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主题 : 提高写作水平的经典句子
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2011-08-15   
来源于 考博资料 分类


1.       Don’t give him such a difficult book as he can’t understand. L 3\( <[  
不要给他这么难的书,因为他看不懂。 )NTpb  
2.       As the sick boy was quite weak, the doctor had him carried upstairs. w4R~0jXy  
这个男孩生病的男孩太虚弱了,因此医生让人把他抬上了楼。 7q{yLcC"  
3She said nothing, which surprises Mr. Liu greatly. (,|eE)+  
    她什么也没说,这是刘老师大为吃惊。 >p`i6_P0P/  
4Tom bought two books but neither of them is worth reading. RjR+'<7E^  
       汤姆买了两本书,但是没有一本值得阅读 Zad>i w}  
5So shallow is the lake that no fish can live in it. PP/#Z~.M  
       这个湖太浅了,因此鱼无法在里面生存。 N8,g~?r^  
6.       The students are all ready to reply to the teacher’s question. 6G(K8Q{>  
学生们准备好回答老师的问题。 ZXf& pqmG  
7 There used to be a steel works and two chemical works near our school. =$T[  
       过去,在我们学校附近有一个钢铁工厂和两个化工厂。 e.Q'l/g  
8 I missed going to see my friends though I missed them very much. A'"J'q*t  
       我非常想念我的朋友们,但我却没有去看他们。 FE:} D ;$  
9 The young lady turned white with fear when she saw the tiger. fhha-J  
       当这位年轻的女士看到老虎时,她的脸都吓白了。 }9N-2]  
10Shanghai is larger than Beijing and it is larger than any of the other cities in China. Pa=xc>m^  
       上海比北京大,它比中国的任何一个城市都大。 jthyZZ   
11John suggested going to the zoo on foot. mnw(x#%P  
       约翰建议步行去北京。 e&K7n@  
12The murder was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back. Z`Jt6QgW  
       杀人犯被带了进来,双手捆绑在背后。 *|cs_,3  
13How nice it is that you have someone to see you off! ]ki) (Bb  
       有人能送你,这有多好啊! _` Y%Y6O1/  
14It’s strange that the young lady carry an umbrella in such fine weather. Fh&USn"  
       这位年轻的女士在这样好的天气竟然带着雨伞。 M5x MTP-  
15If she had had a good voice when she was young, she would have liked to be a singer. |O'gT8  
       如果她年轻时有一副好嗓音的话,她就想成为一名歌手。 iQgr8[ SFf  
16John told Mary that she was expected to speak a little louder so as to make herself heard. @y6^/'  
       约翰告诉玛丽为了能让大家听到,希望她的音量大一些。 Tt_QAIl  
17I have lain awake all night thinking of this. K.}jyhKIKi  
       我一整夜没有睡,想着这件事情。 S2 P9C"  
18Team A beat Team B in the final game. =tX"aCW~  
       在决赛中,A队打败了B队。 OLGMy5  
19The boy took for granted all that his parents did for him. <"S`ZOn  
       这个男孩把父母为他做的一切当作理所当然。 h?f p(  
20Was it in 1969 that the American astronaut succeeded in landing on the moon. Ax9A-|  
       美国宇航员是于1969年成功地登上月球的吗? zs'Jgm.v  
21It was ordered that the work be finished before dark. k`\L-*:Ji  
       工作必须要在天黑之前完成。 <2LUq@Pg  
22On hearing the news the husband burst out laughter while the wife burst into tears. 1 C/Vwf:@  
       一听到这个消息,丈夫发出一阵大笑,而妻子却留下了眼泪。 >keY x<1  
23There being no buses, so we had to go home on foot. 0OnqKgf  
       没有公交车了,我们不得不步行回家。 Z5*O\kJv  
24Thousands of peasants are up into out city selling vegetables, fruits and some other things every day. sD6vHX%  
        每天都有成千上万的农民进城来卖蔬菜、水果和一些其他的东西。 v5FfxDvw  
25Having been given a satisfactory operation, the patient recovered from his stomach cancer in about two years. yATXN>]l  
        由于这位胃癌患者接受了较为满意的手术,在大约两年的时间内,她的病情有所恢复。 hy 3?.  
26Though most of the youths are looking forward to holding party to celebrate the victory of the AC Milan Club, the direct of the club strongly object to doing so. /1hcw|cfC  
        尽管大部分人都期望着为AC米兰队的胜利开个PARTY, 队长强烈反对。 bV*q~ @xh  
27It is very kind of the warm-hearted lady to have helped us out when we were in trouble. ~`0=-Qkd  
        这位热心的女士真好,她在我们遇到麻烦时帮助了我们。 n ,@ ge  
28All of us consider it better to set free the wild elephant back to the jungle. }9Q<<a  
        我们都认为把野生大象放回丛林比较好。 ;F/s!bupCM  
29If you were much younger, I would arrange for you to work as the general manager, for all your colleagues speak highly to your work. /f>I;z1  
        你所有的同事对你的工作评价都很高,如果你在年轻些,我就会安排你做总经理。 3B4C@ {  
30You will have learnt the results of the experiment by next Wednesday. )<T2J0*  
        你将在下周三之前知道实验的结果。 :x!'Eer n  
31.  Jane is very good at each subject, and it is out of question that he will be admitted to university to which he has been longing to go. F[X;A\  
         简对每一科目都很擅长,毫无疑问,他将会被他梦想以久的大学录取。 rWp+kV[Ec>  
32 I know I didn’t forget to take my camera with me because I clearly remember putting it in my bag. 't475?bY  
         我清楚我没有忘记带照相机,因为我清楚地记得我把它放进了包里。 *{=q:E$  
33 The parents sent their sons and daughters aboard in the hope of giving them a good education. mvyOw M  
         父母子女送到国外读书,希望他们收到良好的教育。 n&E /{o(  
34 Mrs. James knows so little of the side effects of the medicine that she was wholly unsuspicious of the danger to her daughter. @nM+*0 $d  
         詹姆斯太太对药物的副作用知之甚少,以致她完全忽视了其对女儿的危险性。 l YjPrA]TC  
35.        My grandmother, excessively concerned that I should have good manners, was greatly upset the other day when I blurted out something quite rude unintentionally. wR9gx-bE 4  
我的祖母非常关心我的良好举止,有一天,我无意中说出一句脏话,她十分生气。 %;O# y3,  
36. Freud’s theory of the meaningness of dreams is directly connected with his general theory that all our acts are meaningfully determined.1 {<2q  
      弗罗里德的关于梦的含义的理论与他的基本理论有直接联系,即在某种意义上,所有行为都是受一定因素制约的。 ::Pf\Lb>  
37. To begin with, we must keep in mind that things do not have “real” names, although many people believe that they do. 02po;  
      首先,我们必须明确任何东西没有明确的名字,尽管许多人都认为他们有。 ^>h2.A J  
38. The man who wants us to call him a “sanitation engineer” instead of a “garbage man” is hoping that we will treat him with more respect than we presently do. *35o$P46  
      “清洁工人”想让人们称他们为“环境工程师”,因为他们希望可以得到更多的尊重。 .U,>Qn4/  
39. Scarcely had he entered the house when the doorbell rang. lp5 b&I_  
      他刚进屋,门铃就响了。 ^NO;A=9b[  
40. I saw a very good film yesterday, the name of which is “Hero”. XQj+]-m  
      昨天,我看了一部非常好的电影,片名叫“英雄”。 Jv D`RUh  
41As soon as he returned from abroad, he set out to make preparations for his research work. ypY7uYO^"  
      他刚回国就开始为他的研究工作做准备了。 PjU.4aZ  
42When asked why she came in without permission, she just stared at me and said nothing. !)uXCg9U  
      当我问他为什么不经允许就进来时,她只是盯着我,什么都没有说。 {ALOs^_-  
43There has been an encouraging response to the appeal for preserving the wildlife in its natural state. ,jMV # H[  
      在自然环境中保护野生动物的号召得到了积极响应。 ~VJP:Y{[  
44At first, the biologist mistakenly thought that the island near the Atlantic was bare and devoid of any kind of animals. 15!b]':  
      一开始,生物学家错误的认为在大西洋附近的岛屿是荒芜的,没有任何生物。 cP8@'l@!  
45How strangely mysteriousNo matter how hard I tried to turn the key, the door remained immovable and for a moment I stood in breathless wonder. Jry643K>:;  
      多奇怪的事啊!无论我如何使这转动钥匙,门始终都打不开。一时间,我不知所措的站在那里。 ^4>Icz^ F  
46Though some of our relatives are unattractive and unsympathetic, they are still necessary to me because, I think, blood is thicker than water. f8 L3+u  
      尽管我们的一些亲属有些令人讨厌,有没有同情心。他们对我仍然很必要,因为我认为血浓于水。 z0 _/JwJn  
47Your remarks are not relevant our discussion. )"y]_}  
      你的评论与我们的讨论不相关。 5>M@ F0  
48The mayor of Shanghai laid the foundation stone of the Building for International Trade. .y~~[QF}8  
      上海市市长为国贸大楼奠基。 ,NQ>,}a0  
49We develop foreign trade with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. u9dL-Nr`  
      我们在平等互利的基础上发展对外贸易。 vX}mwK8  
50One of the basic reasons for this wide disparity is that in the United States we use space as a way of classifying people and activities, whereas in England it is the social system that determines who you are. )1]LoEdm`  
      这种差异的基本原因之一是,在美国我们以所在地作为区分人与人的活动,而在英国则是一社会登记决定人的地位。 rD U"l{cg  
51Many American persons, when asked to draw an ideal room or office, invariably drew it for themselves and no one else. r#K"d  
      当要美国人设计一件理想的卧室或办公室时,他们当中的大部分人都依照自己的意愿设计,从不考虑他人。 \( xQ'AQ-  
52For an American to refuse to talk to someone else present in the same room, to give them “silent treatment”, is the ultimate form of rejection and a sure sign of great displeasure. .t9zF-jk  
      对于美国人来说,不和屋里人说话,对他们保持沉默,是一种基本的拒绝方式,也是很不开心的一种表现。 IctLhYZ  
53A hundred times a day we laugh at ourselves when we laugh our neighbors; and we detest in others the faults that in ourselves are much glaring. DX#F]8bWl  
      当我们嘲笑邻居时,其实很多时候是在嘲笑自己;当我们厌恶他人身上的缺点时,我们自身的缺点更为突出。 \{`*`WQF  
54He offered to drive us to the station, but we preferred to walk there. g].hL  
      他要开车送我们去火车站,但我们更喜欢步行到那。 _k.gVm  
55Not until all the fish died in the river did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was. TVFxEV7Fx  
      直到河里的鱼全都死了,村民们才意识到污染有多严重。 We*c_;@<  
56The door opened and in came a woman with a baby in her arms. 64qQ:D7C  
      门开了,走进一位妇女,怀里抱着个孩子。 ) XHcrm&  
57It’s time that you went home and I’d rather you came again tomorrow. )d-{#  
      你该回家了,我希望你明天再来。 ZI#Xh5  
58I would have bought you a more valuable present for your birthday, but I was short of money at that time. {01wW1  
      我本想为你生日买一个更为珍贵的礼物,可我当时没有这么多钱。 k|T0Bly3P  
59His silence at the meeting suggested that he didn’t agree to your plan. j>OB<4?.+  
      他在会上的沉默表明它不同意你的计划。 xF3H\`{4x  
60In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person to whom she could turn for help. 1)m&6 :!b  
      在漆黑的街道上,没有一个人可以帮助她。 Aw *:5I[  
61There is a great deal of oxygen around us, without which we cannot live. F I\V6\B/  
      我们周围有许多维持我们生存的氧气。 q<cpU'-#  
62I can’t believe that restaurant, at which I have eaten such wonderful meals, is going to close down. \i#0:3s.  
      真令人难以之心,那个饭店居然要倒闭,我曾品尝过那的美味佳肴。 \W6 |un  
63He talked happily about the men and books that interested him greatly in the school. dO[w3\~  
      他兴高采烈的谈论着学校里吸引她的老师及令他感兴趣的书本。 bz? *#S  
64There are two thousand students in our school, of whom two thirds are girls. 5&r2a}K  
      我校有两千学生,其中三分之二是女生。 P&Q 5ZQb  
65The pencil with which I write has been lost. RFu]vFff  
      我用的铅笔丢了。 lFY;O !Y5\  
66The students who do best in the examination are not always the ones with the best brains. f 6P5J|'  
      在考试中成绩优异的学生不一定总是最聪明的。 *7I=vro  
67Mike went up to the town and his sister went down to the countryside. They both were away for a long time. HiG&`:P>q  
      麦克进城去,他妹妹回乡下,他们都要离开很长一段时间。 K9*#H(  
68Suddenly a fox came out from behind a tree. LHWh-h(s  
      突然,丛树后面窜出一只狐狸。 Q'^]lVY  
69The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language come out in the 16th century. Om0S^4y]x  
      第一批把英语作为外语教学用书的课本师16世纪出版的。 :LFw J  
70The patient can not but follow the doctor’s instruction, though he doesn’t think it necessary. y o[!q|z  
      病人必须遵照医生的要求去做,尽管他认为这不必要。 mHo x  
71When I saw so many people seated in front of me, my heart could not help beating. ;r[= q u\  
      当我看到这么多人坐在我的面前时,我的心怦怦直跳。 R#bg{|  
72The secretary worked late into the night, preparing a long speech for the president. )x"Z$jIs  
      总统的秘书工作到深夜,为他准备一片大篇幅的演讲稿。 l(zkMR$b8  
73Columbus was considered to have discovered the great land of America. MnsnW{VGX  
      人们认为是哥伦布发现了新大陆。 h3xX26l  
74Every man, woman, and child in club comes to realize the danger of smoking. Pwz^{*u]  
      俱乐部的男男女女,甚至包括孩子都认识到了吸烟的危害。 H$ xSl1>E  
75Many a man and many a woman was required to take physical examinations. 'eqvK|Uj:  
      许多男男女女都要求体检。 ?#D@e5Wf  
76Tammy, along with her mother and aunt, is going to the concert. Dl/UZ@8pl  
      塔米,还有他母亲和姑姑,一起去听音乐会。 ;wprHXjq  
77He went to see his sick father who was in hospital every other day. rf1nC$ Sop  
      他每隔一天去医院探望他生病的父亲。 :N)7SYQT  
78They found a dying old man lying on the ground when the door was broken. ,-DE;l^Q=  
      当门被打开时,他们发现一位奄奄一息的老人躺在地上。 K{>O. 5  
79Not having made enough preparations, they thought it better to put off the sports meeting till next week. n3b@ 6V1_  
      由于没有充分的准备,他们认为最好把运动会推迟到下周。 -3_kS/  
80They stood on the top of the mountain, watching the sun rising in the east. '}4[m>/  
      他们站在山顶,观赏着东升的太阳。 S^D ~A8u  
81No bread eaten by man is so sweet as that got by his own labor. ! 2Y, a  
      通过自己劳动所得的果实最香甜。 /'VCJjzZ  
82Jane and John still remember that it was their parents who encouraged them to continue their education. 9y]$c1  
      简和约翰仍然记得是他们的父母鼓励他们继续上学。 Bdbw!zRR$  
83His action in the play was remarkable, considering his youth and inexperience. 4N` MY8',  
      介于他还年轻,有没有经验,他在剧种的表演算是很出色了。 'T|.<u@~  
84John used to eat with a knife and fork, but now he has got used to eating with chopsticks after living in Tianjin for several months. NKd @ Kp`,  
      约翰过去用刀叉吃饭,不过,他在天津住了几个月后已经习惯了用筷子吃饭了。 H V   
85In many countries the law forbids citizens to carry guns without first having got a special permit. & bw1  
      在许多国家,法律规定没有特定许可证禁止公民持枪。 s.GhquFCrU  
86During the examination we were supposed to stay in our seats, keep our eyes on our work and not to speak to anyone. q}\\p  
      在考试中,我们要坐在自己的座位上,眼睛看自己的卷子,不许和任何人说话。 @MB;Ez v  
87It is very easy to bring some books from the bookstores and libraries, but to learn the knowledge in the books and put the knowledge into practice is by no means an easy job. ":-)mfgGU  
      从书店买书,从图书馆借书很容易,但学到书中的知识并将其用于实践决不是简单的事。 %W&=]&L  
88. Every citizen in a democracy, it is said, must have equality, and the will of the majority is supreme; thus the poor have more than the rich because there are more of them. 1;:2 =8  
      据说,在民主制度中,人人平等,少数服从多数。因此,穷人比富人有更多的权利,因为他们占绝大多数。 ?4lAL  
89It is a fact of social history that things regarded as luxuries at one period do not appear so at another period, that a comfort extended only to a particular class as an exceptional right will later appear as necessity for everyone. [Z5x_.k"I  
      社会历史表明在一定时期内的奢侈品在另一个时期内就不是了;也就是只有特定阶级才能享有的特权在今后成为每个人的必须。 )uX:f8  
90The freedom is not the freedom of action, but rather, freedom to be responsible for one’s own actions. [#9ij3vxd  
      自由不是行为的自由,而是对每个人行为负责的自由。 n3|~X/I  
91It is our modern irreligion, our lack of confidence in any hereafter, that makes us anxious to stretch our mortal stay as long as possible. s)M2Z3>+  
在我们这个不信仰宗教的时代,对是否有来世的怀疑,使我们向尽可能长久活在今生。 Dh9-~}sW'  
92. People must show each other kindness and pity and the many qualities without which life would be intolerable except to a hermit in the desert. |t]9RC.;7  
      除了沙漠的隐士之外,人们彼此之间应该具有爱心、同情心及许多其它的品质,没有这些,生活将不可忍受。 %*19S.=l  
93The creed of the first government in the world was liberty for all men who could control themselves and would take responsibility for the state. vSnb>z1  
      世界上的第一个政府的信条是给那些可以管理自己并为国家尽义务的人们以自由。 Iiy:<c  
94. With the dam built, they successfully put an end to the danger of the crops being washed away by floods. I Mv^ 9T:  
      随着大坝的建成,他们成功的克服了庄稼被洪水冲走的危险。 .e"jnP~  
95While wondering about all this, he discovered that his teacher was more serious than ever. @Op8^8$`  
      当他对这一切正感到纳闷时,他发现老师的脸色比以往严肃的多。 TAAsV#l  
96When completed, this railway will link many industrial cities to a seaport. G1nW{vce  
      这条铁路建成后,将把许多工业城市和一个海港连接起来。 5~44R@`  
97I will be in charge of the whole factory next week when the director is away. Ov<3?)ok  
      下周厂长不在,全场的事由我来负责。 v:HgpZo+  
98She happened to know him, but she didn’t know him. | 5L1\O8#  
       她碰巧知道他的有关情况,可她不认识他。 bNaUzM!,H  
99While I was sleeping, a thief entered the house. k0YsAa#6V  
      我睡觉时,小偷进了我的屋。 xBZ9|2Y s  
100It was quite plain that she didn’t want to come. v]BQIE?R /  
      很明显她不想来。 '0O[d N  
101It is said that there has been an earthquake in India 6>L.)V  
       据说印度发生了地震。 \G=E%aK  
102. It was Tom in whom she still had her faith. N*SgP@Bt  
      她信任的仍是汤姆。 5"gRz9Ta`  
103That she became a novelist may have been due to her family’s influence. .3U[@*b(  
      她成为作家可能是受她家庭的影响。 j^ _I{  
104. What will be, will be. V- cuG.  
       (谚语)该会发生的总会发生。 L~oFW'  
105The author whom invited has come. 9V66~Bf 5  
      你邀请的作家已经来了。 38m%ifh)  
106The letter which I received yesterday was from a friend of mine. r~}}o o4K  
      我昨天收到的那封信是我朋友寄来的。 ).]m@g:ew  
107The girl whose mother is a teacher studies very hard. y\_S11{v  
      母亲是老师的那位女孩学习非常努力。 |tg?b&QR  
108Let me explain the reasons why we do it. // }8HY)>  
      让我们解释一下我们这样做的理由。 Ft7a\vn*B  
109If a shop has chairs where women can park their men, women will spend more time in the shop. O&,O:b:@  
      如果商店设有座椅,女人们会把它们的丈夫留在那,她们好在商店里逛上更长的时间。 2\w=U,;(  
110At the time when I saw him, he was quite strong. Y(y 9l{'  
      以前我看到他的时候,他身体挺结实的。 m"G N^V7  
111Is there anything that I can do for you? &'7"i~pC  
      我能为你做点什么吗? &#@>(u: .  
112The first thing that we should do is to take a rest. aE BP9RX}z  
      我们所作的第一件事就是休息。 ;:c%l.Y2  
113This is the best tea that I have ever drunk. DLYZsWA,  
      这是我喝到的最好的茶。 Q$)|/Y))  
114That’s the very tool that we are looking for. ! /}FPM_  
      这正是我们要着找的工具。 nuQ6X5>.=  
115He invited us to dinner, which was very kind of him. mY`]33??v  
      他邀我们共进晚餐,他人可真好。 S7kT3zB  
116That is his father, who was in New York. ]zyX@=mM  
      那是他的爸爸,在纽约工作。 ~B!O~nvdQ  
117They gave up the plan, which it was a very good one. jRG\C=&(x  
      他们放弃了那个计划,虽然它是个不错的计划。 ^QAiySR`0  
118They used the same type of machines as we did. 5)yOw|Bd  
      它们使用的机器类型和我们一样。 d>, V  
119We hope that all he measures against sandstorms, as was put forward by the committee, will be considered seriously at the meeting. -2& i)S0R  
      希望大家能认认真真地考虑由委员会提出的所有防止沙尘暴的措施。 5}eQaW48  
120He was a foreigner, as I know from his accent. /u)Rppu  
      他是外国人,我从他口音中可以听出来。 UQ3@@:L_  
121He will finish his work even if he doesn’t sleep. 3}4p_}f/[4  
      他即使不睡觉也要完成工作。 uyNJN  
122Even though I felt sorry for him, I was secretly pleased that he was having difficulties. s8_aL)@f  
      我虽为他感到惋惜,但对他的困难却暗自高兴。 VD24X  
123Much as I admire his courage, I don’t think he acted wisely. A=%k/  
      虽然我钦佩他的勇气,但我并不认为他做的明智。 '_qQrP#  
124Old though I am, I can still fight. x=5P+_  
      我虽老,但我仍能战斗。 f<89$/w  
125The house is about three times as big as ours. w(/DTQc~d  
      他们的房子比我们的房子越大两倍。 4TUtY:  
126It was by far the best hospital that had ever seen. !7*(!as  
      这是我见过的最最好的医院。 :p<kQ4   
127. As the boy walked, he sang merrily. _1sMYhI  
      这个男孩一边走,一边愉快地唱歌。 7]|zkjgI  
128I will return the book as soon as I have read it. Sty! atEWT  
      书一看完,我就还你。 CV&zi6  
129No sooner had I reached the station than the train left. )nwZ/&@  
      我一到车站,火车就开了。 > z=Ou<,  
130Since they have forgotten to phone me, I will have to phone them. +z-[s6q2m  
      既然他们忘了给我们打电话,我就得给他们打。 g5#CN:%f  
131Jim is trying to find a place of his own because he wants to feel independent. yo'9x s  
      吉姆在设法找一个属于他自己的住处,因为他想要有自立感。 J&eAL3"GF  
132He took the food eagerly, for he had eaten nothing since dawn. X JY5@I.  
      他吃得很香,因为自天亮起就没吃东西了。 =}JBA>q(  
133He has done very well, considering that he has no experience. 5W+{U8\  
      考虑到他没有经验,他算是做得不错了。 E4+b-?PB~  
134To scare a bird is not the way to catch it. -(*nSD9  
(谚语)吓唬鸟不是捕鸟的法子。 :peqr!I+K  
135I happened to have been there once. qZaO&"q  
      我碰巧到过那一次。 .f>,6?   
136Our plan is to finish the work in three weeks. HZ }6Q  
我们的计划是三周之内完成这项工作。 ]pnYvXf>!  
137. It’s a good opportunity for us to exchange our experience. ~m=$VDWm  
       这是我们交流经验的好机会。 Xo Y7/&&  
138It was very kind of you to help us. vMhYpt?7\  
       难得你好心帮助我们。 \c{R <Hh  
139Her husband died, leaving her with a shabby house. *>k!hq;j  
       她丈夫死了,给他留下了一间破屋子。 i\Yl  
140Being prepared, Tom will pass the examination. cC%j!8!  
       如果有所准备,汤姆会通过这次考试。 3jF|Ic  
141When doing assignment, I heard a voice. b3\B8:XFo|  
       我在做作业时,听到了一个声音。 xW>ySEf  
142Having reviewed his lessons, he went to bed. @`wn<%o$  
       复习完功课,他就上床睡觉。 ?E<c[*F05  
143Having sent the child to school, she got ready to go to work. XJSa]P^B1  
       送孩子们上学之后,她就准备去上班。 mb\h^cKaq  
144Born and bred in the mountain area, he was bewildered by the city. R \5Vq$Q  
       他生长在山区,对这座大城市感到迷惑。 CWi8Fv  
145United we stand; divided, we fall. +8AvTSgX%  
       团结而存,分裂而亡。 +TN^NE  
146The teacher came in, his hand carrying a book. ^s{hs(8%R  
       老师进来了,手中拿着书。 \dcdw* v@  
147If I had left sooner, I would have caught the train. MzzKJ;wbC6  
       如果早点动身,我就赶上火车了。 Mvb':/M  
148If I lived near my office, I would walk to work. -7%X]  
       如果我住办公室附近,我就会步行上街。 `T"rG }c  
149If he were to leave tomorrow, I would get to Beijing by Friday. y+U83a[L*  
{)@D`{ $  
       如果他周五离开,他周五到北京。 40#9]=;}  
;`(R7X *3  
150. Should he have time next Saturday, he would come to see you. 5~+XZA#2  
       万一下星期天他有空,他就会来看你。 `8:Kp  
151. If the weather had been more favorable, the crops would be growing still better. pQWHG#?7  
2Y OKM #N]  
       如果前些时候天气好一点,庄稼现在会长的好一些。 >jx.R  
152It’s high time you got a job and settled down. 0$HmY2 Men  
       你总该找个工作安定下来了。 (\,BxvhG=  
153An iron and steel works, with several satellite factories, is being built in that city. 7G9 3,dJ  
s B 20/F  
       在那个城市正在建一座钢铁厂和几家卫星工厂。 %Mn.e a  
154.  The media are covering the presidential election thoroughly. 9$1)k;ChP/  
        传媒在详细报道总统选举。 izZ=d5+K  
155Either he or I am to go to the lab. w?y 6 nTg<  
       不是他就是我要实验室去。 v;EQ, NL  
156Not only the students but also their teacher is moved deeply by the story. r[txlQI9  
       不仅学生,老师也被这个故事深深地打动了。 Q<(YP.k  
157She could have explained the mystery. '0RwO[A#1  
       他本能够解释这个秘密。 TbvtqM 0  
158Joe may have done at home for about two hours. &&> tf%[  
       乔也许在家呆了两个小时。 |N/G'>TS  
159It is seven thirty. She must have come home. z+{,WHjo  
       已经七点半了,他一定到家了。 oqd;6[%G  
160You should have been here five minutes ago. }T2xXbU  
:M3 oUE{  
       5分钟以前你就该到这了。 [lzN !!B!  








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