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主题 : 考研英语作文高分必备300句经典佳句2
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2014-02-12   
来源于 考博资料 分类


151. There is undoubtedly an element of truth in assertions that capital punishment is necessary , but proponents seem to ignore the fact that the practice has failed to deter heinous crimes . 2db3I:;E  
  毫无疑问,主张极刑的必要性有正确的成分,但是,支持者似乎忽略了这种做法不能阻止令人发指的罪行这一事实。 J\:R|KaP<p  
152. Many people assume that the extinction of a plant or animal species is of little consequence . Careful examination , however , reveals that the extinction of any one species disrupts the food chain , and the loss of a plant species leads to the disappearance of a key ingredient which might yield a cure for cancer . KyYMfC  
  许多人想当然地认为一种植物或动物的灭绝产生的后果很小。然而,仔细的考察揭示出任何一个物种的灭绝会破坏食物链,一种植物的消失造成有可能生成治疗癌症的药物的关键成分的缺失。 [S9K6%w_!  
153. At first glance , the characteristics of Bugs BUnny seem comical . However , a closer examination reveals the cartoon character never creates a problem , and instead simply hopes for quiet and peaceful life . This suggests that cartoons most often teach children the difference between good and evil . BW}U%B^.  
  乍一看,流氓兔的性格似乎滑稽。然而,仔细观察发现这个卡通人物从不制造麻烦,相反,它只希望过安静平和的生活。这说明卡通在大多数情况下教授给儿童好与坏之间的区别。 7XTkX"zKj  
154. Logically , calls for a New World Order sound valid , and I whole-heartedly agree with some points , but the absurdity arises when considering that the world's 200-odd nations have diverse agendas when it comes to development and diplomacy . ~obqG!2m  
  从逻辑而言,要求形成新的世界秩序听似正确,而且我真心实意地同意一些观点,但是,考虑到世界上二百余个国家在发展和外交上有不同的议事日程,这种要求就显得荒谬了。 (a.z9nqGA  
155. In spite of claims to the contrary , it is common knowledge that corporal punishment most often has the exact opposite affect intended . aW)-?(6>  
  尽管有相反的主张,但是大家都知道体法在多数情况下产生适得其反的效果。 \IV1j)I"u  
156. We were brought up to believe that the role of a man was to provide and the role of a woman was to care for the household and family . Today , however , role reversal is becoming increasingly commonplace . +./H6!  
  我们从小就相信男人的角色市提供生活所需,女人的角色是照顾家庭和子女。然而,今天,角色的互换变得越来越普遍。 c dl&9-}  
157. Some people tend to tenaciously cling to the misguided concept of racial superiority . Their persistence in doing so , however , does readily reveal the inferior mentality and social incompatibility of certain human beings . bLij7K 2H  
  一些人顽强地坚持种族优越性的错误观点。然而,他们坚持这样做正揭示了某些人自卑的心理和社会对立性。 c[wla<dO*  
158. Some people claim the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) far exceeds that of Western-style pharmaceuticals . More often than not , however , the exact opposite is true . c'>/   
  有的人声称中药的功效远远好于西药。但是,通常情况下,事实正好相反。 5\5/  
159. Workers commonly complain that causes for labor disputes rest solely on the shoulders of management . Quite likely the opposite is true . f332J  
  工人经常抱怨劳资纠纷的责任完全在管理者的肩上。很可能正好相反。 zZPuha8  
160. There are those who claim that competition brings out the best in people . Others contend it simply forces one person to prove he/she is better than another . Advocates vociferously support one position or the other . I suggest the former proposition bears greater relevance than the latter . 9kN}c<o  
  有些人认为竞争促使人们发挥出最优秀的东西。另一些人认为它只是强迫一个人证明他/她比别人更优秀。提倡者叫嚣着支持其中的一个立场。我认为前一个立场比后一个立场更恰当。 ^84G%)`&  
161. Claiming something is true misses the point , while presenting verifiable fact proves its correctness . J%v=yBC2  
  声称某样东西是正确的没有什么意义,而提出可以证实的事实能证明它的正确性。 ); !eow  
162. Suggesting that one thing ... is better than another thing ... bears no more significance than insinuating that black is better than white . :~e>Ob[,"  
  暗示一件东西比另一件东西更好比旁敲侧击地说黑比白好并没有更大的意义。 D/Z6C&/I  
163. Ignoring cause and effect is exactly the same thing as failing to look both ways when crossing a busy intersection . 0=@?ob7  
  忽略因果就相当于横穿繁忙的十字路口时没有朝两边看。 @=bLDTx;c)  
164. One who advocates the rights of homosexuals should not be surprised by the belligerent stance of opposition forces . ]qethaNy  
  主张同性恋者的权利的人对反对力量的好战姿态不应感到奇怪。 J*yf2&lI5  
165. The greatest problem with political and religious zealots is their total inability to consider the views of others . 3oGt3 F{gZ  
  政治和宗教狂热者的最大问题在于他们完全不能考虑别人的观点。 >Ea8G,  
166. The basic stumbling block to global peace rests with the self-serving ambitions of many nations . q8X feoUV  
  全世界和平的基本障碍物在于许多国家谋私利的野心。 c]x1HvPE  
167. The overemphasis on one particular aspect of a problem often obscures the relevance of other issues . $UMFNjL  
  过分强调问题的一个方面经常掩盖了其他方面的相关性。 3KR d  
168. Any presumption that smoking is in anyway beneficial is totally preposterous . \8)U!9,$nn  
  任何对抽烟不管怎样是有益的假设都是完全荒谬的。 8 ##-EN;ag  
169. The fallacies of many arguments are quite obvious . <C1H36p  
  许多论证的推论错误是相当明显的。 7`- Zuf  
170. Arbitrarily dismissing the direct link between increasing sexual promiscuity and the rapid spread of sexually transmitted diseases would be foolhardy . An even more foolish mistake would center on denying the need for extensive sex education programs worldwide . @K\~O__  
  武断地无视性乱行为的增多和性传播疾病的迅速蔓延之间的直接联系是鲁莽的。一个更愚蠢的错误是否认在世界范围内开展广泛的性教育项目的必要性。 ~bM4[*Q7  
171. There is absolutely no reason for us to believe that a brighter future for the world is an impossibility . HmiR.e%<b  
  我们丝毫没有理由相信,世界不可能会有一个更光明的未来。 04LI]'  
172. Meteorologists offer computer models leaving little doubt that this year's El Nino phenomenon has disappeared . F3N?Nk/  
  气象学家提供计算机模型,充分证明今年的厄尔尼诺现象已经消失了。 1t:Q_j0Ym  
173. Facts prove the unjustifiability of claims that China will be unable to feed itself by the year 2020 . ?Nup1 ! D  
  事实证明:断言中国到2020年将不可能养活自己是不合道理的。 @oNH@a j%  
174. Previous explanations of the rising divorce rate in China are simply untenable . The fact is that many marriages were simply based on convenience and wives are no longer willing to accept the abusive domineering attitudes of husbands . H{@Yo\J  
  以前对中国离婚率升高的解释是完全站不住脚的。事实是许多婚姻仅仅建立在便利的基础上,而且妻子不再愿意接受丈夫作威作福的态度。  A sQ)q  
175. Claim that entering the Chinese market offers foreign companies an immediate road to profits are grossly misstated and have been proven wrong time and again . The key to entering China rests with the phraseology " vast potential market " , and how long one is willing to wait for returns . eV 2W{vuI  
  声称进入中国市场会给外国公司带来立即获利的途径是非常错误的,事实已经一次次地证明了这一点。进入中国的关键在于广阔的潜在市场这一说法以及寠/font]嘶乇ㄔ敢獾却寤/font]嗑谩?/P> 3C ?f(J}  
176. Parents are not wrong in enforcing good study habits , but they must not do so at the expense of stifling normal child development . _D+}q_  
  家长把好的学习习惯强加给孩子没有错,但是,他们这么做不能以抑制儿童的正常发展为代价。 %7"q"A r[  
177. It is quite reasonable to assume that modern science and technology ( S&T ) will continue to advance . It is no less reasonable to believe that S&T will radically improve the way we live . However , the same reasoning cannot be applied to improving social interaction . (n*^4@"2  
  假定现代科学技术将继续进步是很有道理的。相信科技会大幅度地改变我们的生活方式也是同样有道理的。然而,同样的逻辑不能用于改善社会上的相互作用。 )bS~1n_0  
178. Belief in the wonders of modern medical science is quite understandable . It is also quite possible that our faith in the ability of scientists to find the key for prolonging life are well-founded . Yet , the wisdom of prolonging life remains in question when considering the already massive global population and projected future growth . (X $=Q6  
  相信现代医学的奇迹是可以理解的。很有可能我们相信科学家能够找到延长生命的关键也是有根据的。但是,考虑到已经非常庞大的世界人口和预计的未来的增长,延长生命是否明智仍有疑问。 nim*/LC[:  
179. It is one thing to support euthanasia , but quite another to offer any justification for genocide . yWg @v +  
  支持安乐死是一回事,为种族灭绝提供正当的理由是另一回事。 VvvRRP^q  
180. Claiming the need for censorship is one thing , but rationally proving its redeeming values represents a quite different issue . S/}2;\Xm  
  主张审查制度的必要性是一回事,理智地证明它的可取之处是完全不同的另一回事。 _g+JA3sIJ  
181. Chances are that man will eventually land on Mars . w zYzug  
  人类有可能最终登陆火星。 %j:]^vqFA  
182. The likelihood for peace in the Middle East remains questionable . Ov};e  
  中东和平的可能性仍让人怀疑。 $}<PL}+  
183. The necessity for nuclear nonproliferation seems clear . /,89p&h  
  防止核扩散的必要性似乎清清楚楚。 J,V9k[88  
184. It is perhaps more accurate to consider the family as a blanket of security , rather than a cloak of bondage . $h5xH9x ;  
  把家庭看作保护安全的毯子可能比把它看做束缚的斗篷更确切。 a;rdQ>  
185. While generalizations are dangerous , it is quite safe to present solid evidence . >/:" D$  
  抽象概括是危险的,但是,提供确凿的证据是万无一失的。 ;'?l$ ._  
186. It seems almost certain that China will achieve this year's economic growth targets . r#+d&.|  
  中国将完成今年经济增长的目标似乎是毫无疑问的。 3[\iQ*d }B  
187. Reaching this year's growth targets is almost a certainty . *'OxAfa#x  
  达到今年的增长目标几乎是必然的。 :j5n7s?&=y  
188. The urgency of the situation makes it necessary to reiterate the monumental problems of population growth . Fw/6?:C}O6  
  情况的紧迫性使我们有必要重申人口增长的重大问题。 m`IC6*  
189. A recent study revealed the surprising fact that many students pass examinations by relying on nothing more than rote memorization . It is horrifying to think that students graduate without a thorough understanding of the subject matter . Y&[1`:-~-  
  最近的一项研究显示了一个令人惊讶的事实:许多学生仅仅依靠死记硬背通过考试。想到学生对主题没有透彻地理解就毕业了是令人震惊的。 B.wYHNNV  
190. Needless to say , advertising sells products . Where would we be without it ? Shelves would be empty , consumers would have few choices and products information would disappear . +!k&Yje  
  毋庸讳言,广告推销产品。没有它,情况将会怎样?货架将空空如也,消费者的选择将减少,产品的信息将消失。 3!3 xCO  
191. The plain truth is that people are most often self-centered . kQ4dwF~  
  明显的事实是人经常是以自我为中心的。 2{]`W57_=  
192. There's little wonder why young people often find it difficult to find an appropriate role model . No wonder they drink , smoke , fright , carouse and otherwise engage in inappropriate social behavior . ZtV9&rd7  
  年轻人发现很难找到合适的榜样并不奇怪。难怪他们喝酒、抽烟、打架、狂欢作乐或者做出不当的社会举动。 Scp7X7{N  
193. It should come as no surprise to learn that many abused children become abusers later in life . TK5K_V*7  
  发现很多受虐待的儿童后来虐待别人不应该感到奇怪。 d{rQzia"mV  
194. There is probably a great deal of truth in the assertion that unecrupulous brokers are salivating at the thought of unsophisticated investors entering the securities market . *Nw&_<\9Q  
  断言不道德的经纪人想到没有经验的投资者进入股票市场就垂涎三尺可能有一定的道理。 T#M,~lD  
195. There's little doubt that China has spawned a new generation of " Little Emperors " , but the truth is that the fault rests with parents who " spare the rod to spoil the child " and not with children themselves . 3Dg,GaRk  
  毫无疑问,中国产生了新一代小皇帝,但事实是责任在于闲了棍子,惯了孩子的家长,而不是孩子自己。 'Hc-~l>D  
196. There's little justification for objections to sex education . In fact , even a minimal introduction to consequences of sexual interaction ( the bird's and bee's ) might have dramatically changed the lives of many people . +)kb(  
  反对性教育几乎是没有道理的。实际上,最小限度的介绍性行为的后果(鸟和蜜蜂的)可能戏剧性地改变许多人的生活。 L>MLi3{  
197. We can safely say that the world continues to turn and things have changed dramatically , but we can never claim the world is a safer place . x HoKo  
  我们可以稳妥地说世界在继续传动,情况发生了巨大的变化,但是,我们永远不能声称世界变得更加安全了。 hD\rtW  
198. We can say this and we can say that , but the most important thing is not to say , but instead to do . pR `>b 3  
  我们可以说这说那,但最重要的事不是说,而是做。 GRGzP&}@  
199. Divided we fall , united we conquer . This does not mean that conquest is the goat , but instead that unified efforts yield positive results . \x)n>{3C  
  分离就会垮台,团结就能征服。这不是说征服是目的,而是说团结一致的努力会产生积极的结果。 w<zIAQN  
200. Historically speaking , our ancestors placed great emphasis on filial piety . 0*%Z's\M"  
  历史上,我们的祖先很重视孝顺。 SPN5dE.@  
201. It doesn't follow that one should abandon a workable plan simply because of minor setbacks . So doing would quite frankly be foolish . >fe- d#!{  
  一个人不能因为几个小挫折就放弃一个可行的计划。这样做的确很愚蠢。 e:DkGy`-s  
202. One corrupt politician does not suggest that all politicians are bad . Any such presumption is totally misguided . Lk~ho?^`  
  有一个腐败的政府官员不能说明所有的政府官员都是坏的。这样的假设完全是被误导的。 6Pnk5ps }h  
203. Don't get the idea that money grows on trees , or that there's such a thing as a free ride . Uh7v@YMC  
  不要以为钱长在树上,也不要以为有免费的午餐。 HkQ*y$$  
204. Along with interest in music comes a greater awareness of culture . MHSs!^/g5  
  伴随着对音乐的兴趣的是对文化更清晰的认识。 /<E5"Mm%  
205. It's not that I don't want to be rich and famous . Obviously I do , but just haven't as yet found the way to get there . N*%@  
  并不是我不想致富成名。我当然想,但是还没有找到致富成名的途径。 EG0WoUX|  
206. If the claims of the other side prove true , we may be forced to alter our position . KiI!frm1  
  如果对方的主张被证明是正确的,我们可能被迫要改变我们的立场。 WtViW=j'  
207. The urgent need for nuclear nonprolifeation is undeniable . Moreover , failure to halt the spread of weapons of mass destruction increases the chance for nuclear holocaust . ?z}=B  
  防止核扩散的紧迫性是不可否认的。此外,制止大规模杀伤性武器扩散的失败增加了核毁灭的可能性。 f>aEkh6u9  
208. Having recognized the problem , it follows that we must develop a plan of action . rrQQZ5fhb  
  意识到了问题,接下去我们必须制定行动计划。 _$= _du  
209. Governments have reached a consensus on the need for peace and it follows that actions speak louder than words . .7i` (F)  
  政府一致同意和平的必要性,接下去就是行动胜于语言了。 J\d3N7_d  
210. The convincing proof that smoking causes cancer has failed to convince hundreds of millions of people to abandon the vile habit . )E6;-rD0^+  
  抽烟致癌的有力证据没能说服数百万人改掉这一恶习。 8CnRi  
211. Traffic laws are of little use if drivers simply ignore them and law enforcement departments fail to adopt effective enforcement programs . V+Cwzc^j  
  如果司机完全无视交通法,法律实施部门不能采取有效的实施程序,交通法就没有一点儿作用。 _u{c4U0,  
212. Agricultural modernization cannot be achieved unless the government substantially increases funding ; farmers accept advanced agronomic techniques ; and consumers engaged in a concerted effort to reduce unnecessary and exorbitant waste . Sl-v W  
  除非政府大幅度地增加投资;农民接受高级的农业技术;消费者共同努力减少不必要的过度的浪费,农业现代化就不能实现。 G"X8}:}  
213. Effective flood control is not only necessary , but is also essential for protecting the lives of millions of Chinese citizens . >y.%xK  
  有效地控制洪水不仅是必要的,而且对保护数百万中国公民的生命来说是必不可少的。 '3TW [!m  
214. Simple expressions of indignation are no substitute for meaningful actions to right a wrong . , #U .j  
  仅仅表示愤慨不能取代改正错误的有意义的行动。 -:30:oq  
215. Even modest increases in education allocations are better than none . HHq_ P/'  
  甚至对教育拨款的适度增加都比不增加好。 BhM '@g*  
216. The slightest miscalculations in trajectory can spell doom for a successful space mission . /I)yU>o  
  对轨道的细小的计算错误可以意味着对成功的太空任务的灭顶之灾。 w4W_iaU  
217. Anyone with one eye and half sense ( common sense ) knows that good prevails over evil . \"CZI<=TB  
  任何一个有一只眼睛和一半判断力(常识)的人都知道邪不压正。 0G7K8`a  
218. It is impossible to reach appropriate conclusions without access to relevant information . ?*?RP)V  
  没有相关的信息不可能得出相关的结论。 (>`5z(X  
219. The fact remains that the consequences of drug misuse and abuse can be devastating upon the entire community . ][W_[0v  
  实际情况仍然是误用和滥用药物的后果对整个社会都会是破坏性的。 vhsk 0$f   
220. Respect is given where respect is due . p"l3e9&'j  
  尊敬只给予值得尊敬的人。 @;<ht c  
221. It really doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white , but instead whether or not it can catch the mouse . *Ho/ZYj3  
  猫是黑是白真的不重要,重要的是它是不是能抓老鼠。 q4}PM[K?=\  
222. Whatever the outcome , we must resolutely proceed with our odjective . z"+Mrew  
  无论结果如何,我们必须坚定地继续为目标而努力。 Ps%qfL\  
223. However great the will to achieve , and however great the demand to succeed , one should never abandon his/her moral and social consciousness . n) k1  
  无论成功的决心多么坚定,成功的要求多么强烈,一个人永远不能丧失他/她的道德和社会觉悟。 aYuD>rD  
224. However pressing the need and urgency of the problem one should not proceed without a plausible plan . oqLfesV~  
  无论需要多么紧迫,问题多么紧急,一个人不能没有看似有理的计划就开始行动。 JJ{9U(`_y6  
225. Pising crime is often cited as a prime example of mounting social decay . L=q+|j1>  
  犯罪的上升经常被当作越来越严重的社会倒退的主要例子。 0 ;b[QRmy  
226. Bill Gates , founder of Microsoft , is a classic example of success . K4]g[z  
  微软的创始人比尔?盖茨是成功的经典范例。  .&9 i  
227. Persistence pays off ! A case in point centers on the ongoing negotiations and anticipated eminent resolution of the Middle East peace process . \3'9Uz,OC  
  坚持不懈能取得好结果!一个恰当的例子是正在进行的关于中东和平进程的谈判和预期达成的引人注目的决议。 tID%}Zv  
228. The advertisement is a perfect example of misleading content designed to fool consumers . _~rI+lA  
  广告是为愚弄消费者而设计的误导内容的很好的例子。 6ezS{Q  
229. The land for peace deal represents a concrete agreement which will end conflict and bring stability to the Middle East . rg{9UVj  
  达成和平协议的余地代表一个具体的协定,它将结束争端,给中东带来稳定。 )(tM/r4`c&  
230. We should gather additional facts to support exisiting evidence and illustrate the correctness of the contention . lY{FSGp  
  我们需要收集更多的事实支持现有的证据,并证明论点的正确性。 =QK$0r]c'k  
231. A few more examples should be added to highlight the already familiar facts . /[6j)HIS  
  还需要增加几个例子强调已经很熟悉的真相。 mwY IJy[  
232. We can cite Nelson Mandela's experience as an excellent example of overcoming adversity . txcf=)@>V  
  我们可以把纳尔逊?曼德拉的经历作为克服困境的很好的例子。 e"'#\tSG  
233. History abounds with great men worthy of adulation and emulation . @BrMl%gV  
  历史上有很多值得称赞和效法的伟人。 =xNv\e  
234. I , for one , will steadfastly resist any attempts to justify violence as a means to an end . Ov UI@,Ef  
  拿我来说,我会坚决抵制任何证明暴力是达到目的的一种正当手段的企图。 o99pHW(E  
235. Take the " Gang of Four " as an example of a group of zealots who attempted to usurp power to serve their own purposes . +&Hr4@pgW  
  以四人帮为例,他们是一群企图篡权为自己的目的服务的狂热者。 +J{0 E  
236. Racial cleansing serves as a case in point to illustrate the lengths some people will go to prove their superiority . mk3_  
  种族清洗是恰当的例子,用来说明一些人为了证明他们的优越性而走了多远。 9elga"4:'  
237. We can safely assume that the indiscriminate acts of our generation will have an adverse impact on future generations . P%#*-zCCx  
  我们可以万无一失地想当然认为我们这一代人任意的行为将给未来的人造成负面的影响。 k51Eyy50(  
238. Recurring themes are readily discernible in the annals of history . There's little doubt that history does , in fact , repeat itself . zO V=9"~{  
  在历史纪录上完全可以找到重复的主题。实际上,毫无疑问,历史会重演。 0]D{V a  
239. Numerous examples might be cited to support fallacious claims , but they most often lack a relevance to the issue under discussion . f8SL3+v  
  可能有很多例子支持错误的主张,但它们经常缺少和正在讨论的问题的相关性。 v3GwD0 0  
240. I can think of nothing better than a nice cold beer on a hot summer afternoon . /sr2mt-Q  
  在夏季炎热的下午,我想不出什么东西比一杯冰凉可口的啤酒更好。 } g3+{\x8  
241. Perhaps there's no better example of high-level corruption than the case of former Beijing Mayor Chen Xitong . 52. >+GC  
  也许没有比前北京市市长陈希同更好的高层腐败的例子。 iA0q_( \X  
242. The airliner crash is seen as merely the tip of an iceberg . [kqYfY?K  
  这次飞机坠落被看作仅仅是冰山一角(只是其中的一个例子) #-8\JEn  
243. The importance of exercise to good health is only one example of aspects of life people most often take for granted . Cn>ADWpT&  
  锻炼对健康的重要性只是生活中人们想当然的事情的一个例子。 aA'|Rg,  
244. Just imagine how great the word would be if we would only exhibit greater concern for our fellowman . K"u NxZ  
  想象一下如果我们稍微多关心一下我们的同胞,世界将变得多美好。 <BSc* 9Q  
245. Suppose we're on a ship that hits an iceberg . Do we flip a coin to see who gets the seat on the lifeboat , or do we resort to violence to ensure our self-preservation ? 5OO'v07b  
  假设我们在一艘撞到冰山的船上。我们会抛硬币决定谁上救生船,还是会诉诸暴力以求得自保。 8scc%t7  
246. Let's just assume that we've been lifelong friends and while you have food , I have none . Would you share your good fortune with me , or would you let me starve ? k"g._|G  
  假设我们是一生的朋友,你有食物,而我没有。你会和我分享食物还是会让我饿死? gr-fXZO  
247. Just think of what would happen if one nuclear power launched a preemptive on another . I+ es8  
  试想一下一个核大国先发制人会出现什么情况。 H33i*][H  
248. There are many avenues to explore before we reach a final decision . tX!n sm1  
  在我们做出最后决定之前有很多可以探索的途径。  e(NL X`  
249. It is rare to find a person willing to totally abandon the comforts of life simply to help others . 6YuY|JD  
  一个人仅仅为了帮助别人而愿意完全放弃生活的舒适是很罕见的。 .XkMk|t8  
250. We should point out that the evidence is purely circumstantial . goJ|oi  
  我们应该指出,证据完全是依情况而定的。 RNPbH.  
251. We must admit that the overwhelming volume of indisputable circumstantial evidence far outweighed the presumption of innocence . \m=?xb8 f  
  我们必须承认,大量无可辩驳的详尽的证据远远压倒了关于清白的假设。 k|BHnj  
252. We have to accept the facts no matter how astonishing they might sound . q~L^au8  
  无论它们听上去多么让人诧异,我们都必须接受这些事实。 kD) $2I?  
253. We must point out that feigning ignorance of the plight of poverty-stricken people is simply an irresponsible act on the part of ignorance . v|ox!0:#  
  我们必须指出,假装不知道穷人的困境完全是出于无知的不负责任的表现。 ;. wX@  
254. The apparent success of this summer's flood control effort doesn't alter the fact a massive effort will be required to complete the reconstruction program . JlK M+UE :  
  今年夏天的洪水控制取得了明显的胜利,这并不能改变需要付出巨大的努力来完成重建工作这一事实。 ^E6d`2w-  
255. Some people criticize the United Nations for gross financial mismanagement , but their accusations fail to detract from the fact that the greatest portion of the organization's 1997 budget went for humanitaryan assistance programs . LkLN7|  
  有的人批评联合国对总体财政管理不善,但这一组织1997年最大的一部分预算用于人道主义援助,这些人的指控无法从这一事实中得出。 q!f1~aG  
255. Some people criticize the United Nations for gross financial mismanagement , but their accusations fail to detract from the fact that the greatest portion of the organization's 1997 budget went for humanitaryan assistance programs . aZKOY  
  有的人批评联合国对总体财政管理不善,但这一组织1997年最大的一部分预算用于人道主义援助,这些人的指控无法从这一事实中得出。 577:u<Yt  
256. The continuing wanton loss of life provides ample justification for NATO intervention in Kosovo . B/Gd(S`@q  
  大量生命的不断丧失为北约干涉科索沃提供了充足的理由。 "+?Cz !i   
257. Ample evidence exists to prove that hereditary factors contribute to alcoholism . 51# "3S  
  存在丰富的证据证明遗传因素是酗酒的部分原因。 +%N KQ'49I  
258. There is every reason to believe that China's resumption of sovereignty over Macao in 1999 will proceed smoothly . j5 Un1  
  完全有理由相信1999年中国对澳门恢复行使主权将进展顺利。 0W`LVue  
259. There is strong evidence to show that the hole in the Ozone Layer is expanding at an alarming rate . JaWv]@9*  
  有确凿的证据显示臭氧层上的空洞正在以惊人的速度扩大。 2X-l{n;>  
260. All reliable information points to the fact that the Y2K Virus ( Millennium Bug ) will create havoc with computer systems worldwide at the turn of the century . gPzL*6OS A  
  所有可靠的证据表明,2000年病毒(千年虫)在世纪之交的时候会造成全世界计算机系统的混乱。 0aR,H[r[?  
261. Statistical evidence lends support to the view that a massive influx of funding is needed to strengthen crime prevention programs . D\^WXY5e%y  
  统计数据证明加强防止犯罪的工作需要大量资金投入。 ZyR_6n>L$  
262. Personal experience has taught that kindness to others pays untold dividends . `\<37E\N}  
  个人经验告诉我:和善地对待别人会得到数不清的好处。 ig0u^BC  
263. Case histories show that all nations face recurring periods of economic fluctuations . >EXb|vw   
  案例记录表明:所有国家都面临循环出现的经济波动期。 Io2mWvu?5  
264. Personal experience leads me to conclude that all people need to take time to smell the roses ( evaluate and appreciate the many good things they have in their lives ) . RA a[t :|  
  个人经验使我得出这样的结论:所有人都需要有时间放松(评价并欣赏他们生活中许多美好的事物) IGFGa@C  
265. Recent studies conducted by doctors show that excessive exposure to the sun's rays causes skin cancer . OlxX.wP  
  最近医生所做的研究表明:过度暴露在阳光下会致癌。 j2 h[70fWC  
266. Nationwide surveys conducted in 1997 revealed a dramatic rise in the ownership of television sets , refrigerators , air conditioners and washing machines . p4VqV6LwD  
1997年所做的全国范围内的调查显示电视机、电冰箱、空调和洗衣机拥有量大幅升高。 v_PdOp[ k  
267. History tells us that mankind has a tendency to repeat past mistakes . 'ul\Q `N3  
  历史告诉我们人类有重蹈覆辙的趋势。 A%Z)wz{  
268. We have amassed ample objective proof to show the urgent need for crisis intervention in suspected child abuse cases . km: nE: |  
  我们已经积累了充足的客观证据证明急需干涉可疑的虐待儿童的案件。 Jx-wO/  
269. Unfortunately , available evidence fails to establish any direct link between smoking and cancer . Gie@JX  
  不幸的是,现有的证据不能证明抽烟和癌症之间有直接的联系。 xPmN},i'R$  
270. Fortunately , mountains of reliable evidence proves the direct link between smoking and cancer beyond any shadow of the doubt . ned2lC&'d>  
  庆幸的是,大量可靠的证据证明抽烟和癌症有直接联系是毫无疑问的。 K.>wQA&  
271. Television violence has contributed directly to rising crime , as evidenced by statistics showing a dramatic rise in copycat crimes . PfW|77  
  数据显示模仿的犯罪行为有大幅度的增加,这证明电视暴力是犯罪增加的一部分直接原因。 ,<ya@Fi{  
272. The introduction of adcance agronomic techniques has contributed greatly to the development of agriculture , as indicated by statistics showing increased output in each of the past five years . Uhh l3%p  
  数据显示在过去的五年中,每一年的产量都有提高,这表明发达的农业技术的引入对农业发展起到了很大的作用。 /jD-\,:L}  
273. While it may appear that the gap between rich and poor people is narrowing somewhat , recently released evidence suggests that the opposite is true . ~hN~>0O  
  贫富之间的差距看似有一定的缩小,但是最近发布的证据表明事实正好相反。 sLcY,AH  
274. While attaining world peace remains within the realm of possibility , the prevailing trend revolves around regional conflicts and internal strife in many countries . {^q)^<#JT  
  获得世界和平是有可能的,但是普遍的趋势是存在地区冲突和许多国家内部的斗争。 NVIWWX9?  
275. Although statistics are quite often far less reliable than one might wish , other reliable information allows one to closely approximate industrial output figures . pe04#zQK  
  尽管数据经常比人们希望的不可靠得多,但是,其他可靠的信息使人们能得到接近工业产量的数字。 t Y1Et0  
276. Although random sampling used for many surveys fails to cover large segments of the population , the procedure nonetheless offers insight into voting and consumption patterns . 1]4^V7y  
  虽然许多调查所用的随机取样不能覆盖大部分人口,但是这一过程使人们能更深刻地理解选举和消费的模式。 "/%89 HMD  
277. The need for more government services has proved to be the case time and again . (fk5'   
  事实多次证明需要更多的政府服务工作。 *:_~Nn9_R;  
278. The funny thing about marriage is that the newness soon wears off . mv Ov<x;l  
  婚姻的一个可笑之处是新鲜感马上就没有了。 )3E,D~1e%  
279. There are instances when one must abandon the tendency for self-prevention in order to assist a person in grave danger . -$4kBYC l+  
  存在这样的情况:为了帮助处于严重危险中的人,一个人必需抛弃自保的倾向。 z%"Ai)W/{  
280. There are situations in which it's highly advisable for a person to control his/her temper and keep his/her mouth shut . 6* r cR]  
  有些情况下,一个人控制住自己的脾气并保持沉默是明智的。 DvT+`X?R  
281. Gone are the days when Chinese people could expect cradle to death support from the government . v|+5:jFOqb  
  中国人可以指望政府提供从出生到死亡的资助的日子已经不复存在了。 o42`z>~  
282. The days when one could safely walk city streets at night are gone . juno.$ 6  
  一个人可以在夜里安全地走在城市街道上的日子已经过去了。 cx(2jk}6  
283. China's population almost doubled to 1.2 billion people during the 1955-1995 , according to the National Census Bureau . VWvoQf^+  
  根据全国人口普查局的数据,中国人口在1955年至1995年期间几乎翻了一番,增加到12亿。 >BiRk%x  
284. A report by the Department of Education estimates that the student-teacher ratio in China is four times higher than in the United States . Gt^d;7x ]  
  教育部的一份报告估计中国的学生和老师的比例比美国高四倍。 M9"Sgb`g  
285. Official figures released by the Ministry of Transportation show that motor vehicle fatalities have more than tripled since 1995 . wGXwzU  
  交通部公布的官方数据表明机动车死亡事故从1995年起已经翻了两番多。 ! Cb=B  
286. Women accounted for less than two percent of the total number of deputies to the National People's Congress in 1990 , compared with almost 12 percent in 1998 . ePA;:8)_j  
1990年,全国人民代表大会的妇女代表所占比例不到总人数的2%1998年大约是12% vl5){@   
287. Some 140 major state-owned companies have either declared bankruptcy or entered into mergers during 1998 , up a whopping 75 percent on the total number for the 10-year period between 1985-1995 . mTj m92  
1998年,已经有大约140个大的国有公司宣布破产或被兼并,与1985年到1995年这十年间的总数相比超出75% @l >Xnqx)  
288. China's illiteracy rate has dropped by some 60 percent over the past few years , but nonetheless remains at one of the highest levels for any developing nation . P4%>k6X  
  在过去的几年中,中国的文盲率下降了约60%,但仍是发展中国家中较高的。 /yK"t< p  
289. The steady three-year annual rise in the export rate between 1995-1997 has been followed by steadily failling prices during 1998 and the trend is expected to continue indefinitely . ~I$}#  
1995年到1997年,出口率持续稳定增长之后,1998年,价格稳步下跌,预计这一趋势会无限期地持续下去。 %cj58zO |y  
290. It is essential to examine every angle in order to fully understand the nature of a perplexing problem . BJIQ zn3  
  为了全面理解一个复杂问题的本质,必须从每个角度进行考查。 "?H+ u/ 8$  
291. We must engage in thorough discussions in order to gain a better sence of the most appropriate and effective way to proceed with the project . aL )Hv k:  
  我们必须进行充分的讨论,以便更好地理解继续实施计划最合适和有效的途径。 /co%:}ln  
292. We must develop a foolproof argument in order to effectively illustrate the urgency of implement stringent environmental protection measures . qy9i9$8  
  为了有力地证明贯彻严格的环境保护措施的紧迫性,我们必须进行简单明了的论证。 RZ6~c{  
293. A comparative analysis of the positive and negative aspects of the Three Gorges Project will perhaps provide us with a better sense of the eventual impact of the massive water control program . F@<MT<TRf  
  三峡工程利弊的对比分析可能会使我们更清楚地认识这一庞大的治水工程的最终影响。 +S0u=u65  
294. Incompatibility provides only a partial explanation for the rising divorce rate . Perhaps the most significant factors center on abuse , the immaturity of one spouse or the other , and quite simply the lack of things in common . xMsGs  
  不能和谐相处只是不断升高的离婚率的部分原因。最重要的因素可能是某一方的陋习和不成熟,以及仅仅因为缺乏共同的东西。 0x#E4v (UA  
295. The success of a company is directly related to the competency of its managers . DPeVKyjU  
  一个公司的成功与它的管理人员的能力直接相关。 F(0Z ]#+  
296. Mental disorientation is but one of the many effects of alcohol consumption . Another is anti-social behavior , and still another is physical deterioration . -$L(y@%X^  
  将神上的迷惑只是喝酒的众多后果之一,另一后果是反社会的行为,还有体质下降。 >;}] pI0T  
297. Apart from providing sheer enjoyment , music provides one with the opportunity to escape the daily pressures of life and enter an aesthetic world of sensual pleasure . J";=d4Sd  
  音乐除了带来纯粹的享受,还提供机会逃避日常生活的压力,进入一个感官享受的审美世界。 jJ-d/"(   
298. In spite of the costs involved space exploration is absolutely necessary to solve the puzzles of the Universe . U#"WrWj  
  尽管太空探索代价很高,但它对于揭开宇宙之谜来说是完全需要的。 TK %< a/  
299. On the one hand , technological advances yield beneficial results , while on the other they create problems which threaten our very existence . qm}\?_  
  一方面,技术进步产生有益的结果,但另一方面,也制造了危及我们生存的问题。 -$m@*L  
300. There are other social factors worth serious considerations in evaluating those special behaviors . )-)pYRlO  
  在评价这些特殊行为时,需要考虑其他的一些社会因素。 L6kZ2-6  









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