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主题 : 中国地质大学武汉03年英语听力
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2011-12-07   
来源于 考博试题 分类


2003 *.k*JsU~B  
 Speaker AWhen I was a teenager, I always enjoyed reading about foreign countries. I decided I would visit as many as possible when I was older. I also discovered that I had a feeling for business. So I put my interests and my skills together. That is how I became a small businessman that I am today. And I do visit lots of countries I have to know what my customers will find when they go on their trips.Travel agent ~M} K]Li  
Speaker BI’d always like to talk and people say I’m good at making conversation. When I was in the university, I got involved in broadcasting and I discovered I had good voice which I have improved with practice. Now I‘m on the air for an average of three hours a day.Radio announcer ;R#RdUFH  
 Speaker CI can’t say I’m very educated but I love to work with my hands. I’m at  good at tasks that require a combination of a skill and muscle Another nice thing about my job is that it allows me to be outdoors a lot. I really enjoy that. I love to see new buildings  go up. I feel that I’m part of the team that makes it happen. O_4B> )zd  
Construction worker 5 m-/N ?c  
 Speaker DNumbers have always fascinated me, but I didn’t want to stay at a university. I wanted a career in business. Now I’m a key figure in a large corporation where I keep the track of the cash flow and help plan budgets and company’s financial development.Accountant ZCc2 3UwI  
 Speaker EMost newspapers and magazines will be much less interesting without the work of people like me. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. That’s not always true, but it is true if the picture is a good one. That’s what I’m supposed to get – good pictures to illustrate the reports that journalists submit.Press photographer jI*@&3  
Speaker FHow did I get into my line of work? It began when I was a boy. I loved to take  my bike apart and keep it in an excellent condition. Gradually I became interested in more complicated machines, and now I repair airplane engines for a living. I really love keeping engines and motors- all kinds of engines and motors – in perfect shape.Mechanic un-%p#  
 Speaker GI have to admit that my job doesn’t make me very popular but the government needs money. I’m there to make sure that everyone is giving his fair share. Actually I spent most of my time looking at the documents reporting the income of corporations. It’s not just individuals that contribute to the government. Much of the money comes form firms.Tax official `Ng Q>KV!  
Speaker HDon’t you like to see people in good-looking clothes? I certainly do. I became interested in creating  dresses for women and girls while I was a teenager. I’ve  been dong it now for over fifteen years. It’s great fun to work in such a rapidly changing field.Fashion designer j<0 ;JAL  
Speaker II really fell in love with a guitar when I was about thirteen years old and I always had a great voice. When I was sixteen ,I and some other boys created our own band and started earning money in our spare time. Now we’re professional musicians. And our work is still popular with young people. And I’m happy to say that it’s still my voice that keeps us popular.Pop singer M 80Q6K  
Speaker JDon’t you get excited when you look at the stars fill the sky on a cloudless night? I do. Even though I’ve been studying the stars for many years , the heavens still fill me with awe and wonder.  Of course nowadays we use computers in most of our work. But we all still observe the sky as much as possible.Astronomer [w@S/K[_|  
Speaker KMy field is very multidisciplinary and I love that aspect of it. Of course I’m basically an earth scientist, but I’m also a biologist .The animals and plants that I study are mostly extinct, however. So I’m a biologist and earth scientist but also a sort of historian. tJ>>cFx  
Paleontologist   #!UJY%c ~  
Speaker LThese days the world is full of people who call themselves managers. Well, I really am a manager. I’m responsible for a certain aspect of marketing in a giant company that makes billion of dollars a year. As you would expect, I have an MBA.Corporate  executive *9kg \#  
Speaker MDiscipline and order are very important to me . In my relations with the soldiers who serve under me, I try to be reasonable. I don’t want to go too far but discipline and professional quality are essential features of a well-run modern army. My work is  to help to keep the army ready for any task it has to undertake.Military officer *Ic^9njt  
Speaker NI’m part of the design team inside a small but growing company in a very competitive industry. Right now we are working on the design of a new chip. We think it will significantly improve the capacity of computers to perform certain key tasks. I’ve been in this sort of engineering for ten years now. This is the fifth major chip project that I’ve been part of.Hard ware !'F1Ht  
Speaker OCanada has a large embassy in  Beijing, since the government regards its relations with China as very important, I’ve been an official in the Beijing embassy since 1998. My field of expertise is economic affairs. And I deal with the ambassador on a daily basis. One of my major duties is preparing a meekly report on the economy here for the ambassador and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs back in Ottawa. ,iP YsW]5  
Diplomat Um4zI>  








关键词: 英语 听力 MBA

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