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主题 : 考博英语翻译中可能涉及的热点词汇
级别: 禁止发言
楼主  发表于: 2008-12-29   


总裁助理 assistant president r3~YGY  
综合治理 comprehensive treatment 4`:Eiik&p  
安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents Shu=oweJ  
信息化 information-based; informationization \*30E<;C_  
智力密集型 concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive t'HrI-x  
外资企业 overseas-funded enterprises rKr\Qy+q  
下岗职工 laid-off workers ;@<e]Ft  
分流 reposition of redundant personnel GAlM:>  
三角债 chain debts S\6.vw!'  
素质教育 education for all-round development F2',3  
豆腐渣工程 jerry-built projects ,veI'WHMB  
社会治安情况 law-and-order situation YvFt*t  
民族国家 nation state =u.hHkx  
台独"independence of taiwan" dK7BjZTJo  
台湾当局 taiwan authorities :\|<7n   
台湾同胞 taiwan compatriots Y".4."NX  
台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。taiwan is an inalienable part ofthe chinese territory. Jy-V\.N>s  
西部大开发 development of the west regions q)y<\cEO  
可持续性发展 sustainable development y2>AbrJ  
风险投资 risk investment /Hyi /D{W  
通货紧缩 deflation BB? 4>#D  
扩大内需 to expand domestic demand EskD)Sl   
计算机辅助教学 computer-assisted instruction ( cai ) )_1;mc8B  
网络空间 cyberspace ZP"Xn/L  
虚拟现实 virtual reality \mNN ) K@  
网民 netizen ( net citizen ) Gg5+Ap D  
电脑犯罪 computer crime 70N Lv  
电子商务 the e-business T0%l$#6v  
网上购物 shopping online A{ . A1  
应试教育 exam-oriented education VB}^&{t)!  
学生减负 to reduce study load |6b&khAM  
下岗 laid-off workers 6~a4-5;>z  
下海 plunge into the commercial sea noO#o+ Jg#  
下网 off line B<&g  
小康之家 well-off family; comfortably-off family e}TDo`q  
新秀 up-and-coming star, rising star iB5'mb *  
新新人类 new human being ; x generation I"HA( +G  
信息港 info port \?"kT}..  
形象***** / 先生 image representative of a product or a brand f<3lxu  
虚拟网 virtual net #:tC^7qk  
学生处 students’ affairs division }hS$F  
研究生毕业证 / 学位证 graduate diploma/graudate degree’sdiploma :O]US)VSj  
摇钱树 cash cow f;obK~b[  
以人为本 people oriented; people foremost ;.3 {}.Y  
义务教育 compulsory education x,TnYqT^  
易拉罐 pop can =&WH9IKz  
应试教育 examination-oriented education system tiF-lq  
舆论导向 direction of public opinion +3]V>Mv  
运球 dribble =!IoL7x  
在职博士生 on-job doctorate pg{cZ1/  
早恋 puppy love o~2 6<Lk  
招生就业指导办公室 enrolment and vocation guidance office =kBN&v_(!  
证券营业部 stock exchange; security exchange VI?kbq jo  
知识产权 intellectual property rights ! EGpI@  
中专生 secondary specialized or technical school student W>&!~9H  
中流砥柱 mainstay, chief corner stone ?b\oM v5y  
专卖店 exclusive agency; franchised store lg*?w/JX+  
自我保护意识 self-protection awareness 5TLE%#G@+  
综合国力 comprehensive national strength xMFEeSzl>S  
综合业务数字网 integrated service digital network (isdn) x@tI  
公正、公平、公开 just, fair and open ff 6x4t  
好莱坞大片 hollywood blockbuster 5. +_'bF|  
黄金时段 prime time J>1%* Tz  
假唱 lip-synch M"yOWD~s~  
劲射 power shot me$nP}%C&  
拉拉队 cheering squad r`Dm;@JU  
来电显示电话机 caller id telephone \4>& zb4  
论文答辩 (thesis) oral defense A+( + Pf U  
泡沫经济 bubble economy cJzkA^T9  
票贩子 scalper, ticket tout DC0O N`  
拳头产品 competitive products; knock-out products; blockbuster ~bz$]o-<  
三角恋爱 love triangle 2x~Pq_?y  
三 维 动 画 片 three-dimensional animation Hp[i8PJ  
" 扫黄 " 、 " 打非 " eliminate pornography and illegalpublications S84S/y  
申办奥运会 bid for the olympic games 0 gR_1~3  
实现中华民伟大复兴 bring about a great rejuvenation of the chinesenation }yw>d\] f  
市场疲软 sluggish market $@84nR{>  
素质教育 education for all-around development }:(;mW8 D  
筒子楼: tube-shaped apartment 2a*+mw  
脱贫致富 cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road toprosperity B qLL]%F  
网吧 internet bar H3( @Q^9  
网恋 online love affair rU|?3x  
网上冲浪 surf the internet Vq'n$k}  
网上交易平台 online trading platform Z/d {v:)  
网友 net friend ^fmuBe}d{  
无人售票 self-service ticketing Rln\  
无绳来电显示电话 cordless telephone with caller id \i\>$'f*z  
无线应用协议 wap ( wireless application protocol )








级别: 初级博友
沙发  发表于: 2008-12-31   
级别: 初级博友
板凳  发表于: 2009-01-10   
语法  {rn^  
一、时态、语态 F{c8{?:  
时态、语态需要掌握的要点: GMB3`&qh  
zKp R:F  
1.以下几类动词一般不能用于进行时,同样不用于完成进行时: %e)? Mem  
(1)表示感知的动词:hear, feel, notice, recognize, see, taste, smell; '-cayG   
>V4r '9I  
(2)表示意愿、情感的动词:desire, dislike, forgive, hate, like, love, prefer, refuse, want, wish, fear, love, hate; I zVc  
(3)表示思考、看法的动词:believe, doubt, expect, forget, hope, feel, mean, know, agree, realize, mind, recall, recollect, remember, trust, suppose; \v$zU  
(4)表示所有、占有的动词:belong to, owe, own, possess, hold(容纳); 'Gamb+[  
(5)其他动词:cost, appear, concern, contain, consist, deserve, matter, seem。 gZBKe!@a|  
如: 5NhAb$q2Y  
I’d say whenever you are going after something that is belonging to you, anyone who is depriving you of the right to have it is criminal. 2##mVEo.(  
3\{\ al   
(1997年考研题, belong表示归属,不用于进行式) V?mk*CU  
He was seeing somebody creeping into the house through the open window last night. Q7{{r&|t&  
(1990年考研题,see表示结果,不用于进行式) qk>SM| {  
2. 不用will/shall表达将来时的形式: !ZvVj\{  
(1)be going to表示现在的打算和意图; y>#kT  
XKDX*x G  
(2)arrive, come, drive, go, leave, retire, return, set off, start, take off等表示移位的动词的进行体表示按计划肯定要发生的将来动作; o iC@ /  
(3)be to (do)表示安排、计划、决定、命令或注定要发生的事,如: ;uv$>F auk  
Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage is to be avoided. w=: c7Y+  
(4)be about to (do)表示将要(做),如: bj0<A  
1 3)6p|6x  
Marlin is a young man of independent thinking who is not about to pay compliments to his political leaders. .IVKgQ B  
(5)be on the point /verge of (doing)表示“马上就要”,一般不与表示将来的时间状语连用; g_k95k3V'  
(6)be, begin, come, depart, get off, go, leave, return, start的一般现在时表示按日历或时刻表要发生的将来动作或事件,如: x\yr~$}(J  
If you want your film to be properly processed, you’ll have to wait and pick it up on Friday, which is the day after tomorrow. xj&~>&U){;  
(画线部分一般不用will be) c&aqN\'4"  
(7)在时间、条件、让步从句中,一般现在时代替将来时,但要注意区别从句的类型,如: < <Y]P+uU  
%[ *+  
I don’t know where he will go tomorrow. 我不知道他明天去哪儿。(宾语从句) ;`kOFg#`)c  
t6 kLZ  
I’ll tell him when you will ring again. 我告诉他你什么时候再来电话。(宾语从句) V$;`#J$\b  
比较:I’ll tell him when you ring again.你再打电话时我告诉他。(状语从句) B# .xs>{N  
!vc 5NKv#n  
(8)在make sure, make certain, see (to it) 后的that从句中,谓语动词用一般现在时代替将来时,如: z|Xt'?9&n  
s| Vs#o.P)  
See to it that you include in the paper whatever questions they didn’t know the answer to last time. +W8#]u|  
(include 不能用will include或其他形式) t\!5$P  
3.完成时是时态测试的重点,注意与完成时连用的句型和时间状语: #BS!J&a  
(1)by/between/up to/till +过去时间、since、by the time/when +表示过去发生情况的从句,主句用过去完成时。如: K@! hrye  
<5CQ#^ cK  
We had just had our breakfast when an old man came to the door. 66+]D4(k  
RC8-6s& ln  
Between 1897 and 1919 at least 29 motion pictures in which artificial beings were portrayed had been produced. i12G\Ye  
f^5sJ 0;%  
(表示1919年时已发生的情况) ANj%q9e!Yi  
(2)by +将来时间、by the time/ when +谓语动词是一般现在时的从句,主句用将来完成时。如: S_VzmCi  
By the time you arrive in London, we will have stayed in Europe for two weeks. akHQ&+[j  
I hope her health will have improved greatly by the time we come back next year. |Q?$n3-f"  
(3)by now、since +过去时间、in/during/for/over/the past/last few(或具体数字)years/days/months,主句用现在完成时, 但在it is +具体时间since/before这一句型中,主句更多的时候不用完成时。如: &qa16bz  
The changes that howe taken place place in air travel during the last sixty years would have seemed completely impossible to even the most brilliant scientists at the turn of the 19th century. |ZCv>8?n  
It is four years since John left school. fKuaom9  
(4)在It is the +序数词/形容词最高级+that的定语从句中,谓语动词常用现在完成时。如: *1>Tc,mb  
It isn’t the first time that I have found myself in an embarrassing situation. W$Aypy  
(5)在no sooner…than…, hardly/scarcely…when/before…句型中,主句常用过去完成时。 )%!X,  
(6)其他与完成时连用的时间状语:all this while, all this year, for some time, so far, already, before, just, long, yet等。 L;KLmxy#  
4.完成进行时指动作在完成时的基础上还要继续下去。如: h 'is#X 6:  
#`"B YFV[E  
The company has been promising a rise in salary for ages, but nothing has happened. \nQEvcH  
The school board listened quietly as John read the demand that his followers had been demonstrating for. Z \ -  
时态、语态答题思路: O}7aX '  
(1)先根据选项的区别点确定考题要点为时态,然后回到题句中寻找给出的或暗示的时间状语,缩小选择范围,进而选出正确答案; !|Y&h0e  
/ pR,l5  
级别: 初级博友
地板  发表于: 2009-01-15   
555 NW Pd~l+  
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