中科院考博英语历年作文范文 Tou/5?#%e
1. Is It Necessaryto Offer English Course to PhD Students ?万能模板—— MUfG?r\t
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Is it necessary to offer Ph D students English learning course ? Different people have ~.;<
different ideas. Some people think that there is no need to do so since the Ph D students have been `;%]'F0`
learning English for at least13 years. After such a long time studying,they have already had the {ZY+L;eg1
ability to write papers and read journalarticles in English. Besides,the prime time to master a !,V{zTR
foreign language has almost passed for the Ph Dstudents. So these people thinkit is nothing but Xp0F
awaste of time to offer PhDstudents English learningcourses. While other people thinktotally ys 5&PZg*
differently. Theybelieve that English course is necessary for the followingreasons:first,language orOt>5}b<
learning is a long-term“project.”Ascholar who wants to keep abreastof the latestdevelopmentin
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his research field should keep learning English. This iseven moreimportantforastudentpursuingPh k'0Pi6
D degree. ToofferPh D studentsEnglish courseisinfactto offerthem a good environmentto learn "*G.EiLq
English. Second,although they have been learningEnglishforyears,whatthey have learned ismore p<M\U"5Ye
aboutthe skills to dealwith allkinds ofexams.They actually lack the ability to communicate with W`c'=c
foreigners , butfora researcher, to communicatewith the world isa necessity. So itisimperative Z+@2"%W
thatPh Dstudentstake Englishlearning course.