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主题 : 浙江大学考博真题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-01-24   
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2012年浙大英语真题。。。 `G<|5pe  
第一题 food resource under pressure @ [<B:Tqo  
第二题 microsofts’ vision of future :OD-L)Or  
第三题 plant fever %g7B*AX]  
第四题 morden building and health .|/VD'xV"  
第五题 sporting activities ]owcx=5q%'  
Sporting activities are essentially forms of hunting behavior. Viewed biologically, the modern foot-baller is in reality a member of a hunting group. His killing weapon has turned into a harmless football and his prey into a goal-mouth. If his aim is accurate and he scores a goal, he enjoys the hunter’s triumph of killing his prey. xsRu~'f  
  To understand how this transformation has taken place we must briefly look back at our forefathers. They spent over a million years evolving as cooperative hunters. Their very survival depended on success in the hunting-field. Under this pressure their whole way of life, even their bodies, became greatly changed. |6w {%xC?"  
  They became chasers, runners, jumpers, aimers, throwers and prey-killers. They cooperated as skillful male-group attackers. " XlXu  
  Then about ten thousand years ago, after this immensely long period of hunting their food, they became farmers. Their improved intelligence, so vital to their old hunting life, was put to a new use - that of controlling and domesticating their prey. The hunt became suddenly out of date. The food was there on the farms, awaiting their needs. The risks and uncertainties of the hunt were no longer essential for survival. (BZd%!  
  The skills and thirst for hunting remained, however, and demanded new outlets. Hunting for sport replaced hunting for necessity. This new activity involved all the original hunting sequences but the aim of the operation was no longer to avoid starvation. Instead the sportsmen set off to test their skill against preys that were no longer essential to they survival. To be sure, the kill may have been eaten but there were other simpler ways of obtaining a meaty meal. L YMb)=u]  
FJIo] p  
D.1. The author uses the example of the football game to tell us ____. n=%D}W  
  A) sporting activities are forms of biological developments Df}3^J~JX  
  B) the difference between sports and hunting a!mdL|eA@  
  C) the reason why man used to go in for hunting ,H5o/qNU`{  
  D) sporting activities have actually evolved from hunting GQ1m h*4$  
C.2. In hunting what is equivalent to a goal-mouth in football match is ____. wQrD(Dv(yA  
  A) a killing weapon !UX7R\qu|  
  B) a hunting field VRvX^w0  
  C) a prey gFw- P#t  
  D) a member of a hunting group FfibR\dhY  
A.3. According to the author, our ancestors survived as hunters for over a million years basically through their ____. &h?8yV4B  
  A) common sense ^e:rRk7 &  
  B) cooperation 4/QQX;w  
  C) farming knowledge skBzwVW I  
  D) adventures lKLb\F%  
A.4. The world "activity"(Line 2, Para.5) refers to ____. c3|/8  
  A) sporting activities ez^b{s`  
  B) domesticating wild animals (!dwUB  
  C) growing crops @EGUQ|WL^  
  D)hunting Kv#TJn  
A.5. Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of this passage? 42 &m)  
  A) Sporting activities satisfy the desire of modern men to practice hunting skills which the forefathers developed for survival. Yc~c(1VRz  
  B) It is farming that brings human into close contact with nature. %|gj46  
  C) Sporting activities are vital to human existence because they excuse humans from risks and uncertainties. 5JA5:4aev  
  D) It is farming that makes hunting completely out of date and unnecessary. = RQ\i6Y  
= ms o1  
参考译文: DX4"}w  
  追根溯源,体育运动是由狩猎活动演变而来的。从生物学的角度来讲,现代足球运动员实际上就相当于猎队中的成员,只是捕杀猎物的武器变成了没有杀伤力的足球,猎物变成了球门。如果球员射门准确,进球得分,便能享受到猎人成功捕杀猎物那一刻胜利的喜悦。 q)KLf\  
  要理解狩猎活动是如何转变为体育运动的,我们必须简略地回顾一下祖先的生活方式。100多万年以来,我们的祖先以集体狩猎为生,慢慢繁衍。他们的生死正是取决于猎场上的成败。在如此大的生存压力之下,祖先们的整个生活方式,甚至生理结构都发生了极大的改变。 X?Z#k~JR  
  他们开始追逐、奔跑、跳跃、射击、投掷和屠宰。男人们组成猎队,运用猎术,合作狩猎。 gj<Y+Dv>  
  为了食物而狩猎的漫长岁月过去之后,大约在1万年以前,祖先们开始从事牧业。对旧时狩猎生活至关重要的智力也得以提高,并派上了新的用场-驯养猎物。一时间,狩猎变得过时了。食物就在农场上,随需随取。风险不定的狩猎对生存不再是至关重要了。 {-kV~p  
  但是,狩猎的技能和对狩猎的渴望仍然保留了下来,只是需要一些新的方式来满足这种渴望。于是现代运动代替了狩猎活动。这种新的活动涉及到古代狩猎的所有步骤,只不过活动的目的不再是为了充饥果腹,而是为了校验运动员们捕杀猎物的技能-这些猎物对他们的生存也不再必不可少。诚然,猎手会吃掉猎物,但他们有其它更为简便的方法获取美餐 ^fbw0  
这是一篇阅读理解原文 8A3!XA  
Television——the most pervasive and persuasive of modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth-is moving into a new era, an era of extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our world. It is an electronic revolution of sorts, made possible by the marriage of television and computer technologies. Z|dng6ck  
  The word "television", derived from its Greek (tele: distant) and Latin (visio: sight) roots, can literally be interpreted as sight from a distance. Very simply put, it works in this way: through a sophisticated system of electronics, television provides the capability of converting an image (focused on a special photoconductive plate within a camera) into electronic impulses, which can be sent through a wire or cable. These impulses, when fed into a receiver (television set), can then be electronically reconstituted into that same image. 4e5 5  
  Television is more than just an electronic system, however. It is a means of expression, as well as a vehicle for communication, and as such becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings. (vqI@fB';u  
  The field of television can be divided into two categories determined by its means of transmission. First, there is broadcast television, which reaches the masses through broad-based airwave transmission of television signals. Second, there is nonbroadcast television, which provides for the needs of individuals or specific interest groups through controlled transmission techniques. Bi|XdS$G  
  Traditionally, television has been a medium of the masses. We are most familiar with broadcast television because it has been with us for about thirty-seven years in a form similar to what exists today. During those years, it has been controlled, for the most part, by the broadcast networks, ABC, NBC, and CBS, who have been the major purveyors of news, information, and entertainment. These giants of broadcasting have actually shaped not only television but our perception of it as well. We have come to look upon the picture tube as a source of entertainment, placing our role in this dynamic medium as the passive viewer. b|z_1j6U  
全文翻译: Lv`NS+fX  
  电视电视——以快速变化与发展为标志的最普遍、最具有影响力的一项现代技术,正在步 入一个极端复杂化与多样化的新时代。 ^qD@qJ  
  这个时代承诺重新塑造我们的生活和我们的世界。 这可以称得上是又一次电子革命,其关键在于电视技术与计算机技术的结合。“电视”这个词 来源于希腊语词根(tele:远)和拉丁语词根(vision:景象),可以从字面上理解为来自远处的 景象。 'dTg\ Qv  
} I;5yk,o  
  简单说来,电视是以这种方式工作的,通过一个复杂的电子系统,电视能够将一幅 图像(这幅图像被聚焦在一部摄像机内的一块特殊的光导底片上)转换成能经过导线或电缆 发送出去的电子脉冲信号。 ;p}X]e l }  
  当这些电子脉冲信号被输入一部接收机(电视机)时,就可以用 电子学的方法把脉冲信号重新恢复成同一幅图像。但是,电视不仅仅是一个电子系统,它还是一种表达工具和传播渠道。 因此,电视成了一个对其他人发生影响的强大工具。电视这 个领域可以根据其发射方式分为两类。 yxU??#v|g  
  第一类为广播电视,通过电视信号的宽带无线电波 发射展现在大众面前;第二类为非广播电视,使用受控的发射技术来满足个人以及某些特殊利益群体的需要。电视早已成为大众媒介。 我们熟悉广播电视,因为广播电视已经以类似 目前的方式存在了大约 37 年。 ]rP'\a  
dJ0qg_ U&  
  在那些年头中,电视绝大部分一直由 ABC、NBC、CBS 这 些广播电视公司控制着,这些广播电视公司一直是新闻、信息和娱乐的主要提供者。这些广播业的巨头实际上不仅塑造了电视,而且也塑造了我们对电视的理解。我们渐渐把显像 管看作是娱乐的来源,让自己成为这个生动的媒介的被动观众。 \.7O0Q{  
^7l^ /GSO  
From childhood to old age, we all use language as a means of broadening our knowledge of ourselves and the world about us. When humans first (1), they were like newborn children, unable to use this (2) tool. Yet once language developed, the possibilities for human kind's future (3) and cultural growth increased. W~&PGmRI  
    Many linguists believe that evolution is( 4) for our ability to produce and use language. They( 5) that our highly evolved brain provides us (6) an innate language ability not found in lower (7) . Proponents of this innateness theory say that our (8) for language is inborn, but that language itself develops gradually, (9) a function of the growth of the brain during childhood. Therefore there are critical (10) times for language development. +o\s |G|l  
    Current (11) of innateness theory are mixed, however, evidence supporting the existence of some innate abilities is undeniable. (12) , more and more schools are discovering that foreign languages are best taught in (13) grades. Young children often can learn several languages by being (14) to them, while adults have a much harder time learning another language once the (15) of their first language have become firmly fixed. z<rYh96uA  
    (16) some aspects of language are undeniably innate, language does not develop automatically in a vacuum. Children who have been( 17 )from other human beings do not possess language. This demonstrates that (18) with other human beings is necessary for proper language development. Some linguists believe that this is even more basic to human language (19) than any innate capacities. These theorists view language as imitative, learned behavior. (20) , children learn language from their parents by imitating them. Parents gradually shape their child's language skills by positively reinforcing precise imitations and negatively reinforcing imprecise ones. i+z;tF`  
n  xc35  
B.1.A.generated B.evolved C.born D.originated K&WNtk3hT  
B.2.A.valuable B.appropriate C.convenient D.favorite S2jO  
D.3.A.attainments B.feasibility C.entertainments D.evolution jJm g9&^R  
A.4.A.essential B.available C.reliable D.responsible "c  S?t  
A.5.A.confirm B.inform C.claim D.convince S}rW=hO  
D.6.A.for B.from C.of D.with .7HnWKUV  
B.7.A.organizations B.organisms C.humans D.children cO#e AQf7  
A.8.A.potential B.performance C.preference D.passion v&>TU(x\H  
A.9.A.as B.just as C.like D.unlike i*JbFukG  
B.10.A.ideological B.biological C.social D.psychological }Dig'vpMx  
A.11.A.reviews B.reference C.reaction D.recommendation o9:GKc  
C.12.A.In a word B.In a sense C.Indeed D.In other words 3??*G8Yp  
D.13.A.various B.different C.the higher D.the lower % DQ.f*%  
A.14.A.revealed B.exposed C.engaged D.involved o >=YoG  
D.15.A.regulations B.formations C.rules D.constitutions  psg}sl/  
A.16.A.Although B.Whether C.Since D.When q1nGj  
D.17.A.distinguished B.different C.protected D.isolated ~?pF'3q  
D.18.A.exposition B.comparison C.contrast D.interaction 6' M"-9?G  
A.19.A.acquisition B.appreciation C.requirement D.alternative nJTV@m XVq  
B.20.A.As a result B.After all C.In other words D.Above all ql%>)k /x  
}31z 35  
VY'#>k} }  
    【答案与解析】 urHQb5|T}  
    1. B  此处意为:当人类刚刚开始进化,他们如同新生儿一样不会运用语言这种工具。 vXnTPjbE  
    evolved逐渐发展,进化符合题意。generated生殖,发展;born (bear的过去分词)不能作谓语动词;originated起源,不能用first修饰。 n8zh;vuJ  
    2. A  根据语法分析,答案应用来修饰语言的。valuable珍贵的;appropriate合适的,适当的;convenient方便的,便利的;favorite最喜欢的。语言并不是人类选择的结果,而是人类在进化过程中慢慢发展起来的,对人类来说,应当是珍贵的。  a$I; L  
V #W(c_g  
    3. A  此处意思是:语言的发展增加了人类未来的成就和文化进步的可能性。attainments成就;feasibility可行性;entertainments娱乐;evolution进化。 AZ5c^c)  
    4. D  此处意为:许多语言学家认为进化使人们产生和具备了语言的能力。固定短语be responsible for对……负责,是……的原由。其它选项不与for搭配。 &X^~%\F:2  
    5. C  根据语法分析,空格后应是一个宾语从句,而A,B,D三项后都不能接从句做直接宾语。confirm(确认) 名词;inform(通知)sb.of sth.;convince(使某人确信) sb.of sth. =,I,K=+_x  
<;x+ ?j  
    6. D  固定搭配provide sb.with sth.意为"向(人)提供(物)" oZ%t!Fl1  
    7. B  此处意为:我们高度发达的大脑是我们具备了其它低等动物所不具备的语言能力。显然,这里是把人和低等动物相比较。因此选organisms有机体,生物体。 W"|89\p}  
z@VY s  
K ^H=E  
    8. A  此句意思是:人类的语言能力是与生俱来的,但语言本身也在逐渐发展,所以这种能力应该是潜在的。potential潜力;performance履行;preference偏爱;passion激情。 2`t4@T  
    9. A  此句句义是:语言本身作为童年时期大脑生长的一种功能,其发展是缓慢的。as (作为,当作)合乎题意。Like作为介词的意思是"像……一样"。 Kd;| Z  
    10. B  此句意为:语言的发展有一个关键期,人体的成长是生物变化的过程。biological生物的;ideological思想上的;social社会的;psychological心理的。 Z/hSH 0(~  
y S7[=S  
    11. A  此处意为:目前人们对"先天论"评论观点不一,但是支持某些天生能力的证据却是确凿无疑的。reviews评论;reference参考;reaction反应;recommendation推荐。 yYWGM  
Cb.~Dv !  
    12. C  从11题可看出,作者是倾向于先天论的,为了进一步证明先天论是有道理的,作者选择了以学校为例加以说明,因此这里应填一个表示递进关系的词Indeed(甚至)。 ^5u}   
    13. D  此处意思是:越来越多的学校发现在什么年级学外语较容易,根据常识(低年级学外语较容易)以及后文的Young children often can learn several languages by being 14 to them, while adults…可以选定答案。 z7{b>oub('  
QS_" fsyN:  
    14. B  此处意为:通过接触多种语言,孩子们可以学会好几种语言。be exposed to是固定搭配,接触到。reveal(显露)sth.to sb,不合题意,因本题中的them指languages。其余选项不与to搭配。engage in从事;be involved in参与。 $}W=O:L+D  
(EuHQ &<^9  
    15. C  此句意思是:一旦母语的规则被深深印入脑海中,成年人就很难再学好另一种语言。rules规则,规律;regulations规定;formations构成,构造;constitutions宪法,章程。 t1g)Y|@d  
    16. A  分析上下文的逻辑关系,从句意思是:语言的某些方面肯定是先天的。主句意思是:语言不会在与人隔绝的状况下自行发展。前后应为转折关系。 WZ@nuK.39T  
6BLw 4m=h  
    17. D  此句意为:与人隔绝的儿童不能掌握好一门语言。isolated孤立的,与人隔绝的;distinguished区别的,杰出的;different不同的;protected受到保护的。 <d$|~qS_  
n/S 1Hae`  
    18. D  此句总结前几句,意为:必须通过与他人交往,语言才能够发展。interaction相互作用;exposition暴露;comparison比较;contrast对比。 o}7`SYn  
    19. A  根据分析,本句中的"this"和"even more basic"分别指代上句的"interaction with other human beings"和"necessary",此处所填词对应上文中的language development。也就是说,language acquisition语言习得。appreciation欣赏,感激;requirement要求;alternative转移,转变,转换。 ~WehG<p v[  
sR +=<u1  
    20. C  本句功能是以另一种方式解释前文中的"imitative, learned behavior.(模仿性的后天行为)"。In other words换言之,换句话说;As a result结果是;After all毕竟;Above all首先。 pDCQ?VW  
bh3}[O,L A  
【翻译】 sZFjkfak  
    从童年到老年,我们都把语言作为一种手段去拓展我们关于自己和周围世界的知识。当人类开始进化时,他们就像新生儿,无法使用这个有价值的工具。然而自从语言得到发展,人类未来的成就以及文化得到发展的可能性也随之增加了。 &^{HD }/{b  
很多语言学家相信我们制造和使用语言的能力是进化而来的。他们认为,我们高度进化的大脑,为我们提供了一种天生的、还没有在低等生物体身上发现的语言能力。这种天赋理论的支持者认为,我们语言的潜能是天生的,但是语言作为童年时期大脑发育的一项功能,是逐渐发展的。因此语言发展需要一段关键的生理发展期。 + ( `  
目前,关于天赋理论的评论毁誉参半。但是,能够证明一些天生的能力确实存在的证据是不容辩驳的。实际上,越来越多的学派发现,最好是在低年级教授外语。小孩子总是能学到他们看到的多种语言。然而对于成人来说,学另一门语言就要难得多了,因为第一语言的语法规则已经在他们的心里根深蒂固了。 k/u6Cw0/  
虽然语言的一些因素是天生的这无可争辩,但语言却不能脱离实际而自动发展。曾与其他人类隔绝的儿童并没有语言。这就说明了和他人之间的相互影响对于适当的语言发展来说是必要的。一些语言学家认为,相互影响比任何天生的能力都能对人类语言习得起到基础作用。  .]k+hc`  
cX> a>U  









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