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2£®    Í¼Ïñ»¯»úÄÜ vF9fXY=  
3£®    ³¬¸ßËÙÑÝËã»úÄÜ [I,s:mn  
4£®    ¹²Õñ¹²Ãù»úÄÜ "EnxVV  
2£®    ¾ÙÀý˵Ã÷£º |eK^Yhym  
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3£®    ´Ê»ã¼ÇÒä²ßÂÔ£ºÁªÏë·¨¡¢´®Áª·¨¡¢¹¹´Ê·¨¡¢½üÒå´Ê¡¢½üÐδʡ¢Ò×»ìÏý´Ê¡¢¼Ó¼õ´Ê¡¢¹Ì¶¨´îÅä Z6#(83G4  
    euthanasia, chrysanthemum x#fv<Cj4  
    flower----rose, lily, tulip, peony, carnation, camellia, azalea, narcissus, chrysanthemum, forget-me-not, poinsettia, ¡­ f1q0*)fk  
    receive---deceive---conceive (-ceive= take; con- = ¹²Í¬) 5% w08  
    tumble---stumble £¨tumble¡­into/through µøµ¹£»stumble¡­over / on ½ÅÏ°赽¶«Î÷¶øµøµ¹£© |a=7P  
    stationary---stationery £¨Îľߣ¬Èç±Êpen,Ǧ±ÊpencilÖк¬ÓÐ"e", ¹Ê¼ûµ½"e"¾ÍÏëÆðÊÇÎľߡ££© *2 ~"%"C  
    genius --- genuine (º¬ÓÐusµÄÊÇÌì²Å£¬ÒòΪÎÒÃÇÊÇÌì²Å°¡£¡ÁíÒ»¸ö¾ÍÊÇ¡°ÕæÕýµÄ¡±), $V;0z~&!'  
    form---deformÈ·£¨ÐÎ×´£»±äÐΣ© 6t3Zi:=I  
    attach to *mn"G K6  
µÚ¶þ²¿·Ö        ÊµÀýÁ·Ï° av~kF  
1£®    ÁªÏë·¨ ?;ZnD(4?  
carnation, narcissus, coroner, chandelier, hippocampus, assassinate, antarctic, armour£¬ abalone, flounder, cult, beau V6_~"pRR=  
2£®    ´®Áª·¨ wI?AZd;`'  
network: oE)xL%*  
Internet---cyberspace---email---e-commerce---website---on-line---homepage---browse---retrieve---log on¡­ 4c<\_\\ck  
3£®    ¹¹´Ê·¨ ?L6wky{  
-age £¨×´Ì¬¡¢ÌØÐÔ¡¢ÐÐΪ£© 7,Y+FZ  
page/rage, advantage/disadvantage, message/massage, courage/encourage, voltage/mileage, village/cottage, luggage/carriage, garage B^/(wHBp  
coverage, cabbage, shortage, leakage, breakage, passage, postage, bondage £¨bond ½áÊø¡¢Ô¼Êø¡¢Õ®È¯£»bondage¾Íº¬ÓС°Êø¸¿¡¢Å«ÒÛ¡±µÄÒâ˼£©, damage, garbage £*****arb Ò·þ£©, manage ,spillage, izR#XeBm  
usage, storage, savage, sausage (sauce), dosage $Km~x  
language, image, heritage, engage 7{38g  
-ward Zi<(>@z2  
inward, outward, forward, backward, toward, upward, downward, seaward, skyward,---coward, reward, award, iB+ _+A  
a- (¹¹³É×÷±íÓïÓõÄÐÎÈÝ´Ê£»¹¹³É¶¯´Ê¡£¡£¡£) 4)Ew rU  
apart, aloud, around, away, afar, aboard, across z pg512\y  
alike, acute, alive, asleep, aware q yjVB/ko  
amaze, amend, amuse, arise, ascribe, avail, await, awake, award, abound, abridge, amount zm#%]p80f  
affirm, acclaim, accompany, account, arrange, array, arrest, arrow h;A~:}c,  
4£®    ½üÒå´Ê %DKC/%  
Merchants úÉÌ    Blame for    Income    Thieves {dlG3P='`f  
Dealers H ahA} Q  
Âò½øÂô³öÉÌÈË    Condemn for    Wages    Burglars vd/BO  
Businessmen DPfN*a-P(  
£¨¹ãÒ壩ÉÌÈË    Accuse of    Salary    Robbers {"O-/* f+(  
Tradesmen 3gv?rJV  
£¨Ó¢£©µêÖ÷    Criticize for    Pay    Bandits B/B`=%~5_^  
Scene ÌرðµÄ¾°Ïó£¬Èç̩ɽµÄÈÕ³ö    Announce    Buyers    Synthetic G6qFAepwi  
SceneryÒ»¹úÒ»µØµÄ×ÔÈ»·ç¹â    Publish    Shoppers    False lYU?j|n  
ViewsÌرðµÄ¾°Ïó    Advertise    Customers    Imitation  KON^  
Nature Ç¿µ÷´ó×ÔÈ»µÄ¸ÐÕÙÁ¦£¬²»×ÅÖؾßÌåµÄ×ÔÈ»¾°Ïó    Inform    Clients    Counterfeit h<7@3Ur  
           Artificial =-avzuy#  
Urgent ½ô¼±    Substitute    Particular     uEkGo5   
Hasty ²ÝÂÊ    Selection    Peculiar    Mortal Nj +^;Y  
Instant Á¢¿Ì    Preference    Special    Fatal g FXz:!A  
Prompt ¿ìËÙ£»¼°Ê±    Alternative    Unusual    Deadly bL|$\'S  
            oAv LSFn  
Contend ¾ºÕù£»¶·Õù    Fraud    Preliminary    Imaginative ~SI G0U8  
Compete±ÈÈü£»¾ºÕù    Deceive    Primary    Imaginable o bGvd6\  
Struggle¶·Õù    Cheat    Elementary    Imagined $)6x3&]P  
Conflict ¶·Õù    Dupe    Fundamental    Imaginary J^zB 5W,)  
Hinder    Decline    Perplex    Reproach "O_)~u  
Preclude    Deny    Puzzle    Scold xEufbFAN?  
Detain    Reject    Confuse    Compliment p9&gKIO_m  
Retard    Refuse        Reprimand Lc(eY{CY  
Hamper             wWM[Hus  
Protract    Reliable    Fatigued    Empty KLjvPT\  
Postpone    Confident    Tired    Blank PgsG *5WQ  
Cancel    Faithful    Exhausted    Vacant B[d%?L_  
Delay    Dependent    Bored    Bare |<%v`*  
Adjourn             s%G%s,d  
5£®    ½üÐÎ´Ê >[Tt'.S!?  
Sa/]81 aG  
fiction JD9=gBN\?  
fraction Ql"~ z^L  
friction %q6I-  
function %eGI]!vf  
tumble )"_&CYnd  
stumble ((M>To_l  
scramble z G`|)  
humble G[n;%c~`+  
tremble E`]un.  
resume 0n\AUgVPF  
consume &#OF,_6"m  
assume +^%)QH>9   
presume yh'*eli  
resumption B7sBO6Z$J  
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assumption \Qq YH^M  
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modify z?GtC{L9  
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rectify -s ^cy+jd  
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justify *2/6fhI[p  
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rectify Sg13Dp @x  
verify &SPIu,  
transcription C; ME"4,(  
subscription rEWuWv$  
prescription Y5*A,piq  
description ;zSV~G6-  
attribute fT=ZiHJ3Gu  
contribute !Nbi&^k B  
distribute Ifq|MZ\  
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aptitude I,V'J|=j  
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descriptive R^.c  
prescriptive Ey_mK\'  
interference -CPLgT  
interruption D:(h^R0;  
intervention |+=ctpx9&  
interaction z] |Y   
transaction !DKl:8mx4  
transmission + Cq&~<B  
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possibility /ZSdY_%s  
validity WW~QK2o-@  
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respective 4buzx&  
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attain Gt?ckMB  
retain j'FBt8P'  
certain u|E9X [%  
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room jhSc9  
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×Ô²âÌ⣺ ,Md8A`7x~  
1. ²»¿´½²Ò壬ÊÔÒ»ÊÔÄãµÄ¼ÇÒäÁ¦¡£ÀûÓÃÁªÏë·¨£¬ÄãÄܼÇס¶àÉÙ¸Õ²ÅËùѧµÄ´Ê£º 1PpZ*YK3z  
1£®____________________ 2. __________________ 3. _________________ Oq@+/UWX  
4. _____________________ 5. __________________ 6. _________________ 'i;1n  
7. _____________________ 8. __________________ 9. _________________ GPz0qK  
10. ____________________ 11. _________________ 12. ________________ Atc9[<~WG  
2. ÁгöÒÔϵ¥´ÊµÄ½üÒå´Ê£º ;>np2K<`  
1.    income qq.M]?Z  
2.    mortal 3 u#bx1  
3.    urgent AD K)p?  
4.    synthetic Y[)b".K  
5.    deceive pFgpAxl  
6.    retard 0b6jGa  
7.    empty J9eOBom8e<  
8.    confuse g xY6M4  
9.    buyer w\,N}'G  
10.    contend g%Bh-O9\  
3. ÁгöÒÔϵ¥´ÊµÄ½üÐδʣº ?lq  
1.     tumble "@^Pb$BLY  
2.     description ' L?e)u.  
3.     justify -!;2?6R9{  
4.     attain $` j% z@[g  
5.     attribute ]H| O  
6.     prior Ln:6@Ok)5%  
ººÓ¢¶ÔÕÕ -Zq\x'  
½üÒå´Ê B@cC'F #G  
Merchants        ÃºÉÌ Hb}O/G$a*  
Dealers            Âò½øÂô³öÉÌÈË `eZzYe(N  
Businessmen    £¨¹ãÒ壩ÉÌÈË PAng(tubl  
Tradesmen        £¨Ó¢£©µêÖ÷ "5<:Dj/W  
Scene        ÌرðµÄ¾°Ïó£¬Èç̩ɽµÄÈÕ³ö (#kKL??W  
Scenery        Ò»¹úÒ»µØµÄ×ÔÈ»·ç¹â 88Nx/:#Y*  
Views        ÌرðµÄ¾°Ïó 'Qdea$o  
Nature        Ç¿µ÷´ó×ÔÈ»µÄ¸ÐÕÙÁ¦£¬²»×ÅÖؾßÌåµÄ×ÔÈ»¾°Ïó {zX]4 1T  
Urgent        ½ô¼± ;w/@_!~  
Hasty        ²ÝÂÊ \SSHjONX  
Instant        Á¢¿Ì rn^cajO^  
Prompt        ¿ìËÙ£»¼°Ê± D:] QBA)C  
O22Q g  
Contend    ²«¶·£»Õù¶á (compete against sb. in order to gain sth.) KH$|wv  
Compete    ±ÈÈü£»¾ºÕù (try to be more successful than another person or organization in business) Qy ghNImp  
compete with sb. for sth. / compete for office£¨Õù¶á¹«Ö°£© / against YMN=1Zuj?  
Struggle        ¶·Õù (try hard to achieve sth.) struggle against difficulties/ struggle for freedom clG@]<a`_  
Conflict        ¶·Õù £¨Á½Öֹ۵㡢ÐÅÑö²»ÄÜͬʱ´æÔÚ£¬²»Äܶ¼ÕýÈ·¡££©a conflict of opinion        £¨·ÖÆ磩; The two accounts of what had happened conflicted with each other.£¨¹ØÓÚ·¢ÉúµÄÊÂÇ飬Á½¸ö±¨µÀ½ØÈ»²»Í¬¡££© .n n&K}h  
Hinder: make it difficult for sb. to do sth. Or for sth.to develop lArKfs/   
   High invest rates will hinder economic growth. l-Be5?|{_  
Preclude: (formal) prevent sth. or make sth. impossible p}oGhO&=  
   Age alone will not preclude him from standing as a candidate. 2FR+Z3&z  
Detain: (officially) prevent sb. from leaving some place £¨¾ÐÁô£»¿ÛѺ£© +GJPj(S  
       Delay sb. who wants to leave, by talking to them, asking them to do sth.£¨µ¢¸é£»Áôס£© zO`4W!x&  
   He was detained by a flat tire on his way home. 3k3 C\Cw  
   The police detained the man to make further inquiries. yk y% +@2q  
Retard: (formal) to delay the development of sth. or to make sth. happen more slowly than expected.£¨·Á°­£»ÍƳ٣© oXjoQ  
   Cold weather retards the growth of many plants. KomMzG:  
   Bad roads retard the car £¨Ê§Ð޵ū·×èÖÍÁ˳µËÙ¡££© y8_$YA/g  
Hamper: restrict sb. movement, activities, achievements by causing difficulties for them. Oa2\\I  
   Women's progress in the workplace is still hampered by male's attitudes. zauDwV=  
   Hamper sb. from getting elected. |1GOm=GNK  
Protract: last a long time, esp. longer than usual lJ]]FuA-Q  
   Protracted negotiations ¿õÈճ־õÄ̸ÅÐ nY7gST  
   Protract one's stay for some weeks ¶à´ôÁ˼¸¸öÐÇÆÚ m]vS"AdX  
Postpone: change an event, action to a later time or date ^,0Lr$+  
   Gail and Lisa have decided to postpone having a family for a while. 42~.N =2  
   The match had to be postponed. J5(0J7C  
Cancel: arrange that a planned activity or event will not now happen. tKS [  
   The football game had been cancelled due to rain. C{,^4Eh3r  
Delay: wait until a later time to do sth. Vpne-PW  
   Don't delay claiming or you may lose benefit. /o%VjP"<  
Adjourn: finish or stop for a short time jQxhR  
   The chairman has the power to adjourn the meeting at any time. =\_gT=tZ  
<}:` Y"  
Blame for            °Ñ¡­¡­¹éÓÚ `!t-$i  
Condemn for            Ç´Ôð PWZd<  
Accuse sb. of sth.        Ö¸Ôð =6qTz3t  
Criticize for            ÅúÅÐ #M{qMJHDo  
Announce            Ðû²¼£»Í¨Öª `vMhrn  
Publish                ·¢±í£»³ö°æ r88De=*  
Advertise            Îª¡­¡­×ö¹ã¸æ /q+;!EM  
Inform                ¸æÖª (inform sb.of sth.) J,:&U wkv  
^ZO! (  
Substitute: sth. new or different that you use instead of sth. else that you used previously. Ìæ´úÆ·£»Ìæ²¹ Vi:^bv  
   Substitute teacher ´ú¿Î½Ìʦ |4g0@}nr+W  
Selection: the careful choice of a particular person or thing from among a group of similar people or things. HO['o{>BL  
Preference: if you like a preference for sth. you like it more than another thing. SF&2a(~s  
Alternative: sth. that you can choose to do or use instead of sth. else k'PvTWR  
Fraud: a method of illegally getting money from sb., often by using clever and complicated methods. :u./"[G  
Deceive: make sb. believe sth. that is not true in order to get what you want. #kASy 2t  
Cheat: behave in a dishonest way in order to win or to get an advantage, esp. in competitive, game, exams. C=V2Y_j  
Dupe: trick or deceive sb. ºåÆ­£»Õ©Æ­ y0sce  
   Consumers are being duped into buying faulty electronic goods. + x=)Kp>  
\$ipnQ v  
Decline: refuse to do sth. £¨±È½ÏÍñת£¬Àñò¾Ü¾øÑûÇ룩 gr*CN<   
Deny: She denied working for the enemy = She said she was not working for the enemy ( NOT: She refused to work for the enemy.) q6)fP4MQ]  
Reject:¾Ü¾øÉêÇ룬¹Ûµã£¬¼Æ»® E{&MmrlL,  
Refuse: ¾Ü¾øÑûÇë !*}UP|8  
Turn down ¾Ü¾ø£¨¿ÚÓ z' "7zLQ  
Reliable        ¿É¿¿µÄ£»¿ÉÐÅÀµµÄ£¨²àÖØÓÚʼÖÕÈçÒ»¡££© H #_Zv]  
Confident    ÓÐÐÅÐÄµÄ GeTk/tU  
Faithful        ÖÒʵµÄ£»¿É¿¿µÄ£¨²àÖØÓÚ¡°ÖÒÓÚ¡­¡­¡±a reliable person, a faithful fighter ]~I+d/k d  
Dependent    ´ÓÊôµÄ£»ÒÀ¿¿µÄ R,G*]/r`  
Income        ×ÜÊÕÈë WHY/x /$  
Wages        °´ÖÜ»òÈÕ¸¶³ê Q+=pP'cV  
Salary        ÔÂн£»Äêн xKG 7d8=  
Pay            ¹¤×Ê 3NgXM  
Buyers        ÂòÖ÷ >\ Dy  
Shoppers    ¼ÒÍ¥ÖÐÍâ³ö¹ºÎïµÄÈË k0e}`#t  
Customers    ¹Ë¿Í N s+g9+<A  
Clients        Î¯ÍÐÈË fz=?QEG  
G kjfDY:  
Particular: special enough to mention separately cRVL1ne  
Peculiar: strange, unfamiliar, and a little surprising, esp. in a way that is unpleasant or worrying. 2|,L 9  
Taste peculiar Cf=H~&`Z  
Special: not ordinary but different in some way and often better or more important. 4GRD- f[  
a special diet f1MRmp-f'  
unusual: different from what is usual sllT1%?  
special ---specially or especially Cg): Q8  
   specially: used when you do sth. that is different from what you usually do for a particular purpose (with a passive form of a verb: a specially made) N&NBn(  
   especially: to emphasize sth. is more worth mentioning or more important than the other things, ( ¡­, especially when¡­) etr-\Cp  
Preliminary    ³õ²½µÄ£»¿ªÊ¼µÄ£¨Ç¿µ÷¿ªÊ¼Ö®Ç°ÓÐ×¼±¸¹¤×÷£© KdR4<qVV}  
Primary        ×î³õµÄ£»¡úÖ÷ÒªµÄ£»»ù±¾µÄ£»¡úûÓÐÔ¤±¸ \X8b!41  
Elementary    ³õ²½µÄ£»¼òµ¥µÄ 'QCIKCn<  
Fundamental »ù´¡µÄ kh W.  
Perplex    £¨³£Óñ»¶¯£©À§»ó£»Ã£È»£»·Ñ½â OyZR&,q  
   Make you feel worried and confused because it is difficult to understand. + Q-b}  
   e.g. I was somewhat perplexed by his response. j>\c > U  
Puzzle: confuse sb. or make them feel slightly anxious because they do not understand sth. AHb_BgOU*  
   e.g. What puzzles me is how the burglar got into the house without setting off the alarm. i.Rl&t  
Confuse £¨³£Óñ»¶¯£© VsQ|t/|#  
   Make sb. feel that they cannot think clearly or do not understand. /t0L%jJZ  
   e.g. Don't give me so much information.--- you are confusing me. kamQZzPe  
       I was confused. G?W:O{n3  
Fatigued: very tired. < ~ smBd  
   e.g. fatigued after her long journey, Bill fell into a deep sleep. "\b>JV5  
Tired: feeling that you want tosleep or rest. u&:N`f  
Exhausted: extremely tired and having no energy. ]8p{A#1  
Bored: tired and impatient because you do not think sth. is interesting, or because you have nothing to do. +U o NJ   
   e.g. Children easily get bored.     {"ST hTZ  
Thieves    Ð¡Íµ£»ÇÔÔô @{y'_fw  
Burglars    Ç±ÈëÊÒÄڵĵÁÔô g*V.u]U!i  
Robbers    Ç¿µÁ£»Ôô >fBPVu\PA  
Bandits    ÍÁ·Ë£»Ç¿µÁ£¨³£³öûÔÚɽÇø¡¢É­ÁÖ£© 0?7yM:!l  
Synthetic    ºÏ³ÉµÄ #1<m\z7l  
False        ¼ÙµÄ£»ÈËÔìµÄ£¨Ç¿µ÷Ìæ´úÆ·£¬ÓëÔ­Îï²»Ò»Ñù£¬Èç¼ÙÑÀ£¬ÈËÔìè¶Ê¯£© [b++bCH3  
Imitation    ·ÂÔìµÄ(Beware of imitation ½÷·À¼Ùð) 7Nq< o5  
Counterfeit    ±ÈImitation    ¸ü±áÒå $C[z]}iOi  
Artificial    ÈËÔìµÄ£¨Ç¿µ÷Éú²ú·½Ê½£¬È磺È˹¤½µÓ꣩ k~tEUsv  
Mortal : causing death or likely to cause death bY~K)j v3&  
   e.g. mortal injures / blow / combat !M~: #k  
Fatal: resulting in sb's death ziM{2Fs>  
   e.g. fatal accident / illness / injures Yk Ku4f  
Deadly : like dead in appearance I{IB>j}8  
   e.g. His face has a deadly paleness 1w>[&#7  
       likely to cause death AzU:Dxr>.G  
   e.g. deadly person DG TLlBkT  
lethal: causing death, or having the power to cause death DsdM:u*s  
   e.g. a lethal dose of a drug YgEd%Z%4  
Imaginative: new and interesting idea used in a clever way; good at thingking of new, interesting ideas and at forming pictures in one's mind /uw@o9`~2-  
   e.g. imaginative writer; imaginative child qYoW8e   
Imaginable: emphasize that sth. is the best, worst example of sth. that it is possible to imagine 0)dpU1B#M  
All, every, only 7?fgcb3  
Imagined: forming a picture or idea in your mind about what sth. could be like. e9p/y8 gC  
Imaginary: not really, but produced from pictures or ideas in your mind.  4!!|P  
   e.g. all the characters in this book are imaginary. 01n!T2;yW}  
Reproach: ~sb. for /with sth. X_PzK'#m  
       ~ for doing sth. |.; N_i  
   blame or criticize someone in a way that shows you are disappointed, but not angry Zr}>>aIJ]k  
   e.g. Jake reproached her bitterly for abandoning him. lO@-*m$  
Scold: angrily criticize someone, esp. a child, about sth. that have done. (Q{JI~P  
Compliment: ~ sb. on sth. L4iWR/&  
   Say sth. nice to sb. in order to praise him s.z)l$  
Reprimand: ~ sb. for sth. dz#"9i5b  
tell sb. officially that sth. they have done is very wrong. L`t786 (M  
Rebuke: speak to sb. severely, about sth. they have done wrong. [ ~ sb. for V-ing] k7Nx#%xx  
Chide: (literary) to speak angrily to sb. because you do not approve of sth. they have done. ~vF*&^4Vh  
Compliment }Z <I%GT  
Complement : show up the good qualities in sb. or sth. or make them seem more attractive. S%RxYJ(  
Empty: having nothing inside; not having people inside; not being used cJSNV*<  
   e.g. an empty table in the corner puOM tCI  
[ empty nest: the situation that parents are in when all their children have left home] #|\|G3Si %  
Blank: without any writing, print, or recorded sound; showing no understanding; XzAXcxC6G  
   e.g. go blank: suddenly unable to remember sth. @#wG)TA  
               for TV; stop showing any images  WDNj 7  
Vacant: vacant seat, room ¡ú empty and available for sb. to use <_/etw86Z  
   Vacant job, position ¡ú empty and available for sb. to start with :{w3l O  
Bare: empty, not covered by anything or not having any decoration; not covered by clothes, by trees or grass o=VZ7]  
Deceived        ÆÛÆ­ K`=U5vG^  
Deserted        ÒÅÆú R1*&rjB  
Desperated        ¾øÍû Fmn_fW6  
Disappointed    Ê§Íû K*~xy bA  
½üÐÎ´Ê 6@Q; LV+  
fiction    Ð¡Ëµ L <  
fraction    Ò»²¿·Ö &IQNsJL!e  
friction    Ä¦²Á +)9=bB  
function    ¹¦ÄÜ£»Ö°Ôð ;180ct4  
aV f sF|,  
tumble    µøµ¹ r 8N<<^  
stumble    °èµ¹ l2#~   
scramble    Åʵǣ»Õù¶á p+I`xyk  
humble    Ç«Ð飻ÐßÈè m%U=:u7#M  
tremble    ²ü¶¶£»µ£ÐÄ s]vsD77&  
j;Z hI y  
resume    ÖжϺóÖØпªÊ¼ fN`Prs A  
consume    ÏûºÄ b#(QZ  
assume    ¼Ù¶¨£»¼ÙÉ裻²ÉÓà (think that sth. is true although you have no proof of it. E.g. ~ responsibilities / power: start to do a job esp. an important one) 2Z(?pJyDM  
presume    ÍƲ⣻ðÃÁ (think you can be sure of sth. because it is likely, although there is no proof. E.g. ~ sb. / sth. to be sth. / be ~ed to do sth. / ~ to do sth. hzV%QDUpe  
G$` hPNSh  
resumption        »Ö¸´ jJ>I*'w  
consumption        Ïû·Ñ j"0TAYmXwu  
assumption        ¼Ù¶¨£»Òܶϣ»°ÁÂý(the assumption of responsibilities: the act of starting to have control or power) ( His air of assumption made him disliked.) =+e;BYD#!  
presumption        °ÁÂý£»ÍƲ⣻¼Ù¶¨ (disrespectful or impolite behavior that shows you are too confident) ^]LWcJ?"^!  
@M*5q# s  
bore            V.×ê¿× n. ¿× Swv =gu  
core            v. ʹÑá·³    n. ÁîÈËÌÖÑáµÄÊ <t*3w  
pore            v. ×¢ÊÓ        n. ë¿×   a. ¶à¿×µÄ \a:-xwUu<  
sore            a. ÌÛÍ´µÄ        n. Í´´¦£»À£Ññ `C:J{`  
g C@=]Y  
simplify    ¼ò»¯ AQ-R^kT  
modify    ¸ü¸Ä        ¶ÔijÎï×÷ÉÔ΢ÐÞ¸ÄʹÆäÍêÉÆ e<{Ani0  
verify    Ö¤Êµ #1>c)_H  
rectify    ¾ÀÕý£»°Ñ²»ÂúÒâµÄ×´¿ö±ä³ÉºÏºõÈËÃÇËùÆÚ´ýµÄ×´¿ö (S j?BZjC  
justify    Ö¤Ã÷¡­¡­ÊÇÓеÀÀíµÄ e=6C0fr  
testify    Ö¤Ã÷ ^@maF<Jb  
rectify    ¾ÀÕý£»°Ñ²»ÂúÒâµÄ×´¿ö±ä³ÉºÏºõÈËÃÇËùÆÚ´ýµÄ×´¿ö jivGkIj!8  
verify    Ö¤Êµ ~<_P jV  
transcription:        ³­Ð´£»·­Ò룻¸±±¾ -[lOf  
subscription£º    ¾èÔù£»¶©ÔÄ£»ÈϹº£» M[dJQ (  
prescription        Ò©·½£»Ö¸Áî (d5kD#.N  
description£º        ÃèÊö£»Ãè»æ s4\ _%je<v  
X pf:I  
attribute            °Ñ¡­¡­¹éÒòÓÚ£¨to £© lGN{1djT  
contribute        ¾èÔù£»Í¶¸å v+2t;PJd2  
       contribute¡­ to    ÓÐÖúÓÚ &14Er,K  
distribute            ·Ö·¢£»·ÖÅä tsTCZ);(  
tribute            ¹±Æ·£»ÀÕË÷µÄÇ®²Æ£»ËÌ´Ê dxeLu  
attitude        Ì¬¶È )1 !*N)$  
altitude        ¸ß¶È w>gB&59r  
aptitude        Ìì×Ê£»ÇãÏò )KD*G;<O]L  
latitude        Î³¶È vZt48g  
multitude        ÈËȺ£¨a multitude of ¡­Ðí¶à£© _QOZ`st  
descriptive        ËµÃ÷µÄ 0)-yLfTn  
prescriptive        ¹æ·¶µÄ£»Ô¼¶¨Ë×³ÉµÄ 5"9!kZ(<  
g flu!C6  
interference        ¸ÉÔ¤£¨Ç¿µ÷·Á°­£© 'e06QMp@  
interruption        ´ò¶Ï c'~6 1HA<  
intervention        ½éÓÚ£»ÔÚÖмäÆð×÷Óà =?g B@vS  
interaction        Ï໥×÷Óà sDnXgCcS!  
transaction        °ìÀí£»½»Ò×£»Ñ§±¨£»Ïà·´×÷Óà |.Y}2>{  
transmission        ´«ËÍ£»´«²¥£»·¢ËÍ .a`(?pPr,  
transformation    ×ª»»£»¸Ä¸ï aaM76;  
transition            ±äǨ£»¹ý¶ÉʱÆÚ #Z]l4d3{T  
contact        ½Ó´¥£»½»Íù£»ÓÐÓ°ÏìµÄÊìÈË £¨tact Ô²»¬£¬¹ÔÇÉ£¬Íâ½»ÊÖÍó£© GY,HEe]2r  
intact            ÍêÕûÎÞȱµÄ Sr?2~R0&  
&`IC 3O5  
possibility    ¿ÉÄÜÐÔ <*5 5d2  
validity        ÓÐЧÐÔ£»ÕýÈ·ÐÔ ii :E>O(0B  
reliability        ¿É¿¿ÐÔ I[v6Y^{q  
security        ±£ÕÏ£»°²È«¸Ð %qqX-SF0C  
conceivable    ¿ÉÏëÏóµÄ£»¿ÉÏàÐÅµÄ able to be belileved or imagined. E.g. every conceivable means rsgTd\b  
perceivable    ¿É¸ÐÖªµÄ£»¿ÉÈÏʶµÄ p`- Oz]  
(!B1} 5"  
arise:    begin to happen (problem, difficulty) ^>ICycJ  
   e.g. arise from= caused by ~ '/Yp8 (  
rise: increase, go upwards, rise, become successful I@/+=   
raise: e.g. raise a question; waise your voice +<o}@hefY2  
arouse: make you become interesting, expect sth. ; make sb. angry, afraid; wake sb. L6=` x a,  
E +!A0!1  
When things and prices move upwards on their own, they rise. /pS Y~*  
People or government raise / increase the price. E.g. The government is raising the tax. sOUQd-!"  
6z keWR  
Respectful        ×ðÖرðÈ˵ģ»ÓÐÀñòµÄ -.=:@H}r  
Respectable        ÖµµÃÈËÃÇ×ðÖصģ»ÕýÅÉµÄ A5[iFT>  
Respected        Êܵ½ÈËÃÇ×ðÖØµÄ p.|NZXk%%a  
Respective        ¸÷×Եģ»¸÷¸öµÄ 6A23H7  
U1^3 &N8  
detain: (officially) prevent sb. from leaving some place £¨¾ÐÁô£»¿ÛѺ£© g/f^|:  
       Delay sb. who wants to leave, by talking to them, asking them to do sth.£¨µ¢¸é£»Áôס£© 'BO MFp7c  
Attain: succeed in reaching a particular level or in getting sth. after trying for a long time. QxI^ Bx  
Retain: keep sb. or continue to have sth. e.g. retain a sense of dignity QDdH5EfY  
Certain: Ò»¶¨ ,\Uc/w R  
Contain: ÈÝÄÉ la}Xo0nq0+  
Room        ·¿¼ä _my!YS5n  
Doom        ¶òÔË£»»ÙÃ𣻶¨×ï +Cg[!6[#  
Boom        ¸ß³±£¬Ñ¸ËÙ·¢Õ¹ dlJc~|  
Loom        Ö¯²¼»ú UsQh+W"?  
Intense        Ç¿ÁÒµÄ Q8   
Intentional    ÓÐÒâµÄ£»¹ÊÒâµÄ DT#F?@LG(  
Intensive        ¾«Ï¸µÄ£»Ç¿»¯µÄ *1c1XN<7  
Intending        ´òË㣻ÒâÓû '?)<e^  
intended &X&msEM  
assure    : tell sb. that sth. with definitely happen. R.P|gk  
   e.g. ~sb. that ¡­ 1}ER+;If  
       be ~ed of: feel certain that sth. will happen g ?OC-zw  
ensure: make sure that it does happen }>$3B5}  
   (AmE. Insure) L)yc_ d5  
   e.g. Please ensure that the lights are switched off before leaving the building. caD)'FSES  
Assure can be used in this meaning, but it mainly used in : success, safety. E.g. The band's latest release has assured their success in the rock world. @aY>pr5!  
insure: against sth. bad happening to it by paying money to an insurance company. T7# }& >  
reassure: tell sb. that there is nothing to worry about. fq4[/%6,O  
   e.g. The doctor reassured me that there would be no pain. &< oJw TC  
sometimes    ÓÐʱ *Eg[@5;QA  
some time    Ò»Ð©Ê±¼ä R?5v //[  
sometime        Ôø¾­£»Óг¯Ò»ÈÕ Gc*p%2c  
some times    ¼¸´Î 7&w$@zs87  
hatch        ·õ»¯ #M@Ki1  
catch        ×½ \$W\[s 4I  
patch        ·ì²¹ w{89@ XRC  
match        Æ¥Åä Z# o;H$  
bare        ³àÂãÂãµÄ£»Ã»ÓгÂÉèµÄ £¨½Ò¶£© " 3tk"#.#  
rare        Ï¡±¡µÄ£»Ï¡Éٵģ»¼åµÄ w42=tN+ B  
care        Ð¡ÐÄ£»¹ØÐÄ Xv2Q8-}w  
dare        ¸ÒÓÚ V(wANvH  
fare        ³µ´¬·Ñ£»³Ë¿Í£»»ïʳ 1+v!)Y>Z&  
hare        Ò°ÍÃ [yx8?5  
banish    ½ûÖ¹³öÈ룻ÇýÖð³ö¾³£»Çå³ý£»Ïû³ý£¨¼²²¡£© K9QC$b9(  
vanish    Í»È»²»¼û£» Öð½¥Ïûʧ \\Te\l|L  
diminish    ¼õÉÙ£»±áµÍ f^|r*@o  
admonish ¾¯¸æ£»¸æ½ë£»ÖÒ¸æ jX&/ e'B  
durability        ÄÍÓÃÐÔ JmF:8Q3H  
flexibility        ±äͨÐÔ£»Áé»îÐÔ wo5fGQJ  
versatility        ¶à²Å¶àÒÕ£»¶à¹¦ÄÜ f,'^"Me$c  
hostility        µÐÒ⣻µÐÊÓ ]o ($No  
co- col- com- con- cor- with (¹²Í¬) d8J(~$tXQN  
cooperate        ºÏ×÷ FJ] ?45  
coordinate    Ð­µ÷ "R^0e Nv$  
correlate        Ïà¹Ø !SdP<{[  
correspond    Ïà·ûºÏ z 8 <"  
collaborate    Ð­×÷ £¨Óëcooperate    Í¬£¬µ«¶àÓÃÓÚ¿ÆѧºÍÒÕÊõ£© FZ5 Ad&".@  
observe    ¹Û²ì \[L|  
reserve    ±£Áô×ùλ `%_(_%K  
conserve    ±£»¤£»½ÚÊ¡ r1[#_A`Yn  
preserve    ±£Áô gB])@O%/  
deserve    ÖµµÃ Q .g44>  
( "wmc"qH  
prior        Ê×Ï鵀 C&f{LpB`  
superior    ÓÅÏ鵀 D-Q54"^3  
inferior    ´ÎÒªµÄ G2w0r,[  
senior    ¸ß¼¶µÄ Cuc+9  
junior    ³õ¼¶µÄ >6gduD!6I  
exterior    ÍⲿµÄ IgEVz^W?h  
interior    ÄÚ²¿µÄ " nLWvV1  
sparrow    Âéȸ / mwsF]Y  
swallow    Ñà×Ó bA07zI2  
hollow    ¿ÕµÄ H=6-@+ !o  
sorrow    ±¯ÉË 7~H"m/;U&  
narrow    Õ­µÄ vz^=o'  
pillow    ÕíÍ· ~j[mME}  
arrow    ¼ý rTzXRMv@o  
bold    ÓÂ¸ÒµÄ ~Gh9m ]b  
cold    ÀäµÄ C,$7fW{?  
fold    ÕÛµþ£»ñÞ gH/(4h  
gold    ½ð a 1~@m[  
hold    ÎÕ B6U4>ZN  
mold    Ä£Ê½ @Uqcym.  
sold    Âô³ö 9^@#Ua  
told    ¸æËß R]NCD*~  
migrant            ÒƾÓÕß Ur(<  ]  
immigrant        Èë¾³ÒÆÃñ 95*=& d  
immigrate        ×÷ΪÒÆÃñ¶¨¾Ó ,yTT,)@<  
immigration        Òƾӣ»£¨×ܳƣ©ÍâÀ´ÒÆÃñ te+r.(p  
emigrant            ³ö¾³ÒÆÃñ K}t C8D  
emigrate            ÒƾÓÍâ¹ú &,'CHBM  
emigration        Ç¨ÒƳö¾³£»£¨×ܳƣ©ÒÆÃñ v\-7sgZR  
edge            ±ßÑØ h! w d/jR  
hedge        °«Ê÷Àé°Ê£»ÕÏ°­Îï 4#ZZwa]y  
wedge        ïÆ×Ó£»ïÆÐÎÎÊÂÇéµÄÆðÒò EO"G(v  
pledge        ÊÄÑÔ£»µäѺ£»±£ÈË @|fT%Rwho<  
deduce        Íƶϣ»ÑÝÒï 4^k+wQU  
reduce        ¼õÉÙ nQd~i0`vB  
produce        Éú²ú BCt>P?,UO  
induce        ÒýÓÕ£»ÒýÆ𣻵¼Ö£»¹éÄÉ 3PEW0b*]Pf  
seduce        Ëôʹ£»ÒýÈëÆç; ]>, Lw=_[_  
preclude        Åųý£»¶Å¾ø£»×èÖ¹ 66HxwY3a  
exclude        ³ýÍâ ~;I'.TW  
include        °üÀ¨ Z>hGqFZ0{  
form            ÐÎʽ U8 n=Ro  
deform        ±äÐÎ }kMKA.O"  
inform        Í¨Öª vn^*  
transform        ×ª±ä I~25}(IDZ"  
conform        Ò»ÖÂ "*N]Y^6/A  
contempt        ÇáÊÓ > 7 qZ\#  
attempt        Æóͼ TlJ'pG 4^  
prompt        ´Ùʹ£»Íƶ¯£»¼¤Æð ^2uT!<2  
               Ãô½ÝµÄ % r0AhWv  
7 '{wl,u  
except        ³ý¡­¡­ ig4mj47wJ  
accept        ½ÓÊÜ @<B$LJ|jdG  
concept        ¸ÅÄî X,`e1nsR  
percept        ¸ÐÖª£»ÈÏÖª J;Eg"8x]  
W" 1=K] B  
receive        ÊÕµ½ %^bN^Sq -  
deceive        ÆÛÆ­ 77;|PKE /  
conceive        º¬ÓÐ 9~}.f1z  
perceive        Öª¾õ£»Òâʶµ½£»°Ñ¡­¡­¿´×÷¡­¡­ xd^9R<  
(perceive ¡­ as ¡­ / take ¡­ as ¡­ / regard ¡­ as ¡­ / see ¡­ as ¡­) pt~b=+bBm  
achieve        »ñµÃ lNB<_SO  
believe        ÏàÐÅ     V)cL=4G  
grieve        ±¯Í´ k4YW;6<C+  
relieve        ·ÅËÉ qfyuq]  
lilac n. dz×ÏÉ« `D0H u!;  
antique violet n. ¹Å×ÏÉ« [u7i)fn5?  
pansy n. ×ÏÂÞÀ¼É« dU#} Tk  
white n. °×É« -h{|u{t  
off-white n. »Ò°×É« Uw->5   
ivory n. ÏóÑÀÉ« fk(h*L|sI  
snowy white n. Ñ©°×É« VZr AZV^c  
oyster white n. Èé°×É« .a `ojT  
gray n. »ÒÉ« ^MUvd  
charcoal gray n. Ì¿»ÒÉ« 4_h?E:sBb  
smoky gray n. ÑÌ»ÒÉ« 6>F]Z)]}  
misty gray n.    Îí»ÒÉ«









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