听力理解 fQQj2>3w
对话题型制胜方略 Xrl# DN
依据听力测试的内容和问题,我们大体上把听力题分为以下几种类型,这些都是听力理解测试中值得注意的几种类型。考生熟悉这些题型及其特点,对于提高应试能力,顺利通过考试,是非常有益的。 qf
一、请求、提供、建议 {:
]u 6l
(一)“请求”与“提供” iVT)V>U p
表示“请求”的题不同于表示“提供”的题。“请求”题型的特点是:对话的一方向另一方提出请求,另一方表示同意或拒绝;“提供”题型的特点是:一方主动表示提供帮助,另一方表示接受或谢绝。 z94#:jPmG
用来表示“请求”的句型有: q?y-s
Will you... ? Would you... ? rHiBW!
Do you mind... ? LIE5of
Can you... ? Could you... ? eHb@qKnf
How about. .. ? Would you mind... ? u+
b `aB
Why not... ? Would you tell me... ? vN&(__3((
听“请求”题的关键是要听清、听懂答案,因为通常都是就答话的内容提问的。 !mH
用来表示“提供”的句型有: U0=: `G2l
Shall I ... ? Do you want me to... ? Cz|F%>y#
Can I... ? Would you like me to... ? K2{6{X=
Could I... ? Would you mind... ? sm Kp3_r
How about... ? y!8m7a
值得注意的是被提供者无论是否接受帮助,在许多情况下都要表示谢意,而这些谢意往往成为干扰项,对考题不起作用,应尽量排除。 jP#I](\eG
You will hear: K;7ea47m N
W: What can I do for you, gentleman? Maybe you like this T-shirt, because the colour matches your skin and it is the latest fashion. G5hf m-
M: Yes, it's really a good T-shirt and it's of good colour. But I just walk around and watch. Thank you just the same. jr(|-!RVMN
You will read: MzMVs3w|
Q: What does the man accept? MbxJ3"@
[A]The color. [B]The suit. [C]The style. [D]Nothing. v]\T
注:此题为表示“提供”题。女方提供帮助,但男方只是到此走走,并不需要帮助,故应选择“D”。 6zIK%<
(二)建议表达形式 !i_~<6Wa7
建议包括建议对方做什么和建议自己要对方一起做什么。试题中有的建议是直截了当的,有的则是婉转暗示的。常用来表示建议的句型有: .=N ?;i
Let's______You'd better______Why don't you... ? Why not______Maybe you______Perhaps we______Hov about... ? What about______Shall we... ? !t[;~`d9
You will hear: b#-=Dbe
M: Where can we get the pencil-box? iUbcvF3aP
W: I'm not sure. let's go to the shop to borrow the pencil-box. cx[[K.
You will read: =)}Yw)
Q: What does the woman mean? NIAji3
[A]She suggestes they go to the shop to borrow the pencil-box. .qLXjU
[B]She is not sure where the pencil-box is. =gC% =
[C]She doesn't know if there is the pencil-box. p7W9?b9
[D]She has found the pencil-box in the shop. X
注:答案为“A”。 \0K&2'
You will hear: tr58J%Mu
M: I think I'm coming down with something. wlQ
W: Maybe you'd better see a doctor. ;{Yr
You will read: dt0(04
Q: What does the woman suggest that the man do? cd`P'GDF
[A]Calm down a little. K#Xl)h}y7
[B]Become a doctor. .e4upTGU
[C]Find a better doctor. XT\2
[D]Get medical advice. ~R\ $Z
注:答案为“D”。 (Vn3g ra
二、语音、语调 N/[!$B0H@
(一)连续话语中的语音变化 WHqw=!G
连续话语中的语音变化是造成考生听力理解困难的主要原因之一,因此考生应对英语的这些语音变化有一个比较全面的了解,提高英语语音的听辨能力,在此我们将对英语连续话语中常见的语音变化分别介绍如下: Ce~Pms]
1.连音(读):前一个词与后一个词紧密连接而形成的读音叫做“连音(读)”。在英语里有两种连音:一种是前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词是以元音开头、辅音和元音连在一起发音而形成的连接。例如: \p%D;g+c
It is a pencil.([t]与,[z]与[ə]连音) vsPIvW!V
Good evening.([d]与[i:]连音) 4&%E?_M
另一种是前一个词以元音结尾,后一个词又是以元音开头,两个元音连在一起读出而形成的连接。例如: t qUBl?i
the end(与[e]连音) fm$Qd^E|e
too easy([u:]与[i:]连音) TEbIU8{Y
2.加音:在连贯语流中为了发音方便而在音节间或词与词之间添加的语音。英语中的加音通常为[r]音。例如: >}/T&S
drawing-pin→[dr riη pin] 3m~,6mQ
more and more→['m rәn'm :] wc#k@"2AZb
3.失爆:当一个爆破音后面紧跟着另一个爆破音时,第一个爆破音不发生爆破,即只作发音姿势,稍做停顿随即发出后面的爆破音,前一个音即失去爆破。例如: $h}w:AV:
Jane had drawn a good picture on the blackboard. qW /&.
4.省音:在实际话语中,通常为了发音方便而省去音节之间或词与词之间的一些音,这种现象称之为“省音”。省音在现代英语中,尤其是在快速话语中相当普遍。例如: JEK_W<BD
kindness['kaindnis]→ ['kainnis] wv=U[:Y
easily['i:zili]→ ['i:zli] 7#N
do you [du:ju:]→[dju] DHbS=Iih
5.同化:在两个不相似的音连起来发的时候,由于互相影响,互相适应,变为相同或相似的音。例如: WqS$C;]%
good morning [ ud m nir ]→[ ub m :nir ] Zad>iw}
main gate [mein geit]→[mei geit] =iB$4d2
6.弱化:某些单词在语句里相对不很重要,往往在连续话语中就要读得相对地轻一些、快一些,由此产生语音上的变化,这种现象称之为“弱化”。单词读音弱化的程度不尽相同,这主要是取决于它所处的具体语音环境以及说话的速度。在实际话语中,单词的弱化形式比它的重读形式更为常见,也更为重要。了解这一点,对于我们提高英语语音的听辨能力大有裨益。例如: ztAC3,r]
We can do it. [wikn 'du:it] ]AZCf`7/?
What do you think of it? ['w dju'θir k v it] p@h<u!rL8
(二)近音词、同音词的干扰 ulk/I-y
近音词、同音词辨别是考试中常见的一种考题形式。一般是出题者在考题中有意识地模拟说话人的话语读音,设计读音相似或相同但含义不同的选择项,以此干扰考生对所听到的话语中词语的理解,从而测试考生辨音、辨义的能力。对于这类考题,考生应注意比较、区别英语的单词发音,尤其应注意比较、区别在连贯语流中的单词读音,弄清话语的确切含义,然后做出判断,切记不可按照读音机械地选择答案。 TH55@1W,[
You will hear: =`2jnvx
W: It was really nice of Mary to help you figure out those results. roBbo
M: Yeah, Before she did, I had no idea which way to turn. ^W`RBrJay
You will read: LoSrXK~0~J
Q: What does the man mean? YRv}w3yQ
[A]He needed Mary's help. &i6JBZ#~,
[B]He got lost on the highway. NC YOY
[C]Mary's figures were wrong. e`+ej-o,
[D]His ideas were helpful. iG"1~/U
注:上例选择项中的highway形成对对话中的way的干扰。另外,选择项和对话中都有figure一词,但含义相差甚远,故构成干扰。本题的正确答案为“A”。 x7i,jMR
(三)语调 nITkgN:s
语调是人们表达思想感情的重要手段之一。它除了可以用来区分句子种类以外,还可以和句子重音一起用来表达各种态度和情绪。常用的语调与相对应的内涵意义如下: l\2"u M#7
1.陈述句和特殊疑问句用升调,表示怀疑和否定意义。 ZTj!ti;5
2.一般疑问句和反问疑问句用降调,表示肯定意义。 dKevhm)R"
3.通过转移句子重音表示反问或反驳。 zQ+
4.一方提出问题,另一方却用升调重复这句话中的关键词语,表示对该词语的否定意义。 i?V:+0#q\]
You will hear: x]608I
W: Where have you been? >u|4490<0
M: Where have I been? I was wondering the same thing about you. vrh2}biCR
You will read: i3)7Qa[
Q: What does the man want to know? HIvSh6|0p
[A]What that thing is. };'~@%U]/
[B]How long he will have to wait. 9)n3f^,Oj*
[C]Where the woman has been. dIA1\;@
[D]Where they were going. 5kHU'D
注:男方在回答女方提问时,将句子重音转移到了主语“I”上,以示反问,故应选择“C”。 c0_5
三、数字与计算 /N")uuv
数字与计算是考博听力测试中经常出现的题型,几乎在每次听力测试中都有这方面的内容。 %][zn$aa|
从测试题中出现的形式来看,它们大致可分为加减法计算型,乘除法计算型,混合运算法计算型,近音、近形数字的辨认等类型。下面将这几种类型题的规律简要地分析一下。 Z4{N|h?
(一)加减法题型 4F!%mMq
在加减法计算题型中,常常有一些能够表示数字的存在或引起数字变化的形容词、副词、介词或短语及动词等,听清这些词义是确定数字之间关系的关键。表示数字关系的词如下:more(多);less(少);late (晚,迟);early(早);fast(快);slow(慢);before(前);after(后);off(离开,减去);but(但是);only(仅仅,但是);have(具有);start,begin(开始);spend(花费);miss(失去,没赶上);leave,depart(离开);postpone (延期开始);arrive(到达);prolong(延期结束);increase(增加);add(增加);borrow(借用);lend(把……信给);load(借出);delay(延期,迟到);save(节约)等。 hn$jI5*`
You will hear: hD,xJ]zv1
W: I'd like to have two of these pictures. Will I save any money if I buy a pair? ;0Ih:YY6
M: Yes. They are usually five dollars apiece, but you can have two of them for nine dollars. \SWuylE
You will read: bkm:#K
Q: How much does one picture cost? {
[A] 2.______[B] 5.______[C] 9.______[D] 10.______ 3=0b
(二)乘除法题型 kZc
乘除法计算题型解题的关键是抓住有关表达数字间关系的词,这些词通常是一些具有倍数意义的名词、形容词、副词或动词等。常用的词如下: 5X9*K
times(乘);twice(两倍,两次);couple(双,三两个);half(半);half of(……的一半);half as much (many)as(加半倍,一倍半);pair(一对);a pair of(一对,一双);double(两倍);quarter(四分之一);onethird/forth…(三/四分之一);percentage(百分之……)等。 >/.Ae8I)
You will hear: 7!e kINQ
W: I want a single room with a shower. What's the rate? dAaxbP|
M: It's 9 dollars a day. #-PUm0|
You will read: #BI6+rfv|
Q: How much does the woman have to pay if she stays for 3 days? 99[v/L>F
[A] 24.______[B] 29.______[C] 27.______[D] 31.______ C`aUitL}
注:答案为“C”。 cdg&)
(三)混合运算法计算型 uzT>|uu$
混合运算法计算题通常出现在有关价格的计算题中,解此类题的关键是抓住对话中已给的一些数字,弄清它和所求结果之间的关系,从而快速地推断答案。 bGik~
You will hear: h3p~\%^
W: Tickets are four dollars for adults. Children's tickets are half the price. '~x jaa;.
M: Okay, I'd like two adults' and two children's tickets, please. 't475?bY
You will read: TezwcFqH
Q: How much did the man pay for the tickets? raZ0B,;eFu
[A] 16.______[B] 12.______[C] 4.______[D] 6.______ ` yM9XjEl>
注:答案为“B”。 ka:wD?>1i
(四)近音、近形数字的辨认及其他 UFj/Y;
近音、近形数字考题是指试题的书面选择项中有与录音信息中近音、近形的干扰数字。要做好这类题,首先考生要熟悉并掌握各种形式数字的读法,在听音过程中边听边记,记下所听到的数字或有关的数据,采用排除法,排除近音、近结构以及词汇的干扰,最后根据问题选出正确答案。 >UV=k :Q
考生需要掌握的数字: x'
1.基数词和序数词。 ^ E3 HY@j
常常混淆的数字有:7-11,55-65,lst-4th,4th-5th,5th-6th等。 l,
在两位数字中,-teen(十几)和-ty(几十)是考生最容易搞混,也是考试常出的问题。区别这两种数字,除听清数字发音之外,还可以根据重音的变化做出判断。-teen一般有两个重音,例如:19-nineteen ['nain'ti:n].而-ty的重音则只有一个,并且都出现在第一个音节上,例如:90-ninety['nainti] l^v,X%{Iz
对于三位数字和三位以上的数字,考生在考试中应注意听清各个位数上的数字,切记不要把位置搞混,比如651就很容易误听成561。 wOR#sp&
另外,三位数字的读法是:几百(hundred)+and+末(两)位数。例如: ]iaQD _'\
651—six hundred and fifty-one `^DP<&{
709—seven hundred and nine q/3co86c
三位以上的数字读法是:从右向左数第三位数加一个“,”,第一个“,”读为thousand,第二个“,”读为million。例如: :;o?d&C
1,901—one thousand nine hundred and one s1zkkLw`*
4,080,001—four million eighty thousand and one m8&XW2S
2.时间。 ^ANz=`N5,
钟点的读法: /O$)m[
12:45—a quarter to thirteen/twelve forty-five L$}'6y/@
4:30—half past four/four thirty kk/vgte-)e
日期的读法: z9^_5la#
July lst/July 1 (st)—the first of July/July(the) first ~#iAW@
年份的读法: &0J/V>k
1066-ten sixty-six/ten hundred sixty-six SSr2K
年代的读法: O9)k)A]`O
in the 90s—in the nineties Ky'\t7p u
in the 1930s—in the nineteen thirties @%#!-wC-5
世纪的读法:the+序数词+century,例如:in the 16th century /Pa<I^-#
You will hear:
W: I think there is a 20-cent air mail stamp in that box, isn't there? Q37zBC0
M: No, but here's a 10-cent stamp, and here's another, and here are five ones. Those will be all right, won't they? ~Nl`Zmn(A|
You will read: {>.qo<k
Q: How many stamps will the man probably put on his letter? X[o"9O|<
[A] 1.______[B] 10.______[C] 20.______[D] 7.______ ,NQ>,}a0
注:答案为“D”。 pPZ^T5-ks
四、否定 \
否定意义的题型在考试中十分常见。英语否定句除了使用not、no、none、nobody、no one、nothing、nowhere、neither、never等否定词表示否定意义外,还常用一些其他否定形式。为了使学生对试题中出现的各种否定形式有较全面的了解,下面将分别对各种否定形式加以论述。 w3peG^4D_
You will hear: &bS!>_9
M: Jane, I love to do shopping and cooking, What about you? gPWl# 5P:
W: Well, I love to do cooking but dislike doing laundry. {X>U`0P
You will read: Gh9dv|m=[;
Q: What does Jane hate to do? n!y}p q6
[A]Jane doesn't enjoy washing clothes. TZk.h8
[B]Jane doesn't like cooking. 8^dsx1U#
[C]Jane loves to go shopping. }sS1p6z
[D]Jane dislike cooking and doing laundry. *gXm&/2*
注:答案为“A”。 1oIu~f{`
五、原因与结果 @?"t&h
(一)以事实为基础的问题将要求你能回忆出对话中所出现的直接信息 8r
为了答出直接信息,你应当: L\UM12
•注意听对话的细节。 S~ 3|
•注意根据语境理解生词。 VR0#"
•在听对话的同时注意看选择项,以便进行预测。 o M#S.
•特别注意数字和专有名词。 V/7?]?!xu
提问直接信息,通常有下列形式: $U/_8^6B0
“According to the conversation…” b(H)8#C
“What…” yw)Ztg)
“Why…” ;M Z@2CO
“Which…” xF3H\`{4x
(二)推测类的问题要求你根据对话中的具体细节得出结论或对细节进行比较 wY j~ (P"
为了答出推测类的问题,你应当: OT5'c l
•注意听对话的细节。 TID0x/j"K5
•注意根据语境理解生词。 ~0>{PD$@
•在听对话的同时注意看选择项,以便进行预测。 Ey"<hAF
•运用你的语境知识,猜测一下可能会得出哪些符合逻辑的结论。 +(<}`!9M*
提问推测类问题,通常有下列形式: ZVek`Cc2
“It can be inferred from the conversation that...” +2ih!$T;7>
“The man or woman most probably...” d.&~n`Rv!p
“What will the man or woman probably do next?” RFkJ^=}
1.what与why引出的结果 Eqva]
对话双方第一个人以一个带有疑问代词what或疑问副词why的疑问句向对方提问,第二个人就第一个人提出的问题作出回答;而第三个人通常以一个带疑问代词what或疑问副词why的疑问句提出问题。 ico(4KSk
You will hear: lFY;O !Y5\
M: Why are you laughing at me? %R{clbbbn
W: Because you look so funny in your new shoes. ^MWfFpJV!]
You will read: !Jj=H()}
Q:What is the man wearing? VRoeq {
[A]A new scarf. [B]A new pair of shoes. y|X\f!
[C]A new hat. [D]A new pair of short pants. STmCj
注:答案为“B”。 Q=9S?p
2.比较含蓄的因果表达 !m1pL0
含蓄的因果关系是考生难以掌握的一种,需要在理解对话的语义、语境的基础上找出其中的因果关系。这种关系常用的句型有: w`VmN}pR
I'd like to..., but I...; I wish I could...; but I...; but... not... hGF(E*
You will hear: d}',Bl+u{$
M: How about going to dinner and movie with me tonight, Sandy? !`='K
W: I'd like to, but I have't packed yet and my flight leaves at five am.. :OBggb#?!
You will read: +Z[%+x92
Q: Why didn't Sandy accept the invitation? /7h%sCX
[A]She's afraid of going out at night. DRVvW6s
[B]She had to do some baking. N[ArwV2O
[C]She wanted to get ready for a plane trip. 9#6ilF:F
[D]She was moving to a new apartment. G$4lH>A&
注:答案为“C”。 W9V%Xc`LQ
3.用一般疑问句,一问一答表示因果 2#1FI0,Pa*
在对话中,第一个人用一般疑问句提出问题,第二个人的回答不是否定的便是肯定的。但学生不应一听到答语中的yes或no,就急于选择,而是应注意yes与no之后的解释,因为第三者提出的问题是问yes或no的态度及原因,有时第二个人对第一个人提出的问题不直接回答,这就需要考生认真理解第二个人的话语含义,然后做出正确的选择。 a+m
You will hear: b)w3
W: Are you going fishing with us today? qg6Hk:^r
M: I promised Tom I'd go boating with him—and I'm really looking forward to it. 6aQ{EO-]'=
You will read: 60AX2-sdJ,
Q: What does the man mean? L +. K}w
[A]He won't go fishing with the woman. T:.J9
[B]He prefers boating to fishing. <k^9l6@
[C]He prefers fishing to boating. iJrscy-
[D]He will go fishing with Tom. ",8h>eEWK
注:答案为“A”。 7@tr^JykO
4.连词because,as,for,since,so…that…,and now that,such…that…引出因果 )_2!1
在这种类型的听力测试中,由于对话中使用连词,故使因果关系比较明显,考生较容易地选出正确答案。 s[s 6E`Q
You will hear: a/)TJv
W: John's not going to the movies because he has to work. Bdbw!zRR$
M: Mike had to study and Sue has a cold, so they aren't going either. [S</QS!
You will read: aeBth{
Q: Why won't John go to the movie? KI>7h.t
[A] He has to study. [B]He had a cold. ]r"{G*1Q
[C]He had to work. [D]He doesn't like.
注:答案为“C”。 "F[VqqD
六、职业与身份 .=@M>TZM
(一)职业 eEc
职业问题要求考生辨别出讲话人的职业或听众的身份。 {8B\-LUR
为了回答好此类问题,你应当: D *LZ_
●试着想像一下讲话发生的场景。 0|^x[dh
●注意听能辨别出讲话者身份和讲话人与听众之间关系的关键词语。 Yaa
●注意听讲话人的语调,从而判断讲话是正式的或非正式的。 8v]{ 5
提问职业,通常有下列形式: VJR'B={h
“Who is the speaker?” M $~h(3
“Who is the audience?” !w)Mm P Xb
“What is the speaker's job?” Rthu8NKn
“Whom does the speaker work for?” l5h9Eq
You will hear: ,-b{oS~u
W: Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow afternoon,Uncle Smith? ;!~;05^iD
M: I'd like to, Mary, but I can't. I'll be in surgery at 3 o'clock. I'll be operating on a patient then. *UyV@
You will read: $&e(V6A@
Q: What's the profession of man? uRL3v01?H0
[A]Dentist. [B]Physicist. [C]Physician. [D]Surgeon. U/iAP W4U
注:答案为“D”。 Uv+pdRXn
(二)身份 l.34
为了答对此类问题,你应当: VmUM_Q~
●试着想像一下对话所发生的场景。 VG8rd'Z
●仔细听能辨别说话人职业的关键词。 <7jb4n<
●注意听说话人的语调,判断对话是正式的或非正式的。 c^6`"\X^g
提问职业,通常有下列形式: / P:Hfq
“What is the person's probable vocation/job?” cUm9s>^)/
“Who is the woman/man?” K4F!?#
You will hear: | 5L1\O8#
W: You sound very annoyed about the baby. Try to be a little calmer,Bill. P5d@-l%}
M: Don't be silly, Sally. I-am-Calm!! ?}]kIK}MC
You will read: Z~
Q: What the probable relation between the two speakers? sTA/2d
[A]Sister and brother. [B]Father and daughter. fM|g8(TK,
[C]Mother and son. [D]Husband and wife. 7IHD?pnZ
注:答案为“D”。 ( Lu.^
七、比较与选择 dI
做比较选择类型题的关键,是运用所掌握的语法知识,抓住听力材料的句型,从中选择正确答案。 /SUV'J)
(一)对等比较与选择 0%qUTGj
对等比较的句型有:as…as…(和……一样);the same…as…(和……一样);not so…as(不及,不如);different form(和……不同)。 ~r!5d@f.6
You will hear: g_>ZE
M: How do you think of Peter's radio? `;_tt_
W: At first, I thought Peter's radio is best, but it's not as good as Tom's. #w*pWD^
You will read: vaf9b}FL
Q: How does the woman think of Peter's radio? Me}TW!GC
[A]Peter's is better than Tom's. PD}R7[".>
[B]Peter's is worst than Tom's. E?XCL8NC
[C]Tom's not so good as Peter's. 1 :Yt2]
[D] Peter's is as good as Tom's. "pZ3
注:答案为“B”。 0lRH
(二)不等比较与选择 |g7h#F~
此类题型在听力测试中出现率较高,其内容大都是人与人之间年龄大小,身材高矮,或成绩、能力的优劣方面的比较,物体大小、轻重、颜色、距离的长短以及商品价格高低的比较与选择。 ~^^ey17
在不等比较中,必须听清楚被比较事物之间的差异,这些差异一般均通过不等比较句型表现出来。 Jrk^J6aa
不等比较句型主要有:more/less than…(比……多少);...of the two…(两个中……);rather than…(宁愿……,倒不如……);prefer…to…(比起……更喜欢……) ~t:b<'/
You will hear: *!'&:
W: Who is the better teacher? I mean between Tom and John. q`aY.dD=O
M: Tom is the better teacher. He teaches very carefully. tqQ0lv^J
You will read: 30
Q: Who is the better teacher? {F:v$ K
[A] Tom does better than John. BZ?W>'B%$
[B] John teaches carefully than Tom. Uk:.2%S2
[C]Tom is as good as John. _g 4/%
[D]John is the better teacher. eFSC^
注:答案为“A”。 *yaX:,'\$
(三)用比较级句型表达最高级含义 ;x-H$OZX
最高级有两种表达形式,一是用形容词、副词的最高级形式,另一种是比较级+than+any+other+被比较对象;nothing(nobody,no none,etc)+谓语+比较级+than。前种形式考生比较熟悉,而后者对考生来说较生疏,遇到此种句型时要迅速做出正确判断,切勿与比较级表达形式相混。 uXLZtfu{
You will hear: ]zyX@=mM
M: Tom has many hobbies, doesn't he? b;L>%;
W: Actually, Tom likes nothing better than to talk on the telephone with his friends. Iv(Qa6(
You will read: }{8Fo4/
Q: What does Tom like to do most? +oy&OKCa
[A]Tom likes best to make phone calls. Ao":9r[V
[B]Tom likes to talk with his friend most. ~"0@u
[C]Tom likes to visit his friends most. oM<!I0"gC+
[D]Tom likes best to travel with his friends. ,k~j6Z
注:答案为“A”。 +%wWSZ<#
八、地点场合的判断 0HR|aqPo
在考博测试中,地点场合类的题出现的频率较高,几乎历次考试都有。因此,考生应予以足够的重视。 7B(bH8
一般说来,人们谈话时往往因地点场合的不同而采用不同的词语,这样就形成了与某些地点场合相关联的特定用语。因此,考生在考试中一定要抓住这些表示地点场合的关键词语进行推理,从而判断出对话时所在的场所或对话中所提及的场所,就提问做出正确的选择。 rQEi/
特定地点场合用语, ADGnBYE
School:assignment, lecture, textbook, professor, student, subject, course, exam, quiz, campus, dorm, classroom, blackboard, term, semester, grades, papers, etc. -~][0PVL9
Library:librarian, borrow/return/renew books, reader's card, reading room, catalogue, bookshelves, etc. jJVT_8J
Bookstore:buy, order, price, bookshelves, out of stock, etc. 7':f_]
Railway station:train, carriage, coach, sleeping-car, ticket, waiting-room, timetable, leave, depart, arrive, passenger, platform, etc. *q*HG W5
Post office:letter, parcel, package, stamp, airmail, registered, postage, rate, etc. /zG+]
Bank:account, cash, deposit, check(cheque), teller, savings, etc. YZGS-+
Bus:bus stop, ticket, bus conductor, fare, get on the bus, get off the bus, etc. ] *-;' *
Hospital/clinic: prescription, symptom, temperature, dizzy, cold, fever, toothache, stomachache, chest pain, trouble, etc.
Hotel:room number, book/reserve a room, key, reception, check in, check out, etc. i-,D_
Drug store:dosage, fill prescription, doctor's order, pill, etc. yW\XNX
Restaurant:menu, food, dish, taste, order, recipe, rare, well-done, etc. A XBkJ'jd
Clothing Department: dress, size, sweat, put on, price tag, Can I help you? How much is it? etc. kG1;]1tT#
Garage:repair, fix, flat tire, nail, etc. jJ
Barber's/Hairdresser's: haircut, wave, curl, perm(permanent wave), shave, hair-dyeing, hair-drying, trim one's hair, take off more off the top, leave one's hair long, cut one's hair short, etc.地点问题要求你判断出对话可能发生的地点。为了回答此类问题,你应当: Z
●仔细听能表明说话人所在地的关键词。 9?;@*x
●想像一下讲话发生的场景。 c^=R8y-N
●注意听讲话人的语气,从而辨清讲话是亲密友好的还是官方正式的。 %bP~wl~
提问地点,通常有下列形式: 3ai (x1%
“Where is this talk most probably being given?” o]Wz6L
“Where is the speaker during this talk?” r C_d$Jv
“In what course would this lecture most likely be given?” G02ox5X
You will hear: RF_[?O)Q
M: Hello, I'd like to reserve a single room with a bath. r6`\d k
W: Just go to the front desk and they'll help you. _Vjpw,
You will read: .^i<xY
Q: Where does this conversation take place? {A|bBg1!
[A]It takes place in a classroom. SLkuT`*
[B]It takes place in front of a desk. BhKO_wQ?:J
[C]It takes place in a hotel. {6'*Phw
[D]It is in a singer's room. SIq1X'7
注:答案为“C”。 0G5'Y;8