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主题 : 四川大学金榜考博英语元旦模考班套题一
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2012-04-06   
来源于 考博试题 分类


考试注意事项 Sv!JA#Ag  
1. 本试题5大题,共10页,请考生注意检查,考试时间180分钟。 l_Zx'm  
2. 179答案请填在机读卡上相应出,否则不给分。 }ldpudU  
3. 翻译和作文写在答题纸上,写在试题上无效。中、英文翻译应做到字迹清晰、书写工整。 6i%X f i  
IReadingComprehension (30%; one mark each): Zr[B*1,ZV  
Passage One
Sometimes, over a span of many years, a businesswill continue to grow, generating ever-increasing amounts of cash, repurchasingstock , paying increased dividends, reducing debt, opening new stores,expanding production facilities, moving into new markets, etc, while at thesame time its stock price remains stagnant( or even falls).  BO.Db``  
When this happen, the average andprofessional investors alike tend to overlook the company because they become familiarwith the trading range y2=yh30L0E  
Take, for example, Wal-Mart. Over the pastfive years, the retailing behemoth has grown sales by over 80%, profits by over100%, and yet the stock price has fallen as much as 30% during that time frame.Clearly, the valuation picture has changed. An investor that read the annualreport back in 2000 or 2001 might have passed on the security, deeming it tooexpensive based on a metric such as the price to earnings ratio. Today, howeverthe equation is completely is completely different—despite the price, Wal-Martis, in essence, trading at half its former price because each share is backedby a larger dividend, twice the earnings power, more stores, and a biggerinfrastructure. Home Depot is in much the same boat, largely because some WallStreet analysts question how fast two of the world’s largest companies cancontinue to grow before their sheer size slows them down to the rate of thegeneral economy.  "Cs36k  
Coca-Cola is another excellent example ofthis phenomenon. Ten years ago, in 1996, the stock traded between a range of 36.10 and 54.30per share. At the time, it had reported earnings per share of 1.40 and paid a cash dividend of 0.50 per share. Corporate per share bookvalue was 2.48. Last year, the stock tradedwithin a range of 40.30 and 45.30 pr share; squarely in the middle of thesame area it had been nearly a decade prior! Yet, despite the stagnant stockprice, the 2006 estimates Value Line Investment Survey estimates for earningsper share stand around 2.16(arise of 54%), the case dividend has more than doubled to 7.40 per share(a gain of nearly 300%), andthe total number of shares outstanding(未偿付的,未完成的) has actually decreased from 2.481 billion to an estimated 2.355billion due to the company’s share repurchase program. J M`[|"R%  
1. This passage is probably a partof_______. iU AY  
A. Find Hidden Value in the market     B. Become Richer c:""&>Z  
C. Get Good Bargains                D. Identify Good Companies &^l(RBp]0  
2. The italicized word “stagnant” (Line 4,Para.1) can be best paraphrased as______. U>DCra;  
A. prominent                       B. terrible 4iss j$  
C. unchanged                       D. progressing JfmYr47Pv  
3. Wal-Mart is nowtrading at a much lower price because______. 73Hm:"Eqd  
A. it has stored a large quantity of goods m"QDc[^Ge  
B. it has become financially more powerful (e0(GOqf4  
C. it has been eager to collect money toprevent bankruptcy g/VV2^,  
D. it is a good way to compete with otherretailing companies Ej1 <T,w_  
4. All the following are shared by Wal-Martand Coco-Cola EXCEPT_____. 7Gy:T47T\@  
A. the cash dividend has increased jcb&h@T8kv  
B. the earning power has become stronger. fH$#vRcq  
C. both businesses have continued to grow -:E~Z_J`  
D. the stock price has greatly decreased eze%RjO}  
5. According to the author, one hadbetter_____ PcqS#!t  
A. buy more shares when the stock price fallsdown 5{Q9n{dOh  
B. sell out the shares when the stock pricefalls down z+-o}i  
C. do more research on the value of abusiness when its stock price falls down T^(> 8/O  
D. invest in the business when its stockprice falls down 9bspf {  
D <R_eK  
Passage Two
On September 7,2001, a 68-year-oldwoman in Strasbourg, France, had her gallbladder(胆囊)removed by surgeons, operating via computer from New York. It was the firstcomplete telesurgery procedureperformed by surgeons nearly 4,000 miles away from their patient. |0Xf":  
       In The York, Marescaux teamed up withsurgeon Michel Gagner to perform the historic long-distance operation. Ahigh-speed fiber-optic service provided by France Telecom made the connectionbetween New York and Strasbourg. The two surgeons controlled the instrumentsusing an advanced robotic surgical system, designed by Computer Motion Inc,that enabled the procedure to be minimally invasive. The patient was releasedfrom the hospital after about 48 hours and regained normal activity thefollowing week. 1GqSY|FSGp  
       The high-speed fiber-optic connectionbetween New York and France made it possible to overcome a key obstacle totelesurgery—time delay. It was crucial that a continuous time delay of lessthan 200 milliseconds be maintained throughout the operation, between thesurgeon’s movements in New York and the return video (from Strasbourg) on hisscreen. The delay problem includes video coding, decoding and signal transmissiontime. cqSXX++CS,  
       France Telecom’s engineers achieved anaverage time delay of 150 milliseconds. “I felt as comfortable operating on mypatient as if I had been in the room,” says Marescaux. v?Utz~lQ  
       The successful collaboration(合作) among medicine, advanced technology, andtelecommunications is likely to have enormous implications for patient care anddoctor training. Highly skilled surgeons may soon regularly perform especiallydifficult operations through long-distance procedures. The computer systemsused to control surgical movement can also lead to a breakthrough in teachingsurgical technique to a new generation of physicians. More surgeons-in-trainingwill have the opportunity to observe their teachers in action in telesurgeryoperating rooms around the world. %S'+x[ 4W  
       Marescaux describes the success of theremotely performed surgical procedure as the beginning of a “third revolution”in surgery within the last decade. The first was the arrival of minimallyinvasive surgery, enabling procedures to be performed with guidance by acamera, meaning that the abdomen(腹部)案的thorax(胸腔) do not have to be opened. The second wasthe introduction of computer-assisted surgery, where complicated softwarealgorithms(计算法) enhance the safety of thesurgeon’s movement during a procedure, making them more accurate, whileintroducing the concept of distance between the surgeon and the patient. It wasthus natural to imagine that this distance—currently several meters in theoperating room—could potentially be up to several thousand kilometers. qR_>41JU"  
1. The title that best expresses the mainidea is______. kwL|gO1L  
A. How the Second Revolution in Surgery ComesOut 5doi4b>]!  
B. The Telesurgery Revolution Tjhy@3  
C. A Patient Was Saved O^j *"#f  
D. Dream Comes True sRA2O/yKCE  
2. The italicized word “telesurgery”(Sentence2, Para. 1) can be best explained as_______. 9)NKI02M|  
A. an operation done over a distance 8-B7_GoJ+B  
B. an operation done on television .7  0  
C. an operation demanding special skill o~)o/(>ox  
D. an operation demanding high technology f&mi nBU  
3. How long did it take the patient to resumeher normal activity after the operation? rM"27ud[`_  
A. 24 hours                         B. 48hours 3 h d30o  
C. about a week                      D. about a month oJ\g0|\qwe  
4. What is the major barrier to telesurgery? { ]_j)R  
A. distance                        B. advanced technology Dzf\m>H[  
C. delay                           D. medical facilities 8hD[z}  
5. The writer implies that_______. #$x ,PeG  
A. difficult operation can be successfully performedall over the world now _X~O 6e-!  
B. compared to the “third revolution” insurgery, the first two are less important kuD$]A Q`&  
C. all patients can be cured by agallbladder-removal operation V< W;[#"  
D. a new breakthrough has been made insurgery Z17b=x Jw  
Passage Three
British food has a goodreputation, but English cooking has a bad one. It is difficult to explain thereason for this. Unfortunately, however, superb raw ingredients are often minedfrom the kitchen so that they come to the table without any of the naturalflavor and goodness. }!oEj cX'  
       This bad reputation discourages a lot ofpeople from eating in an English restaurant. If they do go to one, they areusually full of prejudice against the food. It is a pity, because there areexcellent cooks in England, excellent restaurants, and excellent home-cooking.How, then, has the bad reputation been built up? >&KH!:OX|  
       Perhaps one reason in that Britain’sIndustrial Revolution occurred every early, in the middle of the nineteenthcentury. As a result, the quality of food changed too. This was because Britainstopped being a largely agricultural country. The population of the townsincreased enormously between 1840and 1870, and people could no longer growtheir own food, or buy it flesh from a farm. Huge quantities of food had to betaken to the towns, and a lot of it lost its freshness on the way. '<BLkr# @  
       This lack of freshness was disguised by “dressingup” the food. The rich middle classes ate 16ng elaborate meals which werecooked for them by French chefs. French became, and has remained, the officiallanguage of the dining room. Out-of-season delicacies were served in spite oftheir expense, for there were a large number of extremely wealthy people whowanted to establish themselves socially. The “look” of the food was moreimportant than its taste. Y?NL|cW4  
       In the 1930s, the supply of servant beganto decrease. People still tried to produce complicated dishes, however, butthey economized on the preparation time. The Second Word War made things evenworse by making raw ingredients extremely scarce. As a result, there were manywomen who never had the opportunity to choose a piece of meat from awell-stocked butcher’s shop, but were content and grateful to accept anythingthat was offered to them. "TZY)\{L  
       Food rationing continued in Britain untilthe early 1950s. It was only after this had stopped, and butter, eggs and creambecame more plentiful, and it was possible to travel abroad again and tasteother ways of preparing food, that the English difference to difference toeating became replaced by a new enthusiasm for it. lAP k/G  
       1. According to the author, it isdifficult to explain_______. in<.0v9w  
       A. why excellent ingredients are spoiledin the process of cooking s@@Km1w  
       B. why people do not like English cooking _&hM6N  
       C. why British food often has a naturalflavor d X cbS<  
       D. why people prefer home-cooking toready made food kt2_WW[  
       2. The negative effect of Britain’sIndustrial Revolution on English cooking is that_____. X]p3? "7  
       A. the population in the countrysidedecreased dramatically qqf`z,u  
       B. people no longer grew their own foodon their own farms. U 5J _Y  
       C. the freshness of food was lost on theway to the cities CF{b Yf^%  
       D. Britain was no longer an agriculturalcountry $qQYxx@  
       3. As a result of the IndustrialRevolution, _______. M/=36{,w-  
       A. more attention was given to the lookof the food a+cMXMf  
       B. French became the official language inEnglish restaurants. >nghFm  
       C. a large number of extremely wealthypeople ate in French restaurants ZyUcL_   
       D. out-of-season delicacies became veryexpensive g2|Myz)  
       4. The Second World War worsened the problembecause_______. f47]gtB-  
       A. there was an increasing demand forservants pD%(Y^h?  
       B. there was a lack of raw ingredientsupply 5;/n`Bd  
       C. many women refused to choose meat frombutcher’s shops P[ :_"4U  
       D. French chefs dominated Englishrestaurants x950,`zy  
       5. A new enthusiasm for eating emerged inBritain_______. %;k Hnl  
       A. when many women finally had theopportunity to purchase flesh from a well-stocked butcher’s shop   >o?v[:u*  
       B. when butter, eggs started traveling toother cities 3Tl<ST\  
       C. when people started travelling toother cities U"k$qZ[  
       D. after the early 1950s Z v@nK%#J  
Passage Four
The Commercial Revolution was notconfined, of course, to the growth of trade and banking. Included in it alsowere fundamental changes in methods of production. The system of manufacturedevelopment by the craft guilds in the late Middle Ages was rapidly becoming defunct. The guilds themselves,dominated by the master craftsmen, had grown selfish and exclusive. Membershipin them was commonly restricted to a few privileged families. Besides, theywere so completely choked by tradition that they were unable to makeadjustments to changing conditions. Moreover, new industries had sprung upentirely outside the guild system. Characteristic examples were mining andsmelting and the woolen industry. The rapid development of these enterprises wasstimulated by technical advances, such as the invention of the spinning wheeland the discovery of a new method of making brass, which saved about half ofthe fuel previously used. In the mining and smelting industries a form oforganization was adopted similar to that which has prevailed ever since.  LgNIb  
       But the most typical form of industrialproduction in the Commercial Revolution was the domestic system, developedfirst of all in the woolen industry. The domestic system derives its name fromthe fact that the work was done in the homes of industrial artisans instead ofin the shop of a master craftsman. Since the various jobs in the manufacture ofa product were given out on contract. Since the various jobs in the manufactureof a produce were given out on contract, the system is also known as theputting out system. Notwithstanding the petty scale of production, theorganization was basically capitalistic. The raw material was purchased by anentrepreneur and assigned to individual workers, each of whom would completehis allotted task for a stipulated payment. In the case of the woolen industrythe yarn would be given out first of all to the spinners, then to the weavers,fullers, and dyer in succession. When the cloth was finally finished, it wouldde taken by the clothier and sold in the open market for the highest price itwould bring. 10FiA;  
       1. According to the article, what changesdid the Commercial Revolution bring about? a_>|Ny6{  
       A. Methods of production \;X7DK2  
       B. Appearance of craft guilds H#SQ>vyAV  
       C. Increased trade volume N y'\Q"Y]  
       D. Growth of trade, banking and methodsof production 53])@Mmus  
       2. The word “defunct” in the firstparagraph most probably means_____. F^u12R)  
       A. popular       B. obsolete       C. potential    D. flourishing S\A/*!%~y  
       3. According to the article, in whicharea was it more energy-efficient? D<SC `  
       A. Smelting industry   B. Mining industry    C. Banking  D. Weaving =u<:'\_  
       4. The author implies that_______. MVYd\)\o  
A. the guild system was more efficient *&NP?-E  
B. the domestic system was capitalistic |THpkfW  
C. the technical advance stimulated the guildsystem 3Z b]@n  
D. the domestic system was not as efficientas the guild system yix[zfQt0  
5. According to the article, which one of thefollowing statements is NOT true? %j7 b0pb  
A. Technical advance stimulated thedevelopment of enterprises. &W2*'$j"_  
B. In the woolen industry, weavers would passon their products to spinners, ue_ wuZi  
C. The domestic system is also known as theputting out system. T }#iXgyx  
D. The word “clothier” is synonymous to “entrepreneur”in this context. w' 7sh5  
Passage Five
In addition to redistributingincomes, inflation may affect the total real income and production of thecommunity. An increase in prices is usually associated with high employment. Inmoderate inflation, industries are operating efficiently and output is nearcapacity. There is a great deal of private investment and jobs are plentiful. Suchhas been the historical pattern. Thus many business persons and union leaders,in evaluating a little deflation and a little inflation, consider the latter tobe the lesser of two evils. In mild inflation, the losses to fixed-incomegroups are usually less than gains to the rest of the community. Even workerwith relatively fixed wages are often better off because of improved employmentopportunities and greater take-home pay, a rise in interest rates on newsecurities may partly compensate for any losses to creditor, and increases inpension benefits may partly make losses to retirees. SI}s  
       In deflation, on the other hand, thegrowing unemployment of labor and capital causes the community’s totalwell-being to be less; so in a sense, the gainers get less than the loserslose. As a matter of fact, in a depression, or a time of severe deflation,almost everyone suffers, including the creditor who is left with uncollectibledebts. .IeO+RDQ  
For these reasons as increase in consumptionof investment spending is considered good in times of unemployment, even ifthis tends to increase prices slightly. When the economic system is sufferingfrom severe depression, few people will criticize private or public spending onthe ground that this might be inflationary. Actually, most of this increasedspending will increase production and create jobs. Once, full employment andfull plant capacity have been reached, however, any further increases inspending are likely to be completely wasted in prices increase. dHnCSOM<  
1.  “Historicalpatterns” mentioned in the passage means that in mild inflation_____.  1MN!  
A. there will be more production andemployment V (7,N(  
B. private investment will be moderate andpeople’s income influenced 4{P+p!4  
C. the bad effects of the two evils will beassociated with each other /I%z7f91O  
D. industrial revolution made men and womenmore equal @-$8)?`q  
2. Which of the following happens if there ismild inflation? \9?[|m z  
A. Everyone loses because of the increase ofprices. 7UfNz60+~  
B. Retired people do not experience anyinfluence. KdVKvs[  
C. Creditors gain rather than lose with arise in interest rates. YF5}~M ymF  
D. Some people gain more while others lose. SMN.AJ J  
3. In times of inflation_____. Tq 1\  
A. people like private or public investment Lljn\5!r<  
B. there is usually full plant capacity zHJCXTM  
C. creditors suffer more than other people owAO&"C  
D. everyone suffers and no one gains z(|^fi(  
4. The author’s attitude towards investmentis that_____. fkV@3sj  
A. the more the investment, the better theeconomy <Ky-3:pxeM  
B. private investment is better than publicinvestment @*6fEG{,q  
C. investment should be set to a limit Ln+l'&_nb  
D. investment at the time of inflation isconsidered better than at the time of deflation U+S=MP }:  
5. Which of the following is clearly theauthor’s own opinion? f"MI D6  
A. The lesser of the two evils is notdeflation but inflation. CFtQPTw  
B. People’s income is influenced by bothinflation and deflation. ZEqW*piI  
C. Investment is good in times of deflationand unemployment. *;<fh,wOk  
D. Private and public investmentcan cause inflation during deflation _#8hgwf>  
Passage Six  
I myself first saw Samarkand from a riseacross a wilderness of crumbling ruins and great graveyard which lie between itand airport. Suddenly we caught a glimpse of painted towers and the great bluedomes of mosques and tombs shouldering the full weight of the sky among brightgreen trees and gardens. Beyond the gardens and the glittering domes still werethose watchful mountains and their evocative snow. I found myself thinking ofthe thrill I had on catching my first sight of Damascus after crossing thedesert from Syria. The light, the orchards and many of the trees were the samebut deeper still was the sense of coming into contact with one of the mostastonishing cultures in history, the world of the one and only Allah and hisprophet Muhammad. It was a world that completely overawed me. !=[Y yh  
Yet the memory of Samarkand which stays withme most clearly is quite a humble one. Coming back to the city from the countryon my last evening we passed some unusual elm trees and I stopped to have alook at them. They were, my guide told me, perhaps a thousand years old, oldercertainly than Genghis Khan. A flock of fat-tailed sheep(the same kind of sheepthat my own ancestors saw a Hottentot keeping when they landed at the Cape ofGood Hope 321 years ago), tended by some Tadshik children, moved slowly home inthe distance. Then from the city came quite clearly the call to prayer frommosque and minaret. I had not expected any calls at all and it made nodifference that some of the calls came over loud-speakers. Then beyond thetrees an old man appeared on a donkey, dismounted, spread a prayer mat on theground, and kneeling towards Mecca, he began to pray. >*- %:ub  
From Samarkand I journeyed on to Bokharawhich was once the holiest city in Central Asia. At one time it possessed overa hundred religious colleges and close to four hundred mosques. It drewadventurers of all races towards it as it did Marco Polo. Not many of themreached their destination. These days at what used to be one of the richestmarket places in the world, one buys ice-cream instead of slaves; watches andmass-produced trinkets and fizzy drinks instead of gold ,silks and turquoisejewellery. Few of the four hundred mosques remain and most have vanishedwithout even leaving a trace. #ArrQeO 5_  
1. Samarkand lies______. Z\!,f.>g  
A. in a desert 6!<I'M'[e  
B. high in the mountains j\y;~ V  
C. in front of Damascus @C;1e 7  
D. between the mountains and the airport y{<e4{ !  
2. The author said that he was overawedby_______. $WA wMS,  
A. the beauty of the scene 1T^WMn:U  
B. the sight of Damascus Al$z.i?R  
C. the age of the place +H-= `+,  
D. the world of Allah and Muhammad ]S2rqKB  
3. The author refers to his clearest memoryof Samarkand as “humble” because______. THrLX;I  
A. it was an ordinary scene that heremembered 8_Oeui(i  
    it was his last night in the     city and his last memory the elm trees were older than     Genghis Khan the trees looked impressive     in the evening light                              
4. The author says that the sheep he saw weresimilar to_____. hx$]fvDevD  
A. the ones his ancestors had kept Y>x { [er  
B. the ones that lived in his own country b ?~p/[  
C. those his ancestors had seen at the Capeof Good Hope @6 he!wW  
D. those his ancestors had taken to the Capeof Good Hope TvU z^  
5. The author was surprised to hear the callsto prayer because______. aV;|2}q "  
A. he was far away from the city, yet hecould hear them clearly 2yN!yIPR  
B. he did not think there would be any calls  3.&BhLT  
C. the calls came from the mosques +){^HC\7h  
D. the calls were no different overloud-speakers QV|6"4\  
 = 2 \* ROMAN II.Vocabulary (10%; 0.5 mark each): L 8 P0bNi  
31. AMonitor/TIPP poll last month found that young people and seniors held similarviews when asked to _______the importance of US military action to removeSaddam Hussein from power in the next months. TOG:`FID  
       A. advocate     B. foresee        C. supervise    D. gauge j\}.GM'8  
       32. The newspaper reported on theinitiative of the organization to establish a private company toprofessionally_______ prisoners due to be released from prison. Aztrq  
       A. habilitate     B. rehabilitate     C. preclude   D. prelude O&Y;/$w  
       33. If all the viruses on the planet wereto disappear, a global catastrophe would _______, and the natural ecosystems ofthe earth would collapse in a spectacular crash under burgeoning populations ofinsects. x'|ty[87  
       A. varnish       B. disperse       C. contaminate   D. ensue @Q1!xA^S  
       34. The solution was simple: gas thebuilding with a hallucinogen and put the terrorists to sleep before they could______ the bombs in the building. And it worked. 1?'4%>kp  
       A. detonate      B. dismantle      C. demolish     D. desert Mc,79Ix"  
       35. Ms.Rice, with customary class, simplyexpressed hope that this episode wouldn’t_______ the charity in spite of theprevious scandals. P\"kr?jZP  
       A. taint          B. enhance       C. sprain       D. sponsor  h.<f%&)F  
       36. These examples show that openness andthe ability to change brings couples a giant step closer to the marital harmonythey______. O8;/oL4 U  
       A. request       B. negotiate       C. crave        D. detest Q{/z>-X\x  
       37. First launched in Aril this year, NetMy Singapore also includes efforts that______ training, development, and theexploration of new technologies based on. 4$-R|@,|_  
       A. obliterate     B. negotiate       C. crave        D. detest lm`*x=x  
       38. Anxiety is believed to_______diabetes by raising levels of the stress hormone cortisol which regulatesinsulin and blood-sugar levels. u]ms~rO  
       A. impede       B. exacerbate     C. inherit        D. facilitate d9{lj(2P  
       39. Last week, the US bishops adoptedrules to take priests who______ minors out of any ministerial activities. C4m+Ta %  
       A. administer    B. generate       C. implicate      D. facilitate I~7iIUD  
       40. There is little reason to believethat the United States will______ from its stated goal of regime change inIraq.       >a"J);p  
       A. back down    B. blow off       C. pop up        D. step up 7L~ *%j  
    41. Cox Radio, one of the nation’s largestradio largest radio chains, plans to______ its ties with independent recordpromoters to distance itself from a payola- like practice that runs rampant inthe music business. Z`TfS+O6  
       A. consolidate   B. tout           C. sever         D. splash MlV(XG>'  
   42. The European Commission issued a_______ decisionon Oct.29 permitting an alliance between United Airlines, Deutsche Lufthansaand Scandinavian Airlines System that allows them to coordinate prices,schedules and routes in the transatlantic market. It turned out to be wellreceived. jKUEs75]  
       A. automatic   B. landmark      C. obsolete        D. outgrown a`wjZ"}'[  
       43. Now illegal copies of music CDs______losses of about S 300 million in sales annually and S 65 million lostgovernment tax revenue. QE] 'Dc%  
       A. conflict     B. inflict         C. compromise    D. defer (cj9xROx  
       44. It is the first of several agreementsUnited States hopes to reach as it attempts to reduce labor costs by S 5.8billion and______ bankruptcy. )z L@h  
       A. dispel      B. revert         C. Transfer        D. avert (]@S<0  
       45. The United Nations Security Councilestablished the ICTR in 1995 to try the alleged perpetrators of the 1994______in Rwanda that claimed the lives of more than 800,000 people.              ebA:Sq:w  
       A. genocide    B. immigration    C. discrimination   D. election G)vNMl  
       46. If you work for a major corporation,or are contracted at one, sooner or later, you may be called upon to create ormaintain an internal website. Here are the______ of intranets. &d6@ SQ  
       A. ins and outs    B. in a pinch      C. in a cleft stick   D. in a breeze :jTSO d[r  
       47. You are exposed to obtrusive adsthat______ seemingly from nowhere even when you are disconnected from the Net,and your personal information gathered and sent off without you being aware ofit. z:Am1B  
       A. size up      B. dwindle away     C. conjure up      D. pop up N R c4*zQJ  
       48. As a psychotherapist with manypatients in their 20’s, I can_____ the fact that not only do most of them nothave any health insurance, but they also do not expect it as a condition ofliving in this country. M+ [ho]  
       A. attest to     B. contribute to      C. modify        D. interdict JBY.er`6C  
       49. If you develop a reputation for beingable to keep secrets others will______ towards you with useful news and gossip. UytMnJ88  
       A. fell constrained   B. fell excluded   C. propel       D. gravitate 9E7G%-  
       50. Early signs of______ seen in theherbal medicine study are extremely encouraging and based upon these data, weare now planning a registration program. 9=>q0D2  
       A. faculty      B.reception         C. deterioration   D. efficacy  ox-m)z `7  
 = 3 \* ROMAN III.Cloze (10%; 0.5 mark each): ;!<}oZp{  
Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Read the passagethrough and choose one suitable word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D fro eachblank in the passage. 3)G~ud  
   Trafficis a perennial problem in Hongkong. Over the years many suggestions have been _51_to ease transport difficulties. These include from constructing wider roads andan underground railway _52_ to staggering hours for schools to open and close.One official report pressed _53_ for working hours to be spaced out to_ 54_congestion at _55_ periods. In England and others countries this system iscalled staggering working hours’because many business centers use itIt is__56_ that greater working _57__canbe achievedemployees arehappier because they can arrange _58_ personal working hoursbuses and trains can be dispatchedat suitable_59_and so onThe idea of_60_ working daysfollows on from staggering hour Z6I|Y5#H  
   Land in Hongkong, is extremely expensiveyet_61_and largeoffices are empty at weekends and most eveningstooThis appears to be a waste of valuable assets and seems__62_in aplace noted for its business_63___64_Saturday andSunday working is not easy Church- -going and family needs can not be _65_butit should be remembered that many already work at 66__hoursNursesfiremendoctorspilotsTV stars67_,have to come to grips with theproblemsIt seems _68_to assume that others could do the same. In fact they might find some _69_ inhaving a day or two_70__ during the week tSHW"R  
    51 Araised    Bmade sure    Cgiven off D put down    #E]K*mE'  
    52 Asystem    Bstation    cterminal   D terminus    y% bIO6u:  
    53 A correctly    B immediately    Csympathetically D strongly    r!R-3LO0s  
    54 A deteriorate    Brelieve    C improve Dcirculate    XIwJhsYZ'9  
    55  A. peak    B. top    C summit  D height    y_m+&Oe  
    56  A. claimed   B exclaimed    C reclaimed Dacclaimed    a=2.Y?  
    57  A. sufficiency    B. deficiency    C efficiency D proficiency   fo ~uI(rk  
    58 A awkward    B cumbersome    C convenient   D burdensome  -[=~!Qr:  
    59   A intervals  B. sessions    C periods D. intermission 3;>ls~4  
    60 A variable  B varied   C variety D various Fi``l )Tt  
    61  Aover    13every    COn   D by   TIGtX]`  
    62  A. feasible  B. acceptable  C. incredible D.favorable   8w5}9}xF  
    63 A. sense    B. sensibility  C. sensation  D. sensitivity       <Kt_ oxK,  
64  A Hence    B Moreover    C Naturally   D. Subsequently     A3eCI  
    65  Adeleted    Bmissed    C ignored D. adjusted      qb? <u  
    66 A irregular    BSO    Ctoo   D. regular     v0DDim?cc  
    67Ain general    B On thecontrary  C to tell the truth D to nameonly a few 8^>qor.]M  
    68 A obvious    Bfit    Cimpossible    D reasonable     M=iTwK  
    69 A. disadvantages   B advantages    C privileges D priorities     x3y+=aj  
    70 A holidays    Boff    Con    D rest     M@ U >@x;  
 = 4 \* ROMAN IVTranslation(30%): -Q20af-  
PartA (20%) Dh E-g<  
Translate the following passage into Chinese: l5D)UO  
I was afraid. The truth is, I was afraid the day I walked intoStanford. And I was afraid the day I walked out. I was scared of leaving theprotective bubble of this place for places unknown, during uncertain economictimes. And I was scared of squandering the incredible gift of my Stanford experienceon pursuits that weren't commensurate with expectations I, and others, had ofme. I was scared of not doing it all, of making irrevocable mistakes. u''Ce`N  
If you're scared today, let me ask you this: What will you do withyour fear? Will you let it become a motivator, or an inhibitor? You are theonly one who can answer that. But what I can offer as guidance, andreassurance, is a story: the story of one Stanford grad's process of stumblingand searching to find a place in the world, often times in the face of herfears. CXq[VYM&X  
PartB (10%) 4Fg2/O_3  
Translate the following sentences intoEnglish: rI>x'0Go*  
我们到处都能看到“抢眼”的青年艺术家。他们要么一年四季穿着破旧的牛仔裤;要么大冬天也打赤脚;要么饮酒过度;要么就是抱着创作一部杰作的幻想,实际上并不做任何创作的事。其实,他们中的很多人只不过是为了看上去像名艺术家,或为了同其他艺术家“保持一致”才这么做的。他们忘了,只有通过不懈的努力才能获得成功。 q%sZV>  
 = 5 \* ROMAN VWriting(20%)  7DAP_C  
Directions: D /QLp3+o  
Nowadays, there have been many debates onthe relationship between the teacher and the students in universities. Somepeople claim that since students pay much for their education, teachers shouldprovide them with service. Since everyone who uses service is a customer,teachers are here to serve their customers, the students. While others believethat treating students like customers undermines their education. What is youropinion? Write an essay of about 150 words entitled:  6=f)3!=  
                  Don't Treat Students asCustomers Ksx-Y"  









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