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主题 : 北师大2009考博英语答案
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-10-09   
来源于 考博试题 分类


二、答案详解 5u&hp  
Part II: Reading Comprehension E j/P:nB  
Passage One: uE:`Fo=y  
21D。题目问,当这个故事发生的时候,作者的家在哪?定位第一段最后一行”he read the German language newspaper, which was American owned and published in New York.” 故选D H5?H{  
22C。定位文章第一段第二行”Although he was able to hold a conversation in nine languages, he was most comfortable in German.” 故选C \4roM1&[  
23B。定位文章第二段倒数第二行”But my grandmother insisted, for fear that the neighbors may see him read it and think he was German.”故选B b?%Pa\,!  
24D。定位文章第三段第三行”Now she could boast about her soldier brother…they had a loved one in the service” boast意为炫耀,以。。。为自豪,所以为选项D意思吻合。 so@wUxF  
Passage Two Ur2) ];WZ  
25B。主旨题,文章开头便点名了文章主旨”As Philadelphia grew from a small town into a city…growing agricultural hinterland.” 通读全文发现文章也是在围绕费城从小城镇变为贸易中心的发展历程。与B选项吻合。 ck K9@RQ  
26C。定位文章第四段第一句。”One of the reasons…demographic growth” demographic growth意为人口的增长,故与C选项吻合。 (ixlFGvEq  
27D。根据单词所在句子及前后问,可以推断出地区意思最为符合意为大农业区;或者单词hinterland中有一个land,根据land 可以推测D选项。 rEG!A87Zz  
28B。定位单词前一句”The fairs provided …in the city” 其中outlying意为偏远的,边远的可以推测这些东西城里是没有的,故选B dn|OY. `|  
Passage Three w]=c^@t _  
29C。本题适合排除法,A选项对应文章第三段第七行”boredom or irritation”D选项对应第三段第八行”society changes”;B选项比较隐晦,文章第三段第九行”participating in the study reflect to some degree such changes”研究参与者反应这些变化,结合上句可以推测出B。而C是纵向研究的特点但未必就是劣势,起码文中没有标明。故选C vN3uLz'<  
30Acontingent意为视。。。而定,如果不知道单词,只能根据文意推测,文章说纵向研究能否完成取决于研究者的耐心与毅力,可推断A ^)0b= (.  
31A。定位文章第四段第一句。”a cross-sectional study is one in which subjects of differing ages are selected” 故选A =>,X)+O  
32D。定位文章第五段第一句。”The cross-sectional research…less time-consuming” 不难选出D ipn 0WQG  
Passage Four O t1:z:Pl  
33A。主旨题。根据全文的叙述不难选出A wl:[Ad  
34C。作者举例子为了证明自己的观点,而观点在段首”All mammals feed their young” 故选C  Jyo(Etp  
35D。找到句子”But not all animal parents, even those that tend their offspring…”offspring是子孙后代的意思,所以最符合的为D #5}v?  
36D。文章第一段就提出”…most…mammals…have in common”可定位D。亦可用排除法,其余三项文中均有提及。 +o^sm'$  
Passage Five hT?|:!ED.F  
37D。定位文章第一段第三行”one might…as entertainment”故选D BhCOT+i;c  
38B。定位第二段第四行”Skeptics were dismayed…when…end the debate by …in some children”此句比较长,把握住关键词Skeptics关于后面那一系列的研究的情感态度是dismay(沮丧的),因此Skeptics认为那些研究夸大其词,故选B。 题39C。定位文章第三段第一行”The alarmists say they have proved that violent media cause aggression”与选项C符合。 mv\S1[<T  
40A。定位文章最后一段首句”Another appropriate ster would be to tone down the criticism until we know more”可知作者持多做研究而后再下结论的观点。故选A <^Sp4J  
Passage Six Rg6/6/ IN  
41D。定位文章第一段第二行”The American public…bad. Yet…economists…provides a small net boost to the economy.” 明显看出经济学家与大众的观点是冲突的,故选D "E}38  
42B。定位文章第三段第6行,”translate into lower prices at the grocery store”因此选B !J-oGs\ u  
43C。定位文章第三段倒数第四行。”native low-skilled workers suffer most from the competition of foreign labor…between 1980-2000”C选项同义。故选C。 题44D。定位第四段第三行。”what worried them most, was the financial burden of immigration”可推选出D选项。 y(h"0A1lW  
Part III. Translation and Writing %Tm8sQ)1  
Part A Translation CwQRHi  
Translate the following into Chinese: w!~85""  
略。文章不算难,可用翻译软件进行翻译对照 5;_&C=[  
Translate the following into English:(供参考) ~fR-cXj"  
Doctoral students are a student group who has the highest academic standards in the higher education. They will shoulder the great responsibility of building the motherland in the foreseeable future and play an important role in the rise of China’s economics in this century. Therefore, doctoral students should have not only profound knowledge and cutting-edge technology but also have high ideological and moral qualities. Doctoral students can take a broad and long-term view, and put the nation and people’s interests first. They should be determined, vigorous and full of self-sacrifice. They are active and happy to devote their intelligence and wisdom. Never do they stand aside or sit back and enjoy the fruits of others. Strict with themselves but tolerant with others, they are open-minded and show respect to others. They stand firmly and spare no pain to pursue lofty goals until they success. DfV'1s4y  
Part B Summary Writing YCnKX<Wv  
Read the following passage carefully and then write a summary of it in English in about 120 words.(供参考) .:V4>  
There are springs of water deep down under the hot deserts in Arabia. Where there is a spring, there is an oasis, a place where green grass and trees cover the ground. Some Arabs live in tents. They often move from one oasis to another to seek a better living environment. These Arabs eat ripe, sweet figs and dates all year round. Desert Arabs have the best horses and they are proud of riding horses. They love and treat their horses very well. However, camels are more useful to the Arabs, for they can carry much more than horses and can be ridden by people for miles. People call them “Ship of the Desert”. 4VrL@c @  
D;QV`Z% I  









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