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£¨1£©Ô¸æ½ÓÊÜ£¬ÎÞÐèÐ޸ģ¨Publish without changes£©¡£º±¼û¡£ H`fkds
Dear XXX luV%_[F
On the basis of reviewer¡¯s comments on your manuscript, I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been accepted for publication in the ¡°XXX iournal¡±. mv5!fp_*7
For the pre-publication preparation, please read carefully the document of ¡°name of document¡± at ¡°XXX website¡± to access the resources you need for preparing the reference styles and the final complete package. When you same your manuscript into an MS-Word file, please use your Paper ID as the file name. For our production schedule, please submit your complete package to me within 14 calendar days. 7FWf,IjcGY
Normally, the pre-publication process takes up to three months. During this period, galley proofs will be sent to you for checking and corrections purposes.The galley proofs must be returned to the production office within 7 callendar days. Furthermore, you are responsible for any error in the published paper due to your oversight. $
I look forward to receiving the electronic file of your final manuscript. p<Zf,F}
Best Regards, p/@z4TCNX
Editor =uD2j9!"7
£¨2£©¸å¼þÍËÐÞ£¬ÐèÇá΢Ð޸ģ¨Publish with minor changes£©¡£²»¶à¼û¡£ lVMAab
Dear Dr. XXX F|V?Z
Your manuscript, entitled ¡°title of the paper¡±, has been subjected to a double-blind review process by the reviewers who are experts in the related fields. Enclosed please find the reports from these reviewers. 18a6i^7
Based on the reviewers, recommendations, I am delighted to inform you that your manuscript has been ACCEPTTED WITH MINOR REVISIONS for the ¡°name of the journal¡±. Oyz=|[^,W
Please note that it is imperative for you to revise the manuscript according to reviewers, comments and guidelines. Once you have revised the manuscript, please E-mail it in an MS-Word format to me at ¡°Your E-mail Address¡± on or before MM DD,YYYY, with a cover letter outlining point-by-point the revisions you have made in regards to the reviewers comments and guidelines. C}45ZI4
Thank you very much for submitting your article to ¡°the name of the journal¡±. I look forward to receiving the revised version of your manuscript.
Sincerely, <{e0i
Editor 1`b?nX
Enclosures: Referees reports. x<imMJ
£¨3£©¸å¼þÍËÐÞ£¬ÐèÖØ´óÐ޸ģ¨Publish with major changes£©¡£ºÜ³£¼û¡£ k~Gjfo
Dear Dr. XXX I_v]^>Xw
We have now received the reviews of your manuscript referenced above. While the reviewers believe that this paper would ultimately make a significant contribution to the literature and could be acceptable for publication in The Journal of Neuroscience, they have also raised a number of serious concerns. These concerns are outlined in their reviews which have been included below. We invite you to revise and resubmit the manuscript. I4u'b?*
Please carefully address the issues raised in the attached comments, points by points, and make appropriate changes in the manuscript, or provide a suitable rebuttal to any specific request for change that you believe is unwarranted. When the revised manuscript is received, it will be sent for re-review. ARslw*SJ
When submitting your revised paper, please include a separate document called ¡°Response to Reviews¡± detailing your responses to the comments of the reviewers, we request that your manuscript text, tables and figure legend be submitted in an editable format(Word or La Tex only), and all figures uploaded individually. TIF or EPS files are the preferred formats for figures; however, Power point, Word, and Excel files will also be accepted. DPI minimums are as follows: .nT
-Line art must be at least 1000dpi. 'tF<7\!
-Line/tone(combination of photographs and lines or labels )must be at least 500dpi. b@nbXm]Z
Thank you and we look forward to receiving yopur revised manuscript. t'~:me!
Kind regards, 3"%:S_[
Associate Editor }k'8*v}8
£¨4£©ÂÛÎÄÐèÒªÖØ´óÐ޸ģ¬ÖØͶ²¢µ±×÷иå¼þ´¦Àí£¨not publish in its present form, but resubmit after major modifications to then be treated like a new submission£©¡£³£¼û¡£ sd
Dear Dr. XXX ?zxKk(J
Your manuscript has been reviewed by referees who specialize in the subject matter addressed by the submitted material. The general and specific comments of the referees are below. I regret to inform you that the reviewers raised serious concerns about the manuscript and submitted low priority ratings. In particular the concern was raised that the work was only a minor advance of the field and that several of the findings are already well established. Accordingly, I must reject your manuscript for publication in The Journal of Clinical Investigator. I hope that the reviewers comments will be of assistance to you if you decide to submit your work elsewhere. m_oBV|v{
If you choose to rewrite your manuscript and resubmit it to The Journal of Clinical Investigator, you must resubmit it online as a de novo manuscript where it will be assigned an Associate Editor and expert reviewers. You must be complete all required submission forms and pay the $50 submission fee. No exceptions will be made. V.;0F%zks5
Yours sincerely, Q T
Associate Editor @ -g^R4e<
£¨5£©ÍêÈ«¾Ü¾ø(Reject)¡£×î³£¼û¡£ iQ~cG[6
SCIÆÚ¿¯±à¼²¿³ýÁ˸ø×÷Õ߻ظ´ÒÔÍ⣬ͬʸæËßreviewer±à¼¶ÔÂÛÎĵÄ×îºó´¦ÀíÒâ¼û¡£ wMei`svY
±à¼Ð´¸øreviewerÑù¸åÐÅ B-JgXW.\0
Dear Dr. XXX F^KoEWj[H
Thank you for reviewing manuscript Cell-07-o555 entitled XXX for Cell. iQS?LksQX
On behalf of the Editors of Cell, we appreciate the voluntary contribution that each reviewer gives to the Journal. We thank you for your participation in the online review process and hope that we may call upon you again to review future manuscripts. /9W-;l{=z
To read the Editors decision on this paper, go to your Reviewer Centre an click on View Decision Letter. s|YY i~
Sincerely, wN"irXG
Editor 4TUe*F@
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£¨1£©Ö÷ÌâÔÒò£¨Subject£©£º 0p:n'P
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