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主题 : 英语作文闪光句+漂亮搭配大汇总
级别: 中级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-02-04   
来源于 考博资料 分类


一、开头类: 8VxjC1v+  
语文作文常言题好一半文,英语也一样,好的开头也就是一篇成功作文的一半,a good beginningis half done, 想想阅卷老师要批全年级的许多作文,如果每篇上来都像串通好了一样的I think I think,这会是如何郁闷的感觉=  =always put yourself in the other’s shoes, 写作文的时候也要换位思考,替批分的老师想想阿四。如果这个老师,在进行了一上午枯燥的批阅过程后,猛然间,读到一个缤纷绚烂的开头,被深深shock到,被deeply impressed, 那会是何等的惊艳!下面就来欣赏一些容易吸引眼球的闪亮开头。 J\VG/)E  
开头公式一:名人名言+谚语俗语 $Hh3*reSg-  
有人问了,我没有记住名言,怎么办?尤其是英语名言?,很好办:编! 尽管编! 但是一定要听起来很有道理呦!而且没准将来我们就是名人呢!对吧?不过要记住,一篇120字左右的作文里,出现1-2句名言点缀一下即可,切忌为求华丽生搬硬套,那样只会成为你的累赘,在老师眼里也只是一种显摆的行为,不讨巧。 X2^`Znq9  
在用到名言的时候,大致有这么4种写 Z \Qa6f!  
1.A proverb says…… YaI8hj@}  
2.It goes without saying that …… 9U$n;uA  
3.As a classic proverb goes that ……(推荐!as a proverb/saying goes几乎人人会用,但加上个classic味道一下子就不一样了!) O {u^&V]  
4.thereis much truth in the saying “……”(俗话说得好…… g|L" |Q  
5.cited as saying“……” 援引……的话(这个比较漂亮,用的人也相对较少,推荐!) "9mJ$us  
推荐背诵的名人名言+谚语:   k=L(C^VP  
在论述努力学习一类的作文中可用到以下这些 B^`'2$3  
Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。(强调多做练习的重要性…… wa/ :JE  
Wherethere is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。(学习要坚持不懈)
It's never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。 57W4E{A  
Ajourney of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行始于足下。(强调脚踏实地的重要性) DY]\@<ez  
Actionspeaks louder than words. 行动胜过语言。(学习,是要去做的)
Experienceis the mother of wisdom. 实践出真知(做学问要实践) 2pa: 3O  
Rome was not built in a day. 伟业非一日之功。(学习是个积累的过程) ,jVj9m  
One false step will make a great difference. 失之毫厘,谬之千里。(强调治学要严谨) 2Hltgt,  
An idle闲散的 youth, a needy贫困的 age. 壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。(不好好学习你就悲剧了)
As aman sows, so shall he reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。(声明天道酬勤的真理)
All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 只工作不休息,聪明孩子也变傻。(也要说说学习不能过度) ^ ]Mlkd:  
下面就来看看关于外表的一些名句+谚语 5 \1C@d  
Beauty will buy no beef. 漂亮不能当饭吃。
Beautyis only skin-deep. 美貌不过一张皮    
Beauty without virtue is like a rose without fragrance. 无德之美犹如无香之玫瑰,徒有其表。 h|z{ (v  
Good looks are not a must. 美貌并非必需 ZLK@x.=  
A fine coat does not make a gentleman. 衣着并不能装扮出一个君子 QvB]?D#h  
Never judge a book by its cover. 不可以貌取人 hN% h.;s  
c o}o$}  
开头公式二:数字统计,用报告说话 %) -5'l<  
要想更有说服力,就应该用实际的数字来说明。 <cTusC<  
1.According to a recent survey, ?<@yo&)  
2. Arecent statistics shows that ……
3. A recent survey revealedthat …… )2c[]d /a4  
开头公式三:描述身边现象/生活现状/社会现象 (bP\_F5D  
在写到一些要求对某类热点民生话题的作文时,开头可以这样写 d9/YW#tm  
1. An increasing number of people are beginning to realizethat ……(比如意识到环保、节能、低碳的重要性) &^-quzlZ  
2.Many individuals, if not the most, harbor the idea that …… (比较高阶的一种,词漂亮又有插入语,推荐!) ~ ;aSE  
3. Now, it is generally accepted/commonly thought that …… ?cQ  
4.There is a growingtendency for …… to do …………开始呈现上升趋势) z1oikg:?4  
5. Nowadays, many people are livingunder the idea/illusion/thoughtthat …… ^s'ozCk 0  
6.…… has caused wide public concern recent years(描述某件引起广泛关注的话题时) nU Oy-c  
7.There is a general debate on/over ……Heated/hotdebates have been stirred up these day/recently(写到有争议的话题时) R!7emc0T  
8. …… is now being questioned by more and more/a increasingnumber of people(写到某些举措不得人心,或者你持反对态度的时候,可以这么写) 1zE_ SNx  
Y4PU~ l  
开头公式四:介绍某些人、事、物 E|2klA^+*  
1.When speaking of/When it comes to ……(万能公式) AuZ?~I1  
2. ……described as ……is …… yQQ[_1$pq  
e.g. Microblog,described as an entire new form ofcommunication, has now caught on quickly among teenagers by enabling the usersto update their latest status within just a few words. _"`wUMee  
3. It seems that …… is ……sweeping the world/catching on/becoming popular overnight(比如说说科技的飞速发展,电脑、网络的兴起等等) [MM11K  
4. For many/most of us, …… is ……
e.g.For most of us, a drink of water is just a matter of turning on a tap.
开头公式五:气势磅礴的排比 %v++AcE  
1.For ……,it is …… .For ……, it is …… .And for ……it is……(从多方面多角度去描述你要写的东西,前两个要为第三个蓄势,观点最后亮) }-{l(8-  
e.g. For baseball fans, 2009 was the year of the Yankees. Forjob seekers, it was the year of the Great Recession. And for people who track baby names, it was the year of the vampire.
2. What do you …… but ……?What …… but ……What …… but ……(在想要勾起读者兴趣,增强文章互动性时可用这个,不同于上句的层层递进式,这个句式偏重三句并列) rn1FCJ<;H  
e.g.What do you use every single day, butnever pay for? What is truly yours but came from somewhere else? What is very personal but shared with everyone? The answer? It’s your name. Ba Ih,iu  
3. …… is a ……a ……, a ……(递进式) Yyl2J#$!  
e.g.First love, is a surge of adrenalin,a rush of blood, a thing of innocence and pain that lasts a lifetime. &o/&T{t}  
初恋是情感巨浪的汹涌,是情感在热血中的奔流,是情感纯真的表露,亦是一生中永恒的伤痛 UP:+1Sp9  
开头公式六:回忆式开头 ~S Js2- 2  
回忆式的写法的作用就相当于语文中的倒叙,用你的开头将读者带回到当时的情景,用在叙述一件事情的作文中效果尤其好 %j=E}J<H5*  
1. I never forget/remember/bear in mind the …… day when …… ~AuvB4xe~  
e.g. I never forget the sweet day when wewalked down the street hand in hand. qv3L@"Ub  
2. I remember some words said by +某位名人或熟知的人 Uc e#v)  
e.g. I remember somewords by the third President of the United States, …… & Qghm  o  
3. Once upon a time …… was just a……(用于强调某人某物今非昔比时) 9&}qie,  
e.g. Once upon a time Liubei was just a peddler selling strawsandals. ~I/7{B|yX  
曾经刘备也只是个卖草鞋的小贩 {U=za1Ga  
4. There was a time when I/we/you did sth a(Z" }m  
e.g. Therewas a time when we met with a series of disasters but we didn’t let go our hope. y)U8\  
5. There are veryfew things/people Itruly love/hate in life.few表达你对该事物的特殊感情,再用truly进一步强调,接着要做的就是开始具体叙述你所要写之事) =}7wpTc,  
Yl1@ gw7  
开头公式七:否定句开头 ' 7>}I{Lq  
有时候否定句起到的强调效果往往要好于肯定句,也更具有文采 8%7H F:  
1. Perhaps no one/nothing else on Earth/in historyhas such a …… as ……(用来强调描写对象的独一无二) A'|W0|R9  
e.g. Perhapsno one else on Earth has such an affinity with the North Pole as Jean-LouisEtienne. #:Cr'U  
也许这个世界上没有人会像Jean-Louis Etienne那样与北极有过如此亲密的接触 {b/60xl?  
2. There aren’t many …… people/teenagers/citizenswho have had the honor/chance to …… aqs']  
e.g. Therearen’t very many UScitizens who have had the honor to meeta president, let alone a kid from a foreign country. 21 cB_"  
3. No…… has received morepraise and abuse than …… 7Yj\*N  
e.g. No invention has received more praise andabuse than computer. TQ@*eoJj  
开头公式八:强大的倒装句 v}[KVwse  
相比前几种开头,倒装句式更能显示一个人的英语功底,同时因为用它的人相对较少,也更能博得阅卷老师欢心 * JO"8iLw  
1.Never before in historyhas the issue of …… been more ……controversial; serious; appealing than now十分强大的一个句式,既有倒装又有双重否定,极力推荐! X+ iA"B  
e.g. Neverbefore in history has the issue of overpopulation been more evident than now. ZWf{!L,@Z  
e.g. Neverbefore in history has the relationship between Chinaand Japan been more hopeful than now. r(vk2Qy  
中日两国关系从没像现在这么乐观过/中日两国关系空前乐观 Ev0V\tl>0  
2. Gone are the days when ……was/were;did/could do(!!!强大句型!抒情记叙说明文通用!此句一出如同必杀> < shn`>=0.&  
e.g. Gone are the dayswhen we strived, we laughed and cried together with Deng. +$},Hu69j  
e.g. Gone are the dayswhen we could release the greenhouse gases without a second thought. >R!^aJ  
开头部分小结: 7\ {<AM?*  
一般大多数情况下能够套用的格式大致有以上这么多种,但所谓水无常形兵无常势,创作的力量是无穷的,在灵感如涌泉,文思如尿崩的时候也不妨用自己独一无二的搭配写出一个独一无二的开头,要知道,作文写到最高境界就是没有公式,自成一派,信手拈来。毕竟人是活的,公式是死的,公式只是为你提供一个结构,就像一块优质的画布,但颜料还得你自己往上涂。 Pn7oQA\  
二、文章内容类: -]'Sy$,A  
光有个漂亮的开头还远远不够哦,文章的中间部分也就是猪肚环节同样要写得充实潇洒,不然配在一个光鲜的开头下面,不但不能相得益彰反而显得干瘪无力,让老师的印象分也骤然下降。那接下来我们就看看如何将这大头部分写得出彩。 , is .{ y  
要在内容部分得高分,用到的技巧大约有这几种:长短句交叉、使用插入语、用词多样准确生动又形象、关键词灵活换用不重复、句型使用多样表述地道 =Z-.4\3  
k7y!! AV  
内容技巧一:华丽丽的长短句 k_}ICKzw1  
写长短句的宗旨,一张一弛,文武之道,一长一短,长句在前短句后,通篇长句累死读者,通篇短句不够刺激,长句华丽短句简洁,穿插着用方为王道 -JwH^*Ad  
这类句子是跟着你行文内容走的,没有什么固定公式可以套,其精髓在于多用从句,顺带着插入一些短语进一步修饰。但一些优秀的长句你可以刻意去学,去模仿,然后灵活运用到自己的文章中去,至于短句部分言简意赅地跟在长句后即可。下面就拿某WComment中的漂亮长句为例 $a5K  
1. These delicate sentences said by Audrey Hepburn, who is widely recognized as one of themost beautiful women, aim at one topic: it is ones inner beauty that really counts.(非限制性定从,放在句子中间修饰中心词sentences, 显然要比直接+aim at好得多) miN(a; Q2P  
2. Backham, who has been a legend in his time, will definitely bean immortal, even thoughhe might no longer be striving on the sparkling pitch.(一个非限制性定从+ 一个让步状语从句) yDd&*;9%Qg  
3.However,flows of advertisements will not only impact theproducer’s image, but alsomake the potential customers bored and even spoil the advertising program.not only …… but also也是写长句时的主力 )SDGj;j+  
军!) R!$j_H  
4. Wherever they go orwhatever they do, they always bear in mind that they are messengers of peace, representing China.bear……in mind, 一个宾从&现在分词作状语) c yN_Sg  
5.Almost at the same time the news came that people in drought-stricken south-western China are facing horrible shortage of drinking water,people in the rest part of China joined hands to donatewater and other resources, hoping to give a hand tothose in trouble and be no onlooker.决不袖手旁观(有1个时间状语从句+1个同位语从句+1个名词&动词过去式构成的复合形容词+1个现在分词作目的状语,be no+名词表决不,动词搭配又合理,可谓长句中的典范) o)-Qd3d%S  
6句为某E同学Comment中的一句长句,大家把它和第5句对照着看,对照着学 FP9ZOoog  
6Even though Zhao has been handsomely compensated 650,000 yuan by government, which is expected to be more,this financial compensation still can not hold a candleto无法与……相提并论 Zhao’s 11 years’ torturous and freedom-lost prison life, thus confirming the saying that, “Money isnot everything” .(让步状从+非限制性定从+复合形容词+现在分词作结果状语+引用谚语) >/'WU79TYE  
7.Sunshangxiang stood out as a dazzling pearl from quantities ofdistinct historical figures, confirming the sayingthat, ‘Women are no inferior to men’.(现在分词作结果状语与引用名言的完美结合,推荐) }){h Qt7  
内容技巧二:神出鬼没的插入语 9Xm"kVqd/  
为嘛要用插入语?短句中用插入语,可以充更多字数,中长句中间用插入语,让句式更整齐美观 hUl FP  
来看一些典型的插入语 sk],_l<  
单词作插入语,如:besides, however, otherwise,therefore, though p(x[zn+%Y  
1.On the other hand, however, computer is not without its defects/disadvantages. "HYK~V  
however作插入语,作无论如何/但是的意思,是最常用的一个插入语) _N<qrH^;  
2. We should, therefore, take advantage of the fruits of computersand avoid the opposite facet方面. C(gH}N4  
therefore作插入语,使用的频率也非常之高,同时,上句中用fruits代替了advantages, 避免了前后重复并且相当之形象) m*I5 \  
短语作插入语,如for example, by the way, inother words, so far, as a matter of fact, as a result等等 p$"*U[%l  
1. China and India, for example, are neighbours. s'K0C8'U  
2. The UnitedNations are calling for more environment-friendly actions, in other words, they aredemanding that people all over the world shouldswitch to green productsand do their bitto protect the earth. '{Ywb@Bc  
内容技巧三:适当用被动替换主动 rP>5OLP  
适当用被动句,更能反映客观事实,如: isDr|g$S  
1. Attention should be paid to替换 We should payattention to 8ztY_"]3p  
2. Immediate/Instant/Effectivemeasures should/is needed to be taken/carried out to…… 替换 We should take immediatemeasures to …… Aal yEn&>  
3. Great/Joint effort should be made to …… 替换 We should makegreat/joint effort to …… 5B@&]- '~  
4. It should be pointed out that/It should替换never be neglected/overlooked/ignored that ……I must pointout that ……/ We should never neglect/overlook/ignore that …… m$$U%=r>@  
5. We are brought up to believethat …… 替换 We firmlybelieve that …… 9vVYZ}HC  
内容技巧四:关键词、高频词句的表达多样性 5$9j&&R  
一遍新、两遍厌,好曲不能听三遍,同样地,再精彩的单词被你反复用来用去,语势就要弱很多。相反,若能在表达同一个意思时切换用不同的近义词,不但给人耳目一新之感,也大大增加文章整体的文采。但使用时也要注意,不要刻意追求难词深词高级词,要是写出来一篇作文通篇全是专六专八的单词,批卷老师查金山词霸都来不及还帮你批好分数? 1g|H8CA  
下面来看对于表达同一个意思,有多少种不同的写法(最土的写法放最后的括号里) ,NVQ C=  
1.我(个人)认为: `VS/ Xyp  
For my part 3 i>uKU1  
Frommy point of view/From my perspective EJN}$|*Av  
Personallyspeaking /)v X|qtIY  
PersonallyI maintain that……; 3lLO .  
Ifirmly hold theview that…… v/CXX<^U(  
Inmy humble opinion ; zR]l2zL3  
I’mof the opinion that …… i5:fn@&  
In my opinion & I think m}8c.OJ>K`  
2.大多数人认为、知道 cp] \<p('A  
Many, if not most/Most, if not all,harbor the idea that……Themajority of the people/Manyindividuals take the attitude that …… E Xo"F*gW  
It’suniversally/widely accepted/acknowledged that …… B(E+2;!QF  
It’s shared by alarge number of people that …… [{'` |  
There’sno one but knows that …… 6$`8y,TMSt  
Many people think that…… [_ CIN  
3. ……越来越流行 \iO ,y:  
tobecome increasingly popular; 4fp}`U  
……gain growing popularity; 0riTav8  
……isincreasingly appealing to; lP0'Zg(  
……iscatching ona increasing/growing number of people i. 6c;KU  
……is more and more popular )g+~"&Gcx  
E ekX|*  
4.关注……,重视…… Np+<)q2  
pour attention into …… ; }-!0d*I  
take…… into account; _KLKa/3  
take…… into consideration; 2I>X]r.S!1  
beconcerned with/about; 0.=dOz r  
keeponeself wellinformed of; (HDR}!. E  
becomeaware of/that …… 6||zfH  
pay attention to/put emphasis on =YO q0  
5. 据我所知,…… J<yt/V]  
to the best of my knowledge; gwm!Pw j  
forall I know/ for what I cantell @j=:V!g2O  
as far as I know e ^2n58  
6. ……是有好处的、有帮助的 A+de;&  
It pays to ……; _Dr9 w&;<  
It’srewarding to ……; tp*.'p-SI  
 It’s of great benefit to ……; Gh>&+UA'$1  
One can reap huge fruits from …… -n FKP&P  
it’s good/helpful to…… ~t^ Umx"Ew  
7. ……导致了 70Jx[3vr  
give rise to;  Xdh2  
……greatlycontributeto…… KW-GVe%8f  
……is a major contributor to……; V^Y'!w\LGI  
……leadto ……; ……result in …… y^Uh<L0M  
……cause…… J?{@pA  
8. 喜爱……,热衷于…… /| q .q  
takea fancy to/have a fancy for …… l^F ?^kP  
havean affection for …… L"bZ~'y  
havea love affair with ;/:Sx/#s  
befond of/be keen on/be keen about …… E75/EQ5p]p  
beobsessed with …… <Pzy'9  
like…… Q2/65$ nW  
9. 凡事都有两面性 3xT9/8*  
No garden has no weeds XNgcBSD  
Everythinghas its pluses and minuses o^XDG^35`  
Everythingcuts both ways F+"_]  
…… is a double-edged sword y];-D>jk  
Weshould not be blind to the other side of …… @- }*cQ4u?  
every coin has two sides d]poUN~x  
f WZ(  
10. 努力做某事、尽某人之力做某事 I)tiXcJw  
do everything in one’s power to …… f(Y_<%  
take pains to do >)) CXGE  
spareno effort/ make an effort to do zcKQD)]  
do one’s utmost to …… V(_1q  
go all out to do …… R*:>h8  
doone’s bit to …… f. "\~  
try one’s best to do /TyGZ@S>m  
11. …… 不尽如人意 #0>xa]S  
……has/leaves a lot to be desired 6|zhq b|s  
……fails to meet/satisfyone’s need/demand/requirement [ n7>g   
……is far from satisfactory *!%lBt{2  
……doesn’t come up to one’sexpectations fC[za,PXaE  
……is undesirable 1~*1W4};F8  
12. ……就是个极好的例子,……恰好能说明我的观点 ")T\_ME  
……is such a prime example hW~.F  
we can cite …… as an excellent example of D7;9D*o\  
……perfectly fits/illustrates my idea/description of…… ;f =m+QXU  
……perfectly serve my purpose j{@6y  
for example…… s V_(9@b  
r 3W3;L   
13.在某种程度上 l4>^79**  
at some point wY8:j  
to some extent/degree; to a certain extent/degree 1^!SuAA@  
ina sort of way xG9Sk  
inpart T3X'73M  
in a sense Z!)~?<gcq:  
partly 9 r!zYZ`)  
14. …… 无法与……相提并论;…………相差甚远 i[o 2(d,  
……can’t not even hold acandle to …… 0zaK&]oY0  
……pales into insignificance when comparedwith …… c$O8Rhx  
……is not in the same class with ……  c0oHE8@  
……can’t rival …… in…… d$zJLgkA  
there’sno comparison between …… and …… fpD$%.y'J  
……can never approach …… fw%`[( hK  
p +VU:%.t  
三、结尾类: K^Awf6%  
结尾公式一:我们得出了这样的结论…… Zxa.x ?:?n  
说要说完了,毕竟要归纳一番,领导长篇大论,到最后也得冒出个总而言之之类的话。也就是说,开头很好,也必然要有一个精彩的结尾,让读者眼前一亮,这样,你就可以拿高分了!比如下面的例子: H@Dpht>[  
1. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw/come to/reach/arriveat the conclusion that …… (议论类文章的万金油式句型,非常正规、书面,不过略微缺乏新意) ?=VvFfv%  
2.Thus, it can be included that ……/ we can find that ……  {>]\<  
3.Needless to say/Admittedly/Obviously,……(如果读者很难显而见之,但说无妨,就当读者的眼光太浅罢了!) ]A*}Dem*5  
4.The ample充分的 evidence presentedenables us to reasonably conclude that ……(成熟老练,中规中矩) i5'&u:  
5.Therefore, it’s quite reasonable for me/us to assume that ……(总结完之后,来点美好的期盼,尽情地去YY L:z0cvn"  
结尾公式二:我们提出了以下建议…… _BczR:D*  
如果说如此结论是结尾最没用的废话,那么如此建议应该是最有价值的废话了。换言之,这类结尾就是在高歌,明天会更好~ RB5SK#z  
1. Therefore/Thus,it is high time thatwe did ……(提建议还用个虚拟!很拽很高级!!!) G t w>R  
2.Accordingly, I recommend that ……some measures should be taken(于是乎……我建议…… ,X4e?$7g  
3. Consequently, to solve the problem, I’dlike to give my advice/suggestion that ……(都已经想着如何帮人家解决困难了,多么实际一孩子…… $v^hzC  
$ #Pxf  









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