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UID: 127170
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注册时间: 2012-09-05
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对外经济贸易大学中法国际工商管理学院 G5bi,^G7 r3_@ L>; Sino-French school of International Management .+|G`*1<i Qh%7RGh_ 法国巴黎一大(索邦大学) {cq; SH b3<<4Vf UNIVERSITY PARISI(SORBONNE UNIVERSITY) M2
%<4(UwI R%8nR6iG" 在职班 MBA项目 cC&R~h]| Xv9kJ Part Time MBA Program eIg '
!8h? r-H~MisL 为什么申请此项目?Why this program? 'O
\YL(j_e :-ax5,J> q l 历史长 Long History k2,n:7 ?K|PM<A >p}d:t/ Cdotl$' 1991年在中法政府支持下创办,国内最早的中外合作MBA项目之一。 UVxE~801Y y%v<Cp@R Under the support of both Chinesse and French governement, this Sino-French MBA programe by UIBE was estabished in 1991, and was one of the earliest joint MBA programs in China. K>,Kbs=D6 hy3[MOD$G /n/U)!tp k2j:s}RHY l 高效率Efficient Learning 7==Uz?}C ~pX&>v\T rcF;Lp : 9'Pyo`hJ#U 十八个月打造专业及语言优势,适度紧凑的管理课程助力商道攻略。 h"
P4 *<Fz1~%* 18-month intensive study to create business professionalism and foreign language abilities G>YJ3p7 jF Bq> Kbg`ZO* C ])Q#!D| l 国际性Internationalism 8rGW G G|4 v
nIS \&&kUpI U#Wc!QN-t 巴黎一大研修部分课程,亲处巴黎文化氛围;师从国际知名教授,融入国际校友网络,拓展职业发展空间。 /21d%T:} |n}W^}S5 Courses at University Paris I (Sorbonne University) and given by the world-class professors enable students to experience French culture, to be part of an international alumni network, and to enhance professional competitiveness. S/G,A,"c i74^J +xk Bag2sk j<szQ%tJlI l 强品牌Brand Influence 2GqPS 1_f
Fbb" ^W_}Gd<-#Y lE?e1mz{
中外名校联袂打造,高质量管理课程助您驰骋职场! d;mQ=k
1 a_waL
H/ Cooperation between prestigious universities in France and China guarantees the program’s high quality. p$?c>lim `eND3c i>ORCOOU >, 234ab=d l 双学位Dual-degree opportunity at,Xad\j ;FMK>%Zq a}i{b2B o4w+)hh 获巴黎一大学位及对外经济贸易大学企业管理硕士结业证书,符合条件者可以申请我国同等学力企业管理硕士学位。 6|T{BOW!d >B8)Wb: The program provides—A Degree of Master of Business Administration from the University Paris I (Sorbonne University), and A Certificate of MBA course from UIBE (to apply for a master’s degree by finishing additional courses) qE$.a[
*VHBTO9 n 8AND0a1C 0qG[hxt% 谁可以申请此项目?Who are our candidates ? *n}9_V% 1yX&iO^d ,yV
pB)IQ ?#04x70 l 具有学士学位 Graduates with a bachelor’s degree. LTzf&TZbx5 jvu,W4 l 具有至少三年以上的工作经验 With minimum 3 years’working experience >x2T' ,Yi =s;E 注:大专(三年制)毕业生需要至少五年以上的工作经验 ik8e *k+QX Note : Junior college (three-year schooling) graduates without bachelor’s degree can apply, provided they have at least 5 years’ working experience.The acceptance of their application will be assessed by the selection committec. *\S>dhJ4 (/ k, q l 英语熟练 English language proficiency p-
*BB_J" #:s'&.6 A]H+rxg V{d"cs>9 在哪里上课?Where to have class ? Cs]xs9 _ORW'(:Z ;P2~cQjD; !%Z1"FDm/ 中国对外经济贸易大学,法国巴黎一大,企业移动课堂 *Gu=O|Mm D(
h|r^5 Uniersity of International Business and Economics, Paris I , Enterprise Mobile Classroom. 8V}c(2m jBE=Ij m|f|u3'z$ xUSIck
入学考试形式?What kind of exams ? rtzxMCSEU pn
=S%Qf] X;6X
K$" _@^msyoq 笔试 Test
5@v!wms ~z< ? Wh ;$%+TN ;- cq#8S 英语自命题,形式参考GMAT模式 kXOlZC +:Y6O'h. A test in English similar to GMAT is arranged by IFCM. V'6%G:?0a 5 TnECk 注:GMAT成绩550分以上者可申请免试 ,$*IJeKx a{-}8f6 Note: Candidates who get more than 550 in GMAT can apply for the test exemption. ]0O pd
9 =)T5Y,+rJ C"F(kgL S&QZ"4jq 面试 Interview (>Tu~Vo M"V?fn' f-23.]`v $:<KG&Br 面试小组由中法双方教授及企业代表组成,以英语进行,重点考察应试者的工作经历和个人发展潜力。 K(Cv9YQ 2?m'Dy'JE An admission committee comprising Chinese and French professors and corporate representatives will evaluate the applicant’s working experience and career potential. The interview is conducted in English. 2pB@qi-] l9SbuT$U X"[c[YT!%[ HZM&QZHx)` 如何申请?How to apply the program? fwOvlD&e >S!QvyM(V km8[azB o $_<,bC1[ R[Pyrs!H Blf;_e~=[j *申请者提交申请材料Submission of application materials ~xzRx$vU \5O4}sm$* wLNO\JP' WzZb-F *学院进行资格审核 Initial review and evaluation ]X{LZYk s_VP(Fe@K EAx@a% N0/DPZX7 *考生参加入学考试 Take IFCM entrance examination LL.YkYu #uFP
eu: @-)?2CH[8 M2mte#h *考生参加面试 Interview @e+QGd;} n|3ENN ^qYJx vJ }^p} *录取学生Enrollment De\&r~bTW9 |%we@
E IIs'm!"Y>
x.~Z9j *学院发送入学通知 Admission Notification ^6oz3+ 9UZKL@KC LZ}C{M{=5A gI<TfcC *被录取者确认报到 Enrollment Confirmation JZ]4?_l (n|
PLi p,Qr9p3y z* "zXLC 申请材料有哪些? What application materials you need provide? 8:|F'{<<b d.3-@^P :4;ZO~eq! bO8 g#rO 申请表(电子版和打印版) CMI%jyiX 0V@u] 学位证书复印件及学历证书复印件 *?VbN}g2 540-l Me 身份证复印件(中国学生)或者护照(国际学生)复印件 b*\K I @b
SxT,2 毕业学校官方开具的成绩单 1>r7s* & gnE" 中文版和英文版简历 m-dyvW+ ^$}9
Enj+Y 3张一寸免冠照片及其相应电子版(正装蓝底免冠) ^2rNty,nH e
C?adCb 其他材料(包括专业证书,获奖证书等) nlOM4fJ( ;P3sDN
A complete application package should include the following: rlEEf/m: ;}"_hLX Application Form (Electronic version and paper version) <csz4tL}P {7.."@Ob<v Photocopy of degree certificates z-$ bce9* osPJ%I`^ Photocopy of ID (mainland China students) or passport (international students) W ZdEfY{ \x P$m|Y3 Official university transcript in English ,:Qy%k}f ACm9H9:Vd CV in Chinese and English t{Ck"4Cg &7"a.&*9xX Three passport-sized color photos ?a?i8rnWo ;T0F1 Other supporting documents (e.g. copies of professional certificates, awards, honors) 4+2XPaIm ^PA >t$ G|MjKe4} ^L#\z7 开设什么课程?What subjects do we offer ? v'gP,UO-%D b~dm+5W7 hiO:VA E]$Y
M5 XN65bq >fHg1d2- |:yQOq| o8B_;4uB _%^t[4)q ;]YQWK .I\)1kjX Q -;ltJ (}E-+:vFU GtI]6t @gzm4
!#cZ! k<W n Cw;&{jY eveGCV;@ K|*Cka{ [P#^nyOh( _J
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n2% =w&%29BYq H -('!^ \pPq]k "t\9@nzdX 联系我们 Contact us
?5GjH~ *v5y]E%aW 招生老师:何维民老师 #F{|G:\@[ 3=K-+dhk|t 招生咨询电话: 15313281885 ~~fL`"
[R:O'AP}@} C3<3
?PQiVL 办公地址:北京市朝阳区 安定路金瓯大厦317 室 ~ZDdzp> q{5Vq_s\ }`g*pp* "yz@LV1 z"H%Y8 ]E3g8?L p,0 \NUC W UV Q_<i+ Fca?'^X