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主题 : 郑州大学2006年攻读博士学位研究生入学考试英语试题(A卷)
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2012-01-07   
来源于 考博试题 分类


PART I              VOCABUIARY               (10%) ~G-W|>  
Directions: There are 20 sentences in this part. Beneath each sentence there are 4 words or phrases marked A) B), C) and D). Choose the one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence. Mark your  answer on the ANSWER SHEET. W$()W)   
1. The picnic ______at last after being twice postponed. ?6hd(^  
  A) came off B) came up C) put on D) went on -mn/Yv  
2. Lenny advises me to have a _____of brandy because it will make me less nervous in my presentation. &;)B qqXc  
A) bit                 B) lick              C) sip                D) flavor H(P]Z~et  
3. Adams hadn't a______ what the speaker was talking about most of the time because the class was in chaos -2>s#/%  
A) guess             B) thought          C) concept            D) clue gx',K1T  
4. The National Geographic Society headquarters ,______in Washington, D.C, is well-known for its magazine. o3GkTn O  
 A) located            B) placed            C) stood             D) positioned ,(zV~-:9  
5. The baby keeps______---She must be getting a terrible cold N N1}P'6Ha  
A) sneezing           B) sniffing          C) yawning           D) spitting Ry"4v_e9  
6. When them was a short _____in the conversation, I asked if anyone would like anything to drink. VltM{-k^  
A) blank              B) space             C) pause           D) interval dcD#!v\0  
7. Hotel rooms must be ______by noon, but luggage may be left with the porter. YG8V\4 SQ  
 A) departed             B) abandoned        C) vacated           D) displaced k ,+,,W  
8. Tom read it through quick so as to get the ______of it before setting down to a thorough study. M j6,VD9L  
A) detail               B) essence          C) gist               D) core Z`M pH  
9. The priest made the ______of the cross when he entered the church L 6fbR-&Lt  
A)mark                B)signal             C) sign               D) gesture _ahp7-O  
10. For many patients, institutional care is the most _______and beneficial form of care EPH" 5$8  
A) appropriate          B) pertinent C) acute              D) persistent KsE$^`  
11. Among all the changes resulting from the ______entry of women into the work force, the transformation that has occurred in the women themselves is not the least important B5vLV@>]  
A) massive            B) quantitative         C) surplus           D) formidable Z|Rc54Ct  
12. In the Export Commodities Fair the ______of fine china attracted much attention of customers from all over the world. >yXhP6  
A) succession         B) army              C) string             D) procession !#W>x49}  
13. We realized that he was under great ______,so we took no notice of his bad temper. rTR"\u7&H  
A) emotion           B) stress             C) crisis              D) nervousness QOYMT( j  
14. His ideas are invariably condemned as ______by his colleagues. UhL1Y NF_  
 A) imaginative         B) ingenious          C) impractical         D) theoretical amC)t8L?  
15 .The president explained that the purpose of taxation was to ______government spending. V rP{U-`  
A) finance             B) expand            C) enlarge            D) budget 5R~M@   
16. Taking photographs is strictly ______here, as it may damage the precious cave paintings. b~:)d>s8wY  
A) forbidden            B) rejected            C) excluded           D) denied .24z+|j  
17. Doctors' efforts to develop a new way to see the brain working have so far ______with satisfaction. D:bmq93PC  
 A) found            B) shown          C) given             D) met lGWz  
18. The study also showed that, ______to what many people believe, if you skip breakfast, you will not lose weight at all.   %sOY:>  
A) contrary B) identical C) equivalent D) hostile G"J nQ  
19. The viewers of the poet's most recent book ______his reputation. p|A ?F0  
A) enlarged               B) enriched      C) enhanced          D) encouraged >4Tk#+%Jj  
20. The student couldn't ______what the teacher was trying to explain.  @9_mk@  
A) grip                  B) seize         C) grasp            D) snatch @XM*N7  








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