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主题 : 考博面试口语真题
级别: VIP博友
楼主  发表于: 2015-12-07   
来源于 考博资料 分类


01 goodteacher
Describe thecharacteristics of a good teacher. Please state with specific examples anddetails.
A good teacher shouldbear many excellent qualities. First of all, a teacher should have outstandingteaching ability and an open mind. In other words, it’s important to be good atencouraging students to think, decide and attempt, and the teacher should bewilling to learn and accept new things. Furthermore, a teacher is supposed tobe patient and sincere to all the students even though they make mistakes inclass. A teacher should also be an honest and humble person, who opens heart tosurrounding people and never refuses to acknowledge her shortcomings, even toher students. These qualities can make a good teacher.
一个好老师应当具有很多良好品质,首先,应有出色的教学技能和开放心态。换句话说,应擅长鼓励学生 思考、决策和尝试,一个老师还应当愿意学习和接受新事物。另外,老师应当耐心、热心对待所有学生, 甚至当他们犯错误的时候。老师也应当是一个诚实而谦逊的人,他愿意向周围人展开心扉,并且从不拒绝 承认自己的不足,甚至面对自己学生也是这样。这样的品质就能使其成为一个好的老师。
02 goodparent
What doyou think are the characteristics of a good parent?
Well, in my opinion, agood parent should be well‐educated and patient. It’s said that parents are thefirst and most important teacher for children. So a parent should be well‐educated,otherwise, how could he/she deal with the tutoring? Secondly, everybody knowsthat to feed a baby is a time‐consuming work. It needs great patience. If theyare not patient enough, the baby would hurt itself. And leave a scar inforehead for example, that’ll be a disaster for him when he grows up.
在我看来,一个好父母应该受过良好教育并且有耐心。有人说,父母是孩子第一个也是最重要的老师子, 因此,家长应受过良好教育,否则,他/她怎么可能辅导孩子?其次,每个人都知道喂养婴儿是一个耗时的工作,它需要极大的耐心。如果他们没有足够的耐心,宝宝会伤害自己。比如,前额上留下疤痕,那他在 成长过程中是个灾难。
03 goodfriend
Describethe characteristics of friends, use specific examples to support yourstatement.
Well I think that Goodfriends should bear several qualities. First of all, a friend in need is afriend indeed. A good friend should be willing to help you when you are introuble, comfort you when you are frustrated.Furthermore, good friends should also be honest people, who can open heart to othersand never refuse to acknowledge their shortcomings. I feel comfortable and safeto get along with these types of friends, and they can always offer theiropinions for your own good. So I think friends like this deserve to be creditedas the good ones.
我觉得好朋友应该具有一些特质。首先,患难朋友才是真正朋友。当你有麻烦了,一个好朋友应该愿意帮 助你;当你感到沮丧,一个好朋友应当安慰你。此外,好朋友也应该是诚实的人,他可以对他人敞开心扉, 从不拒绝承认自己的缺点。与这样的朋友相处,我会感到安全且舒服,他们也会从你角度出发来出谋划策。 所以我觉得这样的朋友才是好朋友。

04 goodleader
What kind of qualities should a goodleader possess?Please state your opinion and give specific details and examplesin your explanation.  A good leader should bear some necessary qualities. First of all, a leadershould own the ability of team building and help each individual in the team toperform their very best. In addition, a good leader should master impressiveprofessional knowledge and skills, in order to decide the direction of teamdevelopment and help the subordinates to solve practical problems. Furthermore,a good leader should respect the work and be willing to work with other teammembers. These qualities can make a good leader.
 一个好的领导者应该具有这些素质。首先,一个领导者应该有能力建立团队,并帮助团队中每个人发挥才 能。此外,一个好的领导者应该具有出色的专业知识和技能,来决定团队发展方向,帮助下属解决实际问 题。此外,一个好的领导者应该敬业,并愿意与其他团队成员工作。这些素质可以成就一个好的领导者。
05 personyou admire
Who is theperson you admire the most? Please give specific details and examples in yourexplanation.
I will introduce Mr.Jackson to you. You will be surprised to find that he is our sales manager, forhis rigorous habit of reasoning makes him more like an engineer. Yet he is nota boring person, for his smart jokes always cheer us up at difficult times. Mr.Jackson is widely regarded as a low‐key player though he plays an importantrole in our company. Sure he is and that’s why we all feel it a pleasure towork with him and to get along with him as personal friends. You cannot helpbeing attracted by his magnetic personality which seems contagious to peoplearound him.
我将介绍杰克逊先生给你。令人惊奇的是,他是我们的销售经理,他具有严谨的逻辑推理能力,使他更像 一名工程师。然而,他不是一个无趣的人,他的笑话总在困难时期鼓励我们。虽然他在我们公司地位重要, 杰克逊先生却非常低调。他确实如此,所以大家愿意和他工作,并且愿意把他当作私人朋友。你禁不住被 他人格魅力吸引,这似乎也感染了他的身边其他人。
06 leaderor follower
To be aleader or a follower, which do you prefer? Please give your opinion withspecific examples and details.
Considering mypersonality, I prefer to be a follower, although I know that nowadays,leadership skill is a very essential requirement for a promising career. First,to my understanding, leadership involves a lot of coordination, negotiation andpeople skills. However, I’m not a very extroverted person. I feel uneasy if Ihave to interfere with others too much. Most of the time, I enjoy being afollower and working on my part. Second, a leader is required to take a “bigpicture” view of planning, but I’m quite a perfectionist, always fixating ondetails.
以我的个性而言,我宁愿成为一个追随者,即使我知道,领导能力是职业发展的最基本能力。首先,以我 的理解,领导力需要协调能力,谈判能力和人际交往能力。不过,我不是一个很外向的人。如果我有干涉 别人太多,会感到不安。大多数时候,我喜欢作为一个追随者,做好自己的工作。其次,领导者必须具有 宏观概念,但我是个完美主义者,经常注重细节。
07 animportant object
Describean object which is very important to you and explain why it is of special valueto you. Please include specific details in your explanation.
One of the mostimportant object for me is my wife’s photo album and her diaries. She gave itto me just the day before I left for America to study. Back then we had beentogether for like only two months and it would be quite some time before wecould see each other again. She wanted me to read her diaries about us and lookat her pictures if I am tired, stressed or bored. She wanted to use it toremind myself that I am not alone in another country. And it did give mestrength and courage to keep going, no matter what difficulties I am facing. Mywife is the person I love the most in the world, so does her photos anddiaries.
对我来说最重要的一个东西是我妻子的相册和日记。我离开前往美国留学的前一天,她送给我的。那时候, 我们已经在一起好像只有两个月,但将在很长一段时间之后,才可以再次相聚。她让我如果累了,有压力 或无聊的时候,读她的日记,看看她的照片。她想用它来提醒我,我不是一个人在另一个国家。不管我遇 到什么困难,它给我力量和勇气继续面对。我的妻子是我世界上最爱的人,她的照片和日记也是如此。
08 animportant invention2015 年 4 月 3 日星期五
Describeone of the most important inventions in recent 100 years. Explain why it is soimportant. Your explanation should include specific examples and details.
The most importantinvention in the recent century would definitely be the internet, whichhaschanged our life so tremendously. First of all, it makes the worldwideconnection possible so that it can help human beings to work much moreconveniently and efficiently. In addition, it has greatly promoted thedevelopment of science and technology by a number of websites and databases ofinformation. Besides, it can provide people with entertainment, such aswatching movies, chatting room and even shopping. So the internet is really anamazing invention.
本世纪最重要的发明可能要算因特网,它彻底改变了我们的生活。首先,它连接了全球,以便它可以帮助 人类更为方便和有效的工作。此外,它通过多个网站和数据库促进科学和技术的发展。此外,它可以为人 们提供娱乐,如看电影,聊天室,甚至购物。因此,互联网确实是一个了不起的发明。
09 animportant letter
Describea letter or poem or other piece of art that is important to you. Why was it soimportant to you? Please include specific examples and details in yourstatement.
The most importantletter that I can remember was a letter applying for a job. I had seen this jobadvertised in a local newspaper, the evening edition. It suited me very muchand I was immediately attracted to it. It is said to apply in writing, givingdetails of your experience, your education and when you were available,and you had to give the names and contacts of tworeferences. I was qualified for the job and eager to get it. When I wasfinished writing I was pretty satisfied and a little pleased, posted it off tothe address given and waited! Thankfully, before I sweated too much, I got aletter after a couple of days, saying they wanted me to come in for interview.I was very pleased to go for the interview and got the job, my first job!
我记得最重要的一封信是自己申请一份工作的信函。我在当地报纸晚间版刊登的广告上看到这份工作。它 非常适合我,所以我立刻被吸引了。它要求进行书面申请,提供经验,受教育程度及可参加面试时间等等细节, 而且你必须填写两个推荐人的姓名和联系妇女方式。我自己觉得能胜任,渴望得到这份工作。当我写完后非 常满意和高兴,投到要求的地址后就只剩下等待!谢天谢地,就在我忐忑不安等待的几天之后就收到了一封信, 表示他们想让我去面试。我非常高兴去面试并得到了那份工作,我的第一份工作!
10 mostuseful book
Describea book that you believe is the most useful to you. Please explain the reasonand include specific examples and details in your explanation.
The most useful bookfor me is the English dictionary. Firstly, many English words have more thanone meaning and always confuse me. The dictionary can help me get over byoffering many detailed explanations and examples. In addition, I can also learnhow to apply the new words into writing and speaking by studying the examplesearnestly. Furthermore, I can learn a lot of knowledge besides new words. For example,it is very likely that a good dictionary illustrate a specific animal or plantwith a picture. Thus, we get more information out of the dictionary.
11.efficient transportation
Describethe most efficient transportation in your country. Please state your reason andinclude specific examples and details in your explanation.
The most efficienttransportation in our country is subway. First of all, it can be free oftraffic problems and many other factors that may influence the normal operationof transportation. In addition, it runs much faster than bus or automobileseven in rush hours and will never stop for a traffic jam. Besides, the subwaytrains come frequently and punctually, thus make it easier for passengers tomake schedule. All these advantages make subway the most efficienttransportation in our country.
在我国,最高效的运输工具是地铁。首先,它不会遇到交通拥堵和其它可能影响交通问题。此外,它的运 行速度,即使在高峰时段,也要比公交车或汽车要快得多,也不会因为交通阻塞而停车。此外,地铁列车 往返频繁和准时,从而使乘客更容易安排行程。所有这些优点使地铁成为我国最高效的交通工具。
12 missthe most
Everyonehas to leave home sometimes. What do you miss most when you are away from home?Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.
I missed the spicy foodmost when I was far away from home. No kidding! My hometown was a small city insouth China, with a reputation of spicy cooking. Before I left home, eating inMcDonald's or pizza hut with my friends was always cheerful experience.However, it’s only when I lived in a catering hall, facing hamburgers, chips,and chicken almost every day, that I came to realize that how much I love thosehot chilies and peppers, which are very common in the Chinese dishes. But thegood thing is, I started to learn how to cook Chinese food, although I wasthousands of kilometers away from home.
当我远离家乡,最为想念的是家乡的辛辣食物。别开玩笑了!我的家乡是一个中国南方的小城市,以辛辣 烹饪而著名。在我离开家之前,和朋友一起吃麦当劳或必胜客通常非常愉快。但是,当我住在一个大餐厅 里,几乎每天都面对着汉堡包,薯条和鸡,我才明白我是多么喜爱那些辣椒,一种中国常见的食物。但令 人高兴的是,即使离家万里,我也开始学习做中国菜了。
13 aplace that you like most
Describea place that you like best in your city. Please state why you like it withspecific examples and details.
My favorite place in mycity is the New Oriental Restaurant. The New Oriental restaurant is the largestrestaurant in our city and it provides all kinds of food, from sea food tocurry, and from sushi to barbeque. Though I am a picky gourmet, the NewOriental can make me satisfy. Besides, the New Oriental is accessible byseveral buses and subway lines and it hence can be reached within half an hourfrom my home, even during rush hour. The price of the New Oriental is very reasonableand the waiters there provide well rounded service. I love the NO.
在我的城市我最喜欢的地方是新东方餐厅。新东方餐厅是我市最大的餐厅,它供应各类食物,从海鲜到咖 喱,从寿司到烧烤。虽然我是一个挑剔的美食家,新东方可以满足我。此外,新东方可以有几辆公共汽车 和地铁线路到达,即使是在高峰时段,也可以半小时内到达餐馆。新东方价格合理,服务员服务周到,我 爱新东方。
14favorite room Describeyour favorite room. Your statement should include specific examples anddetails.
My favorite room is theliving room. I like lots of open space and a sense of expansiveness, offreedom. Also, it's a place where I can look around and not feel agitated orconfined. All different but natural colors have such a lovely warm effect thatI would never get tired of it. Everything is in harmony‐‐‐‐‐ large digital TVon the wall, glass‐made tea table, beautiful plants, couch and sofa, a goodbook, a good wine. It gives me a sense of satisfaction and away from hurlyburly. It is at times a place to contemplate and at times a place to share withfriends. In a word, it is graceful, refined, comfortable and restful.
我最喜欢的房间是客厅。我喜欢空间宽敞、视野开阔、自由自在的感觉。环顾四周,客厅感觉不烦躁、不压抑。颜色多样,具有温馨可爱的气氛,但是却从来不感到厌倦。一切搭配和谐,墙上挂着大屏幕数字电 视,还摆着玻璃茶几、漂亮的植物、沙发,一本好书,美酒。它给了我一种满足感,远离喧嚣。呆在客厅可以时不时思考,也可以与朋友一起分享。总之,它优雅,精致,舒适,宁静。
15 aschool Describea school that you have attended.
I like my university,Nanjing university, which locates the center area of Nanjing. We havedormitories, teaching buildings and refectories named by number and researchbuildings named by subject. So you can easily find a specific spot. There isalso a large playground and gym with a number of exercise facilities.Furthermore, it has beautiful scenery in the campus, and there are lots oftrees, flowers and grasses, so you can enjoy the fresh air and the euphonicbirds’ singing in
我喜欢我的大学南京大学,它坐落在南京中心区域。我们的宿舍,教学楼和食堂都是按照编号命名,而科研楼 则按照研究主题命名。所以你很容易就可以地找到一个相应的地点。这所大学还有一个大操场及具有很多运动设施的体育馆。此外,在校园里有着美丽的风景,有很多的树,花花草草,所以早上你可以呼吸新鲜空气,听悦耳的鸟儿歌唱。
16together with your friends (place)
When youare together with your friends, which place would you like to go? Restaurant,café or at home. Explain why.
Well, I don’t knowabout others, I definitely prefer to eat out in a restaurant when I’m togetherwith my friends. As both of my parents have retired from work, they stay athome all day long. So it will not be convenient for me and my friends to have aclose chat including some secrets of us at home. More importantly, eating outat restaurant or café means we do not have care about shopping, cooking, orcleaning up. And then we can enjoy our time more relaxed.
我不知道别人如何,当我和朋友们在一起的时候我肯定在餐馆就餐。我父母已经退休,他们整天呆在家里。所 以我和朋友们在家聊些私密事情不是很方便。更重要的是,在餐馆或咖啡馆意味着我们不必理会购物,烹饪或 是清理等的工作。而且我们可以享受时光并且完全放松。
17 publicplace
Describea public area that you visit frequently. Please state why you visit itfrequently and include specific examples and details in your explanation.
I usually go to BeihaiPark when I have the time. I can go for a stroll in the park to relax. The parkhas a lot of trees, and interesting and winding paths, where I can wanderlistlessly and contemplate my own thoughts or admire the various stages ofnature. Sometimes I just like to feel the breeze on my face and savor itscoolness. It gives me a sense of freedom. It also has a lake on which I can goboating. I often go to the park with my friends on weekends. And we'll have apicnic if we stay there for the whole day.
闲下来的时候我通常会去北海公园。我可以在公园里散步放松。公园里有很多树,还有有趣的蜿蜒曲折的道路,我可以信然漫步而且能够专注于自己的思考或者欣赏大自然不同时段的美景。有时我只是想感受微风吹 在我的脸上,品味它的凉爽。它给我一种自由的感觉。同时公园里也有个湖可以供我划船。我经常在周末和 我的朋友去公园。如果要在那里呆上一整天我们会去野餐。
18 plain
Whichplace do you like to live, the forest, desert, or plain? Use specific reason toexplain your opinion.
I would prefer to liveon the plain. First I like wide open view. Second, the plain usually hasfertile soil on which I can grow food and feed animals. Also, if I have a caror some sort of transportation, I can easily go around to explore surroundingarea. Living in the forest is also wonderful. But I just don’t like the moistclimate there and mosquitoes. and desert is definitely a bad place to live,because I may not even have enough water to live. Looking back at the historyof our civilization, many cities and kingdoms were originally found on theplain area. Therefore, I believe the plain is also the most suitable for us tolive among the three.
我宁愿住在平原。首先,我喜欢视野开阔。其次,平原通常土壤肥沃,我可以种植粮食和饲料的动物。另 外,如果我有一辆汽车或其它运输工具,我可以很容易去探访周边地区。住在森林里也同样不错,但我不 喜欢潮湿气候和蚊子。沙漠地区绝不是个居住的好地方,因为我可能甚至没有足够的水来生活。回顾人类文明史,许多城市和王国最初发源于平原地区。因此,我相信平原也是三个中最适合我们居住的地方。
19celebration event
Describea social or politics celebration event in your culture. Specific examples anddetails are necessary in your statement.
A type of social eventcelebrated in my culture is the flag‐raising ceremony on National Day. Oceansof people from all across the country come to Beijing the day before. They arevery excited to see the ceremony with their own eyes instead of on TV. Someeven have been planting this dream in their mind for years. They arrive around6:00 early in the morning, waiting for the special moment. I guess they are alloverwhelmed and thrilled by the wonderful scene at the time. On the other hand,the view of the honor guard parade is fantastic, the guards all wearing thegreen military uniform and marching to Tianmen Square with a high spirit. Eachbirthday celebration of the great country always begin with such a solemn flag‐raisingceremony, which strengthens the unity and motivation of its people.
在我国文化中,庆祝的社会活动是国庆节升旗仪式。来自全国各地的人群国庆节前一天来到北京。他们兴奋的亲眼所见升旗仪式,而不是只在电视上看到。有些人甚至多年来就在心中有这个梦想。他们一大早 6:00 左右到达来等待特别的时刻。我想当时激动人心时刻来临,人们均兴奋异常。在另一方面,仪仗队游行场 面非常壮观,卫兵都穿着绿色的军装,气宇宣扬的步入天门门广场。这个伟大祖国每个生日都会在这个庄 严的升旗仪式中开始,这个仪式会团结人民,鼓舞士气。
20 mostimportant decision Describethe most important decision that you have made in your life. Why was itimportant to
you? Usespecific examples and details to support your explanation.
The most importantdecision that I have ever made is when I was 19 years old. I chose chemistry asmy major in my college. It’s of great importance because it determines what Iwill learn and what I will do the next four years. What is more, it partlydetermines my future career for the rest of my life. After four years of study,I think I made a right decision, because I do like chemistry and have learned alot of skills. I also have learned how to create an idea and implement it in mystudy and scientific research, which is an important ability during mylifetime.
我曾经做过最重要的决定是在自己 19 岁的时候。那时我选择化学作为大学的专业。这一决定至关重要,因 为它决定了我未来四年将会学到什么及能做什么。更重要的是,在一定程度上它决定了我未来的职业生涯。经过四年的学习后,我认为自己做了一个正确的决定,因为我喜欢化学并且学会了很多技能。我也学习了通过学习和研究如何创建一个想法并实现它,这在我的一生中是非常重要的能力。
21 besttime in a year
What isyour best time in a year? Please state your reasons and include specificexamples and details in your explanation.
Spring Festival may bethe most important celebration event in China, which symbolizes the beginningof a new year. It allows us to depart from bad luck and all displeasuretogether with the past as well as long for a much better future. In addition,the festival provides all Chinese people in the world an opportunity to gatherwith family or friends, enjoying delicious food, watching TV celebratingprograms, sharing experience in the past year and receive best wishes from eachother and so on.
春节可能是中国最重要的庆祝活动,它象征着新的一年的开始。它使我们远离过去一年的坏运气及不愉快, 并且渴望更好的未来。此外,这个节日为世界上所有中国人民提供一个和家人或朋友团聚在一起的机会,享受 美食,观看电视的庆祝节目,分享过去一年的经历及接受彼此的祝福等等。
22enjoyable event
Describean enjoyable event in your childhood. Why do you think it was enjoyable? Pleaseinclude specific examples and details in your explanation.
An enjoyable event thattook place in my childhood was when I first got my fist dog – Gus. I was tenand had been pestering my parents for a dog for years. One day I came home fromschool, my parents said they had a surprise for me and it was waiting for me inmy room. I ran to my room and threw open the door. I found a tiny puppy with ared bow around his neck at the foot of my bed. He was fast asleep. And for therest of his life, he slept on the exact same spot at the end of my bed everynight. That was the happy event in my childhood.
发生在我的童年有趣的一件事是我第一次拥有狗狗Gus 的时候。当时我十岁,多年来一直缠着我父母想
23 mosthappy event
Describean enjoyable event in your childhood. Please include specific examples anddetails in your explanation.
The most happy event inmy childhood was a family vacation to our capital city, Beijing. That wasreally memorable for a ten‐year‐old girl, who had never travelled outside theprovince before. It was in winter, so for the first time, I saw a pure whiteworld covered with snow. I was also amazed by the ice‐sculpture, and imaginethe excitement I felt when I reached the Great Wall, which only appeared in mytext book. Most importantly, since my parents were usually quite busy withtheir work back then, this family vacation is particularly precious to me.
童年我最快乐的一件事情就是全家去首都北京度假。对一个从未离开过本省的 10 岁小女孩而言,这次经 历非常令人难以忘怀。那是一个冬天,第一次,我看到了一个白雪包裹的白色世界。我也被冰雕所惊叹, 当我来到只在课本上出现的长城时,那种兴奋可想而知了。更重要的是,那时候,我父母经常很忙,这次 家庭度假对我而言尤其珍贵。
24 deepimpression
Describea celebration or moment which has made a deep impression on you. Please explainthe impression and include specific examples and details in you explanation.
Speaking ofcelebrations, there is one day of the year that is second to none in ourcountry, it is the first day of the year in lunar calendar, which is called theSpring Festival by most Chinese people. Even if you are indifferent withfestive events, you cannot resist the charm of a family reunion dinner whichmarks the defining feature of the Spring Festival. And during the dinner,family members make toasts for each other in order to wish for joy, peace,health and fortune for the next year.
提起庆祝活动,在我的祖国一年中的一天是首屈一指的,它就是农历第一天,大多数中国人称为春节的节日。 即使你对节日活动漠不关心,你也无法抗拒标志着春节特色团圆饭的魅力。在吃团圆饭的时候,家庭成员互 相祝酒希望来年快乐,平安、健康、好运。
25challenging experience
Describeone of your challenging experiences. Explain why it is challenging and how youconquered this challenge. Please include specific examples and details in yourexplanation.
I once had a toughexperience last semester when I was invited to show my dance with my friends in a large‐scale celebration evening. It was challenging becausewe had only less than two weeks for preparation. Even worse, it was the end ofthe term and we were all busy with our final exams. In such a short time, as aleader, I investigated new dancing actions after my work during the daytime andtaught other members every night. We taught and learned together and encouragedeach other when we were frustrated. Finally, we had achieved a fantasticperformance.
发生在我身上的一次艰难经历是上学期自己受邀在一场大型庆祝晚会上和朋友们进行舞蹈表演。之所以具 有挑战性,是因为我们只有不到两周的时间准备。更糟糕的是,那时候正值学期末,我们都要忙于期末考试。 在这么短的时间内,作为一个领导者,我在白天学习过后研究新的舞蹈动作而每天晚上教给其他成员。我们各 自取长补短,一起学习,当我们感到沮丧的时候相互鼓励。最后,我们取得了优异的表现。
26special opportunity
Describea special opportunity given to you. Why does this opportunity so special toyou? Your explanation should include specific details and examples.
When I was studying inLondon last year, I was offered a very special opportunity to take part in theLondon Olympic Games as a pre‐game volunteer. I helped in the Doping ControlManagement team, preparing documents, interviewing and selecting Doping ControlChaperones for the Game. This opportunity was so special to me since it’s aonce‐in‐a‐lifetime experience to work together with people all around theworld, having very different backgrounds, but sharing the same core values. Ihad a lot of fun up there, and at the same time, I learned more aboutinternational collaboration. It was just awesome.
去年我在伦敦学习的时候,我获得了一个非常特殊的机会,以赛前志愿者的身份参加伦敦奥运会。我在反 兴奋剂小组工作,负责准备文件,为比赛筛选出兴奋剂伴侣。对我来说,与全世界具有不同背景,但是享 有共同核心价值观的人一起工作,是一次千载难逢的机会。我在当中乐趣无穷,同时,学会了更多的国际 合作,感觉真棒。
27 goodnews
Describesome good news that made you happy and explain why. Please include specificexamples and details in your explanation.
I'll tell you a goodnews of myself. You know what? I have just received an offer which tells methat I was accepted to be an editor in Xinhua news Agency, which is the mostimportant news agency in China. Every one of my classmates admires me because Iam the only one who receives this offer. I dreamed to be a journalist when Iwas still in middle school and thus I chose journalism as my major in theuniversity. When I graduate from the university, I found it very difficult fora female undergraduate to be a journalist in China, but I proved myself in theend, and got this offer.
我要告诉你个好消息。你知道吗? 我刚刚收到通知,我被新华社录取,成了一名编辑,要知道它可是中国最重要的新闻机构。我的每一个同学都羡慕我,因为我是唯一收到通知的人。我梦想着成为一名记者,当我还上 初中的时候,我就选择新闻作为我大学学习的专业。当我从大学毕业时,我发现中国的女大学生很难成为一名 记者,但我最终证明了自己,得到了这个职位。
28 ask forhelp
Describe anexperience when you asked help from others. How did they help you?
At the end of lastsemester I had a tough experience when I was invited to show my dance in alarge‐scale celebration evening, I had less than two weeks for preparation andI was so busy with my final exams. I told my dilemma to one of my friends whois also good at dancing and has relatively more spare time. He asked me not tobe gloomy and promised to investigate the dancing actions instead of me. Helearned new dancing actions during the daytime and taught me every night. Itdid save me a lot of time and I successfully accomplished both the performanceand the exams.
上学期期末,我度过了一个难关,那时我收到邀请,在一个大型庆典晚会上表演舞蹈,但是只有两周时间 准备,那是我还要忙我的期末考试。我把我的困难告诉了我的一个也擅长舞蹈的朋友,他当时有相对充裕的时间。他告诉我不要沮丧,并答应替我研究舞蹈动作。他白天学习新的舞蹈动作,晚上就教我。这样就节省了我很多时间,最后我既完成了这次表演,也把考试完成了。
29 helpresearch Which onedo you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books? Explainwhy.
In my opinion, I thinkthat it is the Internet that helps us more while doing research. It could helpyou save a lot of time by using the Internet. For example, with a click on thebutton of your mouse, you can get maybe ten thousand pages of usefulinformation from the search engine Google. The click takes you only a split ofsecond. But if you want to get the same amount of information by readingacademic books, I bet it will take you at least several months.
在我看来,我认为互联网在调查研究方面给我们很多帮助。使用互联网可以帮你节省很多时间。例如,点击鼠 标上的按钮,你就可以从搜索引擎谷歌中得到成千上万页有用的信息。而点击只需要你极短的时间。但是如果你通过阅读学术书籍想获得相同数量的信息,我打赌至少得花费几个月。
30 booksand internet
Which onedo you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books?
Actually, both ofInternet and academic books are helpful in doing research, but nowadays I thinkInternet is much better. Firstly, Internet contains such a tremendous amount ofinformation that academic books can never compare with them. You may also raisea question about a topic and ask for help on the Internet. Furthermore, it's moreefficient and convenient to use the Internet; all you need is a computer, whilecarrying books around here and there can be very heavy. So I'd like to searchonline.
实际上,互联网和学术书籍在从事调查研究时都会很有帮助。但我认为目前互联网更好。首先,互联网包含大 量的信息,这是学术书籍所无法企及的。你也可以在互联网上提出关于一个主题的问题并且寻求帮助。此外, 使用互联网更有效,更便捷; 你所需要的只有一台电脑,而携带书籍东奔西走会非常沉。所以我愿意在网上 查找资料。
31 studyalone
Do youprefer to study alone on work assignment from class or to study in groups?
I have leaned that Idefinitely prefer to study alone because I am more successful this way. Themethod I like to follow is to set a schedule for myself according to what Imust study. If I divide it into units I can manage the workload better. Mostly,I focus on my weaker areas. There are my priority areas but they might not bethe ones a study group chooses to work on. While a study group sounds like itmight be fun and a way to share the work, my study time is more effective whenI plan it alone. Organizing my own study time allows me to control the pace aswell as the atmosphere of my study sessions. Without other people around me Ican concentrate fully on the work and take in the material more efficiently.
我觉得自己绝对愿意独自学习,因为这对我而言更加有效。我愿意遵循的方法是根据自己必须学习的科目安排一个时间表。如果我将它划分成单元就可以更好地分配学习负担。在很大程度上,我会关注自己较弱的科 目。我有些需要优先学习的地方,但这可能不是一个学习小组愿意选择共同研究讨论的。虽然学习小组听起 来或许更为有趣而且能够共享学习进度,但我自己学习可能会更加有效。安排自己的学习时间让我可以控制 进度以及我的学习氛围。没有其它人在我身边,我可以全身心的投入到学习当中,更有效的汲取教材中的知 识。
32 studymethod Which onedo you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books?
Actually, both ofInternet and academic books are helpful in doing research. But nowadays I thinkInternet is much better. Firstly, Internet contains such a tremendous amount ofinformation that academic books can never compare with. You may also raise aquestion about a topic and ask for help on the Internet. Furthermore, it’s moreefficient and convenient to use the Internet; all you need is a computer, whilecarrying books around here and there can be very heavy. So I’d like to search online.
事实上,互联网和学术著作都有助于研究工作,但目前,我认为互联网帮助更大。首先,互联网包含了海量信息,这是学术著作不能比的。你也可以就一个课题提出问题,并在网上寻求帮助。另外,使用互联网 更加方便有效。你所需要只是一台电脑,而不是携带很重的书本,所以我愿意上网搜索信息。
33 workin an office
Somepeople prefer to work in the offices. Others would like to take the work tohome. Which do you prefer and explain why.
I'd prefer to work inan office. Firstly, although working at home may be comfortable, but it's kindof difficult for me to be fully‐devoted to work. Maybe I'll want to watch TV,surf the Internet or even want to take a nap during work time. So it isn'tefficient to work at home. Moreover, it's more convenient to communicate withyour co‐workers or boss when you work in an office, thus you can get theassignment more directly and solve problems by negotiating with otheremployees, which helps you do better and learn faster. So I prefer thetraditional way to work in an office.
我更喜欢在办公室工作。首先,尽管在家工作会感觉舒适,但对我来说专注工作有点困难。也许我会想看看电 视,上上网,甚至想在工作时间打个盹。所以在家工作不是很有效。此外,当你在办公室工作时与你的同事或老板沟通更为方便, 因此你可以更为直接得到工作安排并且通过与其他员工协商解决问题,这将使你做得更 好,学得更快。所以我更喜欢在办公室里工作的传统方式。
34studying by oneself
Is itimportant for students to attend class regularly or study by oneself? Explainwhy.
I think it's moreimportant for students to study by himself. Firstly, classes given by teachersare designed for most of the students. You may find that you are not gettingenough from the class or you can't catch up with the class. In such a case,studying by oneself is crucial to improve your learning efficiency.Furthermore, studying by oneself will help you to find out your weak points aswell as what you are good at, which can benefit you to make schedule andformulate your study plans. So I believe that studying by oneself is much moreimportant.
我认为学生自学非常重要。首先,教师教授的课程是为大多数学生而设计的。你可能会发现,要么你没有汲取 足够的知识,要么赶不上进度。在这种情况下,自学对于提高你的学习效率至关重要。此外,自学将会帮助你 找出弱点和强项, 可以有利于你做出安排及制定学习计划,所以我认为自学很重要。








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