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=^ur@E k(l [1{#a {4 gP=(2EVE ^Wb|Pl 由于针对新冠病毒没有特效药,很多人转而求助于中药,通常是听从医生的建议。
v+XB$j^H 3LXS}~& 57r?`'#* With no wonder drugs for the novel coronavirus, some people are turning to traditional Chinese medicine, often on the advice of their doctors.
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]|NwC< 中医药能够有效缓解症状,减少轻型普通型向重型发展,提高治愈率、降低病亡率,促进患者康复。
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a5 8@`"Zz M Traditional Chinese medicine has effectively relieved symptoms, cut the rate of patients developing into severe conditions, raised the recovery rate, reduced the mortality rate and boosted patients' recovery.
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\gLIr Rw4"co6 (Uo:WyVj|F 事实证明中药治疗新冠肺炎的普通型还是有着非常确切的疗效的。
zi6$m 0bY}<x(; tvNh@it:F TCM drugs have proven to be effective in the treatment of mild COVID-19 cases.
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,$JjX[ H,r> @Y CA2 , 中药对对炎症风暴、凝血功能紊乱等治疗也有很好的疗效。
33 $[zy|Y( O*MC"%T Traditional Chinese medicine can help treat inflammation and coagulation dysfunction.
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g( 8BUPvaP<[ '~?\NeO= 3OUZR5_$ n[Jpy[4g 中医综合治疗,显著降低了新冠肺炎由轻症转为重症的比例。
N}0-L$@SL s;-(dQ{O c`]_Q1'30w TCM treatment has significantly lowered the proportion of patients whose conditions turned from mild to severe.
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a6AD`| U8 RY=B>398: ?1\rf$l8 临床观察显示,在中国内地 90% 的新冠肺炎确诊病例治疗中起到了积极作用,在缓解症状、减缓病情发展、促进患者康复等方面均有不错的效果。
m[~fT(NI 4L(/Z}( C*A!`Q?1Y Clinical observation showed that Traditional Chinese medicine has proven to be effective in the treatment of over 90 percent of all confirmed Covid-19 cases on the Chinese mainland by relieving symptoms, slowing the progression of the disease, and boosting the recovery of patients.
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Y.9s-g R-Y07A k/MrNiC QMUmPx& neN #Mo'A 西方人对中医了解十分有限,自然会对中医产生怀疑,尤其是对于新冠肺炎这样的恶性传染病的治疗。
1D3{\v : b9X?%L~ 0s>ozAJ People in the West have very limited knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine and naturally are very sceptical about it, especially to treat this vicious epidemic COVID-19.
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