The Chinglish translation on the sign ("To sell inside the commodity space all acceping money sipe supplys examineing the price service") are meant to signify, "All cashiers in the marketplace offer price-checking services."
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9^lj#[ ?+?`Jso( .a7!*I#g 当中国人发明了“good good study,daydayup”(好好学习,天天向上)后,这个看起来有些雷人的词汇就带领着中式英语一路前进。
l G $s( Chinglish is ever more widely used in China.
rixt_}aE !uSG 1j"y 当中国人自嘲被中式英语雷得“里嫩外焦”时,说英语的外国人却开始发起了“拯救中式英语”的活动。
IRIYj(J Remarkably, while we Chinese are criticizing our sometimes-poor command of the language, there are foreigners who are trying to preserve examples of Chinglish.
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6 中式英语引国外追随者
v&Oc,W Chinglish has fans abroad
##BfI`FJ ;P9cjfSn sU0W)c; The overuse of —ing, and the confusion of one word for another (a warning sign in Guilin)
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ce/& kn&>4/') :EV*8{:aLU 中式英语指的是那种语法不对、拼写错误带有中文习惯的英语,主要见之于中国许多地方的标牌。英国《卫报》报道说,这种语言风格在网络上吸引了一些狂热追随者,甚至有人专门探讨这种语言现象。不过,中式英语恐怕会被扼杀,因为上海政府担心明年世博会期间中式英语可能会让循规蹈矩的外国游客尴尬,而发起了一场旨在纠正“离奇误译”的行动。
mY&(&'2T" “Chinglish” is grammatically wrong, misspelled English written and spoken by Chinese. You see many examples of it on signs According to Britain’s Guardian newspaper, Chinglish is becoming so popular on the Internet that the phenomenon is generating its own specialists. However, the days of Chinglish may be numbered. In preparation for the World Expo in Shanghai, city authorities have started a campaign to stamp out bad English.
6D/K=- %JPBD]&M 在英国《卫报》的报道中称,美国社交类网站Facebook上甚至有“救救中式英语”小组,并吸引了8000多名成员,里边有超过2500条中式英语例子;而美国知名照片博客Flickr上的“中式英语之潭”,则有超过3000张有关中式英语的招牌类照片。
!U4<4<+ Facebook “save Chinglish” groups carry more than 2,500 examples of English misuse and attract over 8000 followers, the Guardian reports. You can see another 3000 examples at a site called “The Chinglish Pool” at GL'l "L ,dXJCX8so T&+y~c[au cjwc:3
CM A sign on a Taipei government building door instructs the reader to "steek gently"
1h#e-Oyff Qm>2,={h HUalD3
\ 瑞克是中式英语的坚定拥趸,他坚称,自己对中式英语的兴趣是出于“喜欢而非嘲笑”,大多数网民似乎也抱这样的态度,他们喜爱而不是鄙夷中式英语。
0bl 8J5Ar5 Rick, a Chinglish lover, is one of many who say that he is not mocking the way Chinese speak and write the language.
:N64FR# $3]]<oH 将来老外也会用
Z7dyPR day day up Chinglish expressions catching on
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@B 今年,互联网上曾展开了一项“票选十大中式英语”调查,结果显示“Good good study,daydayup”(好好学习,天天向上)以3417票高居榜首。