应试要点 GfQP@R"
写文章摘要,最忌讳逐字逐句地翻译汉语原文中的一些句子。不幸的是,许多考生往往这么做,尤其喜欢翻译第一句,这是因为他们不得写文章摘要的要领。在英语写作水平还没有到达高级程度的情况下,死译的结果就是写出来的东西错误百出,让人不忍卒读。由于时间和英语水平的限制,许多考生翻译的句子往往是东一句西一句,写出来的摘要没有逻辑,杂乱无章,成绩自然不会好。写好摘要的要点是: K (plzQ3
1. 文摘写作成功的关键的第一点。总结出原文的中心思想。拿到原文,不要马上动笔,要用5――10分钟对原文进行再加工。这点非常重要,考生千万要记住。首先,看看阐述的是什么事物或事情,也就是文章的主题。看看是说明或描写事物的客观性质、作用、特征、前因后果、过程、意义、及方法,还是表明对事物的主观看法与态度。这样,找出作者的主要观点或论点。其次,看看作者是如何表达他的中心思想的,是描述、说明、比较、例证、定义、还是分类,并找出主要的论点。这里特别要注意的是,由于中文写作的散点思维的特点或者作者的思维素质,医学博士生英语入学考试所节选的中文文章,往往显得内容杂乱、观点不明,条理不清,很难总结。但无论如何,考生必须总结出一个条理大致清楚的、有若干主要论点支持的中心思想来。再加工是关键。在总结的过程中,考生可以将原文中的带有结论性的重要句子用笔划出来,帮助自己整理思想。近年来写作考试反映出来的考生的一个最大问题是,写出来的东西杂乱无章,东一句西一句,大大影响了考生作文的得分。记住,一定要使你写出来的摘要有一个明确中心思想,语句要连贯,有逻辑。 Hf
2. 文摘写作成功的关键的第二点。尽管时间很紧张,但还是最好写出一个粗略的非常简单的汉语提纲和中心思想,形式不拘。汉语提纲和中心思想必须简单。语言和思想都要简单,否则考生无法用简单的规范的英语表达出来。可以说,总结再加工就是简化。考生要时刻想象,你的短文的读者是小学三年级的学生,你写出的东西要让他们明白。做到这一点,考生要摆脱原文语句的影响和束缚,因为那是为成年人看的。 V]PTAhc
3. 文摘写作成功的关键的第三点。汉语提纲和中心思想必须要有足够的概括性和总结性。概括性和总结性的语句往往是原文中没有的,需要考生自己写出来。许多考生往往受原文语句的影响和束缚,爱用原文中的一些语句,这样写出来的话缺乏概括性和总结性,影响了摘要的质量。 A?;/]m;
4. 文摘写作成功的关键的第四点。说你会说的。同一篇文章,不同人有不同的概括和总结;同一个意念,不同人有不同的语言表达。所以,文摘写作是允许有合理的个人再加工的差异的。考生在选择表达的语句时,要考虑自己的英语表达能力。也就是说,考生要尽量展示自己会的东西,尽量用有把握的表达方式表达原文的意思,或者说,尽量把原文的意思往自己掌握的句型上靠。 5.
在以后的实战练习部分,将用例证说明如何写出粗略的非常简单的汉语提纲和中心思想。 jq["z<V)x
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考生在进行英语写作时,往往是先用汉语思维,再经过一个翻译转换的过程,表达成英语的。这样写出的英语毫无疑问地会受到汉语语句的表达方式的影响。面对一篇汉语原文时,情况就更是如此了。中国学生的英语写作中出现的种种毛病,根源就在此。然而,英语思维的能力,或者说习惯,决不是一年半载能够培养出来的。那么,考生首先要做到的是,有意识地尽量克服汉语语句对自己英语语句写作的束缚和不良影响。头脑中出现的要写成英语的汉语语句,不能基本上字对字地直接转换成英语的语句。要找一个规范的符合英语思维表达习惯的英语句型,来表达大体相当的意思。字面上不要相等,但只要意思或者说意念大体相同就行了。这是一个从汉语思维到英语思维的过渡阶段,这种过渡能力就是我们考生应该慢慢培养的能力和习惯。有了这种能力和习惯,考生写出的英语才能象英语,才基本规范。 d<6L&8
考生怎样才能培养和运用这种过渡能力呢? "eQ9 6^'J
就目前考生的水平而言,我们提出一条很实用很奏效的建议,希望考生牢记心中,尤其是在开始阶段以及考试的时候,那就是,写你会写的,不要写你想写的。这一点前面提到过,这里再详细说明。 oUw-l_ M]
具体到医学博士生英语入学考试的摘要写作,要做到“写你会写的,不要写你想写的”, 有两个技巧。一是规避,二是变通。下面举例说明规避。 f8?K_K;\
规避不仅仅是因为意思及语句复杂,难以用英语表达,而且因为其意思及语句不属于主要论点,避而不谈之后,对中心思想的完整性影响不大。例如: z<<` 1wqg
在97年的考题中,“碳水化合物是最主要也是最经济的功能营养素。1克碳水化合物能提供的热量为16.7千焦。蛋白质的供热量虽与碳水化合物相同,但价格较贵。1克脂肪能提供的热量为37.7千焦,但食物易产生饱腻感,无法摄入过多。”,“但是在碳水化合物提供热量不足的情况下,蛋白质和脂肪将首先被消耗以提供热量,不能发挥它们原有的功能,从而导致肌体生长发育迟滞。严重者可引起营养不良,表现为体重不增、食欲不振、各器官功能低下、容易反复感染等。”,“以3岁小儿为例,每日应得到的总热量为5.86兆焦,其中碳水化合物提供的热量应为3.5兆焦,约需碳水化合物210克,折合大米约280克。”,这些句子都可以避而不写。 i%*x7zjY{
又如,在04年的考题中,“民营医院的出现让人想起十几年前人们对超市的概念认识也是比较模糊的。即使总认为里面装修豪华、高档,但因货物很贵而不愿意进门。而今超市大大普及了,人们纷纷进入购物,因为物有所值。民营医院或许正有类似的经历,它也将有一个自然成长的过程。而2002年我国政府又提出了在卫生资源相对过剩的地方,鼓励投资者通过收购、重组现有公立医院的方式举办赢利性医疗机构和民办非赢利性医疗机构,提出了社会资本投资着重于目前服务能力较欠缺的老年慢性病护理、康复、婴幼儿保健等领域”,“不同于民营医院的是,医药费还可以报销。”,这些大段的话都可以基本不去考虑怎么用英语表达。 ]V@!kg(p8
有时原文的语句很重要,不能规避,但用英语表达又有困难,这时可以考虑部分规避,也就是简化。如在04年的考题中,“随着社会观念的变化和政策环境的改善,民营医院必能与公立医院相辅相成,互争高低,成为医疗卫生界一道独特的风景,从而为人民群众提供更多更好的医疗服务。”是一句重要的结论性的句子,最好用英语表达出来。那么可以简化为“随着社会观念的变化和政策的改善,民营医院必能与公立医院一道为人民提供更好的医疗服务。”还有,“为了留住病人,公立医院开始实施全方位的改革措施,不仅在管理体制上、人事制度上进行改革,而且更多的是纷纷打起了技术、服务、环境、价格牌。”也可以简化为“为了留住病人,公立医院在管理上开始实施全面改革”。 >M:5yk@
在摘要写作的考试中,规避是比较容易掌握的技巧,但规避得恰到好处还需要有意识的注意,考生可以通过实战练习提供的参考摘要细心揣摩。 rP`\<}a.
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一个意念功能,可以用几种大体相当的语言方式表达出来,这是语言能力熟练的表现和结果。英语专业的学生,都经过长期的这方面的训练,才达到熟练的英语表达能力。这种训练叫paraphrase。Paraphrase的能力,就是变通的能力。非英语专业的学生,往往没有这种训练,也就很难用多种不同形式来表达同一种意念。但他们在培养英语写作能力的过程中,要有意识地注意练习和培养这种能力。 Zc9
一个重要的意念,我们不能规避,但它的汉语表达形式让我们感到用英语表达不出来,或者感到硬用英语表达出来,结果多半是错的。这时,我们就需要运用变通的技巧,或者说能力。变通就是将汉语的意念,用我们能够掌握的英语形式大体相当地表达出来。变通的原则是把不会的变成会的,把复杂的变成简单的。这和上面说讲的“写你会写的,不要写你想写的”原则是一致的。后面课文中的句型讲解与练习,有大量的变通的实例,尤其是斜体标明的句子,考生们可以自己体会。 2|%30i,vV
变通有词与词组层面上的和句子层面上的两种,下面再举例说明。 ;v0sM*x%V
雌激素(estrogen)可以用female hormone来表示,冲动(impulse)可以用sudden excitement来表示,悲剧(tragedy)可以用sad result来代替,诱发(induce)可以lead to或result in来代替,慢跑(jog)可以用slow running 来表示。“打技术、管理牌”肯定不能说成“play technological and management cards”,可以根据不同上下文,变通成“改善技术、管理”(improve technology and management)或者“利用技术、管理”(make use of technology and management)。 yl'~H;su
要表达“乡村一级卫生院医疗质量无法保证。”,如果有考生觉得“质量无法保证”不好说,一下子又想不起来“保证”如何拼写,最好变通一下,说一个大概类似的意念就行了:“乡村一级卫生院医疗质量通常不好。”或者“你无法有好的医疗质量在乡村一级卫生院。”变通成我们熟悉的形式之后,表达起来成功的把握就大多了:You can not have good medical services in village clinics.,或者The quality of medical services in village clinics is usually poor. uEi!P2zN
另外,同一种意念有多种表达方式时,我们的选择要注意使得文章中的句式有变化,或者是我们最有把握的那一种。如果原句为“洋医院的优势在于,病人能得到医务人员的尊重和周到的服务。”,可以表达的句式有“The advantage of foreign-invested hospitals is that a patient can enjoy respect and considerate medical services from medical workers.”(表语从句),“It is to the advantage of foreign-invested hospitals that a patient can enjoy respect and considerate medical services from medical workers.”(主语从句),“It is a great advantage of foreign-invested hospitals that a patient can enjoy respect and considerate medical services from medical workers.”(主语从句),以及“Foreign-invested hospitals have an advantage that a patient can enjoy respect and considerate medical services from medical workers.”(同位语从句), “Foreign-invested hospitals have an advantage, because a patient can enjoy respect and considerate medical services from medical workers.”(原因状语从句)。考生可以根据自己的具体情况来选择。再例如,“忽视人的心理社会背景,影响了医疗服务的质量。”可以有以下表达:“If a doctor overlooks the social and mental background of his patient, his medical service can be weakened.”(条件关系、忽视),“Ignorance of the social and mental background of a patient can have a negative effect on the outcome of the medical service.”(忽视、影响),“Neglect of the social and mental background of a patient can harm the medical service.”(忽视、有害),“When a doctor does not pay attention to the social and mental background of a patient, he can not provide good medical services.”(注意、提供),以及“Ignorance of the social and mental background of a patient can result in poorer outcome of the medical service.”(忽视、因果关系)。考生可以根据自己所掌握的句型的熟练程度或上下文,在心中作出选择。 iD(K*[;lc
变通是一种必需的、有效的写作策略,考生在后面的句型讲解和练习中可以看到更多的运用。随着英语语言能力的提高,变通的能力和技巧也会日益熟练,写作不再是一件让人头痛的苦差事。 wqGZkFg1
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1.汉语提纲 u%h<5WNh<
健康教育的重要性与必要性 v%FVz
原因:影响人类健康的因素及医学模式改变 ;
好处:促进健康,花费比治疗少,大大降低慢性病发病率 ~b7Nzzfo
必要:卫生工作的根本目的和发展的战略重点:以健康为中心,而不应以疾病为中心,保障全体人民群众的健康 %eah=e
目前我国健康教育方面的不足:投入、人员、设备不足 cKfYkJ)A'
任务:加强医学院校健康教育与促进健康专业的建设、完善社区卫生服务、建立各类健康服务中心。 %d7iQZb>
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2.参考摘要 d)G-K+&B
Passage 1 ~T-.k
With the development of modern society, the causes and patterns of diseases are changing and so is the medical mode. The focus of the future medicine will be on the prevention of diseases and self health care. Therefore, health education will become more and more important in the new century. =_1" d$S&
In a modern society, an increasing number of people will suffer from chronic noninfectious diseases, but their conventional treatments are usually very expensive but effects are far from satisfactory. Medical practice in the western developed countries has proved that health care is a good economical way to greatly reduce incidences of chronic noninfectious diseases and to keep fit. Consequently, both WHO and our country call for a great development and promotion of public health education since the future medical work should be centered on people and their health rather than on diseases. In order to improve people's health and reduce health risk factors, the best way is to develop public health education that can involve the participation of all the people. E+2y-B)E
There are, however, many problems in health education in our country. The major ones are: lack of investment and specialists, poor facilities, and poor community health services. In order to change this situation, we should take effective measures to promote health education in medical colleges. Moreover, we should set up all kinds of health service centers in local communities. (230 words) r"Bf@va
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Passage 2 wd]Yjr#%Ii
In this article the author talks about the importance of health education in the future medicine. In the future modern society, chronic and noninfectious diseases will become the greatest threats to people’s health. As a result, health education will be a chief concern for the medical workers in our country and will play a more and more important role in public health care and prevention of chronic diseases. Many western developed countries have made great achievements by carrying out health education. There is no doubt that health education can improve people's health by reducing occurrence of chronic diseases among people. It costs much less money than ordinary treatment of chronic diseases. So medical units at all levels should take it as one of their basic daily tasks.
The author also holds that our country has not had much experience and has much to do in health education. The money, facilities, devices, teachers for health education are not enough. We should carry out health education in more local communities and pay more attention to it. In conclusion, the writer suggests that all the medical workers should take part in health education, because prevention of diseases is more important and effective than treatment of diseases. (203words) *=
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1.汉语原文 DEs?x
育儿谨防入“误区” 4Klfnki
一般来说,如今大中城市里的年轻父母对子女的营养问题相当重视,他们也有足够的经济实力为子女提供良好的膳食。然而,我们在临床工作中却看到,有些小儿面黄肌瘦、体重偏低。对这些小儿进行膳食营养调查后发现,其中多数小儿存在着热量摄入不足的问题。不少小儿在增加热量摄入后,症状得到明显改善。显然,热量的缺乏是导致这些小儿消瘦的主要原因。 r%#qbsN
我们还发现,家长中普遍存在着一种错误的“共识”。他们认为有营养的事物就是鸡、鸭、鱼、肉等含蛋白质较多的动物性食品,这些食品的市场价格也却是较高。据观察,家长为孩子提供的食谱中不乏此类食品,甚至还有乌骨鸡、甲鱼等比较昂贵的食品。但是综观这些孩子的全部饮食,粮食所占的比例往往少得惊人,常常是几匙米饭或半碗稀粥,仅此而已。这些家长们认为,粮食所具有的营养价值就像它们的市场价值一样,无法与动物性食品相比,简直可以不屑一顾。现在,人们的消费能力提高了,也舍得为孩子买高价的营养品。但是家长们不曾想到,由粮食等淀粉事物或糖提供的碳水化合物,在体内的物质代谢中同样具有非常重要的作用。 O92Y d$S
碳水化合物是最主要也是最经济的功能营养素。1克碳水化合物能提供的热量为16.7千焦。蛋白质的供热量虽与碳水化合物相同,但价格较贵。1克脂肪能提供的热量为37.7千焦,但食物易产生饱腻感,无法摄入过多。 ,J^Op
所以说,碳水化合物提供的热量是人体热量的主要来源,约占总热量的60%。蛋白质和脂肪在体内代谢中,除提供热量外还有许多重要功能,如构成组织细胞的成份、传递遗传信息、帮助维生素吸收等。但是在碳水化合物提供热量不足的情况下,蛋白质和脂肪将首先被消耗以提供热量,不能发挥它们原有的功能,从而导致肌体生长发育迟滞。严重者可引起营养不良,表现为体重不增、食欲不振、各器官功能低下、容易反复感染等。 3pp
营养的关键在于平衡。人类所需要的各种营养素包括蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素和微量元素,虽然其市场价格有高低之分,但是它们在体内的物质代谢中均具有及其重要的作用,缺一不可。只有均衡营养素,而且在膳食中各种营养素之间的比例适当,这才称得上是平衡营养,才能维持小儿的正常发育和健康。 [Ok8l='
近年来,在上海市区小儿中进行的局部调查显示,幼儿和学龄前儿童,甚至部分小学生,热量摄入不足的现象比较普遍,这与家长错误理解粮食类食品的价值观不无关系。这种现象也多见于经济水平高的其他城市家庭中,并不是因经济的贫困而造成的。解决这个问题的方法不言而明,那就是走出“误区”,为孩子提供足够的粮食类食品,使碳水化合物提供的热量达到总热量的60%左右。以3岁小儿为例,每日应得到的总热量为5.86兆焦,其中碳水化合物提供的热量应为3.5兆焦,约需碳水化合物210克,折合大米约280克。其次,蔗糖也能提供碳水化合物,在牛奶中加糖5%—8%,也是提高热量摄入的一种有效方法。 (1141字)(97考题) -Gpj^aBU
汉语提纲 ~<%cc+;`
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本文讨论了父母在小孩营养方面的错误观念及其导致部分儿童营养不良的效果。 LZVO9e]
错误观念:动物食品营养高,粮食营养差。 Ae#6=]V+^
后果:体重低、瘦 54{"ni2a
原因:热量摄入不足 .+|DN"PgJ
碳水化合物的重要作用 zi
营养的关键在于平衡。 a)1,/:7'
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3.参考摘要 #+;=ijyF
A wrong idea in raising children 0Nu]N)H5<l
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Passage 1 o zYI/b^
In this article, the author writes about a wrong idea held by many young parents in rearing their children. Nowadays, young parents in big cities attach great importance to the care and nutrition of their children. But in the clinical investigations many children are found to be underweight and thin. The main cause, the author believes, is lack of calories in their diet. Z|
Many young parents feed their children under the mistaken idea that animal food is much more nutritious than grain. So they provide their children with too much protein-rich meat but without enough carbohydrate food, such as rice and corn, which is also indispensable in children’s diet. deoM~r9s
Carbohydrate is a major source of calories for the human body. It supplies 60% of the calories the body needs. Moreover, carbohydrate plays an important role in maintaining the proper functioning of the body. When carbohydrate is in short supply, the normal growth of children is affected and they show signs of malnutrition. wM)w[
A health diet is one that keeps a nutritional balance. Animal protein, carbohydrate and food rich in vitamins are equally important for children’s health. Young parents should fully realize this and provide their children with nutritionally balanced diet. :RsPGj6
In conclusion, the writer says that people should get rid of the wrong idea and provide enough grain food for the children. (223 words) ?/(K7>`
Passage 2 ^wa9zs2s;/
Nowadays young parents in cities pay much attention to the nutrition of their children and can provide them with good food, but doctors find that many children are poorly nourished. They are thin, pale and underweight. Obviously they do not take in enough heat or energy. \z9?rvT:
The reason for this problem is that there is a commonly accepted wrong idea among young parents. They believe that animal food or expensive food is more nutritious while grain food or cheap food is insignificant in nutrition. As a result, there is too much animal food but little grain in the diet of the children. These parents do not know that grain food, namely carbohydrate, is the main source of the heat that the body needs and plays an important role in the metabolism of the body. If carbohydrate is insufficient and cannot produce enough heat, protein and fat can not play their proper roles either. Lack of heat will eventually leads to many development problems to the body, such as malnutrition, thinness, and slow growth. mM*yv
To resolve the above problem, young parents should realize that the key point of nutrition is a balanced diet. Human body needs all kinds of nutrition, including protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins and trace elements. They are all essential to the health. (214 words) yk<jlVF$j
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1.汉语原文 4i/q^;`
大学生,心理咨询是你的朋友 $
1994年秋,香港一位心理学家到南京大学找部分学生开座谈会,问了一个问题:如果你有心理障碍,怎么办?许多学生淡然一笑:自己解决! @$d\5Q(G
时过境迁,两年后,南京大学“大学生心理健康教育与研究中心”向学生发放了咨询卡。出乎意料的是,学生们表现出了很高的参与热情,发放问卷2132份,回收2118份。在填写过程中,好多学生的思想经历了嬗变的阵痛。在“你认为你有没有心理卫生问题?”及“你有心理卫生问题或障碍怎么办?”一栏中做出了勇敢的抉择。对回收的问卡,咨询员送行综合统计,最终筛选出209名重点对象,向其发出了“邀请信”,有针对性地开展心理疏通,为许多学生解开了“心头疙瘩”。 i*R:WTw#
有关资科表明:我国7O~80%的大学生有心理问题,20.3%有心理障碍。心理的不正常严重影响了大学生的生活、学习。为了使大学生有一个健康的心理,全国各高校一直致力于大学生心理保健工作。在南京地区,解放军南京政治学院、南京大学分别形成了具有“军、地”特色的心理保健机构体系,其他高校也纷纷提出了“让大学生精神走出回形谷”的口号,通过发放“个性问卷UPI卡”、开办讲座、重点谈心等活动,使学生对心理问题有了科学的认识。 6 ]PM!6
南京大学于去年9月份设立了“心理门诊”。挂牌后,不少学生下课后在门外打转转,互相鼓励着走进去向咨询人员敞开了心扉,使得内心压抑得以释放。类似的情况在军校同样存在,军中骄子们也冲破思想樊篱,以不同方式进行咨询,诸如“经济条件差、优越感不强、为纪律约束难受、对前途信心不足”等心头疙瘩也被一一解开。但是,在另外一些高校,不少学生仍不好意思进行心理咨询,有的甚至步入认识的误区:一些人认为心理问题是任何外界的力量所无法校偏的。某学院一名学生对我们说,我们本来没有心理问题,硬是让“心理咨询”给弄出来的。还有的学生认为, 心理咨询是“去痛片”、“麻醉药”,只能隔靴搔痒,无法从根本上解决问题。江苏省大学生心理专业委员会主任桑志芹副教授说,许多学生由于没有及时找医生进行“心理按摩”,使得心理问题发展为“障碍”,再发展成为“疾病”。江苏每年均有大学生因心理疾病导致精神畸变而自尽或入院治疗。 S}^s5ztm
在一些高校调查时,我们发现了一些触目惊心的事例。某学院一名班长因成绩下降,被免去了职务后,竟导致了精神病。某学院一名“三好生”因为“永不满足”产生焦虑,竟跳楼自尽……其实,这些学生的心理疾病的产生部有一个渐变过程,遗憾的是,他们没有正确认识到心理咨询的地位和作用,不愿意向他人倾吐心声,长期郁闷压抑,最终导致症状出现。医生把这称之为“量的积累,导致质的变化”。 _(`X .D
高校心理咨询经过不长时间的发展,己初步发展成为一门独具特色的教育学科,为高校的发展,学生的健康成长,为校园精神文明建设发挥着突出的作用。然而,目前高校的心理咨询喜忧参半,不少高校还没有认识到心理咨询的作用,有些高校即使有了咨询室,也仅是由内、外科医生兼职。同时,不少大学生对心理咨询还没有一个理性的认识,使得校方的心理咨询不能充分发挥作用。因此,如何使学生正确认识心理咨询,并能主动参与,是个亟待解决的问题。(1239字) (98考题) CQ.4,S}6'
汉语提纲 $&=;9="
本文介绍了心理咨询的作用以及在我国高校的发展过程 on;sq8;
94年知之甚少,96年热情参与 d50IAa^p6J
大部分有心理问题,20%有心理障碍 C}=_8N
严重影响;采取心理咨询的措施 aC yb-P
心理咨询的作用: R%N#G<^R
有则思想问题解决、无则后果严重 Ot$cmBhw!
存在的问题 I
3.参考摘要 _c9
Psychological consultation is a friend of college students (2S!$w%
Passage 1 e,#+Xx0M
In this article, the author introduces the development of psychological consultation in Chinese colleges. In 1994, a psychologist found that many college students knew little about psychological consultation. Only two years later, however, a psychological survey showed that there was great enthusiasm about it in college students. %<=vbL9
The data indicate that 70 – 80 % of college students have mental problems while 20.3% of them even have mental disorders. Some become mental cases or even commit suicide just because they fail to have their mental problems resolved. Since mental abnormalities greatly affect the life and work of college students, colleges all over the country have been working hard to provide mental health care for students. Institutes of mental health care have been set up and activities, such as surveys, lectures and talks, have been carried out. The author cites examples to show that these measures help students get rid of their mental problems. 0J:U\
Within a short time psychological consultation has developed into a special subject in colleges and plays an important role in the healthy growth of students and construction of campus spiritual civilization. vQBY1-S
The article also points out some problems in the development. Some students are still too shy to consult a mental clinic. Others fail to realize the great function of psychological advice or even have wrong ideas about it. In conclusion, the writer emphasizes that it is a great task to make students understand its advantages and take an active part in it. (245 words) Eo {1y
Passage 2 BBU84s[
In this article, the author writes about mental consultation. In 1994, a Hong Kong mental scientist asked students in Nanjing University a question," What will you do when you have mental disorders?" At that time many students did not know such a thing as mental consultation. But two years later, students in the same university showed much concern about mental health and mental advice. o
The data show that 70—80% of college students have mental problems and 20.3% of them have mental illness. The writer also cites examples to show that mental disorders have greatly affected the life and study of college students. Some have become mental patients or even killed themselves because their mental problems were not resolved through psychological advice. Therefore colleges in our country have taken a lot of effective measures to promote mental health care for students. This has helped many students solve their mental problems. D)*_{
But there are still some problems for the development of mental consultation. Some students still have many wrong ideas about it. Many colleges have not realized the role of mental consultation. In conclusion, the writer points out that it is a great challenge to make all the students have correct ideas about it and take an active part in it. (210 words) GwMUIevO_
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1.汉语原文 iO?gF
)WP]{ W)r
19世纪德国人F. Tonnies提出社区是由共同生活的同质人口组成。他们向往有共同价值、关系密切、守望相助、防御病痛、富有人情味的共同体。笔者曾提出,要用整体医学观、社会医学观和人文医学观指导卫生改革,引导医学新潮流。社区卫生服务是以个人为中心,以家庭为单位,以社区为范围的基层卫生服务。医学服务不能把病与人分离,把病人的主观自我与客观自我分离。单凭几个检验数据来判断疾病,忽视处于第三状态的人,忽视人的心理社会背景,“物化医患关系”。怎能实现医学的最终目的,还“医乃仁术”的本来面目? (!_X:+0_
我国传统医学是人文主导型医学,“仁者爱人”,“医者仁也”。西方医学为科技主导型医学。两者需互补优缺,绝不能搞单纯技术主义。社区卫生服务的连续性、系统性、综合性和方便性,能使人文医学和技术医学相得益彰。目前医院有些医生,冷面孔待病人,病人姓甚名谁不知,年龄职业不问,家庭情况不闻,心理社会因素置若罔闻,难免有失偏颇,造成误诊,临床诊断与病理诊断不符合。20多年前,某医学院有位老师,出差回来肝剧痛,同位素诊断怀疑肝癌,请内、外科专家会诊,两位专家都主张剖腹探查。该老师的邻居也是医生,由于了解其肝大肝硬已有十几年,认为肝痛是工作紧张引起的,休息一段时间会好转,不同意专家建议。该老师目前仍健康地工作,免挨一刀。此种案例还有不少。对病人的心理和社会情况全面了解,真正把病人当作人而不是“物化”,全科医生的服务质量会比目前不到15分钟看一个门诊病人的医疗质量高得多、好得多。 p-T~x
人有男女老少之分,工农商学兵之分,贫富地位高低之分,ABC型性格之分,四种气质之分等。只有社区全科医生才有条件去全面了解人、关心人、尊重人和服务人。医学服务还有照顾、保护、关怀之意,绝不是开个处方、取几瓶药、打一下针就能实现的,社区全科医学服务就体现此种人文精神。医学与居民做到守望相助,关系密切,富有人情味。WHO公布影响健康的四个因素中,不良生活方式和行为占全球死亡因素的60%,我国也占50%以上,愈发达的地区,此比例也越大。它受社会心理因素影响,要靠全科医学服务才能很好地解决。 1F3QI|
医生成为家庭的医学顾问,不是亲人,胜似亲人。在日本,有的全科医护人员,为了劝人戒烟酒,天天上门做健康教育工作,诚之所至,金石为开,感动人们戒烟酒成功,使近20年来,高血压患病率下降3/4,心血管患病率下降2/3,成绩卓著。美国开展健康助手活动,签订家庭服务协议书,帮助慢性病人的家属了解防治疾病和急救知识,使近20年来心脏病死亡率下降30%,脑血管病死亡率下降50%。 nj~$%vmA
正当社区卫生服务方兴未艾之际,我认为,在理解此种服务的战略意义中,应体现人文医学精神,在全科医学培养教育中要贯彻此种精神,加强人文社会学科教育。古希腊一位哲学家说过:“医学治好身体的毛病,哲学解除灵魂的烦恼。”社区医生用人文医学精神武装头脑,不但能防治好躯体疾病,还能解除人们行为心理上的烦恼,使卫生服务提高一个档次,人民健康水平更上一层楼。(1197)(99考题) =#.8$oa^
1. 汉语提纲 qXP1Q3
本文介绍了社区卫生服务的必要性及其好处 45r]wT(C
医疗服务不能把病与人分开,忽视人的心理社会问题 jlRl2 #"
社区卫生服务结合人文医学和技术医学的长处,连续、系统、综合、方便 xP{H
关爱人、尊重人、对病人有全面了解 mc0sdb,c$
服务比一般门诊好,有时比专家好 AMh37Xo
对慢性病和不良生活方式有很好的作用 AQnJxIL:
3.参考摘要 IKMs
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Community health service eHVdZ'%x
Passage 1 m6bWmGnGC
In this article the author discusses the necessity and advantages of community health service. Medical service should not separate a disease from the patient but should pay much attention at the same time to the mental and social background of the patient. It is just in this sense that community health service is necessary and helpful, because it combines the advantages of humane medicine and technical medicine. 2|0Je^$|
Community health service can provide people living in the neighborhood with continuous, systematic, general, and convenient medical service, because the general practitioners there have a close contact with their patients. They are usually very familiar with the psychological and social backgrounds as well as the history of their patients. The author cites a vivid example to illustrate that in many cases full understanding of the overall conditions of the patients can result in a better treatment result than ordinary clinic therapy by experts. Ht`<XbQ>
Community health service provides not only medical treatment but also care, love, concern, and kindness. Therefore, it is a better way to solve problems resulting from bad living style or bad living habits. Experiences in some developed countries have proved that it can play an important role in prevention and treatment of many chronic conditions, such as hypertension and heart attack. In conclusion, the author thinks that doctors in local community health service should cure people of both physical diseases and mental disorders. (233 words) %gV)arwK
Passage 2 {
In this article the writer discusses the advantages of community health service. First it tends to be continuous, systematic, general and convenient, because it serves every person and family living in the community. Second, doctors in community health service know clearly the overall psychological and social conditions of their patients. So their service quality is likely to be better than 15- minute service of many clinical doctors in an outpatient department. Third, since there are many different kinds of patients in the world, only the general doctors (practitioners) in community health service have the conditions to fully understand, take care of and respect their patients. As a result, besides clinical treatment, community health service can take care of, protect and show concern about the patients. Next the writer points out that in many developed countries community health service has succeeded in reducing many chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure and heart attack. In conclusion, the writer thinks that community health service should be greatly developed in our country. It can play an important role in the improvement of people's health conditions, because it not only treats physical diseases but also mental disorders of the patients. (196 words) =gMaaGg p,
5 ~u_K&X
1.汉语原文 9O),/SH;:
尽管冬季寒冷,但是仍需进行必要的体育锻炼。寒冷的气候条件下进行体育锻炼,一定要注意自我保健,否则,会适得其反,冻坏身体。冬季体育锻炼项目主要有滑冰、滑雪、晨练、冬泳等,下面结合冬季气候作介绍。 KW&nDu