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主题 : 2018考博英语翻译句型分类练习:There be…
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2017-07-04   
来源于 考博资料 分类

2018考博英语翻译句型分类练习:There be…

 There be… \c@qtIc  
  52.人类的想象力和创造力有无止境。( limit) N_WA4?rB  
  There is no limit to human imagination and creativity. 1rzq$,O  
  53.他有可能通过这次考试。( possibility) t+TbCe  
  There is possibility of his passing the exam. @8 yE(  
  54.毫无疑问,心脏病已成为西方世界最大的杀手之一 ( doubt)   } k%\  
  There is no doubt that heart trouble has become one of the greatest killers in western countries. QW"6]  
  55.在我校有三个篮球场和两个乒乓房供使用。( available) Qak@~b  
  In our school there are three baseball courts and two table tennis rooms available (to students). '<E8< bi  
  56.我不知是否有任何东西可以取代母爱和关怀。( replace) {G*:N[pJp  
  I wonder if there is anything that can replace a mother's love and care. {II7%\ya  
  57.商店里有许多计算机可供选择。( choose) y<LwrrJ>  
  There are many computers to choose from in the shop. laRKt"A  
  58.周五的演出票子没有了。( available) Zp(P)Obs#  
  There are no tickets available for Friday performance. QCY{D@7T  
  59.我不再劝说他了,因为跟他争论毫无意义。( point) ~!+h"%'t  
  I have given up persuading him/I no longer persuade him because there is no point in arguing with him. }4ghT(C}$  
  60.缺乏实践经验的大学毕业生不太可能马上找到高薪的工作。(little chance) UDi3dH=  
  There is little chance that a university graduate without any practical experience can find a job with high salary. TD=/C|  
  61.有一条市场规律:当一个物品供大于求时,它的价格就会下降。( do down) a0j.\g  
  There is a rule of the market that when supply is greater than demand for something, its price will go down. JFk|Uqs(  
  62.我们的花园里曾经有过他们种的许多美丽的花朵。( used) ,,j=RG_  
  There used to be many beautiful flowers that they had grown in our garden. z=h5  
  63.关注健康很重要,但是过分害怕疾病也是没有必要的。 ( need) \ A UtGP  
  It's very important to take care of your health, but there is no need to fear too much of diseases. w 4gZ:fR=  
  64.不久的将来人们能够找到艾滋病的方法? ( possibility) JfINAaboi  
  Is there any possibility that people will find a way to cure Aids in the near future? s6h Wq&C  
  65.似乎没有留下什么问题分析。(appear) 7T;RX rT  
  There appeared to be no problems left to analyze.









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