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主题 : 有用的考博英语词组
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2009-10-26   


考博英语词组[font=ˎ̥] Rt4di^v  
5 si}i'in  
 [font=ˎ̥] gxM[V>[  
共同学习,请多补充![font=ˎ̥] e-6(F4  
考博英语词组([font=ˎ̥]1[font=ˎ̥] G11cNr>*  
a matter of
[font=ˎ̥](分钟,里路,块钱等[font=ˎ̥])的事;大约,左右;是个[font=ˎ̥]...问题,事关[font=ˎ̥]... $ I<|-]u  
about of
即将;打算[font=ˎ̥] Oxa5Kfpa  
absent from
不在;缺席[font=ˎ̥] 0xP:9rm  
absorbed in
吸引;专心于[font=ˎ̥]... R}k69 -1vL  
account for
说明[font=ˎ̥](原因[font=ˎ̥]);解释;占[font=ˎ̥]... +Jq`$+%C  
adhere to
粘附在[font=ˎ̥]...上;坚持,遵守;依附[font=ˎ̥] WOb8 "*OM  
adjust to
调整以适应[font=ˎ̥] [=~!w_  
after all
还是;终于;毕竟[font=ˎ̥] r$DZk Mue  
aim of
瞄准;致力于[font=ˎ̥]...;旨在[font=ˎ̥] yWuIu>VJ  
all but
几乎,差点;除[font=ˎ̥]...之外的全部[font=ˎ̥] ~d+O/:=K_  
all the while
一直地;始终[font=ˎ̥] m/?h2McS  
all the more
更加越发[font=ˎ̥] IUawdB5CB  
all the same
尽管如此,仍旧[font=ˎ̥] k~|ZO/X@l%  
allow for
酌量;考虑到[font=ˎ̥] Oga1u  
and vice versa
反过来也一样[font=ˎ̥] 1.dX)^\  
anything/nothing but
一点也不/只是;仅仅是[font=ˎ̥] E{oB2;P  
anything but
一点也不,决不是[font=ˎ̥] }K;iJ~kD1  
nothing but
只是,只不过是[font=ˎ̥] [font=ˎ̥] Hn^sW LT  
apart from
除了;且不说[font=ˎ̥] B$`d&7I;D  
appeal to
要求;上诉;引起[font=ˎ̥]...注意[font=ˎ̥] @Yarz1  
approve of
赞赏,同意;获准,认可[font=ˎ̥] VO|u8Z"  
around the corner
在拐角处;即将到来[font=ˎ̥] K*:Im #Q  
as a matter of course
当然,理所当然的[font=ˎ̥]([font=ˎ̥]) Di])<V  
as a result/consequence
结果;因此[font=ˎ̥] % &2B  
as fellows
如下[font=ˎ̥] oVreP  
as for/to/regards
至于,说到就[font=ˎ̥]...而言/关于[font=ˎ̥] $~ VcQ  
as it is (was)
实际上;按照原样[font=ˎ̥] ZR2\ dH*  
as it were
似乎;实际上可以这么说;简直是;可谓[font=ˎ̥] 8_Jj+  
as opposed to
[font=ˎ̥]...相反;与[font=ˎ̥]...相对比[font=ˎ̥] <L%HG  
as well
[font=ˎ̥]...;和[font=ˎ̥] 8nf 4Jk8r  
as/so far as
[font=ˎ̥]...而言;至于[font=ˎ̥]; [font=ˎ̥]...程度;在[font=ˎ̥]...范围内[font=ˎ̥] xpz`))w  
ask after/for
问候,询问,探问/请求;找某人[font=ˎ̥];要求[font=ˎ̥] wvX"D0eVn  
at a stretch
不休息地,一口气地[font=ˎ̥] c%b\CP\)W  
at a time
一次[font=ˎ̥] +Bn?-{h=  
at all
一点也不,完全不[font=ˎ̥](用于否定句[font=ˎ̥]) T 77)Np  
at (the) best/worst
顶多,充其量也不过/最坏也就是[font=ˎ̥] (w}r  7`n  
at (all) time
总是;无论何时,一直[font=ˎ̥] R rxRa[{Z  
at a loss
不知所措[font=ˎ̥] %qONJP  
at all/any cost(s)
不惜一切代价[font=ˎ̥] %{Xm5#m  
at all events
不管怎样,反正[font=ˎ̥] M$#+W?m&  
at any moment
随时[font=ˎ̥] )'w]YIv9  
at any rate
不管怎样;总而言之[font=ˎ̥] D`8E-Bq  
at first
起初;开始[font=ˎ̥] }@3$)L%n_u  
at first sight
乍一看,一见就[font=ˎ̥] rT o%=0P  
at intervals (of)
不时,时时;每隔[font=ˎ̥]... _pJX1_vD  
at large
一般的;普遍的;详尽地;在逃;逍遥自在地[font=ˎ̥] X3 <SP  
at leisure
有空闲,闲着的;从容地,慢慢地[font=ˎ̥] MG;4M>H  
at liberty
自由,有权[font=ˎ̥](做某事[font=ˎ̥]);闲着[font=ˎ̥] Qa>%[jx,@,  
at (the) most/least
至多/至少[font=ˎ̥] 69N1 mP  
at stake
关系到[font=ˎ̥]...的得失;在危险中[font=ˎ̥] Ua}g  
at that
就这样;而且[font=ˎ̥] cPx66Dh&  
at sea
茫然,不知所措[font=ˎ̥] R%Kl&c  
at the mercy of
完全受[font=ˎ̥]...支配,听命于[font=ˎ̥] r#ks>s  
at the moment
此刻[font=ˎ̥] ,^Ex }Z  
at the risk of
[font=ˎ̥]...的危险[font=ˎ̥] jc3ExOH  
attach to
附上;贴上;使隶属[font=ˎ̥] 3L%Y"4(mm  
attend to
处理,办理;照看,照料[font=ˎ̥];注意[font=ˎ̥],专心于[font=ˎ̥] AviT+^7E  
back up
支持;倒退[font=ˎ̥] D 86 K$IT  
be bent on (upon)
一心想做[font=ˎ̥](某事[font=ˎ̥]) ?U7&R%Lh`  
be better of
处境更好;情况转好[font=ˎ̥] A;K{&x  
be bound to
肯定,注定;一定要[font=ˎ̥]; 决心[font=ˎ̥] #Lu4OSM+  
be composed of
[font=ˎ̥]...组成[font=ˎ̥] %w;1*~bH  
be concerned with
关于[font=ˎ̥]...,与[font=ˎ̥]...有关;参与[font=ˎ̥]... F[Qsv54  
be determined to
坚定;坚决;决心[font=ˎ̥] \UV T_=Y  
be fed up with/about
[font=ˎ̥]...厌烦了;讨厌[font=ˎ̥] G:H(IA7Z  
be fit for
适合[font=ˎ̥] jFI]54,  
be inclined to
倾向于[font=ˎ̥]...;想要[font=ˎ̥] {'cs![U  
be obliged to (do)
被迫,不得不[font=ˎ̥] j(wY/Hl  
be obliged to
感谢[font=ˎ̥] n:%'{}Jw  
be related to
[font=ˎ̥]...相关的,同[font=ˎ̥]...有亲戚关系[font=ˎ̥] ',v0vyO8  
be/get tired/sick of
[font=ˎ̥]...失去兴趣;厌烦[font=ˎ̥] 1KfJl S+  
be/get used/accustomed to
习惯于[font=ˎ̥] 0nF>zOmc  
bear/keep in mind
记住;牢记[font=ˎ̥] $\=6."R5<  
bear on/upon
[font=ˎ̥]...施加压力;与[font=ˎ̥]...有关;对[font=ˎ̥]...有影响[font=ˎ̥] dA3`b*nC  
before long
很快[font=ˎ̥];不久以后[font=ˎ̥] fh/)di  
blow out (
使火[font=ˎ̥])熄灭;[font=ˎ̥](轮胎[font=ˎ̥])爆裂[font=ˎ̥] JC1BUheeb  
blow up
炸毁;充气;放大[font=ˎ̥](照片[font=ˎ̥]);勃然大怒[font=ˎ̥] 5cv, >{~5  
boil/narrow down (to)
压缩成;归结为;简化为[font=ˎ̥]... r)*_,Fo|  
break down (
机器[font=ˎ̥])发生故障[font=ˎ̥];(计划,谈判等[font=ˎ̥])失败[font=ˎ̥];分析;分解;破除;战胜;[font=ˎ̥](感情[font=ˎ̥])失控,[font=ˎ̥](身体[font=ˎ̥])垮了[font=ˎ̥] n~L'icD[  
break in
闯入;打断;训练;使驯服;使习惯于;[font=ˎ̥] u!156X?[eU  
break into
闯入;打断;突然开始[font=ˎ̥]...;突然[font=ˎ̥]...起来[font=ˎ̥] y2d_b/  
break out
突然暴发;逃脱[font=ˎ̥] vM$#m1L?  
break through
突破;冲破;克服;挤过[font=ˎ̥] l-JKcsM  
break up
使粉碎;弄破;解散;结束;解体解散;中断;终止[font=ˎ̥];(学校[font=ˎ̥])放假使苦恼[font=ˎ̥];[font=ˎ̥]([font=ˎ̥]) W"DxIy  
bring down
使垮台;失败;击落,打下;降低[font=ˎ̥](物价,温度等[font=ˎ̥]) cc#_acR  
bring forward
[font=ˎ̥]...提前;提议;建议;[font=ˎ̥](会计[font=ˎ̥])[font=ˎ̥](账目[font=ˎ̥])结转到[font=ˎ̥](次页[font=ˎ̥]) 0Mzc1dG:  
bring in
带来;引进;提出;挣得[font=ˎ̥](报酬等[font=ˎ̥]);生产,产生;收获;[font=ˎ̥](陪审团[font=ˎ̥])[font=ˎ̥](判决[font=ˎ̥]) /3b ca!O  
bring out
出版;上演;显露出;现出;使人有勇气开口[font=ˎ̥] n Y.Umj  
bring up
抚养,教育;提出[font=ˎ̥](问题等[font=ˎ̥]);呕吐[font=ˎ̥] _@}MGWlAPt  
bring/come/put/carry into effect
开始生效;实行[font=ˎ̥] YQw/[  
build up
积累;聚集;增进[font=ˎ̥](健康[font=ˎ̥]);增强[font=ˎ̥](体格[font=ˎ̥]);确立[font=ˎ̥](信誉[font=ˎ̥]);吹捧[font=ˎ̥] Qc)RrqYNGF  
burn down
烧光;把[font=ˎ̥]...烧成平地[font=ˎ̥] i(TDJ@}  
burst out/into
突然发生;突然[font=ˎ̥]...起来,怒放[font=ˎ̥] 7Ohu$5\  
but for
[font=ˎ̥]...以外;如果没有[font=ˎ̥] )y [[Se  
by accident/chance (
纯粹[font=ˎ̥])偶然地;碰巧;无意[font=ˎ̥] ^Xz`hR   
by all means
务必,一定,千方百计[font=ˎ̥] &bRxy`ZH  
by no means
决不,一点,也不[font=ˎ̥] H;"N|pBy  
by and large
大体上;基本上;总的说来[font=ˎ̥] 71,0v`Z<  
by for
更加[font=ˎ̥]...得多;尤其;最[font=ˎ̥]... Ny&Fjzl  
by means/way of
用;以;依靠[font=ˎ̥](某种方法,工具,工艺等[font=ˎ̥])/作为[font=ˎ̥];当作[font=ˎ̥];经由[font=ˎ̥] "$w Pq@  
by reason of
因为;由于[font=ˎ̥] DqC}f#  
by the way
顺便说一句[font=ˎ̥] WSX@0A.&)  
by virtue of
因;靠;由于;借助于[font=ˎ̥] [OToz~=)  
call for
去接人;取[font=ˎ̥](物件[font=ˎ̥]);要求;提倡[font=ˎ̥] dzC&7 9$  
call off
宣告终止;取消;[font=ˎ̥](使注意力[font=ˎ̥])转移开;放弃[font=ˎ̥] ;),O*Z|"v  
call on/upon
指名要[font=ˎ̥](某人[font=ˎ̥])去干[font=ˎ̥](某事[font=ˎ̥]);请求;号召;动用[font=ˎ̥] ^zs4tCW%  
call up
打电话;召集,召唤;征召[font=ˎ̥](服役[font=ˎ̥]);使人回忆起[font=ˎ̥];从计算机中调出[font=ˎ̥](资料[font=ˎ̥]) 7ump:|  
calm/cool down
平静下来;使[font=ˎ̥]([font=ˎ̥])冷静下来[font=ˎ̥] 8=_| qy}l/  
capable of (
[font=ˎ̥])敢于;能[font=ˎ̥]...的;易于做出[font=ˎ̥]...[font=ˎ̥];([font=ˎ̥])[font=ˎ̥]...[font=ˎ̥];[font=ˎ̥]...[font=ˎ̥] m"> =QP  
care for/about
照顾;关照;喜欢;喜爱/关心;在意[font=ˎ̥] X9BBnZ  
carry away
使激动得失去控制,使入迷,使倾倒[font=ˎ̥] E)Epr&9S  
carry back (to)
使回忆起[font=ˎ̥] XQoT}, C  
carry forward
发扬;推进;转入下一页下期等[font=ˎ̥] 3'N L1du  
carry off
夺走,诱拐;夺去[font=ˎ̥]...生命;获得[font=ˎ̥](奖品等[font=ˎ̥]) @%B!$\]  
carry on
继续;喧闹,起哄;从事;处理;经营;开展[font=ˎ̥] FZI 4?YD?<  
carry out
完成;落实;贯彻;实现;执行[font=ˎ̥] Ac(Vw%  
carry through
贯彻到底;度过难关;支持到底[font=ˎ̥] 1&L){hg  









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