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主题 : 川大模拟英语题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2012-03-09   
来源于 考博资料 分类


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2011年博士研究生入学考试模拟题 +,zV [\  
考试注意事项 0O?\0k;o  
1.    本试题5大题,共10页,请考生注意检查,考试时间180分钟。 \HL66%b[  
2.    1 – 70题答案请填在机读卡上相应处,否则不给分。 jG%J.u^k  
3.    翻译和作文写在答题纸上,写在试题上无效。中、英文翻译应做到字迹清晰、书写工整。 T}jW,Ost  
I. Reading Comprehension (30%; one mark each): AHzm9U @  
Passage One $wcTU l  
The American economic system is organized around a basically private-enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most. Private businessmen, striving to make profits, produce these goods and services in competition with other businessmen; and the profit motive, operating under competitive pressures, largely determines how these goods and services are produced. Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers,coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it. }\QXPU{UVd  
   An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by producers. In the American economy, this mechanism is provided by a price system, a process in which prices rise and fall in response to relative demands of consumers and supplies offered by seller-producers. If the product is in short supply relative to the demand, the price will be bid up and some consumers will be eliminated from the market. If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product. Thus, price is the regulating mechanism in the America economic system. (\%J0kR3[  
   The important factor in a private-enterprise economy is that individual are allowed to own productive resources (private property), and they are permitted to hire labor, gain control over natural resources, and produce goods and services for sale at a profit. In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual. c27Zh=;Tj  
  1.In Para. 1,“ the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes” means ___. }Xb|Ur43  
  A.Americans never feel satisfied with their incomes. \rY\wa  
  B.Americans tend to overstate the amount of their incomes. /jSb ^1\  
  C.Americans want to have their incomes increased. *rVI[k L  
  D.Americans want to increase the purchasing power of their incomes. qOAhBZ~  
  2.The first two sentences in the second paragraph clarify the idea to us that ___. oQR?H  
  A.producers can satisfy the consumers by mechanized production. LhSXz>AX  
  B.consumers can express their demands through producers. j:$Z-s  
  C.producers decide the prices of products. W~5gTiBZ]  
  D.supply and demand regulate prices. 0x # V   
  3.The word “embraces” in Para. 3 probably parallels ___. X=? \A{Y  
  A.enfold L i+|%a  
  B.hug o\qeX|.70  
  C.comprehend ]d*O>Pm  
  D.support X{iidTW`xv  
  4.According to the passage, a private-enterprise economy is characterized by ___. GuF-HP}xM  
  A.private property and rights concerned. [OFT!=.y &  
  B.manpower and natural resources control. m/WDJ$d  
  C.ownership of productive resources qv`:o `  
  D.free contracts and prices. }mS Q!"f:  
  5.The passage is mainly talking about ___. n.A*(@noe  
  A.how American goods are produced. .:/X~{  
  B.how American consumers buy their goods. Up>,~bs]  
  C.how American economic system works. iHWt;]  
  D.how American businessman make their profits. V3_qqz}`r  
Passage Two w_YY~Af  
       The conflict between good and evil is a common theme running through the great literature and drama of the world, from the time of the ancient Greeks to all the present. The principle that conflict is the heart of dramatic action when illustrated by concrete examples, almost always turns up some aspect of the struggle between good and evil. E8o9ufj3  
     The idea that there is neither good nor evil--in any absolute moral or religious sense―is widespread in our times. There are various relativistic and behavioristic standards of ethics. If these standards even admit the distinction between good and evil, it is as a relative matter and not as whirlwind of choices that lies at the center of living. In any such state of mind, conflict can at best, be only a petty matter, lacking true universality. The acts of the evildoer and of the virtuous man alike become dramatically neutralized. Imagine the reduced effect of Crime and Punishment or The Brothers Karamazoc, had Dostoevsky thought that good and evil, as portrayed in those books, were wholly relative, and if he had had no conviction about them. fVq,?  
     You can't have a vital literature if you ignore or shun evil. What you get then is the world of Pollyanna, goody-goody in place of the good. Cry, The Beloved Country is a great and dramatic novel because Alan Paton, in addition to being a skilled workman, sees with clear eyes both good and evil, differentiates them, pitches them into conflict with each other, and takes sides. He sees that the native boy Absalom Kumalo, who has murdered, cannot be judged justly without taking into account the environment that has had part in shaping him. But Paton sees, too, that Absalom the individual, not society the abstraction, committed the act and is responsible for it. Mr. Paton understands mercy. He knows that this precious thing is not evoked by sentimental impulse, but by a searching examination of the realities of human action. Mercy follows a judgment; it does not precede it. t5QGXj  
      One of the novels by the talented Paul Bowles, Let It Come Down, is full of motion, full of sensational depravities, and is a crashing bore. The book recognizes no evil, and is coldly indifferent to the moral behavior of its characters. It is a long shrug. Such a view of life is non- dramatic and negates the vital essence of drama. th=45y"C  
  6. In our age, according to the author, a standpoint often taken in the area of ethics is the _____. |\]pTA$2  
  A) relativistic view of morals 7VJf~\%1j  
  B) greater concern with religion CF5%&B  
  C) emphasis on evil }J=zO8OL  
  D) greater concern with universals n4zns,:)/  
  7. The author believes that in great literature, as in life, good and evil are ____ V{0V/Nv  
  A) relative JM*rPzp  
  B) unimportant t;[Q&Jl  
  C) constantly in conflict s3M#ua#mX  
  D) dramatically neutralized Vb2")+*:  
  8. When the author uses the expression "it is a long shrug" in referring to Bowles's book, he *OZ O} i  
  is commenting on the ___ !v3wl0  
  A) length of the novel gwYTOs ^  
  B) indifference to the moral behavior of the characters qxD<mZ@-R0  
  C) monotony of the story Sq 2yQSd  
  D) sensational depravities of the book l1RFn,Tzr  
  9. In the opinion of the author, Cry, The Beloved Country is a great and dramatic novel because of Paton's ____. m$$98N  
  A) insight into human behavior K9Pw10g'  
  B) behavioristic beliefs O0"&wvR+5  
  C) treatment of good and evil as abstractions SiJX5ydz  
  D) willingness to make moral judgments PiIILX{DuH  
  10. The word "shun" in the 1st sentence in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______. bRAf!<3  
  A) shut *-9b!>5eD  
  B) attend Bb/aeLv  
  C) show kC[nY  
D) avoid "i*Gi \U  
Passage Three G,i%:my7  
    The phrase "civil disobedience" is usually attributed to the nineteenth-century American philosopher Henry David Thoreau. Although the concept is unquestionably much older (its roots   lie in ancient Greek philosophy), the designation is nonetheless telling: people tend to credit Thoreau, an American, with the idea because civil disobedience, is a hallmark of American ethics and politics. The clash between the dictates of individual conscience on one hand, and the imperatives of civil law on the other, forms much of this country's history. Examples range from the incidents leading up to the Revolution through the many social protests of the 1960'S. w@ 2LFDp  
  What constitutes an act of civil disobedience? First, an act of civil disobedience requires a formal legal structure that is enforced by the government. Second, it requires as its target a specific law or policy, rather than the entire legal system. This is true even if the protester's ultimate goal is to alter radically the legal system; an act of civil disobedience must be directed against one concrete example of that system's inequities. The American civil rights movement, for example, first targeted discrimination on public transportation, then used its victories as a springboard to address other injustices. Third, the act must be done publicly, because the effectiveness of such a protest depends on its ability to mobilize public sentiment against the protest's target. Finally, those protesting must understand the penalties their acts entail—usually jailing--and be willing to accept those penalties. This last requirement strengthens the act's effect on public opinion, since it serves to underscore the injustice of the protest's target. ]H<C Rw  
  11. The word "telling" in the 2nd sentence in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _____. R:JS)>B  
  A) inappropriate iJE|u  
  B) revealing ByZ. !~  
  C) insignificant P6 G/J-  
  D) challenging rQ$A|GJL  
  12. In the passage, the author mentions that the civil rights movement _______. I@q>ES!1H  
  A) focused its early efforts on public transportation ,K6]Q|U@r  
  B) did not always practice civil disobedience Ic&t_B*i}]  
  C) started in nineteenth century tdr*>WL  
  D) used the Revolution of 1776 as its model YKvFZH)  
  13. According to the passage, for which of the following reasons should civil protests be done publicly? "WYcw\@U  
  A) To alter the legal system in radical way. Fk(0q/b  
  B) To uphold the imperatives of civil law. S8vmXlD  
  C) To stimulate public support for a cause. Nmsb  
  D) To announce the success of a previous act of civil disobedience. @4B2O"z`  
  14. The author suggests that when protesters go to jail _______. KwQO,($,]  
  A) it helps convince the public to support their cause Q84KU8?d  
  B) they usually do so unwillingly |H_)u  
  C) it is because their protest has not gone according to plan #CQ>d8&  
  D) they are always released almost immediately q%:Jmi>  
  15. In the 2nd paragraph, the author ________. %#QFu/l  
  A) argues that civil disobedience is unnecessary kdYl>M  
  B) provides an extensive history of civil disobedience 1v\-jM"  
  C) presents several differing viewpoints on civil disobedience fF[g%?w  
  D) defines the concept of civil disobedience H@j^,  
Passage Four Gj_b GqF8}  
We can begin our discussion of “population as global issue” with what most persons mean when they discuss “the population problem”:too many people on earth and a too rapid increase in the number added each year. The facts are not in dispute. It was quite right to employ the analogy that likened demographic growth to “a long, thin powder fuse that burns steadily and haltingly until it finally reaches the charge and explodes.” V!<#E)-?<  
  To understand the current situation, which is characterized by rapid increases in population,it is necessary to understand the history of population trends. Rapid growth is a comparatively recent phenomenon. Looking back at the 8,000 years of demographic history,we find that populations have been virtually stable or growing very slightly for most of human history. For most of our ancestors, life was hard, often nasty, and very short. There was high fertility in most places, but this was usually balanced by high mortality. For most of human history,it was seldom the case that one in ten persons would live past forty,while infancy and childhood were especially risky periods. Often,societies were in clear danger of extinction because death rates could exceed their birthrates. Thus,the population problem throughout most of history was how to prevent extinction of the human race. This pattern is important to notice. Not only does it put the current problems of demographic growth into a historical perspective,but it suggests that the cause of rapid increase in population in recent years is not a sudden enthusiasm for more children,but an improvement in the conditions that traditionally have caused high mortality. Demographic history can be divided into two major periods:a time of long,slow growth which extended from about 8,000 BC. till approximately AD. 1650. In the first period of some 9600 years, the population increased from some 8 million to 500 million in 1650. Between 1650 and the present, the population has increased from 500 million to more than 4 billion. And it is estimated that by the year 2000 there will be 6.2 billion people throughout the world. One way to appreciate this dramatic difference in such abstract numbers is to reduce the time frame to something that is more manageable. Between 8,000BC and 1650, an average of only 50,000 persons was being added annually to the world‘s population each year. At present, this number is added every six hours. The increase is about 80,000,000 persons annually. P/PS(`  
  16.Which of the following demographic growth pattern is most suitable for the long thin powder fuse analogy? T&2 3Pf1  
  A. A virtually stable or slightly decreasing period and then a sudden explosion of population. +tN-X'u##  
  B. A slow growth for a long time and then a period of rapid,dramatic increase. gq@."wHU  
  C.Too many people on earth and a few rapid increase in the number added each year. \%Smp2K  
  D.A long period when death rates exceed birthrates and then a short period with higher fertility and lower mortality. #129 i2  
  17.During the first period of demographic history,societies were often in danger of extinction because___. |B`tRq  
  A.only one in ten persons could live past 40. jw[ `_  
  B.there was higher mortality than fertility in most places. 8say"Qz  
  C.it was too dangerous to have babies due to the poor conditions. 6e*b;{d  
  D.our ancestors had little enthusiasm for more children. N_ DgnZ7*  
  18.Which statement is true about population increase? sq^"bLw  
  A.There might be an increase of 2.2 billion persons from now to the year 2000. W [m_IY  
  B.About 50,000 babies are born every six hours at present. ^9RBG#ud  
  C.Between 8000 BC and the present, the population increase is about 80,000,000 persons each year. Q}T9NzOH%  
  D.The population increased faster between 8000BC and 1650 than between 1650 and the present. e4b~s  
  19.The author of the passage intends to___. Jr9} 'l8  
  A.warn people against the population explosion in the near future. W*m[t&;  
  B.compare the demographic growth pattern in the past with that after 1650. s?E:]  
  C.find out the cause for rapid increase in population in recent years. !T{g& f  
  D.present us a clear and complete picture of the demographic growth. `+o.w#cl  
  20.The word “demographic” in the first paragraph means___. 8#Z5-",iw  
  A.statistics of human. :qp"Ao{M  
  B.surroundings study. 8( D}y\  
  C.accumulation of human. w3Ohm7N[  
  D.development of human. Jq#Cn+zW  
Passage Five \PONaRK|[z  
Wild Bill Donovan would have loved the Internet. The American spymaster who built the office of strategic services in the world warⅡand later laid the roots for the CIA was fascinated with information. Donovan believed in using whatever tools came to hand in the “great game” of espionage –spying as a “profession”. These days the Net, which has already remade pastimes as baying books and sending mail, is reshaping Donovan’s vocation as well. bSghf"aN  
The last revolution isn’t simply a matter of gentlemen reading other gentlemen’s e-mail. That king of electronic spying has been going on for decades. In the past three or four years, the World Wide Web has given birth to a whole industry of point-and-click spying. The spooks call it “open source intelligence”, and as the Net grows, it is becoming increasingly influential. In 1995 the CIA held a contest to see who could compile the most data about Burundi. The winner, by a large margin, was a tiny Virginia company called Open-source solutions, whose clear advantage was its mastery of the electronic world. M::iU_  
Among the firms making the biggest splash in the new world is Strainford, Inc.,a private intelligence analysis firm based in Austin, Texas. Straitford makes money by selling the results of spying (covering nations from Chile to Russia) to corporations like energy services firm McDermott international. Many of its predictions are available online at www.straitford.com. ^!qmlx*  
Straiford president George Friedman says he sees the online world as a kind of mutually reinforcing tool for both information collection and distribution, a spymaster’s dream. Last week his firm was busy vacuuming up data bits from the far corners of the world and predicting a crisis in Ukraine. “As soon as that report runs, we’ll suddenly get 500 new internet sign ups from Ukraine,” says Friedman, a former political science professor. “And we’ll hear back from some of them.” Open-source spying does have its risks, of course, since it can be difficult to tell good information from bad. That’s where Straitford earns its keep. g4 X,*H  
Friedman relies on a lean staff with twenty in Austin. Several of his staff members have military intelligence backgrounds. He sees the firm’s outsider status as the key to its success. Straitford’s briefs don’t sound like the usual Washington tack-and-forthing, whereby agencies avoid dramatic declarations on the chance they might be wrong. Straitford, says Friedman, takes pride in its independent voice. F udD  
21.The emergence of the Net has ______ ks;wc"k"  
A. received support from fans like Donovan }A7qIys$4  
B. remolded the intelligence service R6XMBYK^  
C. restored many common pastimes C #&6p0U  
D. revived spying as a profession ^^SfIK?p  
22. Donovan’s story is mentioned in the text to _____ B,833Azi  
A. introduce the topic of online spying d 6EY'*0  
B. show how he fought for the US )X;cS} yp  
C. give an episode of the information war L"I] mQvd  
D. honor his unique services to the CIA ~bTae =F P  
23.The phrase “making the biggest splash” (line1 1,para.3)most probably means _______ YX VJJd$U  
A. causing the biggest trouble f](uc(8Z  
B. exerting the greatest effort A'1AU:d  
C. achieving the greatest success #cG479X"  
D. enjoying the widest popularity BpG'e-2  
24. It can be learned from Paragraph 4 that _____ WnzPPh3PJ  
A. Straitford’s prediction about Ukraine has proved true f<:U"E.  
B. Straitford’s guarantees the truthfulness of its information #L:P R>  
C. Straitford’s business is characterized by unpredictability V55J[s*6!  
D. Straitford is able to provide fairly reliable information V?59 .TJ  
25. Straitford is most proud of its ____ N"RYM~c7  
A. official status B8AzN9v&"N  
B. nonconformist image RIEv*2_O  
C. efficient staff Z/= %J3f  
D. military background *X l<aNNx  
Passage Six s.^9HuM  
The energy crisis, which is being felt around the world, has dramatized how the careless use of the earth’s resources has brought the whole world to the brink of disaster. The over-development of motor transport, with its increase of more cars, more highways, more pollution, more suburbs, more commuting, has contributed to the near destruction of our cities. The disaster has arrived in the form of the energy crisis. ,/`E|eG1G  
Our present situation is unlike war, revolution or depression. Worldwide resources exploitation and energy use have brought us to a state where long range planning is essential. What we need is not a continuation of our present serious state, which endangers the future of our country, our children, and our earth, but a movement forward to a new norm in order to work rapidly and effectively on planetary problems. .q`H`(QM  
This country has been falling back under the continuing exposures of loss of morality and the revelation that lawbreaking has reached into the highest places in the land. There is a strong demand for moral revival and for some devotion that is vast enough and yet personal enough to enlist the devotion of all. In the past it has been only in a way in defense of their own country and their own ideals that any people have been able to devote themselves wholeheartedly. _*ou o<x  
This is the first time that we have been asked to defend ourselves and what we hold dear in cooperation with all the other inhabitants of this planet, who share with us the same endangered air and the same endangered oceans. There is a common need to reassess our present course, to change that course and to devise new methods through which the world can survive. This is a priceless opportunity. g~c|~u(W  
To grasp it we need a widespread understanding of nature if the crisis confronting us----and the world----is a crisis that is no passing inconvenience, no by product of the ambitions of the oil producing countries, no environmentalists’ mere fears, no by product of any present system of government. What we face is the outcome of the invention of the last four hundred years. What we need is a transformed life style. This new life style can flow directly from science and technology, but its acceptance depends on a sincere devotion to finding a higher quality of life for the world’s children and future generation. j'Y"/<  
26. Which condition does the author feel has nearly destroyed our cities? )6:]o&bZ  
A. Lack of financial planning. /;NE]{K  
B. The breakup of the family. M"5!s,  
C. Natural disasters in many regions. =ym  
D. The excessive growth of motors. Sci4EGc  
27. The author in the second paragraph states what we need in our present situation is ______. Cld<D5\|f+  
A. a continuation of our present serious state i<wU.JX&h  
B. worldwide resources exploitation and energy use noh|/sPMD  
C. a movement forward to a new norm to planet research work $FQcDo|[  
D. a state where long range planning is essential to us 1Y"35)CR)  
28. According to the author, what is one example of our loss of morality? ,t%CK!8  
A. Disregard for law. P,/13tZ#3  
B. Lack of devotion. ~+<xFi  
C. Lack of cooperation. 6<s(e_5f  
D. Exploitation of resources. P 0Efh?oZ  
29. By comparing past problems with present ones, the author draws attention to the _____. n4WS V  
A. significance of this crisis p584)"[*t  
B. inadequacy of governments 4Hml.|$  
C. similarity of the past to the present h7EUIlh"  
D. hopelessness of the situation ?..i4  
30. According to the last paragraph, what contribution does the author feel people must now make? E#<7\ p>  
A. Search for new energy sources. i'!jx.  
B. Outlaw motor transportation. ApG'jN  
C. Accept a new life style. #u8*CA9  
D. Adopt a new form of government. : 'd76pM-  
II. Vocabulary (10%; 0.5 mark each): L2CW'Hd  
    1 The plane found the spot and hovered dose enough to _________ that it was a war. E 4='m  
A. ensure    B. examine    C. verify   D. testify 'f-   
2 The encouraging factor is that the _______ majority of people find the idea of change acceptable ZI58XS+  
    A. numerous    B. vast    C. most    D. massive  n5bXQ  
    3 The increase in student numbers __________ many problems for the universities. TRgY:R_  
    A forces    B presses    C provides    n poses ezcS[r  
    4.Pleas ______ from smoking until the aeroplane is airborne. pXPqDA  
    A refrain    B prevent  C resist    D restrain 0NQ7#A  
    5 Reporters and photographers alike took great_______ at the rude way the actor a9#W9eP  
behaved during the interview GFd Z`i  
    A annoyance    B. offence    C. resentment   D. irritation xw4ey<"I  
    6 Topics for composition should be _________ to the experiences and interests of the  students s.^c..e75C  
    A. concerned    13.dependent    C connecting    D relevant gf0PMc3l  
    7.The novel contains some marvellously revealing ________ of rural life in the 19th  century. v[R_S  
A.glances    B.glimpses    C.glares   D. gleams 5 R,la\!bQ  
    8 .Sometimes the student may be asked to write about his ______ to a certain book or article that has some bearing on the subject being studied. k(zs>kiP  
    A.reaction    B comment    C impression D.comprehension Y*Y&)k6 t  
    9. Picking flowers in the park is absolutely_____. T@(6hEmP,  
    A. avoided    B. prohibited    C. rejected  D. repelled 4-y6MH  
   10.Tony has not the least ______ of giving up his research work. t-!Rgg$9  
    A intention    B.interest    C.wish  D.desire %S{o5txo  
   11.Two of the children have to sleep in one bed,but the other three have _____ones uDI LjOT  
    A similar    B.singular    C.different    D separate TT|-aS0l(u  
  12.Am I to understand that his new post _____no responsibility with it at all? B^Xy0fq  
  A keeps    B .supports    C .carries   D. possesses C0zrXhY_v  
  13 Animals that could not ______ themselves to the changed environment perished and those that could survived. Dp!;7e s|  
  A change   B. adapt    C. modify   D. conform  pz$_W  
  14 He ______interrupted me by asking many irrelevant questions. &c20x+   
  A.carelessly    B carefully    C.continually   D. consequently NtHbwU,  
  15 .If you don’t ________smoking,you’11 never get better 0;vtdM[_  
  A. give off    B.give out    C.give over   D give up >P(eW7RL  
  16.Scientists have discovered a close——between smoking and several serious diseases. -dl}_   
  A action    B connection    C.union   D. combination {U(Bfe^a,  
17.Despite his occasional fondness for gambling,he is still considered as a good boy ,MRvuw0P  
A.as the whole    B for the whole  C.by the whole  D on the whole ,SAbC*nq  
18.We’ve _____ sugar Ask Mrs Jones to lend US sonic. pw!@Q?R  
A run away with  B  run out of  C  run off   D  run down w-lrnjs  
19 I can ______ him from his brother.They look very much Mike pNuqT*  
A.keep    B.separate    C.distinguish   D.prevent Dft4isyt^  
20 _____ David 10ves his daughters,he is strict with them. R3$@N  
A.If    B. Although    C. When    D. For PDhWFF  
III. Cloze (10%; 0.5 mark each):   5KK{%6#f\  
   Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Read the passage through and choose one suitable word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D fro each blank in the passage. .XI r?>G  
It is natural for people to be critical of their parents fit times and to blame them for mosr of the misundersandings between them.They have aiways compained,more or —1—justly,that their parents are out of touch —2—modern ways;that they are possessive and dominant; —3— they do not trust their children to deal with crises;that they —4—too much about certain problems-and they have no  —5—of humor,at least in parent-child relationships 5|CzX X#U  
I think it is true that parents often —6—their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt —7—young 0k%hY{  
Young people often irritate their their parents with their —8—if clothes and hairstyles.in entertainers and music.This is not their —9—.They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not  —10—been aceepted.So they create a culture and society of their own. —11—,if it turns out that their music or entertainers or voeabulary or clothes 0r hairstyles —12—their parents,this gives them additional enjoyment,They feel they are —13—,at least in a small way,and that they are leaders in style  —14—,Sometimes you are resistant,and pround because you do not want your parents to —15—of what you do.If they did approve,it looks as if you are —16—your own age group.But in that case,you are —17—that you are the underdog(失败者):you can not win but at least you can keep your honor.This is a —18—way of looking at things.It 1s natural enough after long years of childhood, —19—you were completely under your parents’control.But it —20—the fact that you are now beginning to be responsible for youself,So if you plan to control your life, cooperation can be part of that plan N.jA 8X  
    1  A  more    B much    C.1ess   D lesser (e(Rr 4  
    2  A with    B.in    C.frOm   D for I:nI6gF  
    3  A which    B and    Cfor    D that 6>s=Ci ZB  
    4  A say      B talk    C  tell   D speak ;:U<ce=  
    5  A feeling   B sense   C.touches  D sensing M</Wd{.g"  
    6  A fail    B mistake    C underestimate  D understand 4HW;  
    7  A  if    B being    C like   D when $}db /hY*  
    8  A choices  B hobbies  C likes    D dislikes KhrFg1|  
    9  A reason   B motive    C  incentive  D ambition“ XwtAF3oz  
   10  A already  B still    C yet    D  ever zMr&1*CDX  
    11  A However    B Furthermore    C Besides    D Then !f`5B( @  
    12  A ease    B irritate    C.please    D  hurt u7[pLtOwN  
    13  A superior    B good    C heautiful  D attractive .wD>Gs{sH[  
    14  A appreciation    B fondness    C.taste  D tendency !x8kB Di,  
    15.A agree    B praise    C consent   D approve ).Q[!lly   
    16  A fooling    B betraying    C deceiving  D cheating W1hX?!xp!  
    17  Assuming    13 believing    C guessing  D imagining `4skwvS=  
    18  A  active  B effective    C passive    D efficient =D5wqCT(Q  
    19  A which    B what    C where  D  when !O8.#+  
    20  A ignores    B  proves    C shows  D provides cN5"i0xk  
IV. Translation (30%): /~tP7<7A  
Part A (20%): jccOsG9;_  
Translate the following passage into Chinese: #hy+ L  
Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. The joy, the moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits. These dark days, my friends, will be worth all they cost us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto but to minister to ourselves, to our fellow men. ~@@ Z|w  
Recognition of that falsity of material wealth as the standard of success goes hand in hand with the abandonment of the false belief that public office and high political position are not be valued only by the standards of pride of place and personal profit; and there must be an end to a conduct in banking and in business which too often has given to a sacred trust the likeness of callous and selfish wrong doing. Small wonder that confidence languishes, for it thrives only on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection, on unselfish performance; with them it cannot live. 6m@0;Ht  
Restoration calls, however, not for changes in ethics alone. This Nation is asking for action, and action now. PV(4$I}  
Part B (10%): vbaC+AiX  
Translate the following sentences into English:  ni<[G0#T  
1.我们必须培养分析问题解决问题的能力。 AX K95eS  
2.中国人民历来是勇于探索,勇于创造,勇于革命的。 UhdqY]  
3.语言这个东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不可。 onib x^Fcd  
4.他准备给我一份工作,这使我大吃一惊。 'gCZ'edM  
5.采取“一国两制”适合中国国情,并非权宜之计。 +<{m45  
  ^o bC4(  
V. Writing (20%): {"t5\U6cKM  
Directions: Quite a few teachers complain about students reading fewer books than before. In fact, students nowadays spend more time surfing on the internet and watching movies on DVD’s. Narurally they spend less time reading books. Do you think that students today are less knowledgeable because they read fewer books? Write an essay in no less than 150 words. /=@e &e  
    Please write you article on the Answer Sheet. M9DgO4xl  
Se Oy7  
xh r[ A  
Key: X.eB ;w/}  
LQ>$ >A(  









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