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主题 : 郑州大学2006年攻读博士学位研究生入学考试英语试题(A卷)
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2012-01-07   
来源于 考博试题 分类


PART I              VOCABUIARY               (10%) SmAii}-jf  
Directions: There are 20 sentences in this part. Beneath each sentence there are 4 words or phrases marked A) B), C) and D). Choose the one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence. Mark your  answer on the ANSWER SHEET.  U02  
1. The picnic ______at last after being twice postponed. yg4#,4---b  
  A) came off B) came up C) put on D) went on Tz~a. h@  
2. Lenny advises me to have a _____of brandy because it will make me less nervous in my presentation. 2St<m-&  
A) bit                 B) lick              C) sip                D) flavor /l+"aKW 2  
3. Adams hadn't a______ what the speaker was talking about most of the time because the class was in chaos ^M\X/uq$E  
A) guess             B) thought          C) concept            D) clue $KhD>4^ jL  
4. The National Geographic Society headquarters ,______in Washington, D.C, is well-known for its magazine. mM~&mAa+Z  
W*?qOq {  
 A) located            B) placed            C) stood             D) positioned j\NCoos  
5. The baby keeps______---She must be getting a terrible cold ysCK_  
A) sneezing           B) sniffing          C) yawning           D) spitting ?a*w6,y.  
6. When them was a short _____in the conversation, I asked if anyone would like anything to drink. Q`{Vs:8X  
A) blank              B) space             C) pause           D) interval t 1~k+  
7. Hotel rooms must be ______by noon, but luggage may be left with the porter. 8C[eHC*r  
 A) departed             B) abandoned        C) vacated           D) displaced x iz+ R9p  
8. Tom read it through quick so as to get the ______of it before setting down to a thorough study. Anqt:(  
A) detail               B) essence          C) gist               D) core C(UWir3mW?  
9. The priest made the ______of the cross when he entered the church |`pBI0Sjo  
A)mark                B)signal             C) sign               D) gesture 9I`0`o"A  
10. For many patients, institutional care is the most _______and beneficial form of care wp'[AR}  
A) appropriate          B) pertinent C) acute              D) persistent WncHgz  
11. Among all the changes resulting from the ______entry of women into the work force, the transformation that has occurred in the women themselves is not the least important ;JgSA&'e  
A) massive            B) quantitative         C) surplus           D) formidable _00}O+GLM4  
12. In the Export Commodities Fair the ______of fine china attracted much attention of customers from all over the world. }2 \Hg  
A) succession         B) army              C) string             D) procession j}K 3YfH  
13. We realized that he was under great ______,so we took no notice of his bad temper. 9Y2.ob!$}  
A) emotion           B) stress             C) crisis              D) nervousness etUfdZ  
14. His ideas are invariably condemned as ______by his colleagues. .gN ziDO  
 A) imaginative         B) ingenious          C) impractical         D) theoretical PW iuM=E  
15 .The president explained that the purpose of taxation was to ______government spending. Mn3j6a  
A) finance             B) expand            C) enlarge            D) budget eD3\>Y.z  
16. Taking photographs is strictly ______here, as it may damage the precious cave paintings. m:Rm(ga9  
A) forbidden            B) rejected            C) excluded           D) denied Wb#<ctM>  
17. Doctors' efforts to develop a new way to see the brain working have so far ______with satisfaction. t-n'I/^5  
 A) found            B) shown          C) given             D) met ]&B/rSC  
18. The study also showed that, ______to what many people believe, if you skip breakfast, you will not lose weight at all.   8e ?9:VM]  
A) contrary B) identical C) equivalent D) hostile ;CoD5F!  
19. The viewers of the poet's most recent book ______his reputation. Cs,Cb2[  
A) enlarged               B) enriched      C) enhanced          D) encouraged }sJ}c}b  
20. The student couldn't ______what the teacher was trying to explain. :cIPX%S  
A) grip                  B) seize         C) grasp            D) snatch O'xp"e,  








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