclusionwas that social isolation is statistically as dangerous as high blood pressure,smoking and obesity. Many doctors and researchers believe that (46)___________________________
____________________________________. K4~dEZ   
Part II ReadingComprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) E[y?\{  
Directions: Inthis part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answerthe questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer fromthe four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete thesentences with the information given in the passage.
Obama's success isn't all good news forblack Americans "+Kr1n W  
    As Erin White watched the election results head towardsvictory for Barack Obama, she felt a burden lifting from her shoulders."In that one second, it was a validation for my whole race," sherecalls. ,b/0_Q  
    "I've always been an achiever," says White, who isstudying for an MBA at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. "But there hadalways been these things in the back of my mind questioning whether I reallycan be who I want. It was like a shadow, following me around saying you canonly go so far. Now it's like a barrier has been let down." Zn/1uWO  
    White's experience is what many psychologists had expected -that Obama would prove to be a powerful role model for African Americans. Somehoped his rise to prominence would have a big impact on white Americans, too,challenging those who still harbour racist sentiments. "The traits thatcharacterise him are very contradictory to the racial stereotypes that blackpeople are aggressive and uneducated," says Ashby Plant of Florida State University."He's very intelligent and eloquent."
n D?XP<9UU  
Sting in the tail d7 @ N~<n  
    Ashby Plant is one of anumber of psychologists who seized on Obama's candidacy to test hypothesesabout the power of role models. Their work is already starting to reveal howthe "Obama effect" is changing people's views and behaviour. Perhapssurprisingly, it is not all good news: there is a sting in the tail of theObama effect. ( %bfNs|  
    But first the good news. BarackObama really is a positive role model for African Americans, and he was makingan impact even before he got to the White House. Indeed, the Obama effect canbe surprisingly immediate and powerful, as Ray Friedman of Vanderbilt Universityand his colleagues discovered. 0kDT:3  
    They tested four separategroups at four key stages of Obama's presidential campaign. Each groupconsisted of around 120 adults of similar age and education, and the testassessed their language skills. At two of these stages, when Obama's successwas less than certain, the tests showed a clear difference between the scoresof the white and black participants—an average of 12.1 out of 20, compared to8.8, for example. When the Obama fever was at its height, however, the blackparticipants performed much better. Those who had watched Obama's acceptancespeech as the Democrats' presidential candidate performed just as well, onaverage, as the white subjects.After his election victory, this was true of allthe black participants. zx^)Qb/EL6  
Dramatic shift ~V<je b  
    What can explain thisdramatic shift? At the start of the test, the participants had to declare theirrace and were told their results would be used to assess their strengths andweaknesses. This should have primed the subjects with "stereotypethreat" – an anxiety that their results will confirm negative stereotypes,which has been shown to damage the performance of African Americans. ' Mg%G(3  
    Obama's successes seemed to actas a shield against this. "We suspect they felt inspired and energised byhis victory, so the stereotype threat wouldn't prove a distraction," saysFriedman.
.! &YO/  
Lingering racism McfSB(59  
    If the Obama effect ispositive for African Americans, how is it affecting their white compatriots (同胞)? Is theexperience of having a charismatic (有魅力的) black president modifying lingering racist attitudes?There is no easy way to measure racism directly; instead psychologists assesswhat is known as "implicit bias", using a computer-based test thatmeasures how quickly people associate positive and negative words—such as"love" or "evil"—with photos of black or white faces. Asimilar test can also measure how quickly subjects associate stereotypicaltraits—such as athletic skills or mental ability—with a particular group. dK=BH=S2?X  
    In a study that will appear inthe Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Plant's team tested 229 studentsduring the height of the Obama fever. They found that implicit bias has fallenby as much as 90% compared with the level found in a similar study in 2006."That's an unusually large drop," Plant says. 79&Mc,69  
    While the team can't be suretheir results are due solely to Obama, they also showed that those with thelowest bias were likely to subconsciously associate black skin colour withpolitical words such as "government" or "president". Thissuggests that Obama was strongly on their mind, says Plant. \]^|IViIQ  
Drop in bias wH<S0vl   
    Brian Nosek of the University of Virginiain Charlottesville,who runs a website that measures implicit bias using similar test, has alsoobserved a small drop in bias in the 700,000 visitors to the site since January2007, which might be explained by Obama's rise to popularity. However, hispreliminary results suggest that change will be much slower coming than Plant'sresults suggest. d;f,vN(  
Talking honestly C~ >'pS6%5  
    "People now have theopportunity of expressing support for Obama every day," says Daniel Effronat Stanford Universityin California."Our research arouses the concern that people may now be more likely toraise negative views of African Americans." On the other hand, he says, itmay just encourage people to talk more honestly about their feelings regardingrace issues, which may not be such a bad thing. E3`KO'v%  
    Another part of the studysuggests far more is at stake than the mere expression of views. The Obamaeffect may have a negative side. Just one week after Obama was electedpresident, participants were less ready to support policies designed to addressracial inequality than they had been two weeks before the election.Huge obstacles ^s%Qt  
    It could, of course, alsobe that Obama's success helps people to forget that a disproportionate numberof black Americans still live in poverty and face huge obstacles when trying toovercome these circumstances. "Barack Obama's family is such a salient (
出色的) image, wegeneralise it and fail to see the larger picture—that there's injustice inevery aspect of American life," says Cheryl Kaiser of the University ofWashington in Seattle. Those trying to address issues of racial inequality needto constantly remind people of the inequalities that still exist to counteractthe Obama's effect, she says. r /PsFv{8  
    Though Plant's findings weremore positive, she too warns against thinking that racism and racialinequalities are no longer a problem. "The last thing I want is for peopleto think everything's solved." j,Mp["X&  
    These findings do not onlyapply to Obama, or even just to race. They should hold for any role model inany country. "There's no reason we wouldn't have seen the same effect onour views of women if Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin had been elected,"says Effron. So the election of a female leader might have a downside for otherwomen. Drg'RR><  
Beyond race -WEi Y  
    We also don't yet know howlong the Obama effect—both its good side and its bad—will last.Politicalsentiment is notoriously changeable: What if things begin to go wrong forObama, and his popularity slumps? }L@YLnc%  
    And what if Americans become sofamiliar with having Obama as their president that they stop considering hisrace altogether? "Over time he might become his own entity," saysPlant. This might seem like the ultimate defeat for racism, but ignoring therace of certain select individuals—a phenomenon that psychologists callsubtyping—also has an insidious (
隐伏的) side. "We think it happens to help people preservetheir beliefs, so they can still hold on to the previous stereotypes."That could turn out to be the cruellest of all the twists to the Obama effect. S6cSeRmw  
注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 CnAhEf)b  
1. How did Erin White feel upon seeing BarackObama's victory in the election? |ek*wo  
    A) Excited.   B) Victorious.    C) Anxious.    D) Relieved. qWo|LpxWt  
2. Before the election, Erin White has beenhaunted by the question of whether _____. `OduBUI]]  
    A) she could obtain her MBAdegree :5;[Rg5 2  
    B) she could go as far as shewanted in life 7m8L!t9  
    C) she was overshadowed by herwhite peers ^c+6?  
    D) she was really an achieveras a student MTr _8tI  
3. What is the focus of Ashby Plant's study? ^E>}A  
    A) Racist sentiments in America. N#|c2n +  
    B) The power of role models. $U!w#|&  
    C) Personality traits ofsuccessful blacks. 7GKeqv  
    D) The dual character ofAfrican Americans. Rb#?c+&#  
4. In their experiments, Ray Friedman and hiscolleagues found that ______. d@`yRueWiV  
    A) blacks and whites behaveddifferently during the election 0\u_ \%[  
    B) whites' attitude towardsblacks has dramatically changed CKj3-rcF(  
    C) Obama's election haseliminated the prejudice against blacks yl|+D]  
    D) Obama's success impactedblacks' performance in language tests @Yy=HV  
5. What do Brian Nosek's preliminary resultssuggest? 2_UH,n  
    A) The change in bias againstblacks is slow in coming. ~ 5`Ngpp  
    B) Bias against blacks hasexperienced an unusual drop. J0^p\mG  
    C) Website visitor's opinionsare far from being reliable. uI.4zbgl[  
    D) Obama's popularity maydecline as time passes by. `4XfT.9GT  
6. A negative side of the Obama effect is that______. uPb9j;Q?  
    A) more people have started tocriticise President Obama's racial policies y=-d*E  
    B) relations between whites andAfrican Americans may become tense again q18dSu  
    C) people are now less ready tosupport policies addressing racial inequality fFMG9]*  
    D) white people are likely tobecome more critical of African Americans Wu%;{y~#}  
7. Cheryl Kaiser holds that people should beconstantly reminded that ______. PE+N5n2Tl  
    A) Obama's success is soundproof of black's potential E/Y.f  
    B) Obama is but a rare exampleof black's excellence I5PaY.i  
    C) racial inequality still persistsin American society lYU_uFOs\  
    D) blacks still face obstaclesin political participation Q-Bci Bh$  
8. According to Effron, if Hillary Clinton orSarah Palin had been elected, there would also have been a negative effect on______. n8J';F =P  
9. It is possible that the Obama effect will beshort-lived if there is a change in people's ______.  6 5qH  
10. The worst possible aspect of the Obama effectis that people could ignore his race altogether and continue to hold on totheir old racial ______.
tHD mX  
Part III XgU]Ktl  
Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25minutes)
;\( wJ{u?Y  
Section A )";g*4R[  
Directions: Inthis section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incompletestatements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or completethe statements in the fewest possible words. Please write your answers on Answer Sheet 2. ^P(HX  
Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage. Aln\:1MU  
    Question: My ninth-grade art teacher doesn't give any gradeabove 94% because, she says, "There's always room for improvement."In previous years, I earned a 99% and a 100%. The 94 I received this term doesnot reflect the hard work that I put into this course. Because of her"improvement" theory, I got a lower grade than I deserve. Is hergrading philosophy ethical (
符合职业道德规范的)? k2p{<SO;  
    Answer: Your teacher's grading system may be unwise, but itis not unethical. A teacher deserves wide latitude in selecting the method ofgrading that best promotes learning in her classroom; that is, after all, theprime function of grades. It is she who has the training and experience to makethis decision. Assuming that your teacher is neither biased nor corrupt andthat her system conforms to school rules, you can't fault her ethics. Qq^>7OU>Co  
    You can criticize her methodology. A 100 need not imply thatthere is no possibility of improvement, only that a student successfullycompleted the course work. A ninth grader could get a well-earned 100 in English class but still have a way togo before she writes as well as Jane Austen. What's more, grades are not onlyan educational device but are also part of a screening system to help assignkids to their next class or program. By capping her grades at 94 while mostother teachers grade on a scale that tops out at 100, your teacher couldjeopardize a student's chance of getting a scholarship or getting into a topcollege. dorZ O2Uc  
    What it is wrong to condemn her for is overlooking your hardwork. You diligence is worthy of encouragement, but effort does not equalaccomplishment. If scholars suddenly discovered that Rembrandt had dashed off"The Night Watch" in an afternoon, it would still be "The NightWatch." X 2T)]`@  
    I could spend months sweating over my own"paintings", but I'd produce something you wouldn't want to hang inyour living room. Or your garage. 7J7uHl`yq`  
    One feature of a good grading system is that those measuredby it generally regard it as fair and reasonable—not the case here. Simmering (
难以平息的) resentmentis seldom an aid to education.And so your next step should be to discuss yourconcerns with your teacher or the principal. X|@|ZRN  
注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 FtT+Q$q=  
47.The ninth-grader thought that his art teacher should have given him ______. ~{oM&I|d8  
48. According to the answer, a teacher should have the freedom to ______ toencourage learning. {>>f5o 3  
49. We learn from the answer that a student who gets a 100 should still workhard and keep ______.  jats)!:  
50. The example of Rembrandt's painting suggests that a distinction should bemade between ______. Z3T:R"l;  
51. The ninth-grader is advised to go to his teacher or the principal to______.
Section B K%$%9y  
Directions: Thereare 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B),C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the correspondingletter on AnswerSheet 2 witha single line through the centre. &3'II:x(  
Passage One jvCk+n[  
Questions 51 to 56 are based on the following passage. dG TAZ(1W  
    Only two countries in theadvanced world provide no guarantee for paid leave from work to care for anewborn child. Last spring one of the two, Australia, gave up the dubiousdistinction by establishing paid family leave starting in 2011. I wasn'tsurprised when this didn't make the news here in the United States—we're now the onlywealthy country without such a policy. \c_1uDRoUn  
    The United States does have oneexplicit family policy, the Family and Medical Leave Act, passed in 1993. Itentitles workers to as much as 12 weeks' unpaid leave for care of a newborn ordealing with a family medical problem. Despite the modesty of the benefit, theChamber of Commerce and other business groups fought it bitterly, describing itas "government-run personnel management" and a "dangerous precedent".In fact, every step of the way, as (usually) Democratic leaders have tried tointroduce work-family balance measures into the law, business groups have beenstrongly opposed. \HV%579  
    As Yale law professor AnneAlstott argues, justifying parental support depends on defining the family as asocial good that, in some sense, society must pay for. In her book No Exit:What Parents Owe Their Children and What Society Owes Parents, she argues thatparents are burdened in many ways in their lives: there is "no exit"when it comes to children. "Society expects—and needs—parents to providetheir children with continuity of care, meaning the intensive, intimate carethat human beings need to develop their intellectual, emotional and moralcapabilities. And society expects—and needs—parents to persist in their rolesfor 18 years, or longer if needed." N@)tU;U3O  
    While most parents do this outof love, there are public penalties for not providing care. What parents do, inother words, is of deep concern to the state, for the obvious reason thatcaring for children is not only morally urgent but essential for the future ofsociety. The state recognizes this in the large body of family laws that governchildren' welfare, yet parents receive little help in meeting the life-changingobligations society imposes. To classify parenting as a personal choice forwhich there is no collective responsibility is not merely to ignore the socialbenefits of good parenting; really, it is to steal those benefits because theyaccrue (
不断积累) to the whole of society as today's children becometomorrow's productive citizenry (公民). In fact, by some estimates, the value of parentalinvestments in children, investments of time and money (including lost wages),is equal to 20-30% of gross domestic product. If these investments generatehuge social benefits—as they clearly do—the benefits of providing more socialsupport for the family should be that much clearer. n\ZDI+X  
注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 *GTCVxu  
52. What do we learn about paid family leavefrom the first paragraph? }q)o LC  
    A) America is now the only developedcountry without the policy. jun>(7  
    B) It has now become a hottopic in the United States. 9^c\$"2B  
    C) It came as a surprise when Australiaadopted the policy. N?ky2wG  
    D) Its meaning was clarifiedwhen it was established in Australia. 4-lEo{IIM  
53. What has prevented the passing of work-familybalance laws in the United  States? Yhb=^)@))  
    A) The incompetence of theDemocrats. Kisd.~u8j  
    B) The existing Family andMedical Leave Act. 9=&LMjTQ  
    C) The lack of a precedent inAmerican history. yo#&>W  
    D) The opposition from businesscircles. AN\:  
54. What is Professor Anne Alstott's argument forparental support? '/Hx0]V  
    A) The cost of raising childrenin the U. S.has been growing. gV9 1=Pj  
    B) Good parenting benefitssociety. +q|2j>k@  
    C) The U. S. should keep up with otherdeveloped countries. %mAgE\y25  
    D) Children need continuouscare. ?R&,1~h  
55. What does the author think of America'slarge body of family laws governing children's welfare? }`{aeVHT  
    A) They fail to ensurechildren's healthy growth Sdy\s5  
    B) The fail to provide enoughsupport for parents KE] !7+8-  
    C) They emphasize parents'legal responsibilities. wyMj^+ 2m  
    D) They impose the care ofchildren on parents. f.!)O@HzH  
56. Why does the author object to classifyingparenting as a personal choice? Ayadvi(@P  
    A) It is regarded as a legalobligation. zC\ pd#  
    B) It relies largely on socialsupport. \`Db|D?oy  
    C) It generates huge socialbenefits. )3V5P%Q  
    D) It is basically a socialundertaking.
R f+ogLa=  
Passage Two 6'3@/.  
Questions 57 to 62 are based on the following passage. l4 I@6@  
    A new study from the Centerfor Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts Universityshows that today's youth vote in larger numbers than previous generations, anda 2008 study from the Center for American Progress adds that increasing numbersof young voters and activists support traditionally liberal causes. But there'sno easy way to see what those figures mean in real life. During thepresidential campaign, Barack Obama assembled a racially and ideologicallydiverse coalition with his message of hope and change; as the reality of lifeunder a new administration settles in, some of those supporters might becomedisillusioned. As the nation moves further into the Obama presidency, willpolitically engaged young people continue to support the president and hisagenda, or will they gradually drift away? <]r.wn=}M  
    The writers of Generation O(short for Obama), a new Newsweek blog that seeks to chronicle the lives of agroup of young Obama supporters, want to answer that question. For the nextthree months, Michelle Kremer and 11 other Obama supporters, ages 19 to 34,will blog about life across mainstream America, with one twist: by tying all oftheir ideas and experiences to the new president and his administration, thebloggers will try to start a conversation about what it means to be young andpolitically active in America today. Malena Amusa, a 24-year-old writer anddancer from St. Louissees the project as a way to preserve history as it happens. Amusa, who istraveling to India thisspring to finish a book, then to Senegal to teach English, has ongoingconversations with her friends about how the Obama presidency has changed theirdaily lives and hopes to put some of those ideas, along with her globalperspective, into her posts. She's excited because, as she puts it, "Idon't have to wait [until] 15 years from  now" to make sense of theworld. Yc/Nz(m   
    Henry Flores, apolitical-science professor at St. Mary's University, credits this youngergeneration's political strength to their embrace of technology. "[TheInternet] exposes them to more thinking," he says, "and groups thatare like-minded in different parts of the country start to come together."That's exactly what the Generation O bloggers are hoping to do. The resultcould be a group of young people that, like their boomer (
二战后生育高峰期出生的美国人) parents, growsup with a strong sense of purpose and sheds the image of apathy (冷漠) they'veinherited from Generation X (60 年代后期和70 年代出生的美国人). It's no small challenge for a blog run by a group ofordinary—if ambitious—young people, but the members of Generation O are up tothe task. bJj <xjBM  
注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 (30{:o&^  
57. What is the finding of a new study by CIRCLE? {s6;6>-kPW  
    A) More young voters are goingto the polls than before. 4&~ft  
    B) The young generationsupports traditionally liberal causes. [ Lt1OdGl  
    C) Young voters played adecisive role in Obama's election. AF g*  
    D) Young people in Americaare now more diverse ideologically. ~+d?d6*c  
58. What is a main concern of the writers ofGeneration O? "4 5O!AjP  
    A) How Obama is going to liveup to young people's expectations. *A':^vgk  
    B) Whether America is going to change duringObama's presidency. I8;pMr6  
    C) Whether young people willcontinue to support Obama's policy. awQ f$  
    D) How Obama's agenda is goingto affect the life of Americans. 3P-qLbJ  
59. What will the Generation O bloggers writeabout in their posts? TBHIcX  
    A) Their own interpretation ofAmerican politics. Y0:y72mK  
    B) Policy changes to take placein Obama's administration. *|h-iA+9  
    C) Obama's presidency viewedfrom a global perspective.  +ulBy  
    D) Their lives in relation toObama's presidency. )eop:!m  
60. What accounts for the younger generation'spolitical strength according to Professor Henry Flores? F/sXr(7  
    A) Their embrace of radicalideas. |q"WJ Q  
    B) Their desire to change America. vi')-1Y KM  
    C) Their utilization of theInternet. SV}q8z \  
    D) Their strong sense ofresponsibility. 9oKRn c  
61. What can we infer from the passage aboutGeneration X? 3 &.?9  
    A) They are politicallyconservative. 6"U&i9  
    B) They reject conventionalvalues. S'#KPzy.  
    C) They dare to take upchallenges. q[`)A?Ae  
    D) They are indifferent topolitics.
Part V Cloze (15minutes) FZ'|z8Dm  
Directions: Thereare 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choicesmarked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose theONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line throughthe centre. 6C@,&2<yK  
注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 w|!>>W6J  
    A new study found that inner-city kids living inneighborhoods with more green space gained about 13% less weight over atwo-year period than kids living amid more concrete and fewer trees. Such__62__ tell a powerful story. The obesity epidemic began in the 1980s, and manypeople __63__ it to increased portion sizes and inactivity, but that can't beeverything. Fast foods and TVs have been __64__ us for a long time. "Mostexperts agree that the changes were __65__ to something in theenvironment," says social epidemiologist Thomas Glass of The Johns HopkinsBloomberg School of Public Health. That something could be a __66__ of thegreen. j3jf:7 /\  
    The new research, __67__ in the American Journal ofPreventive Medicine, isn't the first to associate greenery with better health,but it does get us closer __68__ identifying what works and why. At its moststraightforward, a green neighborhood __69__ means more places for kids to play– which is __70__ since time spent outdoors is one of the strongest correlatesof children's activity levels. But green space is good for the mind __71__:research by environmental psychologists has shown that it has cognitive __72__for children with attention-deficit disorder. In one study, just reading __73__in a green setting improved kids' symptoms. ,Q!sns[T  
    __74__ to grassy areas has also been linked to __75__ stressand a lower body mass index (
体重指数) among adults. And an __76__ of 3,000 Tokyoresidents associated walkable green spaces with greater longevity (长寿) amongsenior citizens. ZnSDq_Uk  
    Glass cautions that most studies don't __77__ prove a causallink between greenness and health, but they're nonetheless helping spur action.In September the U. S. House of Representatives __78__ the delightfully namedNo Child Left Inside Act to encourage public initiatives aimed at exposing kidsto the outdoors. . #`lW7  
    Finding green space is not __79__ easy, and you may have towork a bit to get your family a little grass and trees. If you live in a suburbor a city with good parks, take __80__ of what's there. Your children inparticular will love it – and their bodies and minds will be __81__ to you. j H#Tt;  
62.     A)findings    B) theses    C) hypotheses D)abstracts a]XQM$T$  
63.     A)adapt    B) attribute    C)allocate    D) alternate m|!R/,>S4  
64.     A)amongst    B) along    C)beside    D) with f(~xdR))eh  
65.     A)glued    B) related    C)tracked    D) appointed %>B?WR\yE  
66.     A)scraping    B) denying    C)depressing    D) shrinking D{g6M>,\  
67.     A)published    B) simulated    C)illuminated    D) circulated ]Tk3@jw+b  
68.     A)at    B) to    C) for    D) over GADbXp3  
69.     A)fully    B) simply    C)seriously    D) uniquely k4r;t: O^  
70.     A)vital    B) casual    C) fatal   D) subtle AB<|iJC  
71.     A)still    B) already    C) too   D) yet spter35b[  
72.     A)benefits    B) profits    C) revenues   D) awards 7ukJ\P5[&1  
73.     A)outward    B) apart    C) aside   D) outside rUvjc4O}  
74.     A)Immunity    B) Reaction    C)Exposure    D) Addiction D# |+PG7  
75.     A)much    B) less    C) more    D)little ~ ?i;~S  
76.     A)installment    B) expedition    C)analysis    D) option )jk X&7x  
77.     A)curiously    B) negatively    C)necessarily    D) comfortably R!IODXP=  
78.     A)relieved    B) delegated    C)approved    D) performed ) *Mr{`  
79.     A)merely    B) always    C)mainly    D) almost *ub]M3O  
80.     A)advantage    B) exception    C)measure    D) charge 1xN6V-qk  
81.     A)elevated    B) merciful    C)contented    D) grateful
Part VI Translation(5 minutes) ;|_aACina  
Directions: Completethe sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.Pleasewrite you translation on AnswerSheet 2. U6^x(2De  
注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答,只需写出译文部分。 q SR\=:$  
82. __________________ (
他们的独生儿子从未想过) to leave them and strike out on his own thoughhe is in his late twenties. bH4'j/3  
83. Before you take any action, please remember to __________________ (
权衡你的决定会产生的后果). .^6;_s>FN  
84. He assured his friend that under no circumstances __________________ (
他会违背还钱的承诺). k L\;90  
85. Most educators advise that kids __________________ (
不要沉溺于电脑游戏). 4CA(` _i~  
86. Business major as he is, he has __________________ (
从未考虑过从事推销员工作). NAd|n+[d  
zAT7 ^q^  









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