Part(IV)Translation(20%) vrnj}f[h
section 1 9}0Jc(B/x
1、有些人把读书读当作疲劳工作中的一种休息,并不是读一本书就预先想定读它要派何种用场,即“不为什么而读”。但日积月累,确实可以长知识、广见闻、有效益。 KdMA58)
2、经过长期积累,目前,中国已成为全球第二大经济体和全球第一贸易大国,全球第一外汇储备国,具备了对外输出资本的实力。 2/4x]i
section 2 Z*aU2Kr`;
3、winners have different potentials.Achievement is not the most important thing ,Authenticity is.The authentic person experiences the reality of himself,being himself,and becoming a credible,responsive person.He actualizes his own unprecedented uniqueness,and appreciates the unqueness of others. PyxN _agf
4、Global value chains,or CVCs,are not a new phenomenon,but they have expanded and deepened significantly in recent years,offering greater opportunities for developing countries to integrate into the global economy at lower costs.Improvements in communication technology and declining transportation costs worldwide have made it easier to "unbundle" tasks internationally.