中科院考博英语历年作文范文 ]gb=
1. Is It Necessaryto Offer English Course to PhD Students ?万能模板—— "dh:-x6
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Is it necessary to offer Ph D students English learning course ? Different people have f
different ideas. Some people think that there is no need to do so since the Ph D students have been QP I+y8N=
learning English for at least13 years. After such a long time studying,they have already had the -7-['fX
ability to write papers and read journalarticles in English. Besides,the prime time to master a TW&DFKK`
foreign language has almost passed for the Ph Dstudents. So these people thinkit is nothing but 5"Kx9n|
awaste of time to offer PhDstudents English learningcourses. While other people thinktotally (X[2TT3j!
differently. Theybelieve that English course is necessary for the followingreasons:first,language do/)~9[4\
learning is a long-term“project.”Ascholar who wants to keep abreastof the latestdevelopmentin B)SLG]72f
his research field should keep learning English. This iseven moreimportantforastudentpursuingPh TJ@Cj y%
D degree. ToofferPh D studentsEnglish courseisinfactto offerthem a good environmentto learn eo]#sf@\0
English. Second,although they have been learningEnglishforyears,whatthey have learned ismore h+7># *DH
aboutthe skills to dealwith allkinds ofexams.They actually lack the ability to communicate with ")#<y@Rv
foreigners , butfora researcher, to communicatewith the world isa necessity. So itisimperative /ONV5IkPy
thatPh Dstudentstake Englishlearning course.