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主题 : 中国地质大学武汉04年英语听力
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2011-12-07   
来源于 考博试题 分类


1.                       speaker AI don’t suppose you could say my profession is a very popular one. The fact is that people generally don’t like to give money to the government. As a result, they don’t care for officials like myself. We make sure that the citizens are actually giving money that the government expects them to give. Tax official2.                       speaker BI advise people on what to eat. That’s a very important concern, you know. First of all, there are sick people who have to be careful about what they eat. Then there are many other kinds of people who need advice on food. Many of them turn to us for advice. dietician 3.    Speaker CWhen I was a teenager, I became interested in the rules that govern the society. I used to think a lot about justice and how we could attain it. Later when I began to think of a career for myself, it occurred to me good attorneys have pretty respectable income. It’s true that I work hard and I have to know a lot, but my career brings me into contact with all sorts of interesting people. Whether I am examining the contract in my office or representing my clients on court, I seldom have a boring day.lawyer4.       speaker Din my line of work, you have to enjoy living abroad, because that’s where we usually are. We represent our country’s government all round the globe. Right now I am assigned to the embassy in Beijing. Most of the time we work with other people like ourselves, our counterparts from other countries or with government officials of the country where we are stationed. diplomat5.       speaker EI am an ideal man. Facts bore me. I like to take what I see around me and then use my imagination to create a story that my readers will find fresh and interesting. My books are usually two to four hundred pages long, sometimes longer.novelist 6.       speaker FTraveling can be wonderful, but it can also be a nightmare. My job is to make sure that people make good arrangements when they travel. I am self-employed small businessman. I have a sort of shop or office where people come to buy tickets, reserve hotel rooms and discuss their plans of trips here and there. I try to provide good, reliable service so people learn to trust me and come back again and again. Travel agent 7.       Speaker GI am always happiest when I am around an engine, either maintaining it or repairing it. I know some people get nervous around engines, but not me. I love them. I love the tools, and the work shop and even the smell and feel of lubricating oils. mechanic8.    Speaker HPeople probably think I have an easy job. But that’s because they don’t understand what my job involves. Of course I watch a lot of movies, but then I have to find something interesting to say about them. Let’s face it. A lot of Hollywood movies aren’t that different from one another. But readers expect me to have something sharp to say about each of them. It’s not a simple problem, believe me! Film critic9.     Speaker I My whole world revolves around food and using food to make people happy. I got interested in cooking when I was about twenty. I went to a cooking school and then worked in a series of restaurants and hotels. I spent six years working in Europe. Most people in my line of work specialize. My specialty is the food in northern Italy. I’ll bet you don’t know the real food that Italians make. Visit me sometime and I’ll make your stomach sing. chef D/+@d:-G  
10.       Speaker J G <}7vF  
When I was small I used to think the job I am doing now is so glamorous . Flying in jet planes day after day, going from one city to another, always making sure our passengers were satisfied and safe. Let me tell you, there isn’t much glamour there in reality, but there is certainly a lot of work. Just smiling all day is a chore. Many of the airplane passengers I deal with are people I would never smile at if I were not paid to do so. Airline  pilot 7lnM|nD  
11.       Speaker K EbHUGCMO  
To tell the truth, I don’t think many people would consider my job very interesting. But that doesn’t take way from its importance. Few things make people so unhappy as having a toilet that won’t work or a sink that was blocked. If anything goes wrong with their pipes or sewage system, I am the man they want to see, and quickly. plumber S ^_JC  
12.  Speaker L ?dATMmT-  
Talk, talk,talk,…that is what I do all day. Actually that is an exaggeration. I also do a fair amount of writing because many of the things I broadcast have to be carefully prepared beforehand. One advantage of my job is that people know my voice, but not how I look. It would be different if I were on TV. I like being well known yet also being able to walk down the street without being recognized.  Radio announcer 7KYF16A4  
13. Speaker M '6Rs0__  
Some people think I have the most boring job imaginable. But that’s simply not true. I have always enjoyed working with numbers. And big corporations need people like me. No large organization can function without attention to numbers. I work in the finance department of a major company. With a little luck, one day I maybe one of the top people in the firm, though I will never be the CEO. Accountant #UP,;W  
14.   Speaker N \, X?K  
It’s thanks to technical people like me that computers have become so powerful and so small in the last two decade. I am basically a circuit specialist. I look for ways to get electrons to move more efficiently. Back in high school, I became interested in physics, but that gradually changed into an interest in circuits and logics. Now I designed chips for advanced computers.  Hardware engineer kiBOyC!r6  
15.           Speaker O 1{Sx V  
If you enjoy walking and driving around and also talking to people, you’d like my job. Of course I often have to work at night. That’s when the criminals I try to control are most active. I am in law enforcement. I’ll probably continue to walk the streets and drive around in our special cars for a few more years, but eventually I’ll get a desk at our headquarters. The job I do is really for young men. And I won’t be young forever.  Plice patrolman $P1d#;rb%  








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