“要不要去接种流感疫苗?”这是苏志顺和他的室友们在“卧谈会”上的一个论题。9月28日这天,他们刚接到关于接种甲型H1N1流感疫苗的通知。 {aoG60N
Do you want to get a vaccination or not? That`s the sort of question that Su Zishun and his dorm-mates chat about before going to sleep. They got a notice about the A(H1N1) influenza vaccine on September 28. S2\|bs7;J,
苏志顺是青岛大学数字媒体专业的大三学生,同时也是第十一届山东全运会的一名志愿者。他和另外377名学生一起,率先决定接种流感疫苗。 ,3,(/%=k
Su, a junior in digital media at Qingdao University, volunteered to work for the 11th National Games in Shandong. He and 377 other students were among the first to make the decision about getting vaccinated. 7Ap==J{a
他说:“我之前不想尝试这个,因为相关的药物测试还不健全,直到现在,我依然不确定是否应该接种疫苗。” *%aWGAu:
I didn`t want to try it, since the tests aren`t complete, he said. "I`m still not sure whether I need to be vaccinated." 8`Iz%rw&(J
尽管政府官员们一再表示疫苗是安全的,但还是有相当一部分学生犹豫不决。 &57s//PrX
There`s a certain amount of ambivalence among students, even though government officials have repeatedly said that the vaccine is safe. n1Fp$9%
面对国内大众,秉着完全自愿与免费的原则,儿童和老人是第一批接种疫苗的人群。 =8W'4MC
Kids and the elderly are in the first group to receive the vaccine, which is totally voluntary and free to the public in China. 3q)y;T\yW
来自7个省份、不同年龄层的约13000名志愿者已经投入到甲流疫苗的测试工作中。约两个月前,他们接受了第一次甲流疫苗接种;21天后,超过85%的志愿者对这种新型流感病毒菌株显示出了免疫力。甲流疫苗专家小组组长赵凯表示:“试验结果已表明,中国的甲流疫苗是有效的。” ,xOOR
Some 13,000 volunteers, across all age brackets, in seven provinces, have taken part in A(H1N1) vaccine tests. They got their first shot to test the vaccine about two months ago, and, after 21 days, more than 85 percent showed an immunity to this novel flu strain. "The results have shown that the Chinese vaccine is effective," said Zhao Kai, head of the team of A(H1N1) flu vaccine scientists. =2&